Posting From Here Once Again

Good evening/morning depending on how you chooses to look at the time.

It’s been so long since I have posted here but I’m back. I’m still going to post from where I have been posting, I’ll just be posting here as well. For those who have been wondering where my other entries are the link is: and my user name is solsticekitty89.

Just wanted to give a quick update to let you all know this and to say I’m not dead, I’m definitely still alive and kicking.
Also to give another option for those aren’t able to read my LJ.

Everyone take care, I’ll write again soon.

Second job, denied!

Quote of the Day:
Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.
William Ellery Channing

Greetings Readers.

The quote I have chosen for today is something I needed to see, I got a bit of discouraging news last night when checking e-mail and I just needed this. While I’m not in a conflict with anyone I think it still applies. The human spirit grows strong by disappointment, I believe it makes one work harder to find what will eventually make one happy. Sure, it’s all right to be down about it for a bit but then you got to get back out there and keep going. The news I got was something that made me disappointed but I’m resilient and I will persevere.
So, what is this news that was so disappointing you may be asking? Well, I didn’t get the job I had applied for, and I feel sad about it. I know they must have had their reason but after the interview and being told that it went very well, I was thinking that maybe, just maybe I would get it. I’m not arrogant or anything, it just sounded so positive. I do congratulate the person that did get it though, I’m happy for him or her. While I was excited and really wanted that job, I know that even though I didn’t get this one I’ll find something. I’m not giving up the search, eventually I’ll find one meant for me.

The apartment hunt continues.
For the past couple of days, I have bene madly searching for a new home for us to move to. So far? Nothing. Everything is either too expensive or already has been rented out. I’ve even searched for townhomes and regular houses for rent and still, nope. those are just not affordable, more expensive than apartments in fact. So, today the search continues. I refuse to sign another lease here if I don’t’ have to. There are a couple available now, wonder if my current residents will complain about us leaving with one month left of our lease? With all of the crap that we’ve had to put up with for the past three years, they should just let us go without a fight. Besides from what I’m hearing there’s a waiting list to get into here. More power to the next person who rents this place.

So, I’ve got a treat for you today when it comes to recipes!
Ice Cream Sundae Pie, sounds delicious, doesn’t it? I thought so.
Now I personally haven’t made this one yet, but I definitely intend to, it would make an excellent summertime dessert.

Ice Cream Sundae Pie


1 chocolate flavored pie crust
1 quart ice cream, softened
1 (12 ounce) jar chocolate fudge topping
Whipped cream
Maraschino cherries


Spoon softened ice cream into crust. Cover and freeze until firm, about 3 hours. Serve pie wedges with fudge topping, whipped cream and cherries. Add nuts, if desired.

Seems simple enough I think. If you do get the chance to make this delectable sounding pie let me know and also tell me if you liked it. Enjoy!

Well, that’s it from here for now. Take care of yourselves and one another. As always I’m wishing you much positivity and blessings.
I know you can’t see me, but I’m waving goodbye. *giggle*.

Second job, denied!

Quote of the Day:

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.
William Ellery Channing

Greetings LJ Readers.

The quote I have chosen for today is something I needed to see, I got a bit of discouraging news last night when checking e-mail and I just needed this. While I’m not in a conflict with anyone I think it still applies. The human spirit grows strong by disappointment, I believe it makes one work harder to find what will eventually make one happy. Sure, it’s all right to be down about it for a bit but then you got to get back out there and keep going. The news I got was something that made me disappointed but I’m resilient and I will persevere.
So, what is this news that was so disappointing you may be asking? Well, I didn’t get the job I had applied for, and I feel sad about it. I know they must have had their reason but after the interview and being told that it went very well, I was thinking that maybe, just maybe I would get it. I’m not arrogant or anything, it just sounded so positive. I do congratulate the person that did get it though, I’m happy for him or her. While I was excited and really wanted that job, I know that even though I didn’t get this one I’ll find something. I’m not giving up the search, eventually I’ll find one meant for me.

The apartment hunt continues.
For the past couple of days, I have bene madly searching for a new home for us to move to. So far? Nothing. Everything is either too expensive or already has been rented out. I’ve even searched for townhomes and regular houses for rent and still, nope. those are just not affordable, more expensive than apartments in fact. So, today the search continues. I refuse to sign another lease here if I don’t’ have to. There are a couple available now, wonder if my current residents will complain about us leaving with one month left of our lease? With all of the crap that we’ve had to put up with for the past three years, they should just let us go without a fight. Besides from what I’m hearing there’s a waiting list to get into here. More power to the next person who rents this place.

So, I’ve got a treat for you today when it comes to recipes!
Ice Cream Sundae Pie, sounds delicious, doesn’t it? I thought so.
Now I personally haven’t made this one yet, but I definitely intend to, it would make an excellent summertime dessert.

Ice Cream Sundae Pie


1 chocolate flavored pie crust
1 quart ice cream, softened
1 (12 ounce) jar chocolate fudge topping
Whipped cream
Maraschino cherries


Spoon softened ice cream into crust. Cover and freeze until firm, about 3 hours. Serve pie wedges with fudge topping, whipped cream and cherries. Add nuts, if desired.

Seems simple enough I think. If you do get the chance to make this delectable sounding pie let me know and also tell me if you liked it. Enjoy!

Well, that’s it from here for now. Take care of yourselves and one another. As always I’m wishing you much positivity and blessings.
I know you can’t see me, but I’m waving goodbye. *giggle*.

Dark and Stormy Morning

Quote of the day:
“Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.”
Nora Roberts

Good morning LJ Readers.

It was a dark and stormy morning at the Fox Den in Mankato Minnesota and Winter was awakened by booming thunder and the sound of pouring rain. The cats sensing someone was up in the house followed the unsuspecting older Kitty to the living room hoping for their morning treats, however it was too early being that it was only 5:13 AM and their tasties didn’t come until seven or eight. You can about imagine the three princess’s disappointment when Winter kitty sat down in front of her computer to check the weather to see how bad things were because she was under a severe thunderstorm watch until 8:00 AM. Learning that it wasn’t to be that bad she decided to start writing and the three princesses sadly went back to their various royal sleeping places, Princess Freya under Winter’s desk, Princess Mia back to curl up next to Kaylie and Princess Luna found her soft comfy cat bed. Unfortunately, the princess kitties just had to wait until their regular time to get those tasties that they so badly craved.

LOL! Writing like that was kind of fun. I should really get back in to creating stories again, I found that immensely enjoyable.

I wanted to wish you all a happy Memorial Day, those who celebrate it at any rate. Today while gathering with family and friends, never forget the fallen who sacrificed their lives so that we may have the freedoms that we enjoy now. If this isnt’ a day that you observe and celebrate I hope your day is filled with many blessings and much positivity. Know that you are all loved, cherished and that you matter always.

Yesterday Kaylie was at the ER. Both of us have bene waking up in the mornings with headaches and we don’t know what is causing them, only hers have been far worse than mine have been. She’s had this issue for about a week and mine have been happening for about the last four mornings. Along with her headaches she’s been getting dizzy, feeling weak, getting nauseous feverish and light sensitivity. I’m not sure if she told me anything else she’s been feeling but she’s been pretty bad and had a bunch of us worried. Part of that sounds like migraine symptoms and it’s possible that she’s getting those because those run in her family. Her mother, sisters and one of her uncles get them pretty bad. I myself am a migraine sufferer but my genetics are not tied to hers obviously. LOL! Anyway, they did a CT (cat scan) and a whole hosts of blood work to see if they could spot the problem. Both the CT and the bloodwork came back normal, the doctor said the next step would be to do a spinal tap to evaluate her spinal fluids to see if they could pinpoint anything because of her frequent headaches or to rule out spinal meningitis. They did say that it was unlikely that she had the latter because if she did have it, she’d already be dead, that needs to be treated quickly to avoid that. They also said that she could have a mild case of spinal meningitis and the only way to treat that is…well there’s nothing they can do for treatment, she’d just have to ride it out for the next week or so. They decided not to go that route, the spinal tap that is. it’s a painful process and the doctor said he’d either do more harm the good or good then harm if he did this meaning he could introduce an infection that isnt’ there. In the end, they sent her home with a couple prescriptions that they’re hoping will help her with the nausea and the headaches, they gave her a steroid before releasing her which they said should last about three days. She did say she was feeling somewhat better so this makes me glad. Now to figure out my headaches, I didn’t wake with one this morning and thank the goddess for that! The only thing I’m feeling at this moment is a bit of neck pain but it’s a dull ache, nothing that isn’t manageable.

Before I run off to find breakfast and make coffee, have a recipe for Chocolate Peanut Butter Dessert. It sounds heavenly to me.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Dessert


2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup butter, melted
2/3 cup chopped peanuts
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
1 cup powdered sugar
1 (12 ounce) container whipped topping
1 ( serving-size) box instant chocolate pudding mix
1 (4 serving-size) box instant vanilla pudding mix
3 cups milk
1 chocolate candy bar


Combine graham cracker crumbs, butter and peanuts. Press into bottom of 9 by 13 inch pan. Cream together peanut butter and cream cheese. Add powdered sugar; mix well. Fold in whipped topping. Spread on crust. Mix pudding mixes with milk. Pour on top of Cream Cheese Layer. Chill for 5 minutes to set. Top with remaining whipped topping. Shave chocolate bar for garnish. Chill for 2 hours.

I’m hoping that worked to put the recipe behind a cut, I know it didn’t work before but I’m still trying to remember how all of this works. Normally I use word press but I decided to go back to this for a while.

Anyway, the storms have passed for now so I’m off for that said breakfast and coffee hunt. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
Take care of yourselves and one another.
Bye bye!

Ramblings From a Sleepy Kitty

Quote of the day:
Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.
William Faulkner

Hey LJ Readers, I hope this morning finds you all doing well.

I’m awake way too early and I’m not sure why. I’m so tired but for some reason I am unable to sleep anymore. I suppose it’s because I’ve got too much on my mind and don’t know how to shut off my brain long enough to allow myself to drift off. I’m hungry too and that’s never a good thing, way too early to eat breakfast or make coffee. Hmm, coffee. Might be a good idea after all? I don’t know, I can’t think straight. Sleep, yes sleep. I need more sleep. Ugh!

My appointments went well yesterday and for that I am glad.
I’m still waiting to hear back from my job interview from Tuesday but that will be early next week I’d think since they will be making their final decision either today or tomorrow. Hoping I get a yes, I could really use the extra financial boost, it would definitely help us with getting out of this area we are in now.

A little recipe for those who love their iced tea, I do but this one sounds a bit too sugary for my taste buds.

Lipton Brisk Iced Tea


3 Lipton tea bags (regular size)
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon Kool-Aid lemonade unsweetened drink mix


Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil in a large saucepan. Add the tea bags and remove the pan from the heat. Let the tea steep for at least 1 hour. Pour the granulated sugar and Kool-Aid drink mix into a 2-quart pitcher. Add the tea and stir so that the sugar dissolves. Add additional water if necessary to bring the tea to the 2-quart mark on the pitcher. Chill well before serving.
Makes 2 quarts.

Personally, I think that there’s way too much sugar in there for just two quarts, some like their sugar though so to each their own. For me though, way too sweet for my tastes, I can’t eat or drink anything too sweet anymore. Perhaps it can be adjusted though? Hmmm, something to consider if I make this drink.

That’s all I’ve got for now, I just wanted to give a small update since I was up and needing a bit of a distraction from my thoughts.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.

The Good, The Bad And The World’s ugliness

Good evening LJ Readers.

I’ve bene sitting here thinking instead of sleeping like I should be doing, but I can’t.
I saw a news story today that has me feeling all sorts of emotions: anger because I don’t’ understand how laws haven’t been put in place for gun control especially after Sandy Hook, sadness because children again were targets of a mad man who decided that shooting up an elementary school was a good idea and the loss of life has me heartbroken, and confusion because this was allowed to happen again because of no gun control laws after mass shootings or any shooting for that matter just to name a few. Nineteen children and 3 adults or that was the last count I heard were killed in Texas in a mass school shooting, I want to know why. I want to know why and how this could happen…again. Why do we not have better gun control laws? Why are people who are mentally unstable allowed to just go out there and purchase a gun? You know, I have been reading a series where guns are banned and the penalty for owning one is prison time if you are caught. Why can’t it be like that here? Why are there blueprints on how to 3D print a gun? I hate guns with a passion! I know I know, everyone keeps telling me that it isn’t the gun that kills it’s the person behind the gun. Yes, I know this! I am very much aware of this fact, but people who shouldn’t have them keep getting their hands on them. When are changes going to be made? How many more children have to die at the hands of a killer before new laws come into effect? How many more families have to grieve for the loss of a loved one, not just a child but a loved one? I’m so afraid to sleep right now, I’m afraid of the dreams that may come from this story. I wish, I wish I could make all the changes on my own because if it were up to me guns wouldn’t exist in this world anymore. They would all be banished never to be seen again, never to be used for the purpose of murder. I don’t care if people carry them for protection, there are other ways. There are other ways to protect yourself, guns are not needed. What about hunting you may be asking? Well, that’s easy, go back to the use of the bow and arrow like was done way back in the times of history where the Native Americans hunted. We could have learned a lot from them. I don’t want to think anymore. You can say I’m narrow minded but that’s alright with me. Guns just should not exist and they are evil tools.
I can’t do this, I can’t think about this anymore. My eyes are teary again.

So I came across this recipe that looks interesting, I want to try to make it. It’s for banana rhubarb pie, I love both bananas and rhubarb so I think it could be wonderful. I think the next time I have the money I will go and get the ingredients for it.
Now I’m going to try and put this behind a cut, not sure if I’ll be successful as I haven’t done this in ages but here goes. If it doesn’t work, I apologize.

Banana Rhubarb Pie


1 pound rhubarb, sliced (3 cups)
3 medium ripe bananas, peeled and sliced (3 cups)
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup orange juice
3 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 (9 inch) pie crusts
1 tablespoon butter or margarine


Combine rhubarb, bananas, sugar, orange juice, flour, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg; pour into pastry-lined pie plate. Dot with butter. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place top crust on filling; cut vents. Bake for 15 minutes; reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 30 minutes longer, or until pie is brown. Cool completely.

If you try this recipe, I hope it turns out good and that you enjoy it.

I had my job interview today and it went well, even my interviewer said that she thought it went well. She said that they’ll be making a decision for the position on either Thursday or Friday so hopefully I’ll know something by early next week. I was nervous but there was no need to be, she was so nice and fun too. It was definitely one of the most light hearted interviews I’ve ever had. So, I wait which is the hardest part.\

Well, I’m off I think. I have two doctor’s appointments tomorrow and I need to try and catch some zees. I’m sorry for the rant starting off this posting but I just…I needed to get it all out. I’m still worried about sleeping but I need to try.

I hope you all have a good night and take care of yourselves. Hug your loved ones tight and let them know you love them because you just never know, you just never know.

Love from an upset kitty.

Keeping Fingers Crossed

Greetings LJ!

This morning while on route to work I got a phone call from my job coach and do you know what she told me? She told me that I have a job interview tomorrow at 4:15 PM. It’s the job that I applied for last week. I thought it might be longer before i heard anything but imagine my surprise when the call came in telling me they want to interview me on Tuesday. Oh how nervous I am but excited too. They asked my job coach if I’d be comfortable with leading an activity with 10-15 people and she said she was sure that I would be. I told her that yes, I’d be fine doing that. Squeeeeeeeee! I’ll keep you all posted on how things go. Keeping fingers and everything else that I can cross that things go well.

Today I was speaking with one of my co-workers at work and she told me how to make homemade tartar sauce for fish. It sounds super easy and I’m going to try it the next time I have fish for dinner. Speaking of fish she also told me that i should try mahi mahi, usually I love my tilapia but I’m willing to try something new. She also mentioned orange roughy which I remember that type of fish from when I was little. My mother used to make that one all the time. I didn’t appreciate the health benefits of that particular food back then but now that I’m older I totally get it. The problem with orange roughy though is that it’s hard to find now, at least that’s what my co-worker tells me but she says that you cna find mahi mahi so I’ll look for that one. Talking about fish is making me hungry for it. Hmm, maybe fish for dinner tomorrow evening? Yep I think so, I do have some tilapia in the freezer. I’ll make that with some veggies.

Well, I’m tired so I’m off I think. I’ll write again soon.
Take care of yourselves.
Goodnight to my readers.

Exciting Day

Hello from an extremely excited Kitty!

Today I met with my job coach, and she told me something very exciting, she told me she had a possible job for me. There’s a place in North Mankato called Vista Prairie that is looking for an activity’s assistant. She told them about me and how I love to socialize with people and that I have a shining personality and she suggested me for the position. The director asked her a few questions about me and she’s excited to meet with me. Becky, that’s my job coaches name, did tell her that I’m blind and that didn’t bother the director at all: in fact, she said that there’s a man there who just had a stroke and lost his vision and that maybe I could connect with him and help him out. There’s another person there that just ordered some jumbo print bingo cards and Becky told her that I have games that I could play with the residents that are braille and have large print on them. The director said that sounds perfect. Oh, I’m so excited!!! I don’t want to seem overly confident though, there’s always the chance that I won’t get it, but it sounds so promising. So, the director told her to have me fill out an application which we’ve done and now I just wait for her call. She said she’d look for my application and call as soon as she could, after she’s looked over everything. I so hate waiting but I must, I must wait and attempt to stay calm. Squeeeeeeeeee!

We are under a tornado watch until 10:00 PM tonight. There was a storm that came through here earlier, but it moved extremely fast: ever since the sky’s been talking and the temperatures have been on the rise. Apparently, the conditions are perfect for severe thunderstorms and tornadic activity. I just hope that we don’t lose power again, that was awful. Hmmm, think I’ll open the living room window and become one with nature.

Yesterday I missed both my appointments due to transportation issues, I was able to get them rescheduled though which is a good thing. I was disappointed especially about missing my one with Grace who is my nutritionist because I always feel so much better after meeting with her. She helps my self-esteem, I don’t’ have a particularly good one. Those of you who know me well know that about me though.

While sitting at my desk earlier today this you tube link came across my phone, it was 21 Ways You Are Hurting Your Cat Without Realizing. I decided to give it a watch being that I’m a cat slave. There were things that I didn’t realize were bad actually like their food and how you aren’t supposed to feed your cat the same food for their entire life. I feed mine the same brand of food all the time because I know it’s what they like, and it helps their coats stay shiny. Also, it’s easy for them to digest. I learned a few things by watching this and maybe others will too, so I thought I’d share it.

21 Ways You Are Hurting Your Cat Without Realizing by Jaw-Dropping Facts

Here’s another for cat care.

20 Things You Should Stop Doing to Your Cat

Some of the things in the second video are the same as in the first but there are different no nos as well. Like I said, I learned a few things. I’ve got one more for you.

19 Signs Your Cat’s Begging for Help

I hope this was informational and helped a bit. We who have cats love them and want to make sure they are well taken care of and well loved.

Well, my stomach is telling me that it’s about dinner time so I’m off. I’m hearing that the threat for severe weather is dwindling but we still have our tornado watch so I’m going to still stay weather aware

You all take care of yourselves and I’ll write again soon.

Just a Small Update

Dear Diary,

Had to say it, it’s how I used to start diary entries when I was a teen. I was just thinking of that and decided to start off this way for nostalgia. Man, I wish I still had my journals from back then. All of the teenage drama and writing about how much I hated my life. How my parents were cramping my style and the heart brake from crushing on someone who didn’t’ feel the same way I did. Yep, friend zoned all the way.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the past lately and about the people from those times. So many I miss and wishing I still had contact with them and wanting back the ones who have gone on before me. I hope they’re partying it up over there and saving a spot for me. I wish I had them all back again, life seemed so much easier then. A lot of good times but half as many tough times as well, I don’t miss the tough times, but I do long for the good ones. I know we can’t go back again but I do wish I could sometimes.

Hocus Pocus, one of my favorite movies. Well, this fall a sequel is coming out and I’m not sure how I feel about this. There are times sequels work and times they don’t, I’m not sure Hocus Pocus needs a part two. I mean it probably won’t have Binx in it and I love that cat, who wouldn’t want a talking cat living with them? I suppose I will give it a fair chance; it just may surprise me.

Watch out – the Sanderson sisters will be back this fall in the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved 1993 film, “Hocus Pocus.

Something else exciting is happening at Taco Bell! Oh yes, something that I’ve missed eating is making a comeback apparently.

Taco Bell is bringing Mexican pizza back after a two-year absence from the menu.

I’m a happy kitty to hear this. I’ll have to eat one before I start my vegetarian quest, you know, For old time’s sake.

Today I go to see my nutritionist, I love going to see her because she always makes me feel better. Unfortunately I missed my morning appointment due to transportation messing up. It’s okay though, that one got rescheduled for next Wednesday.
More apartment hunting shall happen this afternoon after I return home from my appointment. I thought I had a lead but it’s beyond our price range which is a total bummer. I thought we had a new place but nope. Not giving up though, never giving up until we are out of here.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for now, I’ll write again very soon.
Take care everyone.

The 4-Day Update

Hello LJ readers.

I’ve got a few days to catch you up on so, here we go!

• Last Friday

Last Friday was grate, I went to four rummage sales I believe it was and found some cool stuff at three of them. The fourth sale was way overpriced for being a rummage sale. At the first sale I found a wooden lighthouse to send to Kaylie’s grandmother, she loves nautical décor, and her house is filled with it. I’m hoping that she likes it or that she doesn’t have one like it. I also found a little keepsake box with a butterfly on it. I don’t think I added to my profile that I love butterflies. Anyway, I ended up giving that to Kaylie. She saw it and thought it was cute so I told her she could keep it if she wanted to. Then just across the street from the first one a second house had a sale. There I found some baby clothes for the reborns and a sign that reads “Love is what makes our house a home.” I can’t wait to hang that on our wall. Finally at the third sale I found a backpack that looks like mermaid scales which I think is absolutely adorable and a coffee cup that reads “I love you more than I love my coffee but not before I’ve had my coffee.” My friend Marie saw that and said, “This is so totally you.” I laughed and just had to buy it. Guilty, I love my coffee. Oh, and at the last one I found a blanket, a really soft blanket in different shades of blue. So, that makes five we went to and not four like I first thought. The blanket I gave to Kaylie as well since she always seems to be cold. Rummage sales are fun, the people were so nice at each place we visited as well, and I only spent like $14.25. Not bad at all.

I was watching the Nick Cannon show…don’t judge me. LOL! Nick was talking about what the top five cereals were, there were some rather good ones on there but some of these I disagree with. So, his top five along with the audience’s participation were:
5. Fruit Loops
4. Frosted Flakes
3. Captain Crunch
2. Cocoa Puffs
And finally, 1. Honey Nut Cheerios
Now I do agree that most of these cereals are good, but I don’t like Captain Crunch for one thing. For two Fruit Loops would be higher on my list. If I had to pick the top five cereals, these are what I’d choose:
5. Kellogg’s Raisin Bran
4. Cinnamon Life
3. Honey Nut Cheerios
2. Lucky Charms
And one. Fruit Loops
Those are my top five favorites. I love my cereal; I should really eat more of it at breakfast time. Also, cereal’s awesome for dinner too, any time of day really.

This peace of medical news is awesome! If they would have figured this out a long time ago, my twin sister may still be alive. I’m glad they figured this out though, can you imagine how many babies’ lives may be saved now? I’m happy that no more babies or families will have to suffer this fate.

KEYC News Now: A medical research breakthrough might have just solved the mystery of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Corey Taylor, CMFT. This guy is so amazing! Corey’s one of my favorite artists, he’s got a solo career, he’s the lead vocalist for Slipknot and he’s the front man for Stone Sour. Also, he’s authored a few books which I still have yet to read. Now he’s got this nonprofit organization for first responders and military who suffer from PTSD.

BLABBERMOUTH.NET: COREY TAYLOR Launches Non-Profit Organization Aiding Members Of Military And First Responders With PTSD

• Last Saturday

I had to work last Saturday but the day went fast as it always does. I was quite busy which is a good thing, lots of towels and sheets needing to be folded. One of my bosses made pizza though for lunch to show her appreciation for all the hard work we do. That’s what she said it was for at any rate. :P. It was quite delicious.
It was Vampy’s birthday, and we were supposed to go out to celebrate but deciding where to go took forever so we rescheduled for Sunday.
Kaylie got some new teacups and a few assorted flavors of loose-leaf teas, we just had to try them. I’m not sure what the flavor was but it was exceptionally good. We decided to have tea together every evening, unfortunately it didn’t happen on Sunday night which I was sad about.

• Last Sunday, yesterday

Yesterday I worked again. I ended up working with someone who used to be a housekeeper but is now doing laundry. I’m not sure why and I didn’t want to pry so I didn’t ask. She was nice though and we talked most of the day while working. She loves the music I listen to; I was surprised because I was playing rock and she’s an elderly woman. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the elderly can’t listen to rock but she was talking about ACDC, and I think she mention Kiss. She doesn’t care much though for the really heavy metal though; she says when they scream, she can’t even call that music anymore. She says that she wonders if you can call that music at that point. That made me laugh pretty hard. I asked her if Metallica was all right, and she said she wasn’t really a fan, but she could tolerate some of their songs.
We tried to go out for Vampy’s birthday again, but it was a no go. Lyft and Uber just don’t run as much as it once did here in Mankato. With some people still worried about covid and the college students out of school for the year we don’t’ seem to have any drivers. It sucked but what can we do?
Kaylie and I missed our teatime last night because I went to the grocery store, and I got back a bit late, and I had to get up for work the next day early. I felt bad because I was the one that suggested we have teatime every evening. Kaylie was ok though and I was forgiven.

• Monday

Today I went to work, I was so tired due to the lack of sleep. I woke up twice with a headache and heartburn from hell. It was no fun I tell you, no fun at all. My day went pretty fast for a Monday though, I was busy all day so I think that helped the time go by. My boss came in to tell me she was leaving though, she found a better job and while this makes me sad, I’m very happy for her and hope that her new job works out for her. I will miss her.
Kaylie’s mother came over tonight and Kaylie made burgers on the George Foreman grill. They were so good even though she did put cinnamon sugar in them. I’m not sure if this was on purpose or if it was accidental. She does love to experiment with cooking as I do but some things you just don’t add into burgers. Like I said though, they were very good and she did an awesome job at making them. Mom made fried potatoes, she was the first to use our new pots and pans. She thinks they came out too greasy but they sure tasted good. She noted that when cooking with copper don’t use too much oil, she said only use about a table spoon. I don’t eat a lot of grease, I try not to do that but one night won’t hurt.
Kaylie and I had our evening tea which was relaxing and peaceful. Tonight’s tea flavor? Rose. I do adore rose tea, it’s lovely.
Now I’m tired and will probably bring this entry to a close.

I hope you all have a wonderful night/morning, depending on your time zone.
Take care of yourselves.
I’ll be back soon with more from the fox den, we call our home the fox den.
Anyway, night night everyone.