Sleepless in Mankato

Good morning everyone.

It’s way too early for me to be awake but I can’t sleep due to it being either too hot, too cold, my body hurting because of our bed being too old or Ozzy and Mystic Shadow climbing all over me. So because I can’t sleep you get an entry in this thing I call a journal.

Apparently I received an e-mail from my job coach with a possible job opportunity. Thanks for telling me about it before sending in my resume and a cover letter? I don’t even know what this job entails or even what company it’s for. I will need to call him today and ask him about it just in case the employer calls me and I look stupid due to not knowing what the job is. Communications between T and myself have been very crappy, I don’t believe I’ve spoken with him since the summer if memory serves. Yes, I’m calling him T because I don’t wish to put his real name here, if things go totally south then I will be but for now I’ll respect his privacy. I dare not hope though that I will get a job because everytime i hope for it I end up let down. I know it’s my negativity showing through and I shouldn’t be so but I’m too tired to think positively about it at the moment. Well, here’s hoping for a positive outcome.

Fox and I did end up going out for the second part of our date. We didn’t go to the movies like originally planned but we did go have lunch at A&W, I do believe that is now my new favorite place at the mall to eat. Fox was impressed as well, now we want one built down town close to where we live. We did a bit more shopping and went to Starbucks. Fox had a macha which I should have gotten but I ended up getting a white chocolate raspberry mocha instead. I do love macha and we want to start making it at home, the health benefits of drinking it are grate. I know we can order it off of so we may do as soon as we can get our finances straightened out. We aren’t doing too terribly bad but we could be doing better and even the fox agrees with this. Anyway I digress. We had a lot of fun and we plan to have more dates just the two of us. We feel we need this from time-to-time.

We finally got to see our new apartment though we still have no move-in date. This is frustrating us because we need to know when to call and have the utilities transfered over. Packing has been a thing for the past few days and we still have so much to do or at least it feels like we do. We will be happy once we are in the new place. It’s nice and big, I sort of have some ideas of where things are going to go and how to organize. We can’t wait! Could move-in day hurry up and get here? please?

I’m so tired of the winter! We’re supposed to get another snow storm this weekend, they tell us some places locally could see up to a foot of new falling white stuff. I truly hope like hell that we aren’t in that over a foot of snow prediction. I’m so ready for spring, I’ve bene over this crap for a while now.
This is the letter I have written to Mother Nature, Old Man Winter and That bloody groundhog.

Dear winter, please take your bitterly cold winds, your freezing nasty cold temps and your massive amounts of snow and kindly go away. I’m so tired of
freezing and all of the white stuff on the ground that if I were a dragon I’d be able to spit fire. then again, if I were a fire breathing dragon I’d just
melt the snow. And to that groundhog who promised us an early spring, I’d stay hidden in your hole if I were you. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one
who wishes you didn’t exist at this moment. Oh and to Mother Nature, you aren’t off the hook either. Please take some happy pills or something and at least
bring us to what our normal temps are supposed to be for this time of they year and not the below normal temps we are having to deal with. I’m not sure
who made you so irate but stop taking it out on us poor people who absolutely hate winter but deal with it because we have to. Just break up with old man
winter already would you? No love, a very upset Trinity Jade.

My Facebook and my Twitter followers have seen that but I thought it worth posting again here.

Well I suppose I should get going for now, Mystic Shadow feels the need to torment poor Mia as usual. I am going to go and rescue her so she can get some rest from my big bully of a cat. I do love her so very much but I wish she would just leave Mia alone and get along with her. I know that at times Mia instigates it and she does get scolded as well when that happens but I wish they’d just see eye-to-eye on things. Both cats live here and will continue to do so. Mia and Ozzy get along just fine though, thank goodness.

Ok, please take care of yourselves and of each other. Remember self-care is a good thing too.

Trinity Jade

First Date: Part One

12:48 AM 3/2/2019

Good morning or late late evening, it all depends on how you wish to look at the time.

There is nothing conventional when it comes to the relationship between the fox and myself. Almost everything we have done so far has been backasswards. We began dating before we met, he comes to visit back in May of 2018, he then moves here in September of 2018 and we just recently became engaged. I say this because tonight we went on part one of our two day date. We’ve never been on a date until tonight. It was fun though, we went to the mall and shopped at Payless shoe store as they’re going out of business. This makes a kitten very sad but what can you do? I found a couple pairs of shoes I really liked and so Fox told me to go ahead and get them. After that we went to Riddle’s Jewlry and looked at bridal sets. They had a lot of nice rings and very pretty. I found a set I absolutely love! Once we were done there we went to Taco Bell for some dinner. Yeah I know, most people wouldn’t go to Taco Bell for a dinner date but as I have stated our relationship is unconventional. We came home and that ended the date for tonight. Tomorrow we are going to have part two of our date. We’re going back to the mall and we’re going to have lunch at A&W and then we’re going to see the movie Alita: Battle Angel. The description of the movie says: “Set several centuries in the future, the abandoned Alita is found in the scrapyard of Iron City by Ido, a compassionate cyber-doctor who takes the unconscious cyborg Alita to his clinic. When Alita awakens, she has no memory of who she is, nor does she have any recognition of the world she finds herself in. As Alita learns to navigate her new life and the treacherous streets of Iron City, Ido tries to shield her from her mysterious past.” It sounds interesting so i’m looking forward to going to see it. Fox and I plan to have more dates, just the two of us. We’ve decided this is something we feel we need. It’s not because our relationship is getting bad or anything, we just want to do this for ourselves and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

So I do have another job prospect, I’m just hoping this pans out this time. If I get this job it will be working for Social Cecurity. For now it’s only temporary but if they like me they would hire me on permanently with room for advancement. I’m keeping my fingers and toes and anything else I can crossed.

The new Coke came out on the 25th of February. It’s the new Orange Vanilla flavor, we got our paws on some today and it is so gooooooood! It will be interesting to see if Pepsi can live up to the challenge, they haven’t announced a new flavor yet but I’m pretty sure they will come out with one since Coke did. You know, competition and all.

The date is set!
Fox and I have set a wedding date, we have chosen May 30, 2020. We’re hoping that this will work but if not it will be alright. It’s what we are aiming for, we’re hoping for an outdoor wedding. We have chosen Springlake Park to hold the ceremony. We aren’t sure yet about the reception but we’re working on that as well. We still have tons to do before then and I’m hoping we can get it all done. Don’t worry, I’m not going to turn into bridezilla or anything like that. I’ll keep you all updated as we go along.

Well, I’ve nothing more for now and plus I’m getting sleepy. You all ahve a good rest of your night or day and i’ll be back again soon.
Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other.

The excited Trinity Jade XO

How to Make a Shamrock Shake

Good evening everyone who are reading this thing.

Before I get to the reason for this post…

Yes you read that write, I am now an engaged woman and I couldn’t be happier. About midnight on the 13th of February my fox asked me to marry him and I said yes. We told his mother today and already she wants us to set a date for 2020. It’s sort of overwelming to think about marrying next year but we’re also pretty excited about it. I don’t know what the date is yet but once we decide I’ll post and let you all know.

Now for the reason for writing.

On twitter a few of us were talking about the shamrock shake from McDonalds and how it’s already out for St. Patrick’s day. I mentioned that I have a recipe for how to make one and I thought that for those that want it I’ll post it here.



3 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon mint extract
Green food color gel or paste recommended
2 cups whipped cream


1. Combine the ice cream, milk, mint extract and food coloring in a blender and pulse until combined. Add more green food coloring as desired.
2. Transfer the shakes to serving glasses, then top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Serve immediately.

I have made these before and instead of using vanilla ice cream I used chocolate chip. It came out really yummy.

That’s all for tonight, I’ll return when I have more to write about.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other.

Trinity Jade

I Have Chosen


So for those of you who follow me on twitter you have already seen the name I have chosen to use. I have decided to use the name Trinity Jade. I think that by bringing back an old name I once used online would help others get used to the switch, but then again maybe not. I have always liked Trinity for a name and once i heard the name Jade I fell in love with that name as well. There were a couple of people that said they like Trinity over Farrah, admittedily so do I. Farrah is a very pretty name but when I thought about it I wondered if I could see myself being called that for the rest of my life and the answer came back no. Maybe once i get another reborn girl I can name her Farrah Shianne. So…Trinity it is.

On a side note…my Patriots won the super bowl! I know a lot of you don’t approve of my choice of team that I choose to cheer on but that’s alright, on the other hand there are those who do approve.

So anyway the name battle’s finally over! Thank goodness. I know there are some that will say “yeah right” but you’ll see.

Ok, I’m out for now. I am going to go and check on a sick Emmerel, poor thing.

Bye for now. Be good to yourselves and to each other.

Trinity Jade

The Name Battle

So the name battle is ongoing and I wish it weren’t.

Many people say the reason I keep changing my name is because i must be running from something or I’m hiding something, this isn’t true at all. If they would take the time to ask me and not assume I’d explain it to them. So, I’m going to explain a bit about why the name changes because I think I have finally figured out why. After reading I hope that it will give those some insight into why I do this.

Some of you know what my birth given name was but I won’t say what it was here because I truly do hate what it was and it has some rather bad memories attached to it.
I have had some not so nice things happen to me in my life and having a name attached to them is an absolute horrible thing for me. Now I know that you may be thinking that you aren’t the only one who has had a shite life and you would be correct in thinking that way but for me it is the best way I know to cope. Some things make me feel dirty and when I hear a name that I was previously called during those times makes me feel just awful. I know that it isn’t possible to legally get a new name everytime something bad happens to me but it makes me feel better if I’m not called a name that reminds me of bad times. This probably isn’t making much since to you all but it’s the best way for me to explain it without going into a ton of details that could cause me to have nightmares. None of us like bad dreams so for the sake of hopefully getting a good night’s sleep I will refrain from details.
I have gone to therapy about this and I know that I shouldn’t allow my past to define me but there are just some things that I can’t have undone, believe me if I could I would. All I ask for is a bit of acceptance from the people I call friends or family. If it weren’t for the fact that Emmerel came out I more than likely wouldnt’ have even bothered to write this entry. I’m so happy that Emmerel is in my life, if she weren’t I don’t know where I’d be. I can’t imagine a world without her in it now. It was she who gave me the courage to write this even though she doesn’t know it yet.
I legally changed my name to Lily back in 2013 but it was not my first choice for a name. The one whom I’m dearly close too as my brother more or less chose it for me. Had I been thinking back then I wouldn’t have allowed myself to become Lily Rose, actually the name I did choose was Eryn Sierra. He and i argued for a while over this because he said he couldn’t picture me as an Eryn so I discarded it. To end the arguement over it I ended up with the name he liked best, he wanted either Lily, Bella or Trinity. I for one didn’t wish to be called Bella for the rest of my life because it was associated with the Twilight series which I’m still quite fond of but it doesn’t mean I want to be called that until it is time for me to permanently depart. I more leaned towards Trinity because it’s a name I have loved for many years but it was decided that I’d go by Lily because he argued that I was using it online and people were calling me that both on and offline. I used Trinity online as well for a while I know but it’s a name that I still love. So more so to keep the peace I went with what he liked most and didn’t listen to my head like I should have. So now I’ve been Lily for the last almost 6 years now and I’m hating it with a passion. The name has become popular due to the Harry Potter series and I see nothing wrong with it but it’s not me anymore.
Now I go by Annika but it also does not fit me. I chose it for a really dumb reason, I heard it on Startrek Voyager and liked it so started using it even though it is not my legal name. Many of you have accepted that and I’m so grateful for it. Here’s where my battle is now…I have been thinking of changing my name to Farrah Shianne, or Trinity Jade. I love both names dearly and so it’s tough.
No matter which way I decide to go please try to respect it and not give me a hard time about it. I know there will be the jokes and I can handle that but if it’s out of spite then I can’t. I accept everyone for what they want and all I ask is for that in return.

I hate feeling uncomfortable with my name and I truly wish and hope that once I choose my name it will be for the final time. I understand that anything bad can happen at any time and I can’t keep changing it as I stated above but I just need this one final time.

Thanks to you all for reading and to those of you who didn’t judge I appreciate it more than you will ever know and understand.

Until next time take care of yourselves and each other.

The timid kitten

P.S. I do have a longer entry coming soon. I recorded it in voice a bit ago and it’s about what I’ve been up to till now.

Morning Storms

Oh morning thunderstorm, how I do love thee.
I woke up this morning to more storms, unfortunately this puts a hold on my plans for the day but tis alright. I was going to go and meet Flint for lunch but due to the fact that his transportation is a mobile scooter and the rain would destroy it he hasn’t yet made it to campus. Not only that but the lightning makes it difficult for me as well because i won’t go in water during storms and before i go out I like my showers. So instead of getting ready to go I’m sitting here watching Star Trek Voyager and happily listening to the thunder and rain.

I have decided to jump on the Mastodon band wagon. This in no way means that I’m leaving Twitter but I thought that I’d give it a whirl. I have figured out how to do some things but not everything. I’m wondering if there’s an app I can download on my phone to make it easier to use and I’ll be looking into that soonishly. My user name is, so if you like you may add me there. Also I’m wondering if there’s a way to connect it with Twitter? I’ll be looking into that as well. I have seen other’s post to twitter from it so I’m sure there is, it’s just finding the way to do so.

Those of you who know me and know me well know that I absolutely love the hairband era and power ballads. The two lists I’m about to share with you have lots of great power ballads and I have to say that I do not agree with some on both lists.

I love all of the songs on this list accept for one, then again I’ve never cared for Stryper.

Now the 40 best.

Did you find some you either agreed or disagreed with? Most of the songs I totally love.

Well I’m hungry so I’m going off to figure out food and drink. I hope you all have a good rest of your day.
Take care of yourselves and each other. XO

Annika Kitten

Jobs And Other Excitement

Good evening readers.

I hope this entry finds you all doing well. As for me…I’m feeling alright.

Today we had the best storm that we’ve had all season! We have had some storms through the spring and summer but not like the one we had today. The rain came down in sheets and the thunder was gloriously loud and there was lightning, bright lightning or so I’m told. I really do miss seeing the dark sky during a good storm. Black clouds and wicked looking flashes of lightning have always captivated me…at least I can still hear the thunder and rain. We had winds almost fifty MPH and it brought down some tree branches. It was great! Ok, not that trees lost branches but the storm itself was awesome.
The storms and talking to Kyle actually got me wondering how the Fugita scale works, how do they figure out which tornado gets what rating? So i decided to look it up. Here is the scale for those interested.

The Fujita Scale

table with 4 columns and 8 rows
F-Scale Number
Intensity Phrase
Wind Speed
Type of Damage Done 

Gale tornado
40-72 mph
Some damage to chimneys; breaks branches off trees; pushes over shallow-rooted trees; damages sign boards. 

Moderate tornado
73-112 mph
The lower limit is the beginning of hurricane wind speed; peels surface off roofs; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos pushed off the roads; attached garages may be destroyed. 

Significant tornado
113-157 mph
Considerable damage. Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; boxcars pushed over; large trees snapped or uprooted; light object missiles generated.  

Severe tornado
158-206 mph
Roof and some walls torn off well constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in fores uprooted 

Devastating tornado
207-260 mph
Well-constructed houses leveled; structures with weak foundations blown off some distance; cars thrown and large missiles generated. 

Incredible tornado
261-318 mph
Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable distances to disintegrate; automobile sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100 meters; trees debarked; steel re-inforced concrete structures badly damaged. 

Inconceivable tornado
319-379 mph
These winds are very unlikely. The small area of damage they might produce would probably not be recognizable along with the mess produced by F4 and F5 wind that would surround the F6 winds. Missiles, such as cars and refrigerators would do serious secondary damage that could not be directly identified as F6 damage. If this level is ever achieved, evidence for it might only be found in some manner of ground swirl pattern, for it may never be identifiable through engineering studies
table end

I didn’t even know that an F6 tornado existed and I’m pretty sure that I don’t ever want to witness one either. I’m not sure anyone would survive one like that.
Anyway, one of my dream jobs was to be a meteorologist. I wanted to study the weather and how storms form and all things of that nature. Unfortunately there are no blind weather people that i’m aware of. The subject still interests me though and if I had a purpose for studying it, I would. I suppose i don’t really need a reason but I have no idea how to even go about it. When i was in the eighth grade and we were covering weather in science class I was captured by it. Pictures of tornados, lightning strikes and the different types of clouds had me extremely intrigued. I was so sad when that part of our science studies was over.

So i’m very happy and excited! By this time next week my fox should be on his way home and i can’t wait to see him. Ezran and Alli both, the first night they are with me I fully intend to spend time with them both and not letting them go. I believe that we will go out for dinner with Flint but after that…all mine. I’m confident that neither of them shall have any objections whatsoever to this. :P.

It’s possible that I have found a job, I’m not totally counting on it as my job coach thinks I should but it seems promising.
Kato Cab apparently wishes to hire me. After all of the time they kept saying no they have finally said yes. I know the saying “persistance pays off” but I’m not sure it has anything to do with that because the owner still could have said no. Flint has had a meeting with the owner and she gave him a company to call to see if things can be made accessible and if they can I will immediately start training. I will be a dispatcher for them and taking calls.
It’s not yet a guarantee but I’m trying to stay optimistic. I do think that we should be looking at other places to work and not putting all of our eggs in one basket but my job coach says, “I don’t think we need to look at anything more because i feel this is a win.” So Mr. I feel this is a win, what if things don’t work out? It is what it is I guess. I have been searching without him just in case. You never know if things will work out the way you are hoping or not. Keeping fingers and everything else crossed that this works though.

Well it’s after 10:00 pm here and i’m hungry, though I did eat twice today and I have nothing in my kitchen that sounds even remotely appealing right now so maybe food’s not happening tonight.

I’ll be back when I have something more to write about.
Take care of yourselves and each other. XO.

Annika Kitten

Ezran Fox is Coming Home

OMG! OMG! OMG! It appears that Ezran will be home in September after all! I’m so excited and beyond happy! I knew this last night but it just hit me today, I think I was extremely tired and couldn’t think straight…that and I wasn’t feeling very well. I was cold and had a horrid bout of nausea, it was awful. Now though? I’m hyper and awake and alert and feeling fine and I have had coffee and OMG! Hurry up September and get here! Thank you to those who have made this reunion possible, I cant’ wait to see him. I have missed him so much. There aren’t enough words to express what I’m feeling so thank you so so so so much.

So what has the overly excited and hyper Annika been up to today?
I have been cleaning out my cupboards and getting rid of things I don’t need/want anymore…I’m pretty sure it’s confusing my poor cats because they keep jumping up on the table that I’m packing boxes on. I keep telling them that no, we are not moving yet but we will be at some point but not at the present time. I’m getting boxes ready to take to the thrift shops for donating to those who might want it or can use it. I have fun cleaning out cupboards and closets for this reason. I have a bunch of things that need to go down to my storage unit as well but I need to get some totes for that as I don’t want to use the current boxes my things are in because of possible bugs and spiders getting into it. If I get some airtight totes it will keep insects and mice out and my stuff safe. I’m pretty sure we don’t have mice but one never knows.

I have been reliving my 80s hair band days with Spotify, it’s great! I so want to do a broadcast and play this stuff. I don’t believe I’ll ever get past that genre of music. LOL! No matter what decade it is I’ll always have a spot for it. Metal forever! \m/

Yesterday Marie and Donaven came over and gave me a belated birthday present. She told me she was at a mystic fair and she saw this necklace and thought of me because i love dragons. The way she described it to me was it’s a black chain and hanging from it is a pendant and in the center of the pendant there’s a black dragon with purple wings. I was excited about it as I love dragons and one of my favorite colors is purple. Very cool, I cant’ wait to wear it. I will get the opportunity to do so tomorrow as I’ll be going out. I don’t generally wear necklaces around the house because my cats like to be held and when they are in my arms they play with my chains if i’m wearing one. Naughty kitties but I love them anyway.

Well at any rate I’m going to go back to my cleaning and packing boxes while the fox is still sleeping. I hope you all have a good night and I’ll write again soon.

Please take care of yourselves and each other. XO.

The happy and excited Annika Kitten

My Birthday

Good afternoon everyone.

Currently i’m sitting here watching Titanic…yes I know the ship sinks…but for lack of anything else to watch I’m watching this sad movie again, that and i’m sitting on teamtalk listening to my love sleeping. I hope he is sleeping well and with out bad dreams.

I had a great birthday though this getting older thing really is for the birds. I don’t feel any older than I did the day before my birthday, you are after all only as old as you feel. As for me, I choose to feel younger. :D.
So let’s see, for my birthday I received Star Trek Voyager the complete series on DVD from my foxy and Alli, a $20 gift card from my travel instructor for Bluebird Cakery and she also bought me a mocha frappe with a lemon blueberry scone and from Flint I’m getting a really awesome water cooler that does both hot and cold water. That doesn’t get delivered to his house until Tuesday and then he’ll bring it to me along with my first bottle of water to put in it. i love the idea of the hot water spout as I can have tea instantly without having to microwave the water. Then he took me to Bolder Tap House for dinner which was very good. Ezran was on teamtalk with us the whole time and said he wanted to go there for his birthday but I protested because I have something else in mind for him but I can’t write it here as I think he reads this thing and i don’t wish for him to know just yet where I’m taking him. I’ll write about it after his birthday is over. :). Anyway all in all it was a great day and I’m going to do my best to ensure that this year is a happy one.

Y’know, I have been wondering…does the new year begin at new years or does it begin on your birthday?
I have been asking myself this because I know that the new year begins on January first but people are always telling me on my birthday to have a good year or whatever. So does the new year begin on new years day or does it actually begin on your birthday? Just a bit of food for thought.

I found out last week that two bands I am quite fond of are coming to MN in November! Five Finger Death Punch and Breaking Benjamin are going to be here and oh how I want to go and see them. I told Ezran that we should try to get tickets and go and he was excited about the idea so I’ll have to look into that. Depending on how much they are I might be able to swing it but I’ll have to see if tickets are affordable or not. I’m trying to save money so I can go back to school as well so if they are too much I can’t do it. Unless…early Xmas present from my mother? Hmm, could be a possibility.

I went to see my therapist last Tuesday and after our session she left me more unsettled than anything. She certainly gave me a lot to think about and personally I don’t believe i have anything to worry about. Then if this is the case why do I still have thoughts that I shouldn’t be having? She left me in a bad head space and I didn’t like it. I really miss Chris for therapy, I’m not sure though if she is done doing therapy or if she’s just on a break. I hope that she’s only on a break and not permanently finished. This other one has always left me unsettled though so this shouldn’t surprise me any. Don’t get me wrong, she’s nice enough and I do like her but…yeah…

I’m a happy kitten!!!! I have learned today that I am able to order groceries online from Cub Foods rather than having to ask someone else to help me order them from Hi-vee! I like Hi-vee but their website for accessibility isn’t good at all. It has been brought to their attention but they say there isn’t enough interest from the blind community here in Mankato to do anything about it. To me that’s not fair, but life isn’t fair so I have found a different alternative. Thank you Cub Foods for being so accessible so that I may order my groceries online if I so choose to do so.

I know some think this isn’t something I should be doing but I have started tweeting #ShowUpForWishes to try to see if I can get help with my going back to college fund. This is something so important to me and I really want to get back to school and if I can’t get help from my family then I will try this. I will also be setting up a go fund me page to see if I can get donations that way as well. I know like I said some won’t approve of this but I’ve exhausted all of my other resources and right now with no job I don’t know what else to do. I can’t get help or support from SSB or VR so I have to do this on my own somehow. I’m hoping to find work and once i do this I will be able to be better financially and I will then take my page down and stop trying to use ShowUpForWishes. I do love my family, I really do but they are pretty much tapped out and have their own lives and bills to pay.

Well, I suppose I’m out for now. it’s about 4:30 and I should probably try to find something constructive to do. I’ll write again soon.

Take care of yourselves and each other. XO.

Annika, Alli and Ezran’s kitten

Tired But Sleep’s Elusive

Good evening readers.

Like the title says I’m tired but sleep’s elusive. I guess it’s because I have way too much in my mind, I’m not in a good headspace at present and when I am in the wrong headspace I don’t sleep as well as I’d like to. So here I sit updating this thing when I should be attempting that thing called sleep, lord knows I’m tired enough.

A bit of good news I have to share though, it appears that the fox will be here in September! I’m sooooooo super excited and I can’t wait till he is here in my arms again. I know, pretty sappy but I’m just that way. It’s fun.

Our play for Aktion Club Theater is this month and let me tell you, I couldn’t be happier that this play is almost over. It’s about guardianships and how a person basically has no life when they have a guardian. I honestly don’t know what that is like as I have never had one before, I know those who have and things seem to be alright. The play portrays guardians as people who control every aspect of a person’s life. I don’t know, SMH. I’m just singing and reading a poem in the play, I’m singing Hallelujah and reading Never Alone which is actually a song I wrote for the fox but am reading the lyrics as a poem instead of singing it. I’m actually debating whether or not I’m going to participate in Aktion club next year or not. I more than likely will as I’m their treasurer. I actually do love Aktion Clugb, it’s just this years play is unsettling to me for some reason.

Well anyway, there’s a purring Misty Shadow lieing beside me demanding my attention so I suppose I should go and pet her before she attempts to get between me and my keyboard again, she does that all of the time.

Until next time…

Take care of yourselves and each other. XO.

Annika Kitten