Welcome to My Notebook

Good afternoon Family and friends.

I have created this blog for poetry and things of that nature, it may even include updates on my life. We’ll have to see how it goes and how often I feel like writing. Anyone that knows me knows that I’m really bad at keeping up with blogging no matter how hard I try.

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well, I’m feeling pretty okay today which is a definite good thing. I suppose for now i should shove off as my cat Ozzy is up on my desk pawing at me for some unknown reason that I can’t figure out as they both have fresh water and food. I’ll be back again soon with a poem or something.

Happy Anniversary and Other Randoms

Good afternoon readers.

Today is July 25, 2018. Why did she put the date like that you might be asking? Well I have the answer for you. Today marks four months that Ezran and I have been together and I couldn’t be happier…I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend. The feelings of love that i possess for him are unexplainable. I know this might sound crazy to most of you but it’s true. He makes me feel things that I haven’t felt for a long time and I’m beyond glad that I met him. So to my love Ezran, happy fourth month anniversary! May we have many more to come and I can’t wait till you are home with me again. Mo sionnach, mo grá mo chroí, is breá liom tú. Mo grá agum tú.
I’d also like to thank 195 The Globe because without them I don’t know if he and I ever would have crossed paths…so thanks for my Ezran fox! I’m grateful to have met him.
To all who got hurt because of us getting together, I’m truly sorry. I regret that others were hurt but I don’t regret getting with him, you can’t help where your heart leads you. I know i have apologized in a past entry so this shall be my last one.

My job coach called me the other day with a possible job, unfortunately it was for a company that has already told him like three times that they don’t want me…they think the job’s too hard and that I wouldn’t be able to do it. I sort of pointed this out to him and he told me that I should apply anyway. Why would I want to apply for a job where I’m just going to get rejected again? That’s no fun for me at all. I honestly do want to find work, I seriously do but that was a ridiculous request. I’m so afraid that SSB is going to close my case and then where would I be? I mean I have no objection searching for work on my own but it’s easier to do things with their help. I don’t know…I just feel so frustrated!
I’m not sure what’s going on with the job I wrote about in my last entry. I asked Flintabout it and he wasn’t yet sure how things were going to go. I know that he is waiting for Qrýtczýr to get here which won’t be until September now. I really do hope i find work soon.

Okay my favorite band is coming to St. Paul on August 26 and I want to go see them very badly!!!!! For those who don’t know my favorite band is Stone Sour, I’m sad that I will miss them but I just don’t know if I can manage getting there and the tickets…ugh! I wanna go! I wanna go! Just whimper whimper cry cry cry cry. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooooow.
Okay, I’m done but really, I want to go see them. I love you Corey Taylor!

Alright, I’m done for now I think…time to go find something constructive to do. I need to go and make some phone calls for the fox’s mother. We are still working on finding her a place to live. I’ll be back again.

Until next time…take care of yourselves and each other. XO.


Soy Milk VS Cow’s Milk

Hello everybody.

I hope that you are all having a wonderful beginning to your Saturday. I’m not quite awake yet but I’m feeling pretty okay at the moment.

Today I thought that I’d post an article that I found interesting. Soy milk vs. cow’s milk. Who doesn’t like a good glass of moo juice from time to time? I know I do. Personally I love almond milk, I never could deal with the smell of soy milk. No offense to those who have no choice but to drink it.

In this article you will see the nutritional facts for soy, almond, rice, coconut and cow’s milk. I say decide for yourself which you prefer. The FDA however says, stop calling yourself milk!

The FDA wants soy and almond milk to stop calling themselves “milk.” Here are the nutritional facts, compared: http://lifehac.kr/p3LNgW9 via @lifehacker

I’m hoping thos worked properly as i was having trouble with the link.

Anyway, I need to go and find something to drink and some breakfast. At present there’s too much blood moving throughout my coffee stream. I must remedy this with the quickness.

I hope you all have a great rest of your day or whatever time it is for you. I’ll be back again when I have something either to post about or another article I find to be of interest.

Take care of yourselves and each other. XO.


Possible Job excitement and Other Thaughts

Good morning readers.

I hope you are all doing well, I certainly am as things in my life seem to be looking up finally. Before I get into that though, a random thaught for you all.
I was opening notepad because I always write in notepad before publishing to wordpress and in my mind I thaught ok we have notepad, why don’t we have an application or word editor called notebook? Maybe there is somewhere and i don’t know about it? Maybe? Maybe I’ll change the title of my blog from Life According to Annika to Annika’s Notebook. LOL! I don’t know. Random thaughts from Annika, :P.

I was also thinking about friendships and how they can end so abruptly with little to no warning. One day you are talking to a person and things are going well and the next day they ignore you as if you don’t even exist. Or they come to you with a problem and they are seeking advice and then after you listen to them and help them the best you can you don’t matter to them the next day. I understand that when some people get with a significant other they are so in to that person that no one or nothing else matters. If I have treated any of my friends like that since getting with Qrýtczýr I am truly sorry, I don’t ever mean to ditch my friends. I love and charish all of you and I hope that you know that I’d never purposely leave you out of my life, because while I love my fox with everything that I am you guys are all important to me as well.
Now having said all of that, I’m not perfect but I’m trying. I must get a lot better at messaging people first to check on them. i’m really bad at being the first to message. As I stated above, if you guys have felt left out I’m sorry and I promise to work harder at being a better friend. I feel that I have lost friends just recently and it hurts but then I keep telling myself that if these people truly were friends they wouldn’t ditch me after getting with new crushes and such. Ugh, I need to get out of my head because this is depressing.

So on to happier things!

I may finally have a new job! Yes you read that correctly, I may have a new job!
I don’t know when yet when I will be starting or how things are going to go but I’d be teaching people IOS and low-level tech stuff and jaws. I can’t wait to see how this is going to go, I’m so happy and excited about this. I know this isn’t a definite yet but I’m holding on to this hope.
Qrýtczýr also will have a job all going well, he’d be teaching Android and zoom text and he is pretty excited about this too. Though he needs to hurry up and get here because he’s needed rather soonishly. LOL! He is truly working on getting back home to me and I couldn’t be happier. I can’t wait till he’s back with me here and in person. I know that things aren’t always going to be rainbows and unicorns but we’ll work through any problems that will undoubtedly arise. We will be alright because we are both strong and we want this to work, he keeps reminding me that communication is a good thing. I’m getting a lot better at it actually, still not perfect but I’m working hard at it. My fox will be here in either August or September at the latest we figure. He keeps saying I have nesting syndrome because I want everything to be perfect for when he gets here. I want everything to be spotless and in it’s rightful place, I want nothing out of place. When he came to visit in May, my apartment…or our apartment I should say because he has taken to calling it our home…that always makes me smile when he says ours…it was a total mess, not because it was dirty but because I was in the process of rearanging it. This time when he gets here it won’t look like that because i’ve been working super hard at getting everything orderly which I’m almost done I might add, it’s finally arranged the way I want it so that’s definitely a plus. Qrýtczýr’s studio corner is totally clear of everything. It’s funny because I keep getting asked, “What are you going to do with all of that space behind your sitting area?” My answer is always the same, “That’s Qrýtczýr’s corner to do what he wishes with, most likely a music studio.” Everyone’s response seems to always be the same, “Oh.” I can’t wait to hear my fox play guitar in person, I got to hear him play piano the last time he was here and it was awesome. He’s very musically talented.
Very very happy kitten!

I have also been helping to research places for Qrýtczýr’s mother to live. So far it has been a bust, nothing available or you have to come in person to fill applications. Today I’m going to do more research to see what I can come up with. I hope to find something soon, getting left behind in Arizona isn’t a good thing but she says at this point she really doesn’t care and she’ll take whatever she can get. I’d rather have her living in good conditions though, not poor ones. So…my search continues.

Anyway, I believe that’s it for now, I’ll be back when more comes to write about.

Take care of yourselves and each other. XO
Annika Kitten

A Stormy Fourth of July

Good afternoon from the land of 10000 lakes and more mosquitos than I can ever begin to count.

I just wanted to write to say happy independence day to all of you! That is to say, all in the US, if you are from another country and reading my blog then I hope that you all have a wonderful day. No matter how this day is celebrated please try and stay safe but more importantly have fun. As for me, I’m staying my arse in doors as it is supposed to be way too hot and humid for me. Unfortunately I don’t do well with the combination of heat and humidity and since we are supposed to have a heat index of about 100 I figure i’m better off at home. The other half of that is since I deal with PTSD, fireworks aren’t any fun for me anymore either as most of them just make me feel as if I’m in the middle of gunfire. I will not go into the details of why this is but suffice it to say I don’t have much fun going as much as I once did. I tried that last year and I ended up shaking practically the whole time I was there. At any rate, enough about that, happy fourth to you all!

It’s storming! It’s storming! I love thunderstorms! I think most of you knew this about me but in case you didn’t…I love thunderstorms! That’s not going to be fun for those celebrating outdoors, this is going to mess up someone’s day. That’s not cool and i’m sorry for it but I love storms, bring them on! There’s just something about a down pour and the lightning and the thunder, it’s just…I can’t explain it. I can’t see the lightning anymore and I wish I could because there was a time I could sit through a storm’s entirety and watch it. Cuddling during thunderstorms is just…it’s like nothing I’ve experienced and I’ve had lots of great experiences in my life. There’s just something poetic about this.

Well anyway, I’ll end for now and write again soon. I do have another topic to write about but I’ll save it for the next entry.

Have a great day and have fun!
Take care of yourselves and one another.


Hi From Rainy MN

Hello readers.

Welcome to July and another update. I can’t believe that the years already half gone, so far it has been an awesome year with the acception of a few snags. I suppose though you have to take the good with the bad, luckily I have had more good than bad this year and if all goes well next month will make this year a lot better than it has already been.

So the last time I updated I told you all about Qrýtczýr AKA Ezran. Well in May he came and stayed with me for two weeks and it was amazing! It has been a while since i have been as happy as I was when he was here, everything just felt right to both of us. Ezran and Flint got along really well and I was very excited about this because it means that Flint has made a new friend and brother, at least Ezran thinks of Flint as a brother. I think Flint sees him the same way wich is awesome.
What did we do? You might ask…
Well, the first night he arrived Flint took both of us out to Perkins for dinner after much hugging and…other things. No, not that you dirty minded perves, get your minds out of the gutter! :P. Sorry, I couldn’t resist giving you guys a bit of teasing. Ezran enjoyed Perkins a lot, I’m happy about this because that is one of the places I love. The next day we sort of ignored the world and hung out together getting to know one another better and I introduced him to the goodness that is the Pita Pit. He loved it! We actually hung out with Flint a lot as well during these two weeks. One night I made him a dinner that was supposed to be romantic and it turned out really well. I made shrimp pasta, salad, garlic bread and cherry cheesecake. We had a bottle of wine to go with it. Originally Qrýtczýr was only supposed to stay a week but the night before he was supposed to leave there were many tears because I wished he could have stayed longer and time seemed to fly by so fast. So while he was napping I came out to the computer and called Flint, he heard me crying and it made him sad. He asked me, “How would you like to play capture the Qrýtczýr for another week?” I wasn’t sure how that would go because I didn’t know if Qrýtczýr fox had anything to do that next week or not but I told Flint I’d speak to him when he woke up and see what he thought. Well, I couldn’t wait so I went and laid next to him and that must have awakened him. Anyway, I told him what Flint and i had in mind and he said he needed to talk to his mother and see if she had any plans. He went to try to call but she didn’t answer and so he decided to stay anyway. I was a very happy kitten. (Kitten is what the Qrýtczýr calls me for those who didn’t know). Unfortunately that didn’t go well for him the next day but I won’t go into those details, in the end it ended up alright. Sorry, I kind of jumped ahead a bit. During that first week we hung out with Flint and tookk him to a couple places. The second week, we did more of the same. I introduced him to Bluebird Cakery and to Weggy’s on the MSU campus. Flint showed him the deliciousness which is Insomnia Cookies. They are so awesome!!! Flint also had him try Piology which is a pizza place that is also on the MSU campus and then to Cold Stone Creamery. We had so much awesome times and the day he left was one of the hardest for Qrýtczýr and me. Many tears were shed before and after he left. As of June 25th we have been together for 3 months and I couldn’t have asked for a better man. He is the most amazing, wonderful, talented, caring, loving, brilliant, intelligent, and adorable fox I could have the pleasure of calling my boyfriend. If all goes well he will be here permanently at the beginning of August and I can’t wait to have him in my arms again. He has made me feel so alive again and I thank the universe daily for leading us to each other. I’m sorry to all those that were hurt due to us getting together, I truly am but I don’t regret it. I don’t ever mean to hurt anyone but you can’t help where your heart leads you. I have written a song for him and I’ll post the link here in case anyone would like to hear it. The title is Never Alone.


The lyrics were written by myself and the backing track was created by Flint so I thank him very much for his hard work with the music and the production of the song. I do have a second one in the works. The lyrics are done and Flint has a rough draft of the backing track for it. I’m excited for the second to be finished. I hope that the fox likes it.

There is nothing new to report on the job or school front. With school I have hit a brick wall and I’m working on getting that wall removed. I’m still job searching and hope I can find something soon. I’m not giving up on either and am still pretty optimistic that something will happen for me some time soon.

Ozzy and Misty Shadow are both doing fairly well. There are days though I’m not so sure about Ozzy. He meows more now like he’s in a bit of pain and I’ll be getting him checked out soon to see if things are ok with him. He’s fifteen now and so I’m hoping that it’s just his joints still because those I can help fix with some joint meds and a bit of baby food.

I have bene looking to move again. I’d like to get a townhouse or a condo. Both are so bloody expensive though and even with Qrýtczýr moving here I’m not sure if even our combined income will be enough. I’m still looking into some things though. i’m just so tired of living in apartments and i know that a condo is sort of like one but they’re much nicer and most times they have their own washers and dryers in unit which is what I truly want. We would like to get a house some day at any rate and so not moving right away because we want to save money first. It’s good because the Qrýtczýr has a possible job when he gets here. It’s not a certainty yet but we’re both optimistic.

Well I suppose I don’t really have anything else to write about currently so I’ll end this thing and go find something constructive to do while the fox sleeps.

I’ll be back soon…hopefully?
Take care of yourselves and don’t forget to smile, it might just make a difference to someone who is having a bad day.


Shadow of the Day

Greetings to all.

I have decided to write this time instead of audio because I found something from way back in 2008. I came across an old journal of mine and thaught i’d repost this. When i did this before, a lot of my answers fit the way I was feeling but now most of these are just silly. I think that’s the point though. Anyway, if you do this have fun with it. No cheating!

1. Put your iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player, Amazon echo, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds.

Anytime Any Place.
Desert Angel.
You Can’t Kill Rock’n’Roll.
My Heart Will Go On.
Ignition (Remix)
Hard Headed Woman.
Wildest Dreams.
Tura lura lura.
I Could Fall in Love.
I Feel it Coming On.
The Thunder Rolls.
Shadow of the Day.

This was fun!!! You all should try it even if you dont’ want to post your responses.

So I know this is old news but my Patriots lost the super bowl. This makes me sad but they had a great season and there’s always next year. The Eagles played very well and since they’ve never won a super bowl title I’m happy for them, I truly am.
I ended up having a little gathering on super bowl Sunday with a few friends, we had good food and it was pretty fun. There weren’t many of us but that’s ok. My next party is going to be for St. Patrick’s day. Good food and fun times shall ensue, I can’t wait!Yes, I’m already planning the menu, never hurts to think ahead.

Amber and i have started talking again, we have decided to try and work on our friendship. Life’s too short to be angry and hold grudges and so I unblocked her and we did talk a bit. I did tell her friends was fine but as far as any other relationship goes it couldn’t happen. She feels the same and that’s cool with me.

The job search so far has turned up nothing. I’m not giving up but at times it feels as if I’ll never find anything. I’d love to teach other blind people how to live independently, daily living skills and such. I’m not sure how to go about doing that, Flint says I need a mentor and if I could find one that would be awesome. Maybe I can get him to help with that. He is going to help me with some other things so maybe he’ll add that to the list of things as well.

I’m going to try and go to school this summer, that hasn’t changed.

I’m going to post a poem that I have written for my fanfic I’ve bene working on. I’ve started writing my Star Trek Voyager fic I mentioned in my last entry or at least I think I did. I won’t say which character is going to be reciting this poem, you’ll all find out once my fic’s released.

Love With You
BY: Annika Kaylynn

In your arms I have found a safe place,
I see forever when I look at your sweet face.
Your warm embrace let’s me know you’ll always be there,
Your gentle kisses tell me how much you care.

With you I have found that I don’t have to hide,
I have finally found the one who will stay by my side.
In you I have found my love and my best friend,
With you I know I will have you to hold till the end.

You are the one I know my secrets you will keep,
In love with you I have fallen so very deep.
With you in the darkness I have found the light,
Because of you all my days are now bright.

With you I know this love is so very true,
I thank the universe for allowing me to find you.
You’re my sunshine when it rains, my warmth from the cold and my strength when I’m feeling weak,
With you I now know that my life is truly complete.

Anyway, I’ll end this for now but hopefully I’ll be back soon with another entry.

Take care of yourselves and each other. XO

P.S. Prince Purple Rain is on, I love this song so much. It’s my favorite song by him. May he rest in peace.

Hi, My Name Shall be…

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all doing well, I’m doing ok accept for the pain in my eyeballs. I just wish they would remove them, the pain would be gone then. Arg!
Anyway, have an update.


Ok, have a great day all, I’ll be back soon with another update.