Just A Quiz

Hey everyone,

I was bored before going to sleep, so here ya go. Have a quiz. Hopefully this thing posts correctly, if not I’ll have to figure out why.

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Birthday Weekend

2:25 PM 8/16/2014

So before I get to the fun stuff I have a rant. i don’t like ranting in fun entries but this just has me so fecking hacked off that I just had to write. You can skip it if you want but just ugh!

Since I moved into my current apartment my refridgerator has been acting up. It’s been loud when it runs and had eventually started leaking water fromthe the icebox into the bottom part of the unit. I had put in a few work orders explaining what was going on. Finally they came to look at it and atempted to fix it. The reason I say atempted to fix it is because it worked right for a bit but now the thing is totally dead. I’m not sure when it went out but now everything in there is thawed out and it’s all warm. Now I have to go through it all and decide what is still good and what is not. I’m going to end up getting rid of most of it because a lot of it is parishable. That’s a lot of money in groceries that I now have to toss into the rubbish bin and it annoys me. I have a decision to make, to buy groceries or to pay rent. I was going to pay rent but now i need to speak with the office on Monday to see if they will be ok with me paying them on the 29th instead of now. I suppose if they say no then I can go to the food pantry and get a few things but they don’t give you much when you are just one person in the household. I wish I had a ton of money then I wouldn’t worry about it. What I don’t understand is why they just didn’t replace the stupid thing in the first place. I mean it’s obvious that the thing was going to go out, you could just tell by listening to it. *throws hands up in frustration*.

Ok, rant over.

I had mentioned my hard drive failing last night when I posted from my IPhone, I have a bit of an update on that situation. The hard drive in question is a two TB drive and so far Flint has been able to recover 500 gigs of my data. this is a great start and I’m hoping that by the time he is finished he wil have been able to recover almost if not all of it. I do understand he may not be able to recover all but anything is better than none of it. I have made the decision to set up a raid so that hopefully I can prevent this from happening again. I hope to be up and broadcasting again very soon.

I’m very sad that True Blood is ending. Tomorrow night will be the second to the last episode and I think partly I’m glad as this season has just been sort of blah. I do have to admit though that I have bene left with a few cliff hangers and my thoughts have been oh man do I have to wait till next week? Ah well, I’ll just have to find something else to watch on Sunday nights. :D. Be ready for an entry about the ending as I’m sure I will have a few thoughts on it.

Now to something more fun…

A week ago today I had a birthday. I had the best weekend hanging out with friends!!!
On the 8th, Dusty and Helene came over and spent the weekend. That night the three of us along with Flint and Cassi all went to Baker’s Square for dinner. If you have one of those where you live I suggest you go eat there if you have not done so before. They have excellent food not to mention pie. If you don’t have one where you reside I recommend you going on a vacation and eating at one of those places. Flint paid for my dinner as a birthday gift wich was really cool. I didn’t eat any pie as I was so fully from dinner.
After dinner we all went over to Wal-mart for some shopping. I bought a couple of fans for my house so that I don’t have to use the AC constantly. One of them goes in the living room window and the other just sits on my dresser in my bedroom, they work really well. I’m extremely happy with my choice as far as fans go. I got a few other things as well but can’t remember everything I bought. We spent about 4 hours there, hard to believe but we did. By the time we left for home we were all exhausted.
While there, Helene got a necklace that was a broken heart. One half of the heart says best and the other says friends, she gave me the half that says friends and she kept the part that says best. I thought that was so awesome. I to this day still where it around my neck. For my birthday she also gave me a ring made out of a spoon. It’s the coolest! The ring has a smiley face on it with it’s tongue sticking out. She said if you don’t like it we have others you can choose from. I was like oh no I love smiley faces and i where that as well on my middle finger. Thanks again Helene, you are one of the best. You and Dusty both, I love you guys.
On Saturday night, the 9th of August was my actual birthday. That morning after a very short sleep I might add, Helene got up and made us all breakfast. She made turkey bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and toast with cinnamon sugar butter on it. It was so yummy, very good. Then we all hung out for a bit at my flat and later on the evening got ready to go sing karaoke at Dutler’s Bowling Alley. Rene and Mary couldn’t be there due to other things going on but that’s alright. I did miss them there but sometimes life happens. Flint, Cassi, Helene, Dusty, Doug, Jason, Tami and Kevin were all there wich was great. Gina, I wish you could have bene there sis, it would have been so fun. Helene and I did I Hate Myself For Loving You by Joan Jet and the BlackHearts, I then did These Boots Were Made For Walkin by Nancy Sinatra, Helene did Cindy Lauper’s Time After Time, I thought she might have done another but I can’t remember, forgive me Helene my brain’s on vacation I think. Flint sang a couple songs as well, he did Elton John’s Tiny Dancer and John Mayer Daughters. Jason and I were going to do Whisky Lullaby but he began fading so had to head for home. Next time we will sing together. Jason has an awesome singing voice and I think it would be really fun to sing with him. No one else sang but that’s ok, I’m happy they were all there with me.
During the night of karaoke, there was a huge interruption that actually shut the place down. Aparently there was a guy there who had brought in a hatchet. At first it was thought by Cassi and Helene that it was a pool cue they had heard breaking in half but it was actually the hatchet breaking a chair. A bar fight had broken out. Six cops came rushing in and three of them tackled the guy to the ground and proceeded to taze him. Surprisingly the guy didn’t yell while said tazers were hitting him, I would have been had it been me. We don’t have any idea what started the fight and quite frankly I don’t care but when tazers are going off you know it’s time to get the feck out of dodge. LOL! That’s exactly what we did too.
Sunday the 10th was a short day for us to hang out. Dusty, Helene and I went to Pet CO so Helene could find a harness for Theo her cat. She did find it and a retractible leash as well. I need to ask her how that is working out for her and the cat. I found some greenies and some different cat food for Ozzy and Luna to try and they loved the food. I always knew they loved greenies but I don’t get them to often because they are hella expensive. After finishing there we stopped at Wendy’s to grab some lunch on the way bact to my apartment. Shortly after we got back Helene’s mother came and picked up the two friends of mine staying at my house. I wish they could have stayed longer but they had to get back.
Thank you all for a most fun weekend, it’s the best weekend I have had in a long time,.
I ended the weekend by watching True Blood and crashing shortly after it was over. I was so exhausted that I was out pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillows.

I saw this on one of my facebook friend’s facebook and I just had to steal…I mean borrow it to share here. I was amused and since I was always taught to share, here you go.

this goes out to all the beer drinkers everywhere

The Beer Prayer

Our Lager,
Which art in barrels
Hallowed be thy drink.
Thy will be drunk,
I will be drunk,
At home as in the tavern.
Give us this day our foamy head
and forgive us our spillages
as we forgive those that spill against us
and lead us not into incarceration.
But deliver us from hang-overs,
for thine is the beer,
The bitter and the lager
forever and ever


Well, I think that’s all for now. I’m going to end this and go finish the day at work. Yes I know it’s a Saturday and I’m sitting here at work. LOL! The reason for this is that we have about 35 international studentss coming in and Jason asked me if I wouldn’t mind coming in and working in the office for a while just in case they needed someone to contact through out the day. I don’t mind really, it means extra pay on the paycheck for next pay period. Score!!! Righteous! Awesome! Word! Ok, I’m done. LOL!

Bye bye for now, have a great rest of your weekend.

<3<3<3love always<3<3<3
Lily The Leprechaun

Saying hi, nothing more

Hello everyone. Just wanted to pop in here via the iPhone to say hello and to let everyone know I am still alive. I will soon be posting an entry about my birthday weekend very soon. This week has been a very long and tiring one as work consumed most of the week. I don’t mind all of the hours however because it gives me more money on my paycheck. I lost my Music drive because of a hard drive failure. This means for no no music, and no shows. This makes me very very sad. Music is basically most of my entire life. I don’t know what I would do without it. I am very tired and so I will close for now. Good night to all. I will write again soon. If I don’t talk to you some of you, have a great weekend. Tomorrow is Saturday and I have to work from 10 until four. That’s okay, I don’t mind. Working gives me something to do and I did not have anything planned for the weekend really. Anyway, good night

Continue reading “Saying hi, nothing more”

Life’s Ups And Downs

10:43 PM 7/27/2014

When a person loses the one they love, they feel all kinds of things. Anger, sadness, guilt, helplessness, alone, lost and finally acceptance. I have probably missed some emotions but there the ones that are most prominent I think.

Due to the nature of this entry I will be leaving out all names to protect the privacy of the friend who I am writing about. Some of you who may read this know her but most will probably not. It’s only right though I believe to keep names out of it, at least some names. The woman I will be refering to, I’ll just call her Camille, the man in question I will call him Tommy.

Yesterday Camille had something very tragic happen in her life. I suppose I should start a bit from the beginning though.
Camille met Tommy and had started dating. They were together for about two years and seemed to all who knew them to be very happy. As time went by the relationship between the two became strained. Camille would confide to her friends that while she loved Tommy she was not in love with him and on a few occasions tried to end things with him but always ended up taking him back. Tommy loved Camille with all of his heart and we believe wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Camille was afraid to leave Tommy for good however because he had congestive heart failure and she was frightened that he could die at any time and she didn’t want him to be alone for that. One of the other reasons and perhaps the worst is that Tommy told her that he would take his own life as he did not want to and could not live without her. Please dont’ get me wrong, living with congestive heart failure has to be hell but to threaten to commit suicide just isn’t right. My guess is and i don’t know this for sure but it seems to me that Camille felt she had to stay with him no matter what because of the suicide talk. Well, this past week everything came crashing down for Camille. Now, just so you all know, Camille is a friend of mine and i knew Tommy as well. I didn’t know him well but I had met him a couple of times and something just didn’t seem right to me but I’m not one to judge and I was happy if Camille was happy and she seemed to be whenever Tommy was around. The few times I did see Tommy he was always nice so that was cool. When I said something didn’t seem right i meant right as in their relationship, not that I thought something wasnt’ right with Tommy. I just had to clarify that. Now I won’t go in to detail about what I know but I will say things got a bit heated between Camille and Tommy and things ended up to be not so great last week. They had a fight like all couples do and this time Camille had made the decision to break up with Tommy and this time make it permanent. Tommy gave her the same suicide threat and Camille took it as she always did, she never thought he was serious about it. She figured he never had done it before so why should she worry this time? Well, Camille did leave and she found out yesterday that this time he actually followed through with it. Tommy took his own life on Wednesday july 23 2014. Right now, Camille is feeling extremely guilty and feels that she is the cause of his death. We all are trying to get her to understand that it was not her fault and that there had to be other issues that no one knew about that caused him to do this. She also found out that at the time of his death he had been drinking and was pretty intoxicated. Tommy was not in his right mind, if he had been sober he never would have done something so permanent. That’s how Camille sees it but she is having a very hard time with this. We have all been trying to help her and give her as much support as we can. We all love and care about her and don’t want her to do anything stupid. All of us are pretty emotionally drained but we carry on to try and help Camille with this difficult time in her life. As soon as she gets over the guilt she can begin to grieve properly and she will understand this wasn’t her fault.

I understand exactly how Camille feels. When I was about 17, I dated this guy who was a very nice guy. He was sweet, caring, funny, smart and just an all around great person. The problem was I was beginning to feel that I wasn’t doing enough for him. I was feeling really overwhelmed and kind of smothered. I tried to talk to him on numerous occasions and asked him what exactly it was he wanted from me. I tried to tell him the way I was feeling and finally after about a year I ended things with him. A couple of days later, he was found in the bathroom on the floor with a bullet wound in his head and a gun laying right beside him. The sad thing about that was his sister was the one who found him and she was only 9 at the time. To this day, I hate guns. I know that it wasn’t the gun’s fault and that it was my ex boyfriend who decided to use the thing but I can’t stand guns. I digress again. I know the guilt, I felt the same way that Camille does. I felt that it was my fault and it was because of me that he died. It took me many months to get past the fact that it was not my fault. Once I got over that I was finally able to grieve and think things through rationally. I realized that he did have other things going on and that he had a lot bothering him. There were other underlying issues that I wasn’t even aware existed. Did i miss him afterwords? Yes, I missed him like crazy. I went through all of the what ifs and I should haves and if only i could haves, and Camille will too. In fact, she already is somewhat doing so.

My thoughts and prayers and all of the positive energies I can give are with Camille at this time of grief in her life. I pray that in time she can find happiness, peace and light in her time of darkness. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel and one day I hope she will see it. I understand she can’t right now and that all seems hopeless but I know that she’s a strong person and she will get through this with the help of all of her friends. As i said, we all love and care about her.

As for Tommy, i hope that he finds peace in the afterlife. He’s now in the arms of the angels, may he find some comfort there. RIP my friend, you will be deeply missed.

Well it’s late and work is on my agenda for tomorrow so I suppose I’d better end this for now and go have some P B and J, otherwise known as pillows, blankets and jammies. So off to the land of pillows, blankets and dreams I go. The 6:00 alarm goes off rather early. Good night and sweet dreams to all. “May joy and peace surround you, contentment latch your door, and happiness be with you now and bless you evermore!” – Irish Blessing. Sláinte.

9:58 AM 7/28/2014

Here I am at work and I have a free moment so thought I’d try to finish this entry. Not sure if I’ll get to but we’ll see how far I get. I figured that if I wrote I wouldn’t be so inclined to fall asleep at my desk like I feel like I’d like to do. Whoa! Too many likes in that one sentence. Man am I tired! I’m just exhausted from the weekend. I feel totally drained. Maybe an early night tonight if I can manage it. It may be a matter of forcing myself to manage it. For a Monday though here at Land To Air, it’s kind of slow.

There are times I wish I could turn off my empathic senses. Everything that a person feels if I am aroundthem, I feel it like ten times more than what another person feels it. I know some of you may not understand that or may not even believe that is possible but it’s truth. It’s tough most times and on Saturday I did find myself havign to walk away for a bit just so I could get my own feelings in check. I really did not need Camille to see how bad I had gotten. Thing is, I don’t know how to turn them off. I think I need to do some research and see if anyone else has gone through or is going through this same issue. I know that there are other empaths out there, I don’t know of any where I’m from but I know that others exist. I’m wondering if they might have the same problem with not being able to turn off there senses as well and if not how they cope with it. I just can’t keep distancing myself or keep walking away from situation because I don’t know how to control my empathic senses, ugh. I know that walking away sometimes is a good thing because we all need to take care of ourselves as well as taking care of others. I do find though that meditation is a good way to deal with the after affects of having my emotions and feelings all over the place. I wonder if there have been books written about empathic senses and how to deal with them, I’ll have to look that up as well. Anything that might help I’ll appreciate finding.

On a much happier note, it would appear that my birthday this year is going to be a fun one! Normally I look at my birthday as just another day and I most likely will this year too but I have friends who have decided that I don’t get to spend the day I was born alone. Helene, Dusty, Cassi, Rene, Mary, Paul, Tami, Doug and possibly Flint and I are going to go to Dutler’s Bowling Alley not to bowl but to sing Karaoke, that and before hand I think we are going to go out for some dinner. Most of my friends going want to go mainly to hear me sing. There is even a chance that Jason, my boss will drop in. At least that’s what i last heard. It would be cool if Flint could have Megan there too but that is not to be unfortunately. I really wish Gina could come be here to join in the fun as well, that would totally rock! I’d have most of my family with me. LOL! Gina, Helene, Dusty, Cassi, Paul, and Flint are like my siblings. Rene is like my mother and Mary my grandmother. Then Tami, Doug and if Crystal, Chris and Jerry could be here I’d have my close friends. both Rene and Mary think this is funny but both accept it. LOL! I asked Rene one day if she could adopt me and she told me she would so adopt me if she could. So, she became my honorary mother and Mary my honorary grandmother. I can’t remember why I asked her that, like I don’t remember the full conversation. I thik it was when we were talking about her kids and how she let them experience life and even though they weren’t always so good like kids aren’t, i figured she was a pretty great mom. Anyway, we were all amused by it and now it’s sort of a running joke between Rene, Mary and myself.
There is someone special that I wish could be at my little birthday gathering as well, someone who I really like and I know likes me as well. That would make my birthday awesome! Ah well, one day we will meet in person, that will be a very awesome day indeed. I may give more details about this person in another entry, I don’t believe in hiding my feelings but I want to see how and where this is going to go before I give too many details. August 9 should be a fun night indeed.

I’m so exhausted, I almost feel as if I’m rambling just to stay awake. I feel as if I could sleep from now until Yule or possibly St. Patrick’s Day. LOL! Tonight I will try and meditate before sleeping and hopefully I can get some much needed rest. It’s pretty bad when I can’t even keep my eyes open here at work. Eep!

After work, Flint is going to come over and we are going to make turkey burgers. I tried to get him to eat a veggie burger but he wants nothing to do with them. He totally hates vegetables wich is pretty sad. I love my veggies. Yesterday while he was at my house I made a smoothie. This smoothie had Chabani greek yogurt, spinach, a banana, some strawberries, some orange juice and some chia seed. It was extremely tasty. Flitn thought it look so gross because the spinach turns it green. The thing is once you add the fruit and the juice you don’t even taste the spinach at all. They are just wonderful and good for you. I offered to make Flint one minus the spinach but he still wouldn’t take it because it was home made and not from a smoothie shop. Blah. Aye well, his loss. :D.

Today I will probably be working till 4:30, normally i’m off at 3:00 but Deborah is on vacation for two weeks so I won’t get to see her. Oh well, this just means I get an extra hour and a half pay, I’ll take it.

I can’t believe True Blood is ending after this season. I have bene watching it faithfully and I don’t really know what I think of this season. Honestly it’s a bit disappointing. Tara’s dead so that already makes it not the same. There are a few favorite characters of mine that are gone and it’s just weird. Eric, Bill and Sookie all have Hep V wich was created by Sarah Nuelund and a bunch of other scientists and it kills vampires. Sookie isn’t a vampire obviously but she still has it, that we found out last night. Sorry, I can’t spell Sarah’s last name, Nuelund or Newlund or whatever it’s supposed to be. LOL! I don’t like her either way. I’d so love to see Sookie and Eric get back together, they were so cute together. I think though that if Sookie were going to get back with anyone it would be Bill. He was her first love and she told Jason last night that you never forget your first so I have a feeling that would be who she’d choose. If it were up to me though…oh yes, eric, oh yes. You big bad vampire god you. :D. LOL! ok, I’m over it.

Well I truly have nothing more to write about so I’m going to end this and post it. Take care all who read this thing and I’ll write again soon, I think. Sláinte.


May your joys be as deep as the oceans, your troubles as light as its foam. And may you find sweet peace of mind, wherever you may roam.

Lily The Leprechaun

iPhone test

Hi all, I just wanted to see if I could come and post from the iPhone once again. I tried this before but things did not work out very well for me. Hopefully no it will work again and I would like to post from the iPhone from time to time. Hope you all are doing well. I am just enjoying the day off and waiting for the rain to quit so I can go out and spend time with nature. Right now I am just listening to music and thinking about the show that I am going to be doing tonight I’m seem expire FM. It is called the 90s rewind. It’s a rather fun show to do and people seem to enjoy it which is pretty cool. Anyway I will end for now and I will write again later. I would also like to announce that any typing mistakes that are in this entry are courtesy of dictation from the iPhone. Usually if I’m writing it myself I correct on my typos however with dictation it is a bit harder to do unless you are not lazy however I feel like being that way today. LOL! Okay seriously now, I am gone. Continue reading “iPhone test”

Still Alive

Good evening all,

I just wanted to say hi and let you all know that I indeed have not fallen off the face of the earth. I have had a ton of things going on in my life and never felt like writing about them. Well, I’m finally at the point where I can but tonight I’m way too tired to bother with it. I promise to write when I find the time which hopefully will be tomorrow from work. Though if tomorrow’s anything like today I won’t have time to breath. LOL! J/K, I always have time for breathing.

Well I’m off to watch eyelid movies, maybe they’ll be good tonight? :D. Good night me darlins. Sleep well when you go. Sláinte.



Belated Easter & Other Life’s Happenings

Well, I will say a good afternoon as currently that’s what it is here.

First I’d like to wish you all a belated happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it. To those who don’t, I hope you had fun with family and friends. I hope you all ate lots of chocolate and got full with whatever it was you decided to eat for the day.
I didn’t do much at all for Easter. I hung with friends which was fun, I always have fun hanging out with my friends though. We didn’t have Easter dinner or anything like that but since it was way too nice to spend indoors, we hung out outdoors in the Gazebo just talking and whatnot. Cassi made me almost cry because she told me that I am like a sister to her. I was like, “Oh yay! I got sister status!” That made me feel really good. She told me that she’d do anything for me and I told her that I felt the same way. It’s so nice to have friends like that. Now I just wish I could get all my sisters together and hang out. Yay for friends who are like sisters!

For those of you who I may not have told, I know that I told some of you, my friend Mary has cancer and is not doing well at all. right now they have her on an extended hospice. She is getting worse. She seems to be getting weaker and weaker by the day. I saw her the day before yesterday and it nearly killed me to see her in such a state. You can hear in her voice that she is just really sick. She doesn’t like to talk about it though and I can totally understand it. If I were in her shoes I wouldn’t want to talk about it all the time either. When Mary is around we joke and laugh as much as possible. Mary still has a great sense of humor and it’s so good to hear her laugh. Rene was talking to Mary and Mary told her that her blood pressure is so high that it could be anytime that she has a stroke or something like that. Usually when Mary is outside with us she can sit with us for a while but Sunday she couldn’t handle it for very long at all. I felt as if I were going to burst into tears at any moment but I wasn’t going to while she was down with us, I simply refused. I didn’t nor do I ever want her to see me cry because of my sadness over her. Before she left to go back indoors she gave me a big hug and said, “my good girl, my good girl, so sweet. Don’t ever change.” That was my undoing. I held the tears in until Rene walked her inside to make shure she was going to make it back to her apartment. As i sit here writing this now I feel like crying just thinking about it. Mary is one of the most kind, sweet, funny fun people I’ve ever met and it is unfair that she is being taken away from her family and friends. Cassi and I just lost it and when Rene came back out she lost it too. Rene and I hugged and she kept telling me it was going to be all right. I’m not sure who she was trying to convince, herself or me. We both know that it isn’t going to be all right, well it will be but it won’t. The good thing is that Mary will be in a much better place than she is now. She won’t suffer anymore from the cancer.
I have lost so many to cancer and I’m not sure that they are any closer to finding a cure for it. I hope one day that they do find a cure because this disease is the most horrible. Jim, my father, my cousin and now I will lose Mary. I lost friends when I was too young to fully understand cancer, I had friends die from lukemia, just kids in the first grade and in kindergarten. It’s so unfair, just not fair. Even if they don’t find a cure in my life time, I really hope they do.

I got a raise! I got a raise! Yep, you read that correctly, I! GOT! A! FRIGGIN! 25! CENT! RAISE!
My boss told us that he put in for raises for everyone and that the drivers were the only ones to get approved for one, they got one last year as well and the office workers did not. It was really disappointing but Barb and I just dealt with it instead of complaining because let’s face it, what could we do, right? Well this time Jason decided to just give us one even though corporate didn’t approve it. I’m wondering if he did it because of the minimum wage going up. I don’t care why, I’m just happy he did it. It doesn’t seem like much I know but I’m thankful for it. I just hope that he doesn’t get into trouble with them. He just wants us to all be equals I think. He’s such an awesome boss.

I don’t understand why people have to be so homophobic. You can’t help who you fall in love with and as long as you are happy, why should others care. It’s not like a gay/lesbian/bisexual is going to hit on a straight person. Ok, I take that back. Some may to have a bit of fun but if the person says, “Hey I don’t mind your lifestyle but I’m not into all that,” fine, we accept that and understand. I have fun hitting on Cassi all the time but she takes it so well and some times she will flirt back. Thing is I know she’s straight and I respect her for that. She respects me for being bi so why shouldn’t I? Not everyone thinks the way I do though, i understand this. I just feel there should be a lot more acceptance and less judgement. My co-worker says “but it says this and says that in the bible.” I know what it says in the bible but if God loves all of his children why would he pass jusgement on the people who are gay/lesbian/bi? After all were we all not created in his image?

I got this from @ThoughtCatalog on twitter. They are worth the follow, trust me. I know, famous last words but trust me.
This article made me feel so sad and at the same time it made me want to throw things. This mother ticked me off soooo bad. The idiocy of some parents never ceases to piss me off. I won’t tell you what it said but if you do decide to read it you’ll see what I mean. It does have a happy ending though, it’s just getting through the stuff before it.

Hell Literally Exists http://tcat.tc/1h8cWZT http://t.co/DZJbtsl7xF

I miss broadcasting sooo badly. I’m hoping I can get my SPL set up soon so that I can grace the airwaves with my presence once again. I have applied at another station and will be happy to test soon to see if i make it on there. I won’t reveal which station I have applied at for the moment, if I get accepted I will let you all know. I know some of you already know but the rest don’t. :D. I will still be around my old stations as well but am addign a new one or at least hoping to add a new one. Wish me luck, I really want to make it on there.

Well, I am going to end this entry and get ready to do the end of day stuff at work. Barb and I are hoping to be out of here by 4:30 today and if we have anything to say about it, we will be.

I’ll write again soon, I think. Oh and for those of you that were reading my Harry Potter fanfic, no I have not given up on it. I am working on another chapter and hope to have it posted soon. I’m not abandoning it, I swear.


Love always,
Lily the leprechaun

Just A Little Update

2:12 PM 2/17/2014

Well hello.

First, I just wanted to wish everyone a late happy Valentine’s day. Hopefully it was everything you all hoped for and more.

For those who didn’t have a sweetheart like myself, hoping you spent it with a friend or two. I don’t see why we need a day

for people to express their love. I mean shouldn’t that be done everyday? Why does there have to be one designated day for

it? And another thing, why did they pick a character running around in a diaper and shooting arrows to represent this day? I

wouldn’t want a toddler looking dude to chase me and shoott arrows at me, that’s just nuts! No, I’m not bitter about the

holiday, just curious. haha! Talking about Valentine’s day brings a song to mind. “Cupid, draw back your bow and let your

arrow go, straight to my lover’s heart for me.” Oh, another one comes to mind as well. “Stupid cupid, stop pickin’ on me.:

haha! that one’s actually a fun one. I’m going to cover that one. I don’t know, I just don’t get it. Maybe I’m not supposed

to but at any rate…next topic?

Alright, going to eat my yogurt and then I’m going to get ready to get off work so I’ll return in a while. Got some things

to do right after I’m off so it’ll be a bit before I work on this entry again. Bye for now.

10:24 AM 2/18/2014

Yep, so it’s a whole new day. I ended up getting busy yesterday and did not have the time to work on this entry. Well, that

and I sort of kind of forgot about it. Happens I suppose. So here I sit back at work writing again. The phones are slow today

which is ok because it gives us a bit of a break. Ron, one of our retired drivers came in and brought us coffee at Jason’s

request. In his words, “Ask Ron if he can come and bring us some good coffee, the coffee i made tastes like swamp piss.” I

wasn’t going to ask him how he knows what swamp piss tastes like. I don’t want to know. LOL! Nah, Jason’s awesome. I couldn’t

have asked for a better boss. He’s fun.

1:12 AM 2/23/2014

So as you can see I’m still working on this bloody entry. By the time I actually get finished with it, it will be hella long.

OH well, let’s see how many of you stay with me and read it. :P.

Alright, I haven’t done one of these silly little quizzes for ages and forever so here ya go.

You Are a Kitten

You are playful and sweet, but you also treasure your alone time.
You’re pretty independent, and you resent anyone trying to tell you what to do.

You don’t get bored easily. You are quite good at entertaining yourself.
Deep down, you are quite sensitive and intuitive. You are less standoffish than you seem.

Song lyrics I relate to.

Ruin Me
By: Shiloh

Drawings of a happy place
Pictures of a joyful face
The reality of the hell I’ve made
All I ever had slowly desecrate

And I look out my window
Not thinking of my mistakes
Everything is all good
What else can I create to ruin me

Porcelain dolls on a dirty shelf
The memory of my old self
All the things I’ve done to make it worse
The impulsive mind that completes my curse

And I look out my window
Not thinking of my mistakes
Everything is all good
What else can I create to ruin me

Picture frames with no photographs
I don’t ever think of the after math
Don’t know why I hurt, all the ones I love
All this pain I caused, fits me like a glove

And I look out my window
Not thinking of my mistakes
Everything is all good
What else can I create
A confused mind, a broken soul
Good or bad, I’m not one of those
A confused mind, a broken soul
Good or bad, I’m not one of those

I look out my window
In the face of my mistakes
Everything has gone bad
What else can I create to ruin me
To ruin me… can’t let this ruin me

When I heard this song, it brought me to tears. I couldn’t help but think it’s exactly how I feel at times. It sums

everything up in so many words. I don’t know who Shiloh is but i’d like to cover her song. We’ll see if i can get through it

without crying. If i can’t then oh well, it’s just a part of me I suppose. Brings meaning to my singing. I’m pretty sure that

Flint can replicate the piano playing, he’s good at that sort of thing. I’m not one for listening to songs on repeat unless

I’m depressed but this one I did. Thank you to Shiloh whoever you are for writing such a beautiful and heartfelt song.

I’m not always feeling so messed up. Sometimes I feel my life is meaningless and I know it isn’t. I have so many things to be

thankful for. First and foremost I’m still breathing. With out breath, there’s no life and I still have that so for that I am

grateful. I have friends, a home, two cats who love me, a job, money to pay bills so I can keep said home, family, and so

much more. Why I feel this way at times I don’t know. Being diagnosed as I was just bites. These days my good days out number

the bad days. For that, I am thankful. It’s hard at times to put exactly into words how I am feeling. People ask me what’s

wrong all the time and I don’t know how to answer. At times the only way to express my feelings is by tears and that’s when

I’m alone so no one can see me cry. I paste on a fake smile just so that people won’t think there’s something wrong. I’m

really good at pretending that nothing’s wrong, sad how I can act like I’m happy even when I’m not inside.

On a much happier note, it’s finally the season I have bene waiting all winter for, Spring has finally sprung! Today we are

supposed to get up to 76 degrees and that’s just a beautiful thing. For the past little while it has been in the fifties and

sixties and I’ll take that too. I’m hoping that it stays this way now and doesn’t go back to winter. We had a hard winter

this year. It was cold and snowy, it seemed to go on forever. I’m thinking that is why I had been so down for a lot of the

winter. I always charished the days that the sun came out even though the sun and I don’t get along. I’m much rather have the

sun than the cold snow and ice, it makes for a hard landscape to travel.

9:32 AM 4/10/2014

Back again today to see if I can’t finish this entry. I have a habbit of working on entries for days and either not finishing

them or just deciding that I don’t like how they turned out, so they don’t get posted.

Recently I have bene seriously thinking of getting a guide dog again. I don’t think I ever really stoped considering it but

it has been more now then it was. Jason says that if I go to guide dog school that I’d still have a job when I got back so

I’m not worried about that at all. One of my worries is that my youngest cat, Luna seems to have something against dogs. I

know this because my friend Will will sometimes bring his dog up to my apartment and Luna flips out. She hisses and spits and

just generally becomes a total bitch for lack of a better word. I wouldn’t want her to hurt my dog if I bring one home and

I’m scared she might. I also know there’s the possibility that she will get used to the dog and eventually leave the dog be.

I feel as if I have to make a choice between Luna and a guide dog. I refuse to give up Luna so I guess my question is, do I

chance getting a dog and hope that she’ll get used to him/her or do I forget it and wait till I no long her Luna? Ozzy I’m

not worried about, I know he’d be fine with a dog in the house. I’ve been wanting to go and get a dog for years now.

12:11 PM 4/14/2014

Well, let’s see if i can finish this thing today, shall we?

Here are some links that either angered me or amused me. You can read if interested.

This one both angers me and makes me sick at the same time. How could someone do this?

Police accuse Utah woman of killing seven babies she gave birth to over 10-year period: http://bit.ly/1quLdcQ

This was sooo cute. At the same time, I felt sad for this little girl.

‘I don’t want to turn four’: Little girl dreads birthday http://t.co/Suo48rJsOB http://t.co/auTNMNC2XU

Thing never ceases to amuse me. There’s a part one but it’s not as funny in my oppinion.

part 2 of the toilet pickel war! http://sndup.net/r2ck/a #audio

haha! Scratch-n-Sniff jeans? Oh my.

VIDEO: Check out these scratch-and-sniff jeans http://yhoo.it/PYPI2f

LOL! What a complaint to make to a police officer! Way to turn yourself in!

UNUSUAL: Woman complains to police about marijuana quality http://bit.ly/1qgCCbL

Usualy I’m against parents invading their child or in this case teen’s privacy but in this cdase, i’m so happy she did. I now

see things in a different light ever since reading this article.

Utah mom may have saved her teenage son’s life by monitoring his Facebook page http://cbsn.ws/1lMvZjQ

You make threats like this, you deserve whatever punishment you get!!! How friggin stupid can you be? You idiot! After the

events of 9/11 how could anyone even thing of pulling a prank like this? In the article it said the girl is scared, well she

should be! Dumb, idiotic, moronic…ugh! Obviously she has no brain, anyone with half a brain would know you shouldn’t do

things like that and expect to get away with it. You will get caught every time. I hope your punishment was worth your little

joke. Of course the thing is, she probably will get no more than a slap on the wrist. She may have to do a bit of community

service or something like that simply because of her age. If it were me, I’d send her to prison just so she can see what it’s

like to be in one, maybe it would change her straight. I’m done with this topic. My blood’s boiling and it needs to quit


Girl (14) questioned over American Airlines Twitter threat http://iti.ms/1jEZbpX via @IrishTimesBiz

1:43 PM 4/14/2014

My job’s still going really well. I still love it here and the people are still nice and fun to hang out with.
This summer I will be taking a second job. My duties will still be the same as they are at Land To Air but instead of

reservations and Grey Hound stuff I’ll be making appointments for people to get their computers fixed. This work too will be

fun as I will be working for a friend of mine. Not sure what else he will have me do along with answering phones but it’s

exciting nonetheless. The only thing I hope is that I don’t get work burn out. LOL! Nah, it’ll be fine. I can’t wait.

This Wednesday I will be going out with a couple of friends to Diamond Joes. Diamond Joe’s is a casino in Iowa and I keep

saying I’m going to win big. I will have a set limit however and when that’s gone I’m done. I’m not going to go all crazy like i could because it’s just not worth all that. My friends from my apartment complex, Cassi, Rene and Sue have all decided like I did. It will be fun to hang with the girls. I wish Mary could come with us but She’s just too weak and it saddens me that she feels like that. We don’t know how much longer she has and I would just love for her to be able to get out and do something. I understand what cancer can do to a person though, I remember what Jim dealt with and how he felt. It certainly takes a toll on one’s body. So, here’s my mantra if you will, I’m gonna win big for Mary. Anyway, i have won at Mystic Lake, not anything huge but I did ok. there was once I went and lost, blah. My friends Doug and Terry from work will also be going as well. This time I’m not canceling to work. LOL! The last two times I have tried to do this I ended up working.

Well, I suppose, this entry’s long enough so I’m going to get it posted. Ha! I finished it today, I knew i could.

<3<3<3Love makes the world go round<3<3<3


100 Questions, More Bordem

Hey all.

This also comes to you out of bordem. LOL! I’m done after this one, I promise. Hey, look at it this way, you know more things about me than you probably wanted/needed to know. :P.

1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?

3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?

5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
I used to.

6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?

7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
A bear.

8: Do you have freckles?

9: Do you always smile for pictures?

10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who use others and then blow them off like it was no big deal.

11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

14: Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?

15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I did when I used to write with them.

16: Do you sleep with your tv on?

17: What size is your bed?

18: What is your Song of the week?
Darius Rucker, Rock Me

19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
If they want to then yes.

20: Do you still watch cartoons?
No, today’s cartoons suck.

21: Whats your least favorite movie?
I don’t know.

22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
I’ll never tell.

23: What do you drink with dinner?

24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Honey mustard.

25: What is your favorite food?
Irish or Chinese food

26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Anything with Alan Rickman. Dirty Dancing, The Twilight Series, The Harry Potter Series. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.

28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

29: When was the last time you had pizza?
Friday night.

30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?

31: Can you change the oil on a car?

32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?

33: Ever ran a mile?

34: Favorite kind of sandwich?

35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Greek yogurt with granola on it.

36: What is your usual bedtime?
When ever i get tired.

37: Are you lazy?

38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Either a witch or a princess.

39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?

40: Favorite quote?
“See that big yellow thing in the sky? Yeah? The world revolves around that, not you.”

41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Definitely Legos.

43: Are you stubborn?
Yep, through and through.

44: Who is better…Batman or Spiderman?
I don’t like either one.

45: Ever watch soap operas?
I used to.

46: Are you afraid of heights?

47: Do you sing in the car?

48: Do you sing in the shower?

49: Do you dance in the car?

50: Ever used a gun?
The only guns I have used were water guns and a paint ball gun.

51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
My senior picture.

52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Some of them are.

53: Is Christmas stressful?

54: Ever eat a frog leg?
Hell no!

55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
Apple or banana.

56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Lawyer, nurse, doctor, and a fireman.

57: Do you believe in ghosts?

58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?

59: Take a vitamin daily?

60: Wear slippers?

61: Wear a bath robe?

62: What do you wear to bed?
What ever I feel like.

63: First concert?
Def Leppard and Queensrich.

64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?

65: Nike or Adidas?

66: Cheetos Or Fritos?

67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

68: Ever hear of the group Jonas Brothers?

69: Ever take dance lessons?

70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?

71: Can you curl your tongue?

72: Ever won a spelling bee?

73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

74: Own any Trophies? If so what are they for?
Yes. I got it for being the first to finish a scavenger hunt and one for spelling.

75: Own a record player?

76: If you could be with one person right now who would it be?

77: Ever been in love?

78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Right now, i can’t think of anyone.

79: What was the last concert you saw?

80: Hot tea or cold tea?
I like both so have no preference.

81: Tea or coffee?
I like both so have no preference.

82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?

83: Can you swim well?

84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?

85: Are you patient?
Yes, sometimes too patient.

86: DJ or band, at a wedding?

87: Ever won a contest?

88: Ever have plastic surgery?

89: Which are better black or green olives?

90: Can you swim?
This question is sort of repetative. Yes.

91: Best room for a fireplace?
The living room.

92: Do you want to get married?
I was married once but if the right person came along then yes.

93: If married, how long have you been married?
I’m a widow.

95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
What am I, two? No.

96: Whats your favorite color?
Black, red, blue and silver.

97: Do you miss anyone right now?

98: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

99: What is your favorite decade of music?
The 80s

100: What time did you finish this survey?
12:54 AM 3/29/2014

For now, good night to you all. Thanks for reading if you stuck to it. I swear, everytime I take one of these things they get more stupid. I want a good one for a change.



I Was Bored

So it’s been a long time since i have done a survey. This one was sort of dumb but I was bored so i figured, What the hell. It wasn’t as long as the first question made it out to be.

This is a really long survey, you ready?

Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?

When was the last time you got flowers?
May of 2012.

Who knows you better than you know yourself?
i don’t know.

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?

How old do you look?
One of the drivers at Land To Air says i look like I’m no older than 25.

What are you going to do after this?
Probably sleep.

Are you shy?
Yes, sometimes.

What’s your biggest fear?
Fire or dieing in a plane crash.

Can you handle the truth?
Nope, not always.

Were you happy when you woke up today?

Has anyone told you that they would always be there for you?

When was the last time you went to the mall?
About a month ago i think.

Are you a fast typer?

What are you currently hearing?
The computer fans.

Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?

Have you ever been given a rose?

Would you ever date someone who was gorgeous but they had a conceited attitude?
Not a chance.

Latest you stayed up in the past week?
2:00 AM.

Do you know anyone who is pregnant?

Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?

What were you doing at 8 am this morning?

Do you get along with girls?

When’s the last time you talked to your siblings?
A few weeks ago

Would you go in public looking like you do right now?

I’ll bet you miss someone right now?
Yes, very much so.

What is something you disliked about your day?
The printer went down at work.

How’s your hair looking?

Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?

Do you have a hard time trusting people?

Did you speak to your father today?
No, my father’s not alive.

Who’s car were you in last?

What two things do you like about Winter?
I don’t like anything about winter.

What was your last text about?
Work stuff.

Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life?
Yes, just not close.

Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?

What will you be doing in 3 hours?
Sleeping, i hope.

How often do you straighten your hair?

What are you currently looking forward to?
A vacation.

What do you carry with you at all times?
My cell phone.

Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?

What’s on your mind?
Someone I really really like.

How late did you stay up last night?
11:00 i think.

Does it bother you when people respond with one word texts?
Not really because at times I send one word texts myself.

Have you ever had to spend the night at a hospital?

Would you ever dye your hair?
I already have. I won’t anymore however.

Who slept in your bed with you last night?
Ozzy and Luna, my two cats.

How are you wearing your hair?
In a ponytail.

If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?

When is the last time you were at a beach?
I don’t remember.

Think back to October, were you in a relationship?

Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic?

The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?

Do you have a fish tank?

Have you lost respect for anyone recently?

Ever kissed anyone 30 or older?

Plans for today?
Hang out with Cassie, Sue, Rosy, Will, Renee, Mary and Paul.

Are you wearing jeans?

Where’s your phone right now?
On the charger.

Have you ever liked someone older than you?

Are you the oldest child?

Was the first person to text you today a boy or a girl?

Your ex calls wanting to hangout, what do you say?
It depends on which ex.

You’re thinking about someone, aren’t you?

Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now?

How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough?

Do you hate it when you go over to someone’s house and do absolutely nothing?
No it’s nice sometimes..

It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings, what do you do?
It depends on who’s calling.

Is there a girl you can tell anything to?

What was the last non – alcoholic beverage you drank?
Diet Pepsi.

Does the chair you’re sitting on have arms?

Do you pay with cash, credit/debit, or checks most often?
It’s a cross between cash and debit.

What are you most likely to go to jail for?
I’ve never thought about it and i’m not going to start now.

Do you have to wear a name tag at your job?

When buying new clothes, do you keep the original hanger that the clothes comes with?

Name one food you refuse to eat?

Are you any good at math?

What was the first thing you thought this morning?
I want more sleep.

Do you mind sleeping on the floor?

Is your hair longer than your shoulders?

Do you crack your knuckles?

You can only drink one liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
Iced tea.

Are you cold, warm or just right at the moment?

Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?

Are you taller than 5’5″?

Do you have an older brother?

Do you put ketchup on top of your french fries or on the side?
On the side.

What do you want for your birthday?

Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you?

When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
A few months ago.

Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile?
Depends on my mood.

What color are your eyes?

When’s your birthday?
August 9.

Do you want to get married anytime soon?

Do you still pinky swear?

Last movie you saw in theaters and with who?

Are you a jealous person?
I suppose i can be.

Do you have any plans for the day after tomorrow?
I don’t know yet.

For those who read that all the way through, cudos! Yeah I know I more than likely spelled that word wrong but I don’t care at the moment. :P. Good night guys.

