Just Tired Posting

Good evening LJ readers.

I made it through the day, the hot and humid summery day. We broke a record from 1961 where the high temperature was 89 degrees, we made it to 95 with a heat index of 100. For those who don’t use Fahrenheit 89 = 31.76 degrees Celsius, 95 = 35 and 100 being 38 degrees Celsius. There was a breeze, so it wasn’t too terribly bad while being outside, inside though was brutal. I had to turn on the air conditioner to cool it off but then we lost power again today, so it turned pretty warm in the apartment. Not sure what caused today’s outage as there weren’t any storms in the area. I’m guessing it was everyone using their air conditioners at once. I was supposed to do my show today on XTFM and I really wanted to do it, but the power wasn’t back on time for me to have done so. The hot weather was supposed to bring us storms again, bad storms but that didn’t end up happening. I guess Mother Nature couldn’t get her act together for us. She sent them to other parts of the state, she just doesn’t like us, we weren’t worthy. I’m sort of glad we didn’t get what they were predicting because I wouldn’t have wanted to lose power again.
I’m being silly of course because I’m getting tired.

Currently I’m listening to Kaylie broadcasting on XTFM. Her show started off really cool as she was playing Mongolian throat singing which I find absolutely fascinating but now she’s playing something that sounds like demons that escaped from the gates of hell. I’m not exactly sure what it is but it’s really freaky. It almost sounded like he’s attempting to curse someone, kind of like Voldemort on steroids. I shouldn’t say things like that though, it’s not very nice of me. I do hope that she plans to play The Hu though because they’re impressive, metal Mongolian throat singing? Yes please. It would be cool to be able to sing like that, I wonder how one learns that art.

I hopped on promo for a bit today, I didn’t end up staying long because for some reason I just didn’t have it in me to stay and play. I don’t know, for some reason I am losing my interest in muds. That’s not a bad thing I suppose.

Tomorrow or later on today, depending on whether you look at it being night time still or a brand new day…I’m going to go with some people and we’re going to try finding rummage sales. Usually on Fridays a group of us get together and we play board games and eat snacks, but since it’s supposed to be so nice outside we’re going to hang out doing something outdoors instead. I’m happy about this as I get bored playing the same games every week. It should be a fun late morning.

Well, not much more to report at this time so I’m going to leave you now. I hope you all have a grate rest of your night or morning depending on your time zone.
Goodnight from a sleepy kitten.

We Made it Through!

Hello once more LJ.

Just a quick update to let you know we made it through the storms tonight. Our patio is a total wreck due to the high winds that came through the area. I don’t know how strong they were exactly but they were saying they were eighty MPH plus. We had a run away garbage can and we’ve got debris all over the place so it will be a day of clean up tomorrow.
The electricity went off as well, we sat in the dark for about 2-1/2 hours or so. I think it could have been worse, we got lucky. Power’s been restored obviously and for that I’m glad.
More storms to roll through our area tomorrow evening and into the night, let’s hope we keep lights on this time. Huh? Thank you Mother Nature, it would be appreciated.

Well, I’m exhausticated so I’m going to go and see if i can’t wind down before going to sleep. Before i go though, here’s my goodnight to you all.

The sun has gone to bed and the moon is high, the stars are blanketing the entire night sky. I can’t stop yawning and I’m thinking it’s time to go to sleep, I’m seriously hoping that my cats don’t make a peep. So goodnight moon that is way up high, goodnight stars that are blanketing the entire night sky, goodnight cats that I hope make not a peep, goodnight LJ, I’m going to sleep. Goodnight house, goodnight to the toy that is the mouse, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere.

Thunder and lightning and tornadoes: Oh My!

Good evening LJ.

Welcome to Winter’s weather report! A tornado watch has been issued for our area until 12:00 AM CST. From this evening through midnight, we can expect to see severe thunderstorms capable of producing large hail, damaging winds and 2-4 inches of rainfall: a tornado or two can’t be ruled out. Pretty fun, huh? I should be a weather girl! When I was a teenager and through my early twenties, I dreamt of having a career in weather reporting. Ever since high school I’ve bene extremely interested in how the weather works and why certain conditions make it happen. There was a time I could identify each type of cloud and its properties. I had an unusual fascination with lightning and what makes it form. I loved looking at photos of tornados and watching videos of them developing. I love thunderstorms with a passion. Unfortunately, when you’re blind a job in weather reporting isn’t possible.

Today I met with my job coach, it went well but no luck on the job circuit yet. After speaking with her about extending my hours at the hotel she’s decided that we are going to talk to my boss together about it. She approached her before regarding this matter and my boss said that she’d love to give me more hours, but things needed to pick up a bit. Well, they have. All our rooms are full all this week, so I’d say that qualifies. Keeping things crossed that my boss says I can pick up a couple extra days, this would make me so happy. I truly do love my job there and the people I work with are the best.

Okay, well I need to run as these storms are getting pretty bad and they’re producing tornado warnings all over the place. I need to get dinner quick which will end up being Panera Bread because Kaylie’s craving it. The storms are getting closer but we have a little bit of time it appears. I just want to make sure our door dasher will be able to get back and I want to have things cleaned up in the kitchen before things hit us. If you are also in the path of severe storms please be safe.

Take care, I’ll write again soon.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

Testing Writing From the Android

Hello LJ.

I don’t have a lot to say at moment but just wanted to test to see how accessible the Android app was for this journal. I have found that it’s sort of a pain but it’s doable. Not sure how often I’ll write from here but one never knows, right? I do have to wonder though if the iPhone’s app is any better. Might have to test that tomorrow or something.

Anyway, I’m tired now and I want to spend time with Kaylie before i crash out. I hope who ever reading this has a grate night. Freya’s in heat so praying that I can actually sleep, poor little girl. Night night.

P.S. I’m having issues finding the post button. LOL! Go figure. :P. Ah well, again night night. girl. Night night.


Bright warm sunshine? Check. Seventy-degree temperatures? Check. Blue skies? Check. Chirping birds? Check. The smell of fresh cut grass? Check. These are all ingredients rolled up into one that make for happy kitties. This is me today.

Hello LJ.

Happiness in abundance right now as spring is showing it’s wonderous things. Man, I’m starting to sound like Mary Poppins, heaven forbid. I just feel grate today, today’s going to be a good day and I can feel it. *sings*, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! No, I’m not a nanny with magical powers. Sorry, clearly, I’m not myself today.

While we’re on the subject though if you want to know the meaning of that word that I had to look up so I could write it here because I can’t spell it, here’s a link to read about it. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: What does it mean? – BBC News


I hope that works.

Highly amusing that is.

I finished watching season one of Heartland and all I have to say is, addicting. I absolutely love this series. I’m not sure if there are any more than ten seasons but that’s all I can find for the moment. I’ll have to look to see if any were made after that, I know there’s a Christmas special as well and I can’t wait to watch that one. If you love horses then it’s a definite must watch but beware, some parts may bring tears. At least it did for me in season one. I started season two this morning and can’t’ wait to get back to it.

Continue reading “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!”

Dedicated to Ozzy, My Fur Angel

Hello LJ.


Sad Entry alert: today’s post is a rather sad one. If this bother’s you, please close out now and don’t read. I don’t want to make anyone else sad too.

If you are still with me, cool. Read on.

This post is dedicated to Ozzy, my beautiful angel who crossed over the rainbow bridge on September 17 2021.

Ozzy Baryshnikov Poss

Jan 18 2003-Sept 17 2021

You are gone but not forgotten. You’ve left pawprints on my heart.

Continue reading “Dedicated to Ozzy, My Fur Angel”

And May the Fourth be With You

Greetings LJ.

What a beautiful day it will be! Today we are supposed to be in the sixties with plenty of sunshine and I’m excited for it. As I write this, I do believe I can hear a lawn mower in the background, a sure sign that spring along with the warmer weather has finally arrived. There are many things about spring that I love such as the return of chirping birds, the smell of freshly cut grass, warmer weather, sunshine returns in abundance, the birth of fresh flowers of many different scents’ sizes and colors and the leaves returning to the trees making everything green again as well as the grass. I’m not so fond of the bugs making a comeback but it goes along with the territory. I don’t like spiders, even the thought of them gives me the creepy crawlies. The bats also fly out again at night to say hello as well and I’m not a huge fan of those either. Overall though, it’s still one of my favorite seasons.

Continue reading “And May the Fourth be With You”

The Simple Things in Life

Hey LJ Readers.

I was thinking about the simple things in life that I’m so appreciative of; things like chirping birds, the shining sun, blue skies, a cat’s purr, a child’s laughter, a baby’s giggle and cooing, a dog’s kisses on your face even though you really don’t want them at times, macaroni and cheese and so many more things I could mention. It’s the simplicity that I love and that I’m so grateful for but is it wrong to want more? I don’t mean wanting more as in things that I can’t have or trying to buy things that I really can’t afford. I mean things like safety and feeling secure. I want a place that I can call home where I don’t’ have to fear psychotic neighbors coming to my house and assaulting myself or Kaylie, a place where things work properly as far as appliances go, where there are no holes in our walls, where there aren’t things sticking up out of the carpet that will hurt our feet or our cat’s paws, where the kitchen floor isn’t coming apart and separating which makes it easy to stub our toes on and most recently a possibility of our mail getting stolen. Yes, we think this may be happening now. I have never lived in a place so messed up in my entire life and I’ve lived in some rundown places before. I don’t think having a better place to live is too much to ask for. I want my own house, not a big house but a small two or three bedroom will do nicely. The home doesn’t even have to have a garage as we don’t’ drive a car being that we are both blind. I’d also like a backyard so that I can have a dog, I know we have our three cats and I love them all very dearly, but I’d like a dog as well. I’m not looking to get a huge dog, just a small or medium size one. Actually, I’d like a Bichon or a Pomeranian, maybe both? Yes, both would be lovely. I truly don’t want much do I? My Qwest to find said house continues, this is one dream I’m not going to stop chasing.

I jumped on Prometheus today for a bit to work on ship descriptions, I still haven’t gotten them done and I’ve been working on it forever it seems. Describing things is fun and I find it therapeutic. Ships and baby clothing are what I like doing the most. I have six children on there as well, three girls and three boys. My girls are Khaleesi, Maris, and Aspen. My boys are Caden, Braden, and Jaden. They each have middle names as well, but I don’t have them showing but they are in a file kept on my hypernet browser. I also have a cat named Jasper on there as well, he’s so adorable. The next pet I will get is going to be a dog, I think I’ll design it to be a Bichon Frise. (Pronounced BEE-shawn FREE-say). I believe I’ll call her Cookie because that’s cute.

Well, I’ve got nothing more for you today so I’m going off to chillax with the thunderstorms rolling through right now, I find them to be so comforting. I’ve decided that’s a good thing to do in the evenings. By the way, Kinder Buenos are the best!

Until next time…take care.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

Beautiful Day

Hello LJ.

Today was beautiful. I was greeted by the smiling sun and chirping birds; I think that there’s no better way to awaken than to warm sunshine and singing birds. The temps were a bit chilly but no matter, it was very cozy in my bedroom. There were three cats laying around me, Mia, Freya, and Luna were just waiting for me to get up and give them their morning treats. Our morning routine begins with me getting up and making a pitstop to, I’m sure you can guess where. Then it’s to the Living room where I turn on the TV and pet the cats. Then time to go off to the kitchen to get the treat jar and give the little princesses their first round of Temptations treats. Fresh water for said three princesses and more food comes next. After I do all of that I finally get to make my coffee and get my breakfast and then take my meds. This is what happens whether I work or not, my cats always come first because we are unpaid cat staff. Well, that and we love them very much. I promise I won’t write about my morning routine that often, boring. Yes? Yep. At least I think so, others may not think so, but I do. It’s because I live it daily. Anyway…moving on.

Continue reading “Beautiful Day”

Hello Kitty

Hello LJ,

Just a quick entry to introduce myself.

The name’s Winter but my friends and fiance call me Kitty. I swear I’m considering legally changing my name to Kitty Jade simply because most call me that. I really don’t mind at all, I think the name Kitty’s pretty cool.

I do have a bio that everyone can check out so I won’t go into interests and such here but feel free to check me out if you like.

For now I must run away and head to the store, I’ll write something a bit longer very very soon.
