News On Casey Casum

This is very very sad news indeed. I’m not sure if this source is reliable as I got it from an e-mail list but here you go.


I heard a report on KPCC that Casey Casum is near death from
Parkinson’s disease. I guess his second wife had quite a battle with the
children of the first marriage about his care. Apparently he has not
been able to talk for months and is said to be in grave condition. They
talked about his career with Don Bastani (I don’t know how to spell any
of these names) and even included the famous blooper about the death
songs and those pictures he wanted to see. Obviously, this is terrible
news for those who listened to his American Top 40 shows. They said he
had some slight pneumonia, but basically with the Parkinson’s disease his
decline will be a slow process leading ultimately to starvation if
pneumonia doesn’t kill him first.


If this is true, it’s sad like i said above. I used to listen to Casey Casum all the time. I found him amusing and a very awesome on air personality. It’s so hard to see him as playing Shaggy from the Scooby Doo cartoons after hearing some of the outtakes that he did. I chuckle to myself when I think of them, i can hear him in my head now swearing at the long distance dedication that he got for a dog that had passed away. Apparently he had just played an upbeat song and had to go right into the dedication. It royally ticked him off. If you haven’t heard it, you should try and get your hands on it, it’s funny. Just wanted to post this for anyone who listened to him like I did. Hopefully his final days are made comfortable for him and that once he does leave this world he has one hell of a party when he gets to the other side.

Back soon with a new entry. I’ve been working on it for a while now.


Cryptic And Not So Cryptic

10:00 AM 1/20/2014

I finally allowed the tears to fall. Tears that I had tried to hold back because I kept trying to convince myself that you weren’t worth them. I tried to tell myself that I was just fine and that it didn’t matter that you had done what you did. We were not together anymore so why should it matter, right? Oh yes, I know, I know everything. I was sad and hurt at first after we had decided what we had decided, but then after I found out what you had done and everything you you did it all turned into anger. So my tears were tears of anger, not tears of sadness or because I was in pain. I don’t think you will ever understand how I felt after I found out. I could never have done something like that to you, especially after you told me how much you loved me and cared for me. I truly doubt now that you meant everything you had told me. I mean if you had waited a month, 2 months it wouldn’t have hurt so bad but not even 48 hours after? Come on! I have been a mess ever since i was told of what you had done. I suppose this is why I have bene a bit distant with you. There are times now that I feel that maybe i’m not relationship material and that I’ll end up single for the rest of my natural born life. Maybe that would be for the best. No chance of me hurting anyone and no chance for my heart to get shattered again. Who knows. I may not have bene everything you wanted/needed but I did love you, that I still can do, love. Anymore love I may have felt for you is totally gone. I may still be able to be friends but I’ll never forget what you did, how my feelings were shattered into a million little shards after I learned what happened between you and her. I wasn’t going to write about this at all but it’s one of the only ways for me to get my feelings out. Writing’s my therapy. I was afraid that if I spoke to you in voice, my anger would come out too much and I might have said something I may have regreted later. I did not use names in this portion of my entry, I don’t have to because you know who you are if in fact you read this at all. I’ll be around if you want/find the need to talk. Please, if we do talk about it, don’t say anything just to placate me because I’m not that stupid. I’m not one who can be placated. If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine too but I do ask that I be given time, time to think and reflect. You have to admit how bad that looks even if it wasn’t your intent.

3:48 PM 1/20/2014

It was the Patriots VS the Broncos, Seattle VS the 49ers. I wanted to see the Patriots go to the Super Bowl but it was not to be. They were beat by the Broncos 26/16. They just couldn’t get it together enough to win it this year. Oh well, there’s always next year. As for who I wanted to win between Seattle and the 49ers? I wasn’t sure who I wanted to win. Seattle won it and so now it’s the Broncos and Seattle at the Super Bowl. I’m going to cheer on the Broncos. There will be a Super Bowl party at my house. Just because my New Years party ended up being a flop doesn’t mean my Super Bowl party will be. It could be fun. I am a bit disappointed that I won’t have the Patriots to cheer on though. :D. I asked Flint if he’d like to come to the party and he laughed at me because he hates sports all together. I told him, “I know you don’t like football but you can just come for the food and company.” Not sure if he’ll join me or not but we’ll see.

1:50 PM 1/21/2014

Another day, another dollar. Yep, I’m at work currently as I was yesterday when I started writing this. i’m beginning to wonder if I’ll finish it anytime soon. :D. Anyhow, my job’s still fun, still love it at Land To Air. Not a lot to report from that part of my life. I work four days aweek now, three out of the for are from 8:00 to 5:00 PM. One of my favorite drivers retired this past weekend. The cool thing is, he’s still around because Jason will have him doing small things around the office such as errands and things of that nature and not driving the shuttles any longer. He was done with that part of his job. Personally, I’m glad he will still be around because he’s really nice and funny too. He once laughed at me when I called him a dirty old man. LOL!

I am emotionally, physically and mentally tired. I really need another vacation. Maybe I’ll go visit Michigan or Texas or Mass or ND. Hey, it could be fun. IL would be fun as well. So many places I know people. :P. As long as I’m welcome, I’d love to go see friends and family.

I’m tired of the winter season already, hopefully spring will be here soon. Our weather person, Mark Tarello has this to say, “WARM WEATHER LOVERS: It’s 56 days until the official start of Spring!” I hope he’s right, I can’t wait for one of my absolute most favorite season to return. I miss the birds, the warmer weather, the spring air and it’s scents. I sooo can’t wait! I have two new pairs of shoes I can’t wear because it’s winter and they would not do well in the snow. One pair is a black pair that is kind of like a shoe/boot. that’s the best way to describe it. The other is a pair of white tennis shoes but are really cool, made by Airwalk, these shoes are going to be sooo comfortable. I love my Airwalks! I’m not really into brand name clothes/shoes but I do have a thing for Airwalks. I guess it’s because of the funky colors they come in at times. LOL! Right now I have like 6 pairs of Airwalks, all different looking. What can I say, I’m just a different type of woman.

11:27 AM 1/23/2014

Yesterday I went in search of a new winter coat. I didn’t find one which sucks but nothing to be done for it. Everyone seems to be low on winter supplies. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t gone from Mankato to Minneapolis. I decided that because we had made the trip all that way I’d look for new jeans and some new shirts. I found both jeans and shirts so I was all excited about that. I got one pair of black jeans and a pair of dark blue. I found two hoodies, one purple and one sky blue. The I got a red fleese shirt. Let’s see, I got a black sweater that is really really super soft and warm. I got another shirt that is a plum collor and it’s soft and warm as well. The last thing I found was a new sleep shirt wich is red. While shopping, I felt like a doll and someone was playing dress up with me. I kept getting passed clothes and the person saying, here, try this on. Thank you Deborah. LOL! Trish went with us and she said she had fun, I hope she really did. She ended up buying some bracelets and I thought she said a necklace. I’m not 100 percent sure about the necklace but I thought she said that was one of the things she had gotten. On the way there we stopped at Holiday so Deborah coudle get gas and I got some breakfast. We then went to Mcdonalds drive through so that Trish could get her breakfast. Deborah said she should have gotten breakfast at Holiday but Trish wasn’t interested. Had I known we were going to end up at McDonalds, I’d have gone there too. LOL! Like I said, fun day yesterday. Oh and everything I bought was on clearance, so that was awesome. I didn’t buy anything I didn’t need, what I got I needed.

Cassie and I are looking to get a town house together. There are things going on at our current location that we don’t agree with and the gossip is horrible. Way too much he said/she said stuff for our liking. It will be fun! Cassie and I get along well and we know that we both can afford to go halves on rent and bills. I’ll be looking, that is unless I move to Ireland like i’ve been asked if I like to do. That would be ok too, it would be a new start, new beginnings. I’m still weighing my options though. I have a lot to consider when making this huge decision.

Well, I don’t have too much more to say so going to go ahead and end this and post it. I’ll write again at some point in time.

This entry was meant in no way to anger, upset, hurt, piss off, annoy, or any other emotion you can think of. Just sayin.



Past Friends

Hi readers.

I’m currently just sitting here going through some of the music on my computer and drinking tea to keep off the chills of being sick. Ever notice how certain types of music or spacific songs bring you back to the past? That’s what I’m dealing with now. Listening to songs from 2000/2001 bring back memories of people i used to be friends with and miss deeply.

First there’s Eddie. Eddie was an interesting character. He had a great sense of humor and was always kind. There were times we had our arguements but we always seemed to make up and be ok again. Ride With Me by Nellie, (I think that’s how it’s spelled) makes me think of him because that was one of his favorite songs at the time.

Then there was Kari. i say was because bless her soul is now gone. She passed away in 2002 I believe. She had her quirks just like we all do and there were times I thought I’d kick her arse but she was there for me for the most part. She was sweet most times. She and Eddie became a couple and I totally gave her shite because she was married to a really good man and had children with him. Blind INC had a way of making you come together even if you knew you weren’t supposed to. Sorry if i’ve offended people by saying that but that place and I always butted heads. Of course if it weren’t for that place, i’d have never met Jim.

Then there was Brad and Will. I don’t know what to say about them, we had our run-ins but again two pretty cool guys.

There were times I was annoyed with all of them and wished I could leave them all behind but once everyone was gone and we had all graduated and went our separate ways, I never saw them again. Sometimes i’m glad for it but there are times like tonight listening to songs and thinking of them makes me sort of sad that that part of my life is over. No matter how much we faught, we were all still in the same boat and felt we had to stick together. If I could sum that part of my life up in one word it would be the word interesting. I sometimes wonder where they are all now, like i said Kari’s passed away but as for Gina, Brad, Will, Eddie, Ahmed, and the others I was with at the time, I just don’t know and I wish I did.

Last but not least, Jim. My dear sweet Jim who left this world in 2004. I think of him all the time. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him and wish he were still here. I miss and love him still and always will. Jim will always have a place in my heart. That will never change. Jim was my longest relationship ever. I must have done something right for him to stay as long as he did. Oh don’t get me wrong, he and I went round and round too. We had a brief break up but we worked it all out and got married. I smile every time I think of that. I’ll see him again some day, I know I will and it will be a sweet reunion. How the bloody hell he stuck with me as long as he did I’ll never know. Flint says it’s because he loved me and that’s enough for me.

So much has changed since then. I know i’m not the same person I was back then. I know that change is good but sometimes it really just royally sucks.

*Sighs while she thinks*. I’m thinking that starting over would be a really good idea. Just go somewhere where life would be new. No, it wouldn’t be trying to escape my past but just to meet new people. Get away from here and begin again. I have the perfect opportunity and am seriously thinking of taking it. If I do, i’ll let you all know then what it is. Right now I’m just in the thinking stages of it.

Well I’ve had enough thinking of the past time so i’m off to do other things. I hope I’m feeling ok tomorrow, i’ve got soooo much to do around here.

I’d just like to say to all my friends, i love you all and charish each of you. Don’t ever change, you’re all great to me.



New Years Eve 2013

Good afternoon on this New Years Eve Day to all.

First i’d like to say Happy New Years eve to all! Whatever you are doing to celebrate, I hope you have lots of fun. Don’t drink and drive, don’t drink and cane, don’t drink and dog and all that other stuff that one could come up with for both the sighted and blindy worlds.
As for me, I was going to host this big New Year’s eve party but that has now changed. Cassie and I had started planning this since Thanksgiving and git’s now a complete failure. The reasons are not able to be shared at this time as to why. If you really want to know, ask me and if I feel like talking about it I will do so. However if i don’t please don’t try and pressure me into talking about it, it will all come out in a future entry anyway. I just ask for time. So, instead of the party I had planned it has been decided that Cassie and I will hang out tonight here at my house playing cards and ordering pizza. We will have a few drinks and then at midnight, call it a night as i have not slept well in the past two nights. *sigh*. Cassie and I will have fun I’m sure.

This has been one messed up year, I can’t say I’m sad to see it go. i had planned to do this whole big year end review on my life but, blah. Perhaps I’ll keep up better with documenting the significant things in 2014. Let’s see…

1. I have bene to Land To Air for three years this year.
It has been fun and I continue to enjoy my job even though at times it’s tough to deal with unruly and rude passengers. I sometimes miss the easy going airport passengers. Oh well, it’s good to expand on things at times. WE still do the airport stuff but adding Grey Hound and Jefferson Lines into the mix sure keeps things interesting.

2. I got a new addition to my little family.
I took in a little black kitten and she sure keeps me on my toes. Luna Morgana turnred nine months old this past Sunday. Ozzy totally hated her when I first brought her home. He was kind of like, mom, why are you bringing this little monster into my home? Make her go away, I don’t like her. Now the two get along ok, I think it’s more like Ozzy tollerates her now. Luna’s definitely a mommy’s girl though. It’s alright, she’s a joy to have around. I’m not quite sure i could give her up if I wanted to. While I refer to her as “hell on paws,” she’s my comfort in a lot of ways.

3. I was in a relationship, and then it ended.
Yep, I got back with Jerry in August. Things were, in my eyes, or seemed good for a while and then things happened. Again, not at liberty to share at this time. This past Friday night we decided mutually to end things. It was sad and now it’s anger that I feel. Why am I angry? Again I’m sorry but I can’t answer that at this time. I promise to do a future entry all about it. New topic?

4. I gained a new best friend who lives in my building.
Cassie is one of the coolest people I have ever met. She’s also part irish or as she told me today, “damned near half.” It’s pretty cool because now when I talk about irish foods and such she knows what i’m talking about. We hang out all the time and have gone shopping together. She’s fun to flirt with too. LOL! She’s straight but I told her she makes it too easy for me to flirt with her. I’d never seriously hit on her as like i said she’s straight. She does give it right back and at times starts it. LOL! Cassie’s lots of fun and i hope she and I can remain friends for a long time to come.

So there are some things that have happend in this year. Some good, some bad. WE all have those times though.

Have some fun stuff to end this entry with.

T’was the month after Christmas, and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.

The cookies I’d nibbled, the eggnog I’d taste
At the holiday parties had gone to my waist.

When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).

I’d remember the marvelous meals I’d prepared;
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,

The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
And the way I’d never said, “No thank you, please.”

As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt.

I said to myself, as I only can
“You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!”

So–away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
‘Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won’t have a cookie–not even a lick.
I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore—
But isn’t that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all
and to all a good diet!

That’s not me. LOL! I found it amusing though.

Here’s one more for those who will be getting their drink on tonight.

Ten Indications of a New Year Hangover

1. You get it into your head that chirping birds are the Devil’s pets.
2. Trying to gain control of the situation, you continue to tell your room to “Stay still.”
3. Looking at yourself in the mirror induces the same reaction as drinking a glass of fresh paint.
4. The bathroom reminds you of the fairground cry, “Step right up and give it whirl!”
5. You’d rather chew tacks than be exposed to sunlight.
6. You set aside an entire afternoon to spend some quality time with your toilet.
7. You replace the traditional praying on your knees with the more feasible praying in a fetal position.
8. Your catch phrase is, “Never again.”
9. You could purchase a new fridge on the proceeds from recycling the bottles around your bed.
10. Your new response to “Good morning,” is “Be quiet!”

Haha! Gods know i’ve bene there before for some of those. Quite fun though. Have you ever noticed however that when you say “never again” you always end up doing it again? At least, that was the case with me and still is.

Well, I’d better go and switch the laundry over to the dryer. Gotta run to the grocery store for a few last minute things before Cassie and i hang out.
Have a great New Years all!


Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Good morning to all reading this thing.

I just wanted to take some time and do an update.

First, I’d like to wish all of you that celebrate it a very happy and wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope that whatever you are doing today is filled with lots of love from family and friends, not to mention turkey. So much for diets this time of year. LOL!

Things I am thankful for…

I am thankful for family. WE may not see each other as often as I would like but I’m glad to have them all the same.

I’m thankful for good friends, for without them who would I tell my secrets too? Who would I have to share things with and in return be there for them when needed and always.

I’m thankful for my job. I have been at Land To Air for three years and still doing very well there. I may have my issues at times with things in reguards to passengers and their rudeness but my boss is awesome, my coworkers are very cool and I just love my job.

I’m thankful for my two wonderful cats, without them I’d be depressed. My kitties are my life. They may not be my whole life but they are certainly a huge part. Their fur catches my tears when I cry, their purrs make me happy and at the same time can soothe me to sleep, their cuddles have a great calming affect when I’m upset and I love taking care of them. They depend on me for everything and it’s a good feeling when you can take care of and protect something that depends on you to do just that.

I’m thankful for the roof over my head. It may not be the best place to call home but it’s home nevertheless. That is to say because of all of the gossipy chits and rumor mill this place really bites. There’s no other way I can put it. But as I said, it’s home for now and I’m glad i have it.

I’m thankful for love. Love is what makes the world work. Thank you Jerry for being in my life again.

I’m thankful for music, without it I’d go totally insane.

I’m thankful for the ability to sing, I don’t know what I’d do if I had lost that gift. I may say i’m not that great at it but my singing makes others happy and brings them joy so for that i’m truely thankful for the gift of song.

I have so much to be thankful for this year and I could go on and on but I won’t. Just because it didn’t get on this list doesn’t mean I’m not greatful for the many things in my life.

Today I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner for Jerry and our friend Cassie. I decided that I would not do the traditional turkey and bake a ham instead. I’m also making stuffing, potatoes, corn, dinner rolls, green beans and a pumpkin pie. We’re having cranberry sauce as well. Jerry doesn’t like cranberries but I told him that was ok, it just means more for myself and Cass. LOL! It will be fun times.

Well, so much to do and so little time so I suppose i should get my day started. I got up way later than I wanted to but it’s all right. I have today and tomorrow off so I intend to enjoy my four day weekend.

Have a happy Thanksgiving and a great weekend.



Just Some Ramblings

Good evening.

I’m just sitting here watching the news, feck knows why because it’s always so depressing. This world’s so messed up and just blah. Yeah I know, real intelligent thing to say right? Oh well, deal! *smirks*. I’m too tired to do intelligent at present. I mostly watched it for the weather report anyhow and there are times I ask myself why I even watch it for that. I’m fairly sure that the meteorologists are wrong a lot of the time.
It’s going to get pretty cold here this weekend. Not that it’s not already feeling like a huge freezer out there but it’s going to get much worse before the weekend’s out. On Saturday they are calling for temps only in the teens, 17 to be exact. Burrr! They say in waking up on Sunday morning, it will be only 4 degrees. I’m not going to want to get up to go to choir practice at 9:15. We are singing the same day but still, I’m not going to want to go. Ugh! Why I ever agreed to go back to choir/chant practice, I’ll never know. Maybe I know but the reason eludes me right now. Whatev. I could always drop out again. Then again, I’m not a person who quits things so easily. Right now we are singing a song called Hand In Hand. In this particular piece we have to sing the word “chorus” a few times. When we sing the “S” in the song, we can’t seem to get that part in unison. One of the choir members came up with the not so bright idea of having almost the entire choir to say a “TH” and not an “S.” I was one of the ones who had to say the “th”, all I can say is, I think not! I will say the “S”, thank you very much. After this Sunday’s performance it’s the start of practicing for Xmas. Fun, fun. Good times. *Note the sarcasm there*.
Heh, sorry I’m a bit distracted. The Big Bang Theory is on. I so love that show. I know some think it’s stupid but it’s really an awesome show.
I am on call for work tonight which I don’t mind at all. I’ll be thankful if my phone doesn’t ring at three in the morning like happens at times. I don’t know why people can’t just wait till the next business day. Everyone seems to think what they have to say is an emergency./ Um…hey passengers? Wanting to make a reservation for next week or next month is not a fecking emergency! Call back tomorrow when we’re in the office. No love, Lily.

Well, I’m getting seriously sleepy and so I think I’ll end this for now. I’ll be back again to write more when I’m much more awake. I’m really trying to get the motivation to write more often. Heh, not only do I need to write more in my blog but I need to update my fanfic again. No, I’m not abandoning it, I swear it. Perhaps I’ll do an update to my fanfic this weekend.

Ok, going, going, gone.

The right now elusive Lily

One more test

I am back! So, what am I up to at the moment? I am sitting here watching forest Gump. How many more times are they going to show this movie before they get bored? It is a very good movie, usually it makes me cry. Let’s see, can I make it without crying this time? Of course I can, I am strong. Well, just wanted to test to see if this thing post correctly yet. Hopefully it will, I will write again soon.

Does This Thing Work Now?

Good afternoon from a sort of sick Lily.

I just wanted to test to see if this was now working. I tried to compose an entry from my phone but it didn’t share to Twitter like it was supposed to. I’m wondering if something got messed up with my jetpack plugin, who knows.

Please work? Please? I beg you. Wait I don’t beg, feck that! LOL!

Ok, off to make that thing we like to call lunch. Bologna sandwiches anyone? :D.


Test number two

Good afternoon. Just wanted to test to see if the blog it was working now. I know it was being worked on but not sure if it got completely fixed. I’m hoping that it did, I would really like to write again. I have a lot to write about and wish to get it off my chest. So many things have happened in the past few days that I just need to write them down. If this works I will see you next entry