Journal Moving Soon


It’s been forever since I last wrote here. It’s not for the lack of want but everytime I’d start to write an entry I’d get distracted or some silly thing like that. This entry won’t be too long either but I promise in the near future I’ll write a longer one letting you all know what’s been going on with me. There’s been some good…some bad and well some that I don’t know exactly what catagory to place them in. I know it sounds strange but that’s the jist of it.
So now on to the reason for this short but long overdue entry. Sadly soon my journal will not have a home so it will be going down for a time. As soon as I get the journal back up again I’ll let everyone know how to read it again. At the moment, I’m not entirely sure where it will be moving to but hope to have a new home for it soon. I do have a couple of places in mind so hopefully one of them will pan out for me.
For now, I’ll say my good byes because I’m not sure if I will write again before it goes down or not. I will make an effort to but in case I don’t, thanks all for having read this thing and I’ll be back soon.


The Irish Fairy.

Happy Father’s Day Even Though Late

Hello readers.

I know it’s been a while since i las tupdated here but life’s been one big bore after another, in other words, I’ve had absolutely nothing exciting to write about. LOL!

Happy solstice to you all! Summer is finally here, not sure why I’m so bloody excited about this, it’s hot and humid and I don’t like it. Tonight though we are supposed to get some nasty storms full of rain, wind and hail. Reports are we could see hurricane force winds. This for Minnesota is not normal. I read this and was like huh? Hurricane winds? What? Where do I live again? Oy, whatever I suppose. Anyway I hope whatever you are doing to celebrate this day is fun and filled with friends and parties, why parties? Because it’s summer time, finally!!

I’d like to wish all of the fathers out there and the mothers who are acting as both mother and father a very happy father’s day. May your special day be filled with great things and lots of love from your families.

It will be 7 years this November since i lost my father to cancer. There isnt’ a day that goes by that I don’t miss him very much. There are times I wish I could call him and tell him something new I did or what my new future plans are and I can’t anymore. He understood me, he was warm, caring and just an all around special man. He worked very hard all of his life to get to where he was. He was someone I definitely admired and I will always remember him the way he was.

I came across this while reading twitter and had to post it, it comes from @ThoughtCatalog and when I read it I had to post it, it is how I feel and this is my dedication to you all who don’t have a father to celebrate with on this day. Believe me, I know exactly how you are feeling, so while i’m not the one who wrote this, these are my sentiments to you.

Begin Text not mine.


I’m giving you a virtual hug or pizza or whatever is a comfort to you, even if it’s just a temporary one.

I know, just as you do, there is no quick fix to this feeling. I can’t string together the perfect collection of words to make it better or easier. If I could, I’d be doing it always. I’d be traveling the world helping grieving children feel a little less hollow. But I don’t. Frankly, I’m not sure such a thing even exists.

All I know to say is you aren’t alone, as isolated as you may feel. Someone else out there is missing a father. Someone else out there is hating this holiday because of what it does to you.

It reminds you.

These days have a way of sneaking up. The milestones. The holidays. The aching hole that, most days, you can convince yourself isn’t there. You’re okay, just strolling along, laughing at a GIF on Tumblr or texting your best friend about that weird thing someone said on Tinder. Everything is fine. It’s just another day.

Until it isn’t.

Until the calendar tells you.

Until Facebook shows you photos of everyone celebrating.

Until Instagram reminds you of your inability to take a new photo with him.

Until Father’s Day Groupon emails taunt you with great deals on gifts you don’t need.

These moments will find you at the most unexpected times. You were singing to some Jason Derulo song just seconds ago, really emphasizing the DERULOoOooO part, and then it’s here. And your throat tightens. Your tear ducts seem to say, “Hey! just letting you know I’m here and ready for action.”

Maybe you lost your father to death. Maybe you never knew your father to begin with. Maybe father has just never been part of your vocabulary. Whatever the reason this holiday hurts for you – I’m with you. And other people are too. The day will be over and you will continue on. That doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. It’s a fallacy to say time heals all wounds.

It doesn’t.

What it does is teach us how to move forward with scars. It teaches us how to hurt and continue surviving. Because there will be unbelievable moments of sorrow. But guess what? There will also be happiness. There will be memories or things that have you laughing, not crying.

But today sucks. And I can’t sugarcoat it.

But I’m with you.

And if you’re lucky enough to have a dad (whatever definition you choose), hug them. Tell them you love them. Because life is unpredictable and something as benign as a Groupon email with the headline “Perfect Gifts For Your Dad” might make you cry into your coffee cup.

Dad, it’s been 6 years and it still stings like I got the phone call yesterday. Thank you for providing me with some of the happiest moments of my life. As terrified as I am that I will forget the sound of your voice, I will never forget the comfort your presence granted me. You were safety and warmth. You were everything I hope and try to be. Thank you for showing me the true definition of fatherhood, love, and humanity. I love you.

End text not mine.

I wish I could tell my father that I’m going to go to guide dog school and that I’m going to be going to college, not in the fall like I first wanted but probably more like spring. I wish I could send him a copy of my new CD when I finally get finished with it and release it. We always did love to sing together. I will always remember our last vacation when we colored together and he colored a picture of a princess and told a story about how the princess was me and that I had met my prince but my brothers were really suspicious of him, so they questioned him about his intentions twoards me. My father said that i was his princess and that one day I would meet my prince. He taught me that day that the world if you make it so is a very colorful place. I remember telling him that things had to be just so and he said no, you can make things any color you want, and to prove this he made the princess many different colors. I thought it was quite silly at first but looking back now I realize that my father had a point. If you make things the same colors in life, things can be really boring. I have never forgotten that day and I never will.

I miss you dad, I wish that you could be here with me, I know you can’t so I will keep you in my heart. One day we will see each other again and it will be a happy day. Until then, keep Jim company for me too would you? I love you.

Well that’s it for nwo, I’ll write again soon.



Good mornin’ darlins.

I’ve got a doozie for you this morning. This cracked me up. I’ll post a link to the article as well so you know what my sourse was for it.

Wisconsin Woman Burglarizes Home For Cheese And Beer, Asks Police To Help Find Phone She Left At crime sceen via

Wisconsin Woman Burglarizes Home For Cheese And Beer, Asks Police To Help Find Phone She Left At Crime Scene

April 23, 2015 by Emily Kaiser

Kelly L. Mayer might be the ultimate cheesehead. The 37-year-old Wisconsin native burglarized a home in a desperate search for beer and cheese.
To make matters worse cheesier, the homeowner discovered Mayer hiding inside the residence and snacking on cheese. When the homeowner forced her out of the house, Mayer decided to leave behind a stolen laptop. The street value of cheese far exceeds electronics in America’s Dairyland.
To cover her barley and curd trail, Mayer also doused herself in perfume before fleeing the scene. A police spokesperson described how easy it was to apprehend the highly-scented suspect:
“They not only spotted her hiding, they could smell her.”
While Mayer effectively fortified her bones on her dairy diet, cheese and beer didn’t make for the best high speed getaway. Police quickly nabbed her and discovered the stolen Guinness, cheese and various small electronics.
Under the influence of cheese and booze, Mayer had managed to forget her cell phone at the scene of the crime. A police spokesperson recounted how Mayer implored the arresting officers to help her:
“While officers were taking inventory, she asked about her cellphone. They called her number, and back at the victim’s home a phone began to ring inside a living room cabinet.”

Oh, Kelly…

Mayer was held on a tentative charge of burglary. Can we really condemn her? Who hasn’t been succumb to the occasional beer and cheese craving?

*Laughs hysterically*. Oh my sides hurt from laughing so hard! Oh…oh…oh no! *loses it again*. *takes deep breaths to try and get myself undercontrol*. Ok, I’m ok. I’m fine now. Oh man. Uh oh, here I go again. *cracks up again*. Breathe Lily, breathe. *Tears run down face from laughing so hard*. I’m pretty sure i’m being looked at funny here at work…I don’t care…that was hillarious…Ok, under control now…oh man…can we say dumb arse? In the words of Carlos Mancia, dee dee dee!!!!!

Ok, just because I can and since music is such a huge part of my life and who I am…

Your Music Personality is Upbeat and Conventional

You love music that is easy to listen to. You like a catchy melody and a few good hooks.
The types of music you tend to gravitate toward are top 40, pop, oldies, country, and soundtracks. You don’t have to look far to find music you enjoy.

Of all the types, you are the most agreeable. What makes others happy tends to make you happy as well.
You are also the least open to new things. You tend to have plenty of things you like, so you don’t seek out novelty.

It’s likely that you are quite content with yourself and your life. You are confident in who you are.
You are social and easygoing. You like to be a part of a group, and you value harmony.

I have recently rediscovered the awesomeness that is the movie Top Gun. I absolutely love that movie and I forgot just how much till I watched it the other day. Now when I’m at home the soundtrack goes in my winamp on repeat, It’s a great soundtrack to listen to while killing Xloritans on Prometheus. LOL! Speaking of Prometheus, you know you play that game too much when you are battling the Xloritan assassins in your dreams at night. This was the case with me last night. Ugh! Xloritan assassin number 4893 has launched guided missiles at Phoenix Rising, then I’d launch missiiles at the assassin, then Xloritan assassin 4893 has been destroyed. They wouldn’t stop, the assassins just kept coming and I’d keep destroying them. LOL! That’s pretty sad. All I can do is laugh at myself because it’s nuts and I can’t help but to make fun of myself for it. Time to take a break from it me thinks. Hahaha.

Today is a gloomy rainy day. I really dislike days like this, I long for the warmth of the sun and the days that make me not want to hybernate. Right now all I feel like doing is curling up under my blankets with a good book and a hot chocolate or a hot cup of tea. Hm, i can make tea, I just remember I keep a supply of it here at work along with one of my favorite tea cups. Which kind should I have? Tough decision as I have four different kinds here. I think I’ll have orange spice, mmmmm, good stuff.

Well I’m going to go and contemplate lunch. I’m hungry and breakfast was nonexistent this morning. Good for me for sleeping past my alarm, I so rock! LOL!

Untill next time…

Feeling Sarcastic

Ugh! WTF is wrong with me today? i have no patience for much of anything. It has been all I can do not to snapp at people. Can I go backp to bed and start the day over again? It has bene a while since I have felt this way and I don’t like it at all. Luckily I have thus far been able to keep myself in check, all I’d need is to blow up at someone and then I get sent home for misconduct or something like that. I can feel the sarcasm flowing through my veins at the moment but I’m working really hard at not saying anything sarcastic. At the moment, it’s really really tough.

So, the penalty phase of the trial for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev started today. I have mixed feelings on how I think things should go for him. On the one hand I feel that he should be tortured for the rest of his life for what he has taken part in and on the other I feel they should just end his miserable life. I never wish death on anyone though, bad karma that. I am deeply saddened by what he and his brother have done and either way, Dzhokhar should be punished for his part in the bombing. It matters not if it was the influence of his older brother, he could have said no, he could have gone against him and continued his education. This guy had his whole life ahead of him and he blew it, and for what? Their mother saying that her sons are innocent, well I sort of understand that, no mother wants to think her child capable of something so horrific. She must face facts however, facts do not lie. There’s all kinds of evidence to prove her son’s guilt and now the youngest must face his crimes. The older brother who’s name I cannot thik of at the moment is somewhere on the other side laughing his arse off, you know he is. It’s sad really, he has left his younger brother to deal with this alone, some brother huh? No doubt about it though, Dzhokhar will pay, he did the crime so now he must do the time.

The penalty phase in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got underway today. |

Tonight I’m supposed to be going out with Flint and Megan to celebrate Megan’s birthday. We are going to the irish pub for dinks and dinner. They have excellent food. I haven’t heard from Flint yet so I’m hoping that it still is actually going to happen, I could use a drink.

Coming soon to this blog…new features! I won’t say yet what they are as I have to figure out how to make them work but hopefully soon I can enlighten you all as to what they are.

Well for now I’m out, I’ll write again soon.

The irish faery

I Want To Try My Hand At What?

Good afternoon readers.

First…happy 4/20 all!!! Light ’em up!!!
Ok, had to do it, while I haven’t par taken in the smoking of the green for a very long time I had to wish those that still do a happy stoners day. I must admit if it were legal I’d have done it yesterday. Yep, you bet i would have. I don’t care what anyone says, it helps with glaucoma which is what I have. In the past it helped greatly. I guess I just admitted that I’d do it for medicinal purposes.

This weekend was a fairly quiet one, nothing of excitement happened. Yesterday my eyes were full of pain again and the pain has been more frequent than I like. I definitely think it’s time to do something about them.

I found this of interest after watching this at a show that I went to sometime last year I believe it was. Ok, I can’t see this anymore but when I had some vision I was rivited to the television. This is something I think I’d love to do, not sure as fire is one of my biggest fears but what a way to overcome a fear right? This stuff’s amazing! Brilliant!! I’m not sure there’s a way for a blind person to do this though, are there any blind fire dancers? I’ll have to look into that. Don’t try this alone as this is meant for experienced people. Do this with super vision if you want to play with fire in this way. The flame can be harmful if one is not careful but it can also be a beautiful thing. Yeah right, now I just got to keep telling myself that, the flame is beautiful…the flame is beautiful…the flame is beautiful…
LOL! I’m done, like i said, have an interesting read. Promoting the arts of fire dancing, worldwide fire performers and fire arts training.

For more on fire dancing there’s a great article on wikipedia that is very detailed in what fire dancing is and how to start and where to get equipment. It also shows you the different apparatuses and safety that goes along with performance with the flame. Here is the wikipedia article on it that i mentioned above.

Another article about fire dancing…

The more articles I find and read, the more it seems scary. All articles point out that it is extremely dangerous to do. LOL! Gee, ya think? I still want to know if there are any blind fire performers, i’m starting to dout there are, ah well gonna look anyway.

Well, I suppose that’s all for this edition of Life According To Lily. I’ll write again soon.

hello, I’m tired

Good morning everybody. I am trying really hard to sleep and I can’t do it. Not exactly sure why, I’m tired as tire can be but sleep is elusive tonight. I have to get up for work in a few hours and I fear I may not make it through the day without napping at my desk. What to do? I don’t feel like making tea, although I know it would help immensely if I drink some. If there are any errors in this entry it is because I am blogging from the iPhone once again. You figure I’d learned my lesson the first time right? Apparently not! Because here I am again. Oh well, just wanted to pop in and say hi since I couldn’t sleep. I suppose I will end for now and attempt that thing we call sleep. I am working on another entry and hopefully will have it posted later on today. Anyway, until next time everyone sleep well when you go. Good night.

Idiot Politicians

I’m back again and extremely perturbed.

Really? Are you fecking serious!!!!! What an utter and complete idiot!

NH: Dem lawmaker proposes euthanizing the disabled

I hate politics with a passion! I hate the idiots that are politicians who are running this country. Dont’ get me wrong, there are actually some who have done some good but you have idiots like this who make suggestions based off what he said were his emotions. Listen bloody bastard, don’t blame the disabled for your states issues. Thank goodness I don’t live in your state because if I did…you’d be receiving a nice letter telling you exactly what i thought of you and your Adolf Hitler idea. Wait till one day you become old and crippled or deaf or blind or whatever you may become and maybe you’ll think twice about saying anything that asinine. I don’t care if you did apologize for that comment, you don’t say shite like that and expect people to just forgive you for that because your emotions were high or what the feck ever. You don’t deserve to be in a position of power.
I can’t believe the nerve of some people, i really can’t. Ugh! Bloody politics!

Today I will be rearranging my apartment I hope. I’m going to turn the bedroom into the living room and the living room into the bedroom. My reasoning for this is the living room will be a lot cooler in the summer due to the fact I will be putting an air conditioner in. Paul is going to come help me move the big stuff, I could do it on my own as I have done that before but with help it will go much faster. I will more than likely have sore muscles again in places that I didn’t think possibel to get sore but it will all be worth it in the end.

I just had to post that last bit as i forgot to post that in the last entry.

I’m really and truely off this time. Be well all.

The Ice Princess

The Lost Tomb Of Who?

Good very very early morning.

I should really be sleeping but I can’t sleep, I’m tired enough but I am not sure i can sleep if I lie down, so here I am still awake at dark:30 updating this thing…again. Some of you were wondering if I was ever going to update, well I’m trying to update as often as I can now.

I am extremely excited!!! One of my best friends that i have had since high school called me while I was at work yesterday. I haven’t spoken with her in a couple of years at least, not sure why but we haven’t communicated at all. I have missed her deeply in that time. So, when my phone rang and I heard her name come up on the caller ID my first thought was that something was horribly wrong. Since i was at work, I told her i couldn’t talk just then but that I’d be home around quarter to five and she could call me then if she wished or I could call her if she prefered. She told me she’d call me and we said goodbye and hung up. True to her word she did call, I unfortunately couldn’t answer as I was still at work and then I waited for my ride home. That’s another story for the next topic. Anyway, when I got home I called her and she was about to eat dinner so again we couldn’t talk at that particular time. After she was done eating she returned my call and we could at last talk and catch up. We talked for a good two and a half hours!! She is going to come visit soon so I can’t wait to see her again as i haven’t seen her in ages. So, Crystal AKA LilRed, welcome back woman! I’ve missed you deeply!

I mentioned above That i was waiting for my ride at work. Well, I called this sort of new taxi company and I had a driver that I had never had before. He had no idea where he was going at all. He called my mobile at least six times to get directions to where I work, then when I got in the cab, he asked me for directions a few times to my house. I have taken into consideration that maybe he is a new driver and that he doesn’t know his way around my town yet so I did understand. The poor guy got called from the owner though and got chewed because he got lost, I felt horrible for him, he really was trying. He kept apologizing while I was in the taxi and saying I’ll find it, I’ll find it. I finally just told him it was ok and to take his time. He seemed so nervous and frustrated with himself, I decided when I finally got home to give him a good tip, I think that made his night. Poor foreign guy, I seriously think he was new. I guess I tell this story to hopefully teach a bit of patience and understanding. You never know what is the story of another person so don’t jump to conclusions, after all you wouldn’t want someone to do that to you. I think if people had a bit more patience and underrstanding in their hearts the world would be a much better place for all of us.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was my most favorite man in wrestling history. Stone Cold gave me tons of laughs when he used to be on and I missed him terribly when he left the ring for the final time. The moments when he and Vince Mcmann went at it were the best! Austin 316 says I just made you piss your pants. LOL! That is probably my most favorite episode of RAW. “Somebody give me a hell yeah!.”
So you are probably wondering why I am rehashing the glory days of this incredible man right? I was going through twitter and I came across this youtube vid that was posted by a cool person and I thought i’d share it.

Stone cold Steve Austin comes clean about the Wrestling business: via @YouTube

“And that’s the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.”

Have a fun quiz just because i can.

You Are Autumn Leaves

You are even-tempered and good-natured. You’ve chosen to minimize drama in your life.
You are patient and empathetic. You have a lot of sympathy in your heart.

You’re always willing to do a favor for someone you care about. Your generosity knows no bounds.
You are a great listener and a great friend. People are lucky to have you in their lives.

Now the promised lost tomb article I have been saying I’m going to post.

So i’m extremely confused about this article. I’m sorry I cannot post the origin of the article as the person I copied it from did not state it’s source. Normally I wouldn’t even post it with no sources but seeing how it has my mind spinning and contradicts everything I have ever learned, I found it necessary to get my thoughts down about it. I couldn’t do that without posting the article. First I’ll have you read and then I’ll make comments when done, they will be at the bottom of the article.

The lost tomb of Jesus? Scientist claims he has ‘virtually unequivocal evidence’ that could help explain the whereabouts of Christ’s remains

Evidence also points to Jesus having married and had a son, geologist says – but his findings are likely to prove controversial.

A geologist in Jerusalem claims to have found “virtually unequivocal evidence” that could reopen the controversy over the final resting place of Jesus Christ.

Dr Aryeh Shimron says he has carried out new tests that suggest it is more likely the Talpiot Tomb, a burial site found in East Jerusalem in 1980, was a family grave for Jesus of Nazareth, his wife Mary Magdalene and his son Judah.

Dubbed “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” in a 2007 documentary movie directed by James Cameron, the chamber contained nine burial boxes or “ossuaries” inscribed with the names “Jesus son of Joseph”, “Mary” and other names associated with the New Testament.

The inscriptions and the approximate dates of burial have led some to suggest the Talpiot Tomb means Jesus married, that he fathered a child, and that the existence of bodily remains means the Resurrection could never have happened.

The controversial claims were refuted on a variety of grounds at the time of the film’s broadcast – not least on the basis that the names were all relatively common at the time.

Yet speaking to the New York Times, Dr Shimron has said that geochemical tests on a 10th ossuary make it highly likely the box was recently removed from among the others in the Talpiot Tomb.

That’s significant because the Aramaic inscription on the 10th ossuary reads “James son of Joseph brother of Jesus” – adding weight to the suggestions that the names are those of Jesus Christ and his family.

“The evidence is beyond what I expected,” Dr Shimron said. “I think I’ve got really powerful, virtually unequivocal evidence that the James ossuary spent most of its lifetime, or death time, in the Talpiot Tomb.”

The geochemical tests, carried out under Dr Shimron’s supervision largely by the Israel Antiquities Authority, worked on the basis that the ossuaries in the Talpiot Tomb were all once covered by the same clay with a very distinctive mineral make-up.

While the results are likely to rekindle the debate surrounding the possible remains of Jesus, they are still far from accepted in scientific circles. The collector who owns the James ossuary told the Times Dr Shimron’s work determines nothing “conclusively”, while other Jerusalem archaeologists say they await its publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

This is going to have people in an uproar, i can see it now. As for what I truely believe? Well, let’s just say this article is not my belief. No matter what my religion I still believe what I was originally taught. There are many documentaries on the crucifiction and reserection of Jesus. I have never seen a documentary about a lost tomb that has remains of Jesus’s family or lack there of.
This is a tough topic so I’ll end this one, I bet you’re thinking..and thinking…and thinking…*chuckles*.

Well seeing how it is now 4:24 in the morning I’m going to make like a vampire and go to ground. LOL! Sorry, True Blood reference. Man I really miss that show! I don’t like the way it ended but I’m so going to miss it. Mmmmm, Eric Northman. Sorry lost myself for a moment there. *laughs*. Alright, good night or morning, which ever you prefer.

Until next time darlins…

The Ice Princess

My Body’s Betrayal

Good afternoon readers of this mess of a blog.

Sometimes I really really hate my body. This morning I was supposed to get my arse out of bed and go apply to university for classes in the fall as I have been wanting to do for the past few months or so. Well being the traitor that my body decided that it was going to be made me awaken with a migraine today. What a fine feck you and how do you do on this lovely day. So, I injected myself with some Emetrex and took a shower. For the most part it is gone but now my orbs feel as if they are going to pop out of my head. I’m seriously considering having them removed, it’s not like they are doing me a lot of good at this point in my life. The fun part about that is I can choose whatever color I want my eyes to be, think I’ll choose to make them red, that way it will creep out people and make me laugh hysterically. No, I wouldn’t seriously do that but the thought is a funny one. It would be sort of cool to have them violet though but I’ll probably make them be green, emerald green to be exact. Right now they are blue and the green would be a fun change. Anyway, I will now be applying for classes online and pay the bloody $25 application fee, not a huge deal. I’d much rather do that and make sure I can get into the classes I want and hopefully miss the chance of them becoming full. The good thing is, if I get that done soon I can still go in the fall and not have to wait till spring. Flint will hopefully be coming over this weekend and he’ll help me with all of that stuff. If not, it’s not like I don’t know how to use a computer. LOL! I could do that on my own if I really needed to.

Currently I’m at work waiting for Flint to call me and get my lunch order. He is being nice and stopping for food for me since I missed breakfast due to my above problem. H’e is stopping by Kwick Trip do get lunch, not the healthiest thing in the world but it’s food. I could have him grab me a salad from there which I will more than likely do since I have gone on this health food kick again. I never really went off it but I was slackingt a bit. Wish me luck, I’m going to try and give up all types of pop. It’s going to be interesting to see how long I can keep that one up but I’m going to give it my best shot. I figure if I can give up smoking I can sure as hell give up drinking that stuff. I’m strong willed and stubborn. I am lioness, hear me roar. While Flint is here he is going to work on the comps here to get them all working the way the need to be, thank goodness! I won’t be the only one who can pring Grayhound tickets anymore. This means my laptop can come home with me anytime I need it to. *Cheers*.

Well I suppose I will end this for now and pay more attention to what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m soooo hungry and as the afternoon rolls on it gets busier and busier. I’m still going to do the lost tomb entry so stay tuned for that.

Bye for now…

The Ice Princess

Life’s Randoms

Greetings from the laptop and not the IPhone this time.

If you read my blog you will know that my atempt at posting from my phone was a fail, not an epic fail as it did do something but it totally messed up. Blah! I’ll have to

work with the wordpress app a bit to make it work perfectly, that could be a challenge as well.

I hope everyone had a nice Easter or Ostara which ever it is you celebrate. Mine was very quiet and that’s alright because I really wasn’t feeling up to much that day

anyway. I must admit I miss the family getting together but every one has their own families now and other things to do. Sometimes growing up really bites the big one.

Yesterday I was supposed to go and register for fall classes at MSU. That didn’t happen unfortunately. I got a call from Flint telling me that he wasn’t on campus and that

he wouldn’t be because his work got canceled as well as his class. This really got to me because I’m so afraid that I’m going to miss the cut off date and I’ll have to wait

and sign up for spring semester wich I really don’t want to do. I want to get my classes started so I can have them all done. I suppose I’ll have to ask him when the cut off

date is. I will be going there tomorrow morning to sign up as long as things don’t fall through again.
There is someone trying to discourage me from going to school. When I told her I wanted to start in the fall she asked me why. I told her that I want to do this because it

will open up more job opportunities for me. No, i’m not leaving Land To Air as I love it there and the people are nice but I feel that I can do good elsewhere at the same

time. Not only that but with getting a degree in spanish translation it will help at work as well. Tami from work says I should try and learn Samali as we need lots of

translaters for them but I already have a background in spanish so going to stidk with what I already know. Anyway I digress. I’m hoping I can get signed up tomorrow,

I’ll let you all know if I did or not.

Here, have a quiz, i haven’t done one in a while so here ya go.

Finally have some stories and links that caught my attention.

This is one of the most horrific things I have read in a while. How can someone do this to another human being? It brings me to tears when I read things like this. I don’t

care what the person has done, no one deserves this kind of treatment. I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy.

The Chinese Government Is Harvesting Organs From Living People Without Anesthetic Or Consent

i feel just sick over this story. If this is indeed going on, it needs to be stopped somehow. I don’t know what type of world we live in where there is such inhumane actions

that are allowed to go on. Ugh! I can’t think about it anymore.

So, i hate flying, it terrifies me. I always am wondering how the plane is staying up in the air the whole time I’m on the flight. I try to bring music and things that can

keep me distracted so I don’t get too worked up about it. It doesn’t always work, just sayin. Anyway I came across this on twitter today and wanted to share it. I laughed so

hard. If I had a flight attendant like this I think I’d be much more relaxed while flying. Have a laugh.

Hilarious Southwest Flight Attendant San Francisco to Chicago on 6 17 14 – YouTube –

I really like this song but I’m pretty sure that I never want to hear this version again. The creater of this file did well, i’ll give them that but oh man. For all of my blind

friends out there, have this…LOL! If you are sighted and you are reading this, what you are about to hear is one of our screen readers singing.

ETI-Eloquence, sings Avicii’s Wake me up.

After hearing that are you all as disturbed as i was? If not, good for you for sticking that out.

As wierd as this story is I found it rather interesting.

I Thanked The Man Who Killed My Friend

Now because I’m in to the supernatural and the paranormal, have this article.

I Think I Accidentally Invited Something To Permanently Stay At This Place I’m Housesitting


Ok darlins, untill next time I’m out. In the next upcoming entry we will be reading about a lost toomb. Who’s you ask? Well stay tuned and find out. *giggles*.

The Ice Princess