My Goals for 2018 and a Happy New Year to You!

Good afternoon readers.

Let me start by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! I hope that 2018 brings you all happiness, love, peace and fortune. I hope this is your year.
There are many things i plan to change this year, I won’t call them resolutions because I don’t see them as such. These are things i have been needing to change for a while now to make my life less stressful and to try to eleviate annoying others.

1. The changing of my Twitter name.

This means that I will not change my user name on twitter anymore. This doesn’t mean I won’t change my display name but my user name shall remain the same. My user name currently is 7of9STV and shall stay as such.

2. I will be healthier.

Last year I wrote that I was going to quit drinking pop, well…I failed so this year I won’t say I will quit drinking it altogether but I will cut way back on it. I have already done this but I will make every attempt to cut my intake to like once a week or so. It really doesn’t help to say I am going to stop something but if I say I will cut down rather I find it much easier to do. By the end of 2018 I should be pop free, at least that is my goal.
The foods I eat shall become a lot more healthy. Yes I do eat my fruits and vegitables but I have also gotten slac on other things. I will substitute things I can such as using lettuce leaves instead of bread for sandwiches. I can use Stevia or something called swerve instead of sugar to sweeten my coffee and ice tea. I don’t usually tend to sweeten my hot teas as I like those all natural. I will go to all dark chocolate and cut out the milk chocolate because dark’s better for you and has health benefits, this way I can still eat my chocolate without feeling guilty about it. There are other things I will do but I think this will definitely be better for me in the long run.
I will go to the gym and work out more. I was doing this but when Marie stopped going, I did as well. I don’t find it fun to diet and work out alone but I have had some people tell me they will do this with me so I know I can handle this.

3. I will save more money.

I have to start this in the year 2018 because last year I realized that I spent too much money on things that I didn’t need. Yes it’s ok to splurge once in a while but it’s good to save as well. I will set aside money each month and see what I have by the end of this year. I already save my change but It’s not enough, I need to do more.

4. I will say the word “no” more then I have in the past.

I have spent too much money and given so much to one person who is a friend of mine but I can’t do it anymore. This may make me seem mean but every once in a while has become a constant and I just don’t have the money to give, or the food. I hate for my friends to be hungry when I have the means to help but with no job currently and no guarantee of when I will be starting a new one, I just can’t do it all of the time.
I’m not an ATM, I’m not a bank, I’m not a food pantry and I’m not a pop machine. I’m sorry but I’m truly not.

5. I will do more self-care.

I think this links with getting healthier and saving money.
Along with those two mentioned above things, I will also meditate more and take more time for myself. There are just times I need me time and i haven’t been taking a lot of that lately. This doesn’t mean I’m going to disappear from you all but there will be times I’m just not around due to me time. This will help me to destress with out losing it and aiming my temper at those who don’t deserve it. I will not allow others to stress me out either. If things get to be too much I will leave the situation and come back when things are much calmer. I will not deal with being hurt or put down by people either. There may be times things don’t go the way we all wish they would but if there are issues, please talk to me and I’ll do likewise. It’s not good to hold grudges or ignore someone just because you think it’s how things should go. This leads to hurt feelings and misplaced anger and resentment, or it can. No, i’m not saying that I resent people because I try to get along with all and see the good in everyone and will continue to do so.

This leads me to number 6. My friends.

I always try to show you all how much I care and that I charish and love you all but there are times I feel as if I’m not doing something right or good enough. I will try to change this. I will try to contact those that I’m friends with and not always have them message me first. I will make a real true effort to message first and say hello. Life is too short to not do this.
I truly do love and charish you all, I dont’ always say it but just know that I do.

Last but not least my number 7. Work and/or school.

This year I will make a huge effort to start work or go to school. I have been actively looking for work and so far have come away with nothing but i’m not giving up. I will definitely be starting school if i have anything to say about it and I certainly do, I will fight and get what I want as far as this goes. I will not be taking no for an answer because i refuse to sit idol for one more year doing nothing. I hate sitting by with nothing to do so I will work harder this year to reach my goals of going into social work.

I do have a few more goals like singing and getting my CD done this year but that depends on my music producer’s busy schedule. I’ll do my best though.

So, those are my main goals this year and I don’t believe they are unreasonable. I think that’s key, setting reachable goals and I believe i have.

I hope you all have a great rest of your new years day!

Until next time…


Nollaig Shona Duit, Happy Xmas to You!

Nollaig shona duit! (happy Xmas to you)

Just wanted to say that I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday.
My Xmas eve was pretty uneventful, I cooked chicken in the crockpot, stuffing, mashed potatos, turkey brats because there wasn’t a lot of chicken and For dessert we had chocolate cake wich in my oppinion was waaaaaaaay too sweet with the frosting, it was ok though with milk and coffee. I wanted to do greenbean casserole and white cheddar and garlic mac and cheese but I forgot that Marie doesn’t like greenbeans and I wasn’t sure if Cindy liked them either. I did find out that she had never had that before so I’ll make it one night this week for her to try. I just didn’t get to the Mac and cheese because Marie and her son were going to the candlelight service at church and there wasn’t enough time. I also wanted cranberries but Marie doesn’t like those either. Dinner was kind of rushed and I was a bit sad because it would have been nice to just sit and talk for a bit but it was what it was. Cindy and Marie with her son Donaven were here and it was pretty nice. Unfortunately I need a new toaster as Marie accidentally melted the bottom of mine. I had it sitting on the stove as i needed the spot it usually sits for my crockpot to go. She moved it back to the back burner so we could use the front ones and she didn’t mean to turn on the wrong burner but she did and oops? Melted toaster bottom! If you have never smelled burning plastic, trust me you never want to. It’s nasty! So with the Xmas money I got from my mother I’m buying a new one.
Today I have two Xmas events to go to and then it’s over with, thank the goddess. I’m not trying to be a bah humbug about this holiday but it lasts for too long each year. This year it just happened to start in October before halloween was even done with. One of the events starts at 1:00 and the other at 6:00 this evening.

I did get some very nice gifts this year though.
Marie bought me groceries, she gave me a new bed in a bag set that’s purple, from the mayo clinic I got some slippers, some really nice kitchen utensils I needed, a very nice glass mixing bowl set of four, an incredibly awesome soft purple blanket, a very nice measuring cup, a candy dish that is star shaped, some different candies and a new can opener as my other one broke. I think there might be one more thing but I’m not remembering what it was, I apologize. From my mother I got a card with money in it and from Flint I got a set of reborn babies, one boy and one girl wich i have named Braidan Nicholas and the girl is Breilly Noelle. Breilly is said like Reilly only with a B on the front. Oh they are soooooo cute and such a joy! I am going to pay him back for one of them as that was a lot to spend. Flint also gave me four movies i wanted, let’s see if i can remember them all. I got the Home movie, the Emogy movie, Trolls and I believe Angry Birds. Yes, that was it, he couldn’t find the Peanuts movie or I’d have gotten that one as well. All in all, I had a very good Xmas. I’m so thankful for everything that I have recieved from everyone. My mother told me this morning that my stepmother is sending a card and a gift as well and i should have it this week sometime. I have already gotten so much but as i said I’m greatful.
In January I will be shopping for my friends as I didn’t have the money for everything this month, so their gifts are still coming. I will more than likely order pizza and have them over to open presents, I think that will be fun.

So, next on my list is the new years eve party and i can’t wait!

Well, I think that’s it for this entry. As I said above, I hope you all have a very merry Xmas and I hope that no matter what you are doing you are safe and having a ton of fun.
If you are not one who celebrates, I hope that your day is one that is a great one and filled with something fun.



The Truth About My Broken Relationship

Hi everyone.


Thank you for listening and for not judging if you stayed through that whole thing.


Another Thanksgiving Has Come and Gone

Good evening everyone. I hope this entry finds you well and stuffed full of turkey and other yummalicious things from the day.

I just wanted to write to send a very happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it, if you don’t I hope you had a wonderful day. My day was great, i’m exhausted from it but still it was fun.
The next two holidays I will be cooking for are Xmas and then New years eve, I can’t wait! I really do love to entertain even if I am totally nackerd afterwords.

Ok, I don’t really have too much to say so I’ll end for tonight, my bed is calling me and my pillow just came and started tugging on my hand. I simply refuse to argue with inanimate objects. :P.
I know, I’m strange but it’s alright because it’s what makes me who I am. :D.
I will write again soon.

Goodnight all.

Ailish Brynn

Wow! I’ve Finally Posted!

Greetings to all.

I can’t believe how long it’s been since i have written an update. I kept saying I’m going to write but then i just don’t, bad Ailish! No chocolate! Many things have happened since the last time I wrote that I don’t even know where to begin. I’ll just give you the things that are on my mind at the moment.

For starters, I still have no job. I have been searching and applying but there’s just nothing. Sometimes i feel so discouraged and like I’ll never find anything and I just try to tell myself to keep my chin up and that something will turn up. Well, thus far there’s nothing as I stated already. I haven’t fully given up but there are times…

Next we come to the school issue. I had it in my mind that i was going to go to MSU but then I was introduced to SCC, (South Central Community College). I’m not sure if I’ll per sue this as I don’t want to have to transfer when the two years are up. I have decided on a new major though, I’m going to go into social work. This is my last decision, I’m determined to do this. I still want to minor in small business however. I took a Hadley course online, it was beginner to accounting and I found out that it won’t transfer to the University so I took that one for no reason. It’s alright though, it gave me something to do. I did complete it and got a certificate for doing so.

Near the end of October Amber came to visit and stayed with me for a week. Things went well. She did fill out an application and was going to stay here but she decided she was making a rash decision and decided to go home. Chris said she is a very pretty girl, Chris and i went to pick her up at the airport. We didn’t do too much when she was here and I feel badly about that. It’s my turhn to visit Texas now.

Another thing I’ve decided is that in 2023 I’m legally changing my name again. I know that I just changed it to Lily Rose but Lily has become way popular and there are too many of us now. I’m going to be changing it to Ailish Brynn. I’m looking forward to this change, I prefer to be called Ailish but I do understand that it’s a hard change. Don’t judge! LOL! Anyway a lot of people who have heard the name love it.

The weather has turned colder. Usually I love the autumn but it feels more like winter and I don’t like it at all. Today it’s very windy and it’s actually snowing at present. I seriously live in the wrong state, these bones can’t handle the bitterness of the winds that blow.

I’m tired, I’ll try to write again soon but I make no promises.

Take care all,

Taking Matters Into My Own Hands

Hey guys.

Guess what? I applied for a job online today! I figured that I’m not getting the help I need and am not being listened to so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I’ve decided that if I want something done I need to do it myself because no ones going to do it for me. The job I applied for is a Patient Scheduling and Support Specialist, after reading over the job responsibilities and tasks I feel confident enough to do this. I’m a bit nervous but all I can do is my best, right? That is all anyone can expect from me is my very best. As long as I try then I can say that I atempted to get the job done.

Hmm…school, that’s my next topic.
I’m no closer to getting to go to school than I was the last time I updated. I’ve decided I will try something online instead of starting at MSU. I’d much rather start at MSU but as I stated above I’m not getting anywhere so once again I’m taking matters into my own hands. I can do accounting and business courses online so that’s what i’m going to start with. Hopefully the courses I do will eventually transfer to MSU and all will be as it should.
I’m seriously tired of being ignored and getting the feeling like nobody’s listening so it’s time to fight for myself and so I shall. Look out world because here i come!

I was doing a lot of thinking over the past couple of days and I have come to the realization that I’m rich. I don’t mean as in money rich but rich in my life.
I may not have a lot of money but I have friends who care, a family who loves me, two precious cats who love me unconditionally, a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes on my back, the gift of song, I’m alive and breathing, (that should have bene the first thing I should have said), and so much more. I’m so greatful for everyone and everything in my life and I don’t say it enough. I love life and I’m full of happiness. Yes, I have my bad days but who doesn’t? It’s good to show gratitude for what we do have and accept things as they are. This world’s so full of hate and it hurts my heart but i’m glad to know that there are still good people out there. So thanks to the people who have always stuck by me no matter what, you guys rock! I wish I could list you all by name but i’m afraid I’d forget someone and I don’t want to forget anyone so just know that I’m thankful for you all.

So because I love Bob Marley and I love the song One Love, I’m going to post the video of it here, I think that’s how I’ll end this entry. I love this particular song because it says what i wish could happen. “One love, one heart, let’s get together and feel alright.”

I have one more, john Lennon’s Imagine.

Well, that’s it for now. I know it was really not much but it’s a small update.

Until next time…




Life’s Update

Good afternoon all.

I know it’s been a long time since i’ve actually written a true honest to goodness entry in here, so much for one new years resolution! Yes? Oh well, who needs them anyway?

I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend, mine was pretty good. On Saturday I went to a picnic that was hosted by my friend Marie and there was a ton of food and a fair amount of people there. One of the women brought her baby there and he was sooooo adorable. His name’s Daxtin and he’s just over a month old. He has white blonde hair, (think Draco Malfoy) if you are wondering what that looks like. LOL! I got to hold him and all I could think was wow, I haven’t held a tiny one that little in a very long time. He was a pretty good baby all in all, I mean he really didn’t cry much, the only time he really cried was when he was hungry. I did get super frustrated when we were leaving though because first of all, she put him in his carrier without buckling him in and decided to lift it and carry him all the way to the car unbuckled. Then, worst of all she lit a cigarette and held it in her mouth while trying to get him buckled in the car, she was leaning over him and blowing smoke in his tiny face. What if it would have fallen out of her mouth? It would have landed right on him! She could have dropped a hot ash on him, any number of things could have happened! What was she thinking? Obviously she wasn’t. I’m glad our driver yelled at her for it otherwise i would have. I hate when people act stupid like that! Either grow up or don’t have babies!

I’m very proud of myself! My travel lessons have been going very well. I have learned how to get to our mall by bus and many other place as well. I also have learned how to get to certain stores I like at the mall alone, I’m still working on conquering part of the mall though but I have a great start on it. RuthAnne says that’s a rainy day lesson and that’s cool with me. Today I learned how to get to my doctor’s office alone by bus and getting back home again. I just wish we could work up on campus as that was my true reason for doing travel but whatever, if I can learn other things at the same time I’m good.

Speaking of campus, RuthAnne gave me a great idea! Now I’m not sure if I’m going to do so yet but she told me I could start off at South Central College wich is only a two-year university instead of a four-year and then transfer to MSU. I’m actually considering it though, as long as my courses can be transfered to MSU. I don’t see an issue with that as I will need to start off with generals anyway. I’m thinking they should. I’ll have to give it some thought as I wanted to keep everything at one college. Thoughts anyone?

The job front has me entirely frustrated! I don’t even know where to begin with this topic.
I have a new job coach now and i thought he and I would work well together as I had worked with him previously, infact he was the one who helped me get my job at Land To Air. Well…he has me at my wits end and I’m ready to give up on him and my SSB counselor both!
One of my responsibilities was to go on job websites and look for jobs that I’d like to do and then get back to him and let him know what i had found. So I called him and I gave him a list of jobs that i wanted to try for and do you know what he told me? He tells me, “well I’m working on two jobs that I think you could do.” Then he tells me “I’ve bene talking to Land to Air and am waiting for them to get bakc to me along wiht KTOE. I’m sure you’ll get one of these two jobs.” I’m like what? What is the purpose of me going to these sites searching for jobs I…yes I want to do if he’s going to find jobs for me? I don’t see the friggin point! Just because one of his other clients used to work for KTOE and is blind he says I should be able to do the same job. Don’t fecking catagorize me! Just because i’m blind does not mean I want to work somewhere another blind person did just because i’m blind! there are many things I can do, I don’t need to do the same jobs as other blind people just because I’m also blind. It made me feel totally awful when he said that to me. I have bene wanting to teach blind people daily living skills and someone *ahem Flint* told me he’d try to get me into that but they won’t add anyone else to his contract because he’s currently being watched. For that I feel bad, he’s done nothing wrong to warrant that. So as you can see, I’m totally frustrated. I can’t do the jobs I want to do and i don’t feel as if my job coach will listen to me. What I do know though is that i’m bored sitting at home doing nothing. I think I’m going to start putting in applications on my own, maybe then something will get done.

I’m trying to purge my home of all junk food. I’m wanting to eat totally healthy and so far I have not succeeded at doing so. I wanted this done by tomorrow, blah! The only thing I refuse to give up is chocolate. LOL! Truly though, I will do this. I need an electric treadmill so I can walk inside when I can’t outside. i actually do love walking and it’s great exercise too. I have bene searching for one but everything I find at moment is way too expensive for my little budget. I saw something on TV that I want, it’s called a Neutra bullet pro. Apparently it helps make smoothies and such more healthy by breaking down the skins and such of raw foods like nuts. They gave a recipe for a neutra blast drink and in it there’s spinach for fiber, bananas for potassium, berries for antioxidants, almonds for…I forgot what they were for and some seeds for omega threes. For my omega threes I use hemp seed and chia seed. I have all of the ingredients to make that accept for the almonds but I could get some of those and they recommend one a day so I’ll add that to my daily health stuff.

Next month is Amber’s birthday, what shall I get for her? I’m sure I’ll come up with something. *grin*.

Ok, I’ll end this thing for now but I’ll write again when I can. I should write here everyday, even if it is just to say I had a good day. LOL!

Bye for now.

Oh yeah, i wish I’d have thought of the name Ailish Liliana when I was changing my name leagaly, I really love the name Ailish.

Anyhow, laters.

Ailish Liliana

A Poem: Love Is

Greetings to all.

Today I’m just going to post a poem that I just wrote, I don’t generally publish my work because I’m shy about these kinds of things but I hope you enjoy it.



Love is due drops on rose and the taste of pink champagne,
Sunshine and thunderstorms and the sound of gentle rain.
Butterflies and honey bees and colorful birds so bright,
Cool crisp evenings and sunsets and the noises of the night.

Love is a baby’s giggle and a childs laughter and the happiness as they’re at play,
Kittens and puppies and bunnies that merrily hop away.
Roses and Lilies and all types of flowers of many colors shapes and sizes,
Blue skies and fluffy white clouds and the warm sun that rises.

Love is the music and lyrics that make us sing and dance,
Lighthouses and deep oceans and the Eiffel tower of France.
Dolphins that jump and tigers that roar and wolves with amber eyes,
Shamrocks and leprechauns and sweet apple pies.

Love is Twilight and Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings,
The beautiful sounds of the harp and the flute and the sounds of violin strings.
A hot cup of tea or hot chocolate while reading a good book,
The sounds of ocean waves or a tinkling fountain or a babbling brook.

Love is the twinkling starlight and the light of the silvery moon,
My family and my friends and the calming call of the loon.
The scent of vanilla and cinnamon and freshly baked bread,
Good memories of things past that I keep stored in my head.

Love is ice cream and chocolate chip cookies, more things that i love,
Windchimes and seagulls, a cat’s purr and the coo of a dove.
The colors purple and lavender and the shape of a heart,
crystals and rainbows and the taste of a fruity tart.

Love is the cool breezes of the seasons autumn and spring,
The new beginnings and wonderful things that both bring.
The world around me and the people that I meet,
Their stories and the lessons I learn are really quite neat.

Love is the silence when I need a break from the noise,
Peanut butter and jelly and bananas are just some of my joys.
Fire works and Xmas lights or sitting under the shade of a tree,
My cats Ozzy and Luna who love me unconditionally.

These things are just a part of me and of what i love,
They’re all awesome blessings sent from up above.
So find what you love and treasure them as I do,
Hold on to them tightly and let them be part of you.

That’s all for this entry, I’ll hopefully be back soon.



Long Update

Dia Dhuit ar maidin or Good morning.

Once again I’m up at the butt crack of dawn, this is getting rediculous! I really hate insomnia, maybe that isn’t what I suffer from but it feels that way at times. I really don’t like to self-diagnose because I’d rather know what’s going on with my body rather than guess at it. Actually I do partially know what’s up but how to fix it is the question. Hmm, will have to work on it.
So what does one do when they can’t sleep? Why they mudd of course! Well, mudd and do research on the Titanic, more about the Titanic research in a bit.
This morning’s mudd of choice is Prometheus, I want to level my character and this time I’m not resetting. It’s really tough to decide whether to be pyrian or human, they both have there advantages, pyrian has more I think but I don’t think I play one very wel even though others seem to think differently.

So i have an update on the job front.
First: my job coaches decided to ditch SSB and not tell anyone they were leaving. I was wondering why I wasn’t hearing anything from them and why they weren’t returning phone calls when I atempted to contact them to see what was going on. I found out on Tuesday from Flint that they just left and didn’t notify anyone, how professional, right? Ugh! Not very professional in my oppinion, it’s rediculous! All hope is not lost however, there’s another guy that I know quite well because he was one of the instructors from the Track to Success program I did, and he helped me get the job at Land to Air. Now I know what some of you are thinking…how well that worked out yes? LOL! I thought the same when this was brought up to me. Anyway, my SSB counselor spoke to him to see if he wouldn’t mind taking me on and help me with finding a job, so he’d be my new job coach. This guy’s name is Tom and he’s fairly a nice guy and easy to work with. Tom asked my counselor if she thought if given the chance I’d go back to work at Land to Air. My immediate answer was no, I was treated so poorly towards the end and even before that, well ever since Jason left…I just couldn’t think of that as an option.

12:07 AM 1/25/2017

I can’t believe in less than a week I’ll be out of this building! I’m so so so so very excited. I have seen my new apartment twice now and I love it more and more each time I see it.
They still haven’t found the person who started the fires here and that still worries and scares me but I just keep telling myself, just a few more days…just a few more days. I’ve got almost everything packed wich is good.

5:50 AM 2/7/2017

So as you can see I’ve bene working on this thing for forever it seems. I’m going to get it finished, no seriously I will.

I’ve been living in my new apartment for a week now and I’m loving it! It’s cozy and even though it gets a bit too warm in here at times I can open windows and it cools it right down. Ozzy and Luna are still quite a bit clingy but they’re getting used to being here I believe. I haven’t gotten everything unpacked just yet but i’m getting there, it’s a work in progress.
Due to the passing of Megan Flint’s been staying here as well. Oh! I haven’t written about that yet. A week ago Saturday Megan passed away from a brain hemorrhage, she was only 22. Megan was a friend of mine and she was Flint’s girlfriend for those who didn’t know. Her mother refuses to acknowledge the relationship between Megan and Flint and even texted Flint accusing him of lieing to everyone about dating her. I’m not going to say anything bad about her as she’s grieving as well and it’s a respect thing. Anyway, Megan will be missed by all who knew her. She just had this way of brightening up your day when you were feeling down, she was so full of life and lived it to the fullest. RIP Megan Elizabeth Bening, you are forever in our hearts. So, as I was saying before relating that sad news, Flint has been staying here and so I’ve been trying to help him get through this time of sadness. I had hoped that he and I would never have this in common, the loss of a loved one. I feel particularly bad for him because first he lost his best friend who was my husband, then his grandmother and his father after that and now his girlfriend. How much tragedy should one have to endure in this lifetime? He certainly has had his share of it. I haven’t been sleeping well due to all this stuff going on.
They have finally caught the person who started the fires in my old building, actually the kid turned himself in. The kid was only 17 and felt bad for what he had done so finally gave himself up. Unfortunately it doesn’t look good for one of the tenants, it was her grandson and he and his friends were drinking in the building. Where he was drinking and who provided the alcohol I don’t know those answers. At least I don’t need to constantly worry about my friends now who are still there, they’ll be ok. These fires have left emotional scars on many of us and now we can begin to heal from them.

I have been working on my Titanic research when taking a break from unpacking and I’m going to write a small paper on what I have found. I’ve also decided that when I’m in school and we have to do a research paper I’m going to do my paper on that. I truely wish I had known about Titanic when I was in high school, I’d have done a paper on it back then but I had no clue about it, they didn’t teach us about that in history class. Maybe when i’m done, I’ll post it here if people are interested.


So Obama’s out and Trump is in, can’t say I’m happy about Trump becoming president. Oh yes, i watched the debates and the news on him and frankly I don’t at all like what i learned. I don’t like how rude to Hillory he was either during said debates, always interupting her at every turn. I know she’s not perfect but let me tell you all a secret, neither is Trump. I think he’s racist and a bigot, quite frankly he scares me. I won’t go into everything because i”m sure you all heard what was said and what he did and blah blah blah…
I don’t like the whole make America great again thing because I don’t believe that the way he is going about things is going to make this happen. I don’t believe banning people from the United States is a good thing, I feel that it is only going to start a war that we don’t want nor do we need.
I’m afraid that he will try to undo what great strides got made for the LGBTQIA community. I mean, we are allowed to marry now and we matter, we have rights we didn’t have before.
there are other things as well but I just don’t like the uncertainty of the future of these next four years.
I’m seriously ready to just pack up and leave the states, I have places i can go…that’s how worried I am. I worry for my friends from Mexico, I worry for my muslim friends and i don’t know I just worry in general.
I don’t write this to offend anyone but they are my feelings.

Trump to ban access to USA for people from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Yemen tomorrow

I sort of already touched on that above.

Trump advances Dakota Access pipeline. @DylanWohlenhaus reports

This one has me super upset because of the native americans. I don’t think they take into consideration their feelings as this pipeline will disrupt life for them. I mean it will go through some of their sacred lands and places, not only that but they use the water that runs through there as well. I worry for them, haven’t they gone through enough heartache and bene treated badly by people who don’t seem like they care about them at all? I wish there were something I could do for them, i really do. It hurts my heart that they once again have to go through something they have no choice over. The native american people are so kind and they try so hard to live in peace and I just hate they are having to go through this. From Little White Flower, i’m so sorry, you guys are in my thoughts and posative energies are being sent to you.

I have to show this because I’d like to thank Obama from the bottom of my heart, as someone who is part of the LGBTQIA community and who screamed in pure joy and delight and probably scared the crap out of my neighbors when I learnred that same sex marriage is now law of the land. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for all that you did to help us with the laws and everything! I know, not very well put but i’m so tired and yeah…just thank you.
This was on the Ellen show.

A Big LGBT Thank You to President Obama

So yes, i’m just afraid…not sure what else to say without repeating myself. Like I said if you got mad at this, read the above disclaimer as I know if you continued after you were warned that I have some pissed off friends. Just know that you political views have know influence as to whether or not we are friends, I don’t have to like your views nor do you have to accept mine. I still love you all.

Alright, I’m done now. I’ll try to write again soon. Maybe the next one won’t be as long.
Take care everyone. XO
Slán go fóill.
