20 Slang Terms From the 1990s

Good afternoon readers.

I hope this post finds you all well, so far we’re dodging the coronavirus which is a good thing. Mentally we struggle but we’re trying to take things one day at a time. We did get a report today though that there’s one case in our town now, so we are a bit worried about that. I’m not naive enough to think it never would have hit Mankato so don’t think, “oh she’s naive” because I’m not. I knew that it was just a matter of time, we’ve been in a self-imposed quarantine since last Tuesday with the acception of going to our brother’s house for dinner which is two houses away and then back home again and so far we both are still healthy. I pray that we stay that way. Anyway, enough about that for now.

I was on facebook earlier, not sure why as most of what I see is politics and people fighting about who said and did what but I thought maybe I’d find a bit of positive news. I did, one of my FB friends just had a nephew born today so congratulations to her on becoming an aunt again. Babies are such blessings in dark times. While looking to see if there was anymore good news I came across a post from another FB friend and just had to post it here. As i was reading I laughed so hard I cried. Let’s see how many of you remember these phrases and words.
By the way, I still wear skechers, they’re comfortable. Don’t judge me. :p.

20 Slang Terms From the 1990s No One Uses Anymore


There’s one surefire way to find out if somebody came of age in the 90s. Randomly shout out “Schwing!” If they stare at you like you’re having a mental collapse, they’re probably one of those darned Millennials. But if they laugh or cringe, in some way acknowledging the reference, you’ve identified a bona fide 90s kid. (“Schwing,” by the way, is 90s slang for excitement, first coined by Mike Myers in his “Wayne’s World” Saturday Night Live sketch and movie spin-offs.).
Once somebody has opened the 90s slang floodgates, those memories can come rushing back and you start using words and phrases that haven’t entered your brain since you last bought Pearl Jam records. Don’t resist that urge. Slip on some flannel and Skechers, slap on that slap bracelet, and let’s revisit the best of 90s slang.

1. All that and a bag of chips
A compliment of sorts. The person or thing being described is everything one could possibly hope for, and they come with a side dish. Because who doesn’t want a snack for later?
Example: “She’s not just cool. She’s all that and a bag of chips.”

2. Kick him to the curb
When it’s not enough just to break up with somebody. You need to let them know, in the strongest possible terms, why you want them out of your life.
Example: “He did what? Oh girl, you’ve got to kick him to the curb.”

3. Home skillet
Your best bud and closest confidant. The guy or girl you count on and trust above all others. But not, ironically, the person most likely to make you dinner on a skillet.
Example: “Home skillet! It’s about time you got here.

4. Talk to the hand
Whatever the other person is trying to tell you has been rejected. You are no longer interested in conversing with them. If they want to continue anyway, well, they are welcome to direct their grievances towards your open palm.
Example: “Can I please explain why you’re wrong about Tonya Harding?” “Talk to the hand!”

5. As if!
A sarcastic retort to a preposterous suggestion. “As if” imagines a ridiculous alternate reality in which the subject being discussed could actually happen. We can thank Clueless for this memorable 90s slang term.
Example: “She thinks we’re going to get married and have a bunch of kids together. As if!”

6. Booyah!
When you’re feeling so much exuberance but no real word in the English language seems sufficient enough to capture the full scale of your emotions.
Example: “I’m finally moving out of my parent’s basement. Booyah!”

7. Scrub
A guy with no money, no job, no prospects, and no class. Pretty much the lowest of the low. Also, they won’t be getting any love from the R&B girl group TLC. Sorry, fellas.
Example: “I appreciate the offer for a date, but I have a strict no scrubs policy.”

8. Not!
It’s the 90s slang version of “psych.” You think somebody is telling you the truth or agreeing with you, and then blammo, they hit you with the ol’ reversal!
Example: “I think Spin Doctors are the best band of all time…NOT!”

9. Fart-Knocker
A more confusing way to insult somebody. Just say it with a Beavis and Butthead voice and leave it at that.
Example: “I’m not going anywhere with that fart-knocker.”

10. Monet
Someone or something seems attractive from a distance, but when you get up close for a better look, it’s a hot mess. Not unlike the paintings of French impressionist Claude Monet.
Example: “You actually think he’s hot? You better look again, he’s a total Monet.”

11. Aiight
It’s just the words “all right,” but, you know, said by a cool kid.
Example: “Nah, I’m cool. I know it looks like I slept in a dumpster, but I’m aiight.”

12. Crunk
A celebration that’s gotten so wild and crazy, Snoop Dogg himself might very well show up.
Example: “Don’t come till at least midnight. That’s when the party really gets crunk.”

13. Whatever
When you’re just done with somebody and you want out of the conversation immediately. “Whatever” doesn’t declare a winner or loser, just that you don’t care anymore.
Example: “Okay, okay, I get it, you think you’ve got the best soul patch on the eastern seaboard. Whatever!”

14. Fly
If it’s fly, it must be dope. Or as your grandfather might say, “The bee’s knees.” The dancers on In Living Color weren’t called Fly Girls because they could levitate. They were just that awesome.
Example: “Your Vanilla Ice dance moves are totally fly!”

15. Hella
When your sentence needs a little extra emphasis, this piece of 90s lingo will do the trick. It’s an adjective that automatically adds three exclamation points.
Example: “I just watched the O.J. Simpson verdict, and I am hella surprised!”

16. Getting jiggy.
This phrase comes from a popular meme at the time. Sorry, no, just kidding. We mean music video. Remember those? Will Smith’s “Gettin’ Jiggy With It” taught the world that the only way to dance was like you’d just downed two pots of coffee.
Example: “It’s been a tough week at work. I need to get jiggy with it.”

17. Sup
A greeting. When you mean to say “wassup” (i.e. “what’s up with you?”) but that just seems like too much mouth exercise.
Example: “Sup?”
“Nuthin’. Sup with you?”
“Nuthin, just playing Sega.”

18. bugging out.
Weirdly, it’s not (usually) meant as an insult. If somebody is bugging, they’re behaving in unfamiliar ways that concern you. You want them to stop, or at least explain why they’re acting so darn crazy.
Example: “You okay? Why are you bugging out?”

19. Open up a can of…
Somebody got on your wrong side and they’re going to regret it. This 90s slang term doesn’t necessarily mean a physical scuffle is on the horizon. That can of butt-kicking might just translate as a verbal lashing.
Example: “He broke my GameBoy, so I’m about to open up a can on him.”

20. You go, girl!
It sounds like you’re throwing somebody out of your house, but it’s really a celebratory cheer. It’s the hip person’s way to say, “I’m so proud of you!!”
Example: “You got that job promotion at Blockbuster? You go, girl!”

I’ll have you know, I still use some of those. LOL! Actually I didn’t wear Skechers in the 90s as my mother found them to be way too expensive and anything I wanted I had to save up for. I never was able to afford them. I wear the hell out of Skechers now though, as I said they’re extremely comfortable, those and Airwalks.

Alright, my dinner’s calling my name so I’m off to consume it before it gets cold. Party Pizza FTW!

Please please please you guys be safe and take care of yourselves. Just know I’m thinking of you all, hugs all around.
Remember to practice self-care especially in these times.

Love From the white tigress,
Winter Skye Fox

Good Times, Bad Times

10:34 PM 2/28/2020

Good evening readers of this thing I call a journal.

I hope this entry finds you all well, as for me things are going pretty ok. I’m currently sitting here on teamtalk listening to the brand new FFDP (Five Finger Death Punch) album and so far I’m loving it. They have become my new favorite band ever since their last album came out. I’ve always liked them since I first heard them but for some reason unknown to me they gained favorite status and I’m good with that. No, I haven’t forgotten about Disturbed who still rank very very high up there for me but FFDP are my new go to band when I’m angry. I suggest you check them out if you are into metal, they won’t disappoint. For anyone interested the new album is called F8. I’m pretty sure that stands for Fate. LOL!

To get one thing out of the way, remember in my first entry of this year I promised that by the end of the year I’d have my name that I was going to stick with? I have chosen! Yay! The new name I’ve decided to go with is: Winter Skye Fox. I have thought long and hard about what I wanted in a name and did some meditating over it and it was down to three names. Winter, Summer and Oaklynn. I decided that I wanted a nature themed name and at first I was going to go with Summer since that was the season I was born in but came to the conclusion that it was too common and a bit cliche, it was then down to two. I really liked Oaklynn but since that is one of the names I use in a game I play I didn’t wish for that so then I chose Winter. Winter is totally opposite of Summer and I’m not cold like the name suggests but I find it very pretty. I spoke with a few people including my therapist and she told me that ultimately it was my decision so I thought on it for a while. My fox says the name is pretty as well but before deciding I slept on it and finally I said to myself, Self? You are Winter but now you need a middle name to go with it. Again I thought long and hard about this as well and came up with Skye. Winter Skye, I like how they go together. I’m spelling it S K Y E instead of the traditional way. Fox? This shall become my last name as soon as The fox and I are married. She wishes to change her name to Elsa Farah Fox and so once this happens and we are married my last name will change to that. From now on when I’m writing about my fox I will refer to her as Elsa.
So there you have it, my name when I can finally legally change it will be Winter Skye. Please please forgive me for all of the confusion and all of the changes.

A cool thing has happened or at least it could be very cool.
I went for a job interview on the 11 of February and both the interviewer and my job coach said that I did very well. They seemed very interested and willing to help with anything I needed to make my job easier. To me this sounds pretty positive but I’m not getting my hopes up too high but at the same time I remain optimistic. Here’s to hoping i hear something soon, it will be good to get back to work again.

The more i learn about where i live the more it makes me wish to get out sooner than later.
The maintenance issues are slowly starting to get taken care of however I’ve learned some sort of scary stuff. I can’t remember but I thought I may have written about how our landlady doesn’t do background checks on her tenants before they are allowed to move in here. Well, I’ve learned that we had neighbors living above us that were cooking and selling meth out of there apartment and that another one of the neighbors that was living in the same building went totally bonkers and killed his dog. Since we’ve moved here about seven months ago the upstairs apartment has had three different people living up there. I don’t know about you but I don’t wish to live anywhere that meth is being cooked or distributed and Elsa certainly doesn’t need to be around that stuff. She’s been doing very well with her sobriety and we’d both like to keep it that way. We want to do this legally though if we are going to do this. Honestly though I’m worried and kind of frightened. I hate feeling like that and I shouldn’t have to in my own home. I know things like this can happen anywhere but at least in a secure building I’d feel so much safer. Elsa totally agree with me on this, I’m so tired of moving but if it’s what we need to do then we just need to do it.
They are coming next Thursday to put in all new carpet in the living room and the hallway and that will be a good thing. It’s about time, we don’t have to worry about the tack strips after that either.

8:33 PM 2/29/2020

Happy Feb 29, leap year day!

I’m sitting here watching the my baby first channel, why you may be asking? Because I can, LOL! There isn’t crap on TV right now and so this is what i chose. Don’t judge me. LOL!

On a more serious note, the dolphin hunts in Taiji Japan are finally at an end till September. I’m so glad for this as they will be able to swim free for a while. I don’t understand why the hunters do what they do. Dolphin meat is filled with mercury and other things a human should not be consuming and yet the hunters slaughter them for food and they don’t alert their people as to what they are actually eating. They mix it in sushi sometimes and it’s just not good. I have done my research on this and that’s what I read. They shouldn’t be offering up dolphins for food and try and pass them off as other fish. The toxins that are in the meat can be deadly for people and it disgusts me that they don’t know what they are eating.
Don’t get me started on capturing them for captivity, the conditions in which they are forced to live in are awful! These hunters make a ton of money when they capture a dolphin for performances. Depriving them of food if they don’t do what’s expected of them is wrong, not to mention the abuse they suffer at the teeth of one another. It’s the same for Killer Whales. The tanks where they reside are no where big enough for the dolphins to swim the way they normally would in the wild. There have bene reports of dolphins for a lack of a better phrase “trying to commit suicide” because they can’t play and they don’t stay with their own pods like they would in the oceans. Anywayu, I went off on a bit of a tangent but I feel so strongly about this issue. I’m just glad it’s over for a while.

I have started drinking lemon water and it seems to be doing my body good. I have more energy now and I just seem to feel a lot better than I have been lately. Yay for feeling better and having more energy! If you like lemon you should really try lemon water, it’s awesome!

Ah well, since I can’t remember what else I was going to write about I’ll end here for now. I’ll write again soon…I hope. :P.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other.
Self-care is a wonderful thing.

Anew Place for Recipes to Call Home

Hey readers,

Just a short entry to let you all know that I will not be posting recipes here any longer. Never fear though, I have a new place where they will be written. Also I have a dropbox started where I will be rearranging them and if you’d like to be added just let me know and I’ll be happy to add you to it. The new link where you can read my recipes and copy them if you like is: http://kittyskitchen.kittyland.net. Yes, it is an extention of this one.

I will be posting a longer entry the next time I post, as of right now though I’m not feeling well and my head hurts so I’ll be going off to bed in just a few.

Alright, until next time…

Be good to yourselves and to each other.
Self-care is a wonderful thing, we should all do it.

Happy Janurary Sixth

I’m walking into 2020 with a clear heart and mind.
If you owe me, don’t worry about it.
If you wronged me, it’s all good, lesson learned.
If you’re angry with me, you won. I’ve let it go.
If we aren’t speaking, it’s cool. I truly wish you well.
If you feel I’ve wronged you, I apologize. It wasn’t intentional.
I’m grateful for every experience that I received.
Life is too short for pent up anger, holding of grudges and extra stress or pain.
Here’s to 2020!
Remember, forgiving someone is for you so don’t block your blessings.
Make 2020 a year of positivity and a season of forgiveness.”
Author Unknown

January thus far has been a bit boring if you ask me, nothing exciting has happened yet and maybe that’s a good thing.
Over this past weekend, Flint came over bringing gifts of spirits creating an impromptu late new years celebration that lasted until about 3:30 AM. I unfortunately couldn’t partake in the festivities due to my body apparently deciding that it didn’t like UV Blue anymore and I don’t like Grey Goose. We had a bottle of Rumchata as well but we had nothing to mix it with. I suppose I could have done shots of that but I just wasn’t in the mood for some strange reason unknown to me. Maybe my body’s telling me that I’m getting too old for such things as drinking. I’ve got one thing to say to that, you will do as i say! Seriously though, I wonder if that’s the case. I sure hope not, I’ve always felt younger than my years but it may be time for me to face facts. I’m not as young as i once was, I however will keep going until I can’t any longer. Anyway, Flint and Farah got totally messed up. I don’t understand it though, Flint had no hangover while Farah did. I remember there was a time when I could drink and drink and get no hangovers either but now…I get drunk and I feel like death warmed over the next day. This isn’t fair, I’m irish. This shouldn’t be happening. LOL! Again I digress. After eating breakfast and drinking coffee, Farah felt much better. Now Flint is sick with a cold and I hope he feels better soon.

So far it is day 6 in the new year and I have so far failed to hold up to my new lifestyle. The only thing I have stuck to is the no more smoking rule that I have set for myself. Baby steps, right? I have cut back on my soda intake and have been drinking mostly water and tea so that’s good as well. I have bene eating mostly fish and chicken for meats and I’m planning to cut out beef and other meats as well. That’s been going well except I did have a hamburger Saturday night. When we go grocery shopping though I’m not buying beef or pork. Farah has already said she’d like to try using ground chicken and making chicken burgers so this could be good. This will be so much easier once all the junk food is gone as well. I have cut way back on eating any of that as well so it’s lingering. I’m getting there, it’s just taking a bit of time. I am proud of the progress I’ve already made. Ok, so I wouldn’t say I’ve failed because I have made strides in this endeavor.

Today I will be helping Farah to get her resume current and job hunting again. I didn’t see my job coach as she had to take another client to an interview. Hopefully the both of us can find something soon.

The cold I was battling is almost gone, thank goodness!

Well, I suppose that’s all I have for today. I’ll be back soon with either another entry or a recipe.
You all take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember self-care is a wonderful thing.

Fruit Pizza


At the request of a good friend, I’m posting a recipe for fruit pizza.

The best Fruit Pizza

1 tube refrigerated sugar cookies
1/2 c. apple jelly or orange marmalade
2 tubs cheesecake flavored spreadable cream cheese
1 pt. strawberries
1 pt. blueberries
3 kiwi fruit
mandarin oranges (optional)

Preheat oven to 350F. Cut cookies into slices. Arrange on ungreased
pizza pan and press together to form a crust. Bake for 12 – 15 minutes
or until just golden. Cool crust.

Spread cream cheese over cooked crust. Arrange fruit in decorative
pattern over top of cream cheese. Melt jelly or marmalade in the
microwave for 30 seconds or until liquefied; stir. Brush melted jelly
over top of fruit. This aids in keeping fruit fresh and gives it a nice
sheen. Refrigerate and cut into wedges.

When I have made this one I use the same ingredients with the exception of the jelly, I use strawberry and I use raspberries and not the oranges or the kiwi fruits. The original version is good too though.

Enjoy Hunter my friend!

Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit! Happy New Year!

LOL! There is something wrong with the fact that the first song I play of the new year is “I’m Not Okay, I Promise” by MCR. I told Alexa to play My Chemical Romance radio and that’s the very first song it chose. I’m not even feeling emo right now.

Bliain nua shona!
Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit!
Both can be used to say happy new year in irish, so happy new year!

2020 is finally here, I’m so glad to leave 2019 behind me. This is going to be my year, things are going to happen because of my new attitude about things. No more waiting for things to happen, I’m going to make them happen. This is my life and i need to make it my own.
First off there are things I’m going to do to make things better for my health. This means there are things that I do not plan on purchasing.


1. No more soda

This is something that i have said every year that I’ve been trying to better myself which has been for about the past 4 or 5 years or so but I’m going to do this. Instead of soda I will drink more water and tea. I’ll even keep this journal up-to-date with my progress.

2. No more cigarettes

I sadly have been smoking off and on for a while now and I’m so done with it. I don’t like the way smoking makes me feel. No more, I’m done. They say “once an addict always an addict.” I intend to prove that quote wrong, I made it for 3-1/2 years before picking a cigarette up again and so I know that I can do this. I am strong and I have the power.

3. No more indulging in foods that are unhealthy

I do know that I can’t give all this stuff up immediately however I can moderate what I eat, even my nutritionist says I can eat whatever I like but to practice moderation. Chocolate however will take me a bit. I mean I don’t sit and eat chocolate everyday all day but it’s something I still need to watch. I have gone from regular chocolate to dark though so that’s a good thing.
I have already changed to eating grains and wheats when it comes to my breads and I don’t eat as much of it as i used to. That one was tough because i love my bread.
I buy more fruits and veggies than I used to as well. Fruits I know one has to be careful of because of the sugars but at least they’re all natural sugars.
I’ve changed to eating healthier cereals like Cheerios and Raisin Bran. Special K makes a few flavors that I’ve gotten into as well.

5. No more fast food

While I can’t control where we go to eat dinner when going out with friends, I can control what I eat while we’re out. I will look for the healthier option at the place we are eating rather than just choosing something on the menu that sounds good. The healthier option will taste good too but I mean I’ll be looking for something other than the typical burger and fries.


1. I will monitor my caffeine intake

I love my coffee but who doesn’t? Well, my brother Kyle doesn’t like it and refers to it as poison, but who normal doesn’t like their morning coffee? I won’t completely give it up but I’ll make an effort to watch how much I drink. I know they say that coffee has healthy properties and I wonder if this encludes the decaf?

2. I will find ways to exercise

Whether it’s finding a gym or pacing inside my house I will find a way to walk a bit each day. I can’t stand this sitting around anymore, it’s driving me nuts!

3. I will think of ways to help my mental health

Writing, singing, meditating and spending time with my cats are all ways that I usually try to stay sane. I will due more of this and also limit my social media presence. I will be around just not as much as I used to. I need to do this for myself and keep away from the drama. I don’t usually get involved in drama in the first place but there are times when it finds me. LOL!

4. I will practice more self-care

This is pretty self-explanitory.

I also vow to be there for my friends more, last year I felt like a horrible friend and this needs to change.
I am done with allowing people to walk all over me. Sorry, this is not happening this year.
I will not let others dictate how I should think and feel. Again, self-explanitory.
I will care less about what people think of me. I lost a friend this past year who was like a sister to me because she decided that we couldn’t be friends anymore due to our similar pasts. That really and truly hurt but I’m going to strive to no longer let things like that bother me as I didn’t know her in person, just online. Yes online people are just as good of friends as offline so don’t take that wrong, but she was so unpredictable and that’s all I’ll say about her.
If a person likes me, cool but if not I’m going to just let it go.
I’m going to choose a name and stick with it. I’m sorry to those who get confused when I change my name and I thank those who have stuck beside me no matter what name I choose. I’m grateful to you all but I’m going to pick a name and stick with it this year. To those who can’t understand my need for a name change than I apologize. I know that i have pist some of you off and for that I’m truly sorry and i do understand you being upset about it. All I ask for is a bit of understanding.
Last but not least…I’m going to save money the best way I can. This will be hard to due as we’re living in a situation where it’s tough to do. We can’t afford this place and we’ve made that no secret. If this means giving up things then I will do it.

All of this I will try to make happen this year, Progress as well as failures will be documented.

I wish you all a very happy 2020! May this be your year!

Take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember self-care is good for mental health.

The End of Another Decade and Highlights

Life’s highlights from 2019

Happy New Years Eve to all!

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone, not only the year but a decade as well. Where have the past ten years gone? I was going to attempt to do an end of decade review but I’m not sure I can remember back that far. I’m having a case of CRS as of late. For those who don’t know what that means, (can’t remember shite). Let’s see what I can remember.

2010: Started working for Land to Air.
2011: Got a new computer built by Flint.
2012: Got into a relationship that sucked, legally changed my name, and got an eviction notice at the end of that year due to roaches that didn’t start in our apartment. They came down from up above us from the nasty neighbors.
2013: We went our separate ways and moved out of Spring Street which was mentioned above and got into a relationship that didn’t last very long.
2014: Got diagnosed with cancer and had an opporation to have it removed.
2015: I kissed my best friend’s girlfriend and she liked it.
2016: I left Land to Air, that was one of the biggest mistakes I have made.
2017: I moved to a new apartment building, we lost Megan, I dated someone and we broke up same year and I had a roomate for a while.
2018: I met Farah in January, started dating Farah in March, my roommate moved back home in April, Farah came to visit in May, Farah and her mother moved in September to Minnesota and in November we as a couple cooked our first Thanksgiving dinner together.
2019: Beginning of a new year.

Thanks to Flint for the help with the decade part of this entry.
Now for the year end review of a fallen angel’s life.

Got engaged to Farah on February 13th 2019.
Moved from a 1-bedroom apartment in to a 2-bedroom at the end of March.
Found out in June that my birth mother passed away.
Farah had knee surgery in June so I helped to take care of her while she was recovering.
Found out on July fourth that my grandmother passed away in March while she was visiting Arizona.
Started seeing a nutritionist in July and changed a few things in my diet due to this.
Moved into a townhouse at the end of July.
Had an awesome birthday in August.
Got a job in August working for fun.com.
Met Farah’s grandmother at the end of August/beginning of September. She got here August 28th and had to leave September, a week later due to Hurricane whats her name hitting Florida.
Lost said job in September due to inaccessibility issues. Of course when you’re only called in once a week or so to try and work out things and not more often, it makes it hard to work out all the kinks.
Dropped Debra in September due to low self-esteem, she only made me feel worse and i couldn’t handle it anymore.
Went to ER in October due to a heart issue scare, doctor on call found nothing abnormal and couldn’t find a thing wrong.
I had to wear a heart monitor in November and found out that nothing was wrong with my heart at all.
Went to Pine Island for Thanksgiving in November.
Filled out an application to move back to Colonial Square.
Became a grate aunt on December 12 to a little one named Freya Lynn.
Caught a nasty cold after going to Pine Island to celebrate Xmas which I am dealing with now.

Started studying orcas and the treatment of them in captifity, believe me I’d never go to Sea World. No containment for entertainment!
Got back into studying and researching dolphin behaviors and became a strong voice for the dolphin hunts in Taiji Japan. If you read my public twitter account you’ll see what i mean. My public one is @GothicFairie89
Lost and gained a few friends this year. I miss the ones I’ve lost but it happens and life goes on. I think the one that hurts the most is the one who said that she didn’t think it was a good idea to remain friends with me because we were to much alike in the ways that we suffered the same abuse. You’d think that that would make people want to stick together to be sort of a support system for you but there you have it. I’m ok with this i realize, I don’t need people like that in my life.

It’s been an interesting past 10 years in my life or so I think at any rate. LOL! May there be many more years to come.

No matter what you are doing to celebrate tonight I hope that you have a safe and fun New years eve!
We were going to have a small party but due to both of us being sick and our brother now sick we had to cancel. This makes me sad but we shall make up for it later. Have a grate night and I’ll see you in 2020!

Take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember self-care is a must for your mental health.

A Happy Holiday Season

Dear Readers,

I’m sorry I haven’t written anything new up until now but I’ve been on a mood rollercoaster ride for a bit and when I get like that I don’t feel like doing much at all. I’m feeling much better as far as that goes, now I’m just fighting off a nasty cold that I caught over Xmas while visiting Farah’s mother. Poor Farah caught it as well and so we’ve both been sick for the past few days or so. Man I tell ya, when it rains it pours. Enough about that though, I hope you all have had a happy holiday season.


We went to see Farah’s mother and got stuck in Pine Island due to wintery weather. We weren’t too thrilled about this but we had like three days of Thanksgiving food, leftovers are grate but by the end we were tired of ham and all the other sides we made. We watched the new How The Grench Stole Christmas and it was actually pretty cute. We did have fun while there but we were so glad to be getting home. Farah and I did end up shopping with Mom’s help for each other’s Xmas gifts during the Black Friday sales, that was fun!

Christmas time was here.

For Xmas we went to Farah’s mother’s again, originally she was going to come here but it was decided that since we ordered all the gifts and had them delivered to her house that we’d just go there. Luckily no winter storms trapped us up there. We had fun though. From Farah I got a reborn boy that we named Jameson Charles and a charm bracelet with four different charms to go on it. The first charm was a heart that matches my necklace that she got me for Valentine’s day this year, the second was a curled up kitten, the third was a dream catcher and the fourth was an orca that was hand made. The orca was painted in grate detail, it’s beautiful and it came with a certificate of authenticity. Farah and her mother tried to find a shamrock but they all looked as if they’d come from the bubble gum machine and they also tried to find me a shoe but they too looked awful. I’ve always wanted a charm bracelet or a charm necklace since i was little, I’m amused that I finally got one as an adult.
From me, Farah got an Xbox 1S, legos, modeling clay and some figit things. One of the things is called flarp and I think it is one of the most nasty things I’ve ever touched! It sort of has the consistency of snot. I know, nasty. She has this thing with trying to rub it onto my skin and when I freak out she laughs. It makes the grossest sounds as well. Farah loves it though.
From myself and Farah, mom got a new phone and a new case to go with it and a fairy calender which we’ve decided to make a yearly tradition. The calender that is, not the phone and case.
Since Mom’s friend Terry had no where to go for Xmas, mom invited her and her son over to have dinner with us. Mom was so sick but she was a rockstar on Xmas day. Even though she was suffering and was having trouble breathing she got up and cleaned house and made dinner for all of us. We helped her where she’d allow it but otherwise she was telling us to get the hell out of her way. LOL! Sean who is Terry’s son was very nice, the only thing we didn’t like was when he started talking about how back in his day as a marine it was ok to beat up gays and send them to the hospital. He and mom were talking about how it’s not natural to be gay or lesbian or bi. That pist off both myself and Farah.
All-in-all though, it turned out to be a grate Xmas. I just wish mom would have kept her sickness to herself. She feels really bad that Farah and me got sick. We’re not angry at her, it couldn’t be helped.
I watched Frozen for the first time while at Mom’s and have decided that it is one of my favorite Disney movies, Farah and I are wanting to go see Frozen Two as a date. Yay for date nights which we don’t have enough of.
I’m so happy that Xmas is done now, it really does start way to early in the year.

Tomorrow I’ll try to right again, we’ll have to see how I feel. I’d really like to write one last time before the year ends.

I know this is short but I need to go and lay down again I think, I’m so stuffed up and can’t breathe out of one of my nostrils or as I like to call them snotsils. I hope you all had a wonderful Xmas and hopefully I’ll write again tomorrow.

Take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember self-care is a good thing.

Dinner and Dessert

Good evening everyone.

I hope that you’re all doing well, I’m feeling alright and my energy levels were pretty good today. This makes me very happy!

I have for you two recipes, one you can have for dinner and the other you can have for dessert.
Admittedly I haven’t yet made these two myself but I definitely plan to in the near future. I’m thinking that my Foxalox will like them or at least I hope she will.

Thanks to Mama Peach for these two deliciously looking recipes.

Cheeseburger Casserole


1 pound ground beef
1/4 cup diced onion
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
1/4 cup ketchup
1/4 pound sliced American cheese
1 (8 count) package Pillsbury crescent roll dogh


Brown ground beef; add onion and cook for 10 minutes. Add tomato sauce, ketchup, salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes. Spoon into a 9 inch square baking dish. Arrange slices of cheese on top with crescent roll dough. Bake at 350 degrees until dough is light brown, about 20 to 25 minutes.

Chocolate Cherry Upside Down Cake


1 (21 ounce) can cherry pie filling
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups water
1/4 cup cooking oil
1/4 cup vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla


Spread pie filling evenly over bottom of greased 13 by 9 by 2 inch pan. In large bowl, combine flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, combine water, oil, vinegar and vanilla. Add liquid to dry mixture all at once. Stir just to moisten. Pour batter evenly over pie filling. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool in pan for 10 minutes; invert onto plate and cool.

That’s all for today as I don’t really have anything to write about, I’ll update again soon.

Take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember that self-care is a good thing.


A misfit Angel

Sunday Writings

cairde Dia duit, or in english, hello friends.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday so far. Mine is going well even though the time felll bakc an hour and this always seems to mess with my head for a few days after. I’ll be ok though, I usually am after this happens. :P.

I’d like to apologize for my lack of recipes on halloween, i promised you guys more treats but I didn’t get around to posting. How ever you celebrated if you celebrated, I hope you all had a grate time and were safe.
My samhain was grate. We ended up hangning out with Flint at his house for a bit to do a samhain ritual and then came back to ours and had dinner. I was hoping to host a party this year but we just couldn’t pull it off, perhaps next year?

Can you believe it’s November already? This year has flown by so quickly and I find myself wondering every year as I tend to do where the time has gone. Not too much longer and it will be Xmas, though some stations have already started playing holiday music and Hallmark has decided even before halloween was over that it was time to show Xmas movies. Damn! No more of the sitcoms I like to watch until new years is over. I truly don’t mind Xmas but before Halloween even? That’s just wrong somehow. I’m sure that not everyone agrees with my sentaments and that’s alright too, you are entitled to your oppinions just as I am to mine. No, not angry in case you are wondering, just stating my oppinion.
I do love Xmas music and the holiday season. It used to be my favorite time of the year but now it just seems way too comercialized and that’s really sad. What happened to just being glad to spend time with family? “Remember the reason for the season,” that’s sort of the mantra every year. I can’t get into the holidays anymore, not like I used to be able to do.
New years eve, now that’s a fun day. I’d like to try and have a party this year so we’ll see how that goes.

On the job front, I have nothing to report as of yet. Abby was checking on two places but I’m not sure she got any kind of response or if she did I’m not holding much hope for a positive one.
I was looking on Indeed and found a possible job so I sent it to her to check out. She wants to see what i find because she wants to tell me what she knows about the company and it’s acceptance of the blind. I don’t know, it’s pretty sad that I can’t do this part on my own but I can’t complain either because i feel like she won’t let me fail. I’m very torn on this.
I haven’t totally ruled out Virginia!

I’ve started on a new radio station called VENOM FM. I’m really excited about this project!
The launch was on Friday and I did one hour of the launch. I had a lot of fun. My first show will be on Tuesdays from 2-5 PM Est. This show is called The Healing Circle.

Show description:
Need a place to recover your breath? Then enter The Healing Circle and let Ailish Niamh take you on a healing journey into a land of NewAge and world music. Featuring the sounds of many cultures, from the Emereld Ile of Ireland, to the tribal songs of the Native American people, to the lands from worlds away, Ailish will open your heart and mind and ease you into a healing state of warmth and relaxation.

My second show is called The Quiet Storm. For those who have heard that show before, yes I’m bringing it back again, for those who haven’t here’s the description for that one.

Show description:
Kick back and unwind with that special someone as I bring you three hours of music straight from the heart. Don’t have a special someone? You can still relax and unwind with the quiet storm.

You can find The Quiet Storm from 10PM-1AM eastern on Thursday nights.

I know, not as creative as the other one but my other one was written by my fox who has a very creative streak.

The next station I’m on is XTFM.
My show here is called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Thanks to one of my sis’s boyfriend for that show name.
You can find this show on Saturdays from 1-4 est.
I play all kinds of rock and metal so if this is your thing, join me. I have a segment called Manditory Metallica and another segment called Music News. I have lots of fun with this show.
Well, I’m off for the moment, I’ll be back soon with another entry.


Take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember, self-care is a good thing.

A misfit faerie