Is Donald Trump a Friend to Gays?

Good evening to all.


This entry has a bit of a rant reguarding Donald Trump and his bigotry towards the LGBT community. If you don’t wish to see my views on this, you can stop reading where I indicate the rants beginning.

Hopeing everyone had a great Saturday. Mine was ok, a bit quiet but at times I enjoy the silence.
The two plans I had for the day fell by the wayside: one due to Flint having ended up working and the other plan due to nasty weather. I understand that life happens and even though I’m a bit disappointed that I ended up staying at home today my Saturday was still great.
Tomorrow I shall try to go to Flint’s house again. He has a little make-shift studio set up there and I’m going over to start recording the new CD that everyone’s been asking about. I’m not sure how many songs I will get done but I will get a couple done at least. He says that we are also going to order food, from where, I don’t know that yet but I’m sure it will be good and something we can both agree on. We don’t agree on pizza very much because he loves sausage while I can’t stand it. I love veggies on my pizza whereas he hates veggies with a passion. He has no idea what is good for him. :D. We do agree that the pizza at Toppers is good, we both love the macaroni and cheese pizza and their cheese sticks. Tomorrow should be interesting to say the least.


I’d just like to announce that in my oppinion Donald Trump is a racist and a bigot and no one is going to change my mind about this.
In listening to him speek and talk about how he is going to do this and that for the economy I found myself yelling at the television because what he was saying angered me to no end. Donald Trump makes me want to throw things I swear. My main topic though is regarding the LGBTQ community. I’m going to show you a video first and then I’ll give you my thoughts.

Is Donald J. Trump a friend to gays? Watch and come to your own conclusion.

Now, he did attend a gay wedding but yet in the next instance he’s saying he’s against gay marriage. Do you think he’s a friend to gays? In watching this youtube vid myself I’d have to say not. He has said that if he gets elected he would like to have the supreme court overrule gays and lesbians getting married. Why? What is it hurting that two people of the same sex get married? No one is saying that he has to divorce his wife and marry a guy. this doesn’t affect him at all. Is he wanting to do this for religious reasons? The only reason that people think two members of the same sex getting married or even being together is wrong is because it’s what they are taught. WE CANNOT HELP THAT WE ARE BORN THIS WAY! How many times does it need to be said that we don’t just wake up one day and go, oh, I think I’ll be gay today or lesbian or bisexual or transgender. THIS IS PART OF WHO WE ARE, IT’S IN OUR MAKEUP. Well let me tell yu something Mr bigotyTrump, I’m a proud member of the LGBTQ community and if I one day wish to marry a woman then by all means I will marry a woman! Why would you want to take away our happiness just because you don’t agree with it? Oh right, because it’s what these people who are against it want and you would rather give in to their demands than to be a man and stand up and say, hey, it’s ok for these people to be gay or whatever the case may be. These people have the same rights as you and so the ruling stands! Love is love and love always wins! No matter what or anyone thinks.
As far as considering having the LGBTQ community’s right to work taken away? What kind of a person are you? Who does that? You would rather see us lose everything we’ve worked for and supporting ourselves would be impossible, almost. You are a heartless man, a bigot, and you are most certainly not in my future. If you do get elected, I feel so sorry for this country, it will be a very sad day. I sincerely hope you don’t win the election.


As long as i’m posting vids, have this about Pokemon Go. Personally I’m not a fan but I knosome are. Pi-Ka-chuuuuuuuuuu!
I do love that little pokemon. LOL!

We found out what happens after you catch every Pokémon:

Well, I’m drained so I’ll end this for now. Have a great evening all!


What Is Friendship

What is friendship?

I’m not sure some people know the answer to this question. They can say they know the meaning of friendship, but do they really? I believe the answer is no.
First, I’ll show you the dictionary definition of friendship and then I’ll explain it to you in my own words, from my perspective if you will.

the state of being friends : the relationship between friends

the state of being a friend; association as friends:
to value a person’s friendship.

a friendly relation or intimacy.

friendly feeling or disposition.

These are very simple definitions and don’t really give the true meaning of friendship. Maybe I’m confusing this with what is a true friend. From my perspective this is what I think friendship is…

Friendship is helping one another when one is in need. This doesn’t mean take advantage of your friend but if he/she is in need of something then you help them as best as you are able, this of course goes both ways.
Friendship is acceptance. It’s being able to see each other’s differences and you accept them for who and what they are or believe in.
Friendship is giving support to one another. No matter what your friend is going through you can support them. It doesn’t matter if you approve or not, it’s not for you to judge what they are doing.
This leads me to friendship is never judging each other. Again this does not mean you have to approve but do not judge them, this isn’t your job.
Friendship is working out your differences instead of walking away because you disagree. I’m not saying that you are always going to agree on things and that an arguement won’t occur ever but talking things out and being able to say I was wrong if you in fact were helps the friendship stay good. This doesn’t mean admitting you were wrong if you were right but gently explaining your reasoning helps.
Friendship is apologizing when you know that you have hurt one another. If you have done something to offend or make your friend feel bad give an apology and don’t do the same thing twice, there is a point where I’m sorry begins to lose it’s meaning.
friendship is forgiveness. After the tears and arguements and the I’m sorries, forgive. This goes along with the above statement.
Friendship is love. There are different types of love and letting your friend know how much they mean to you and letting them know that you love them because they are your friend.
Friendship is honesty. Being honest with your friends is very important, sometimes it may hurt but in the long run your friends will respect you more if you tell them the truth. Also don’t lie to others about a friend to make yourself look good. If you and a friend are in a disagreement, don’t go to another friend and make up things about the disagreement that didn’t happen, it does get back to the other people.
Friendship is loyalty. Be true to your friends. If you hear others speaking poorly of a friend, it is ok to step up and say hey, don’t say this about my friend. Don’t join in the backstabbing session.
Friendship is listening to each other. If a friend has a problem, be there for them. If you are truly unable to talk when a friend comes to you, just say hey I’m sorry but I can’t talk right now, can I call you later? Sometimes the friend will get upset over that but there are times you can’t just drop what you are doing to talk. It may make everyone feel bad but the friend must respect that. You aren’t blowing them off, you are just in the middle of something you can’t finish later.

So, friendship to me is Love, acceptance, forgiveness, being supportive, being there for each other in both good and bad times, not walking away from each other when times get tough, caring, sharing, honesty, and loyalty.

I write this entry because recently I have had a falling out with a friend. I have known this person for about fifteen years and it hurts me that he’s acting the way he is. He has the right to do so but it hurts. The problem is that I was not in the wrong and he’s acting as if I am. He even went as far as to lie to a mutual friend of ours about things that got said and not wanting to own up to what he has done. It makes me look bad and I don’t understand after fifteen years why he’s acting this way. I don’t get it. You think you know someone and it turns out I don’t think I knew him as well as I thought I did.
I do miss him, He’s funny and a lot of fun most times. He is or was like a brother to me. I’d really like to talk things out but he’s deleted me from communications so I can’t do so. I don’t really know what to do here anymore and it hurts and kills me inside. I don’t think I have any more tears left for this. I hate when friendships end, especially the ones that have lasted for so long.

Sorry all, I’m not usually this grim. Mostly I’m a very positive and optimistic person.

Anyway, in other news.
Yesterday I met my new mobility instructor, she’s very nice and I think working with her is going to be great! She’s going to work with me on the buses here and also getting around the campus so I can start school. State Services for the blind won’t let me go to school until I can navigate the MSU campus on my own. I do get this I guess, they said that they can’t hire someone to walk me to and from classes. Really? I don’t want someone to walk me to and from classes, I’d like to be able to do this on my own. I was not expecting them to do such a thing, really…I’m not helpless. So, here’s to RuthAnne for teaching me how to get around up there, that campus is ginormous! I will learn it too because I’m determined to do so.

I haven’t yet heard anything from The Courtyard Marriott. They did say by end of the week so hopefully today I will hear from them. Here’s hoping i have found a job.

Well, I’m off to find breakfast and coffee, I can’t believe I have worked on this with no coffee, there’s too much blood in my coffee stream. I must fix this. I’m wishing you all a rainbow glittery bubble gum cotton candy no hassle kind of day! Do something special for yourselves, it’s Friday!!! <3 <3 <3.


The Interview


Before I tell you about how things went, I have this audio post I’d appreciate you giving a listen. It’s not a must but it’s really cool and I think that the one who put this together would appreciate it as well. This comes from one of my twitter followers, he’s really awesome at what he does even though some apparently tell him otherwise. His name’s Kyle and I don’t know him well but from what I do know of him he’s pretty cool. Enjoy! Please tell your friends to give it a listen as well.

80 or so views. Can i get more?

Today was great! I went for my interview and I felt that things went really well. They seem interested but I won’t know anything until possibly the end of the week. When i got there I was pretty nervous and a couple of times I almost thought I was going to have to…well to put it nicely find the nearest bathroom. It never came to that and for that i’m thankful. I didn’t get to interview with who I was originally supposed to talk to because she was busy but I spoke with a man named Bowe. He was very nice and he asked all sorts of questions, some I was expecting and some I wasn’t. All in all it went pretty well I think. There is one thing that might keep me from getting that job and that is they use DOS for their system and I’m not sure I can get JAWS for DOS anymore, that and I’m not sure I even remember the commands for that program either.We’ll just have to see what happens.

I have a couple of jobs in mind that I’m applying for, one of which I think would be totally fun. The place is called The Paw, it’s a dog grooming business. I love animals and i love working with people so what better job? The other job is one out of St. Cloud and it’s a work at home job. That one i’m not so sure about because a lot of those jobs are scams and I’m not in the market for that. Jerry and May are going to be able to work from home and I think that’s totally awesome. They are working for Red Roof Inn. I did inquire about that to my counselor and it is a possibility, the only thing is I’d have to leave for a month of training if I were to get accepted and I have two cats that I can’t leave for that long. I have people who would watch them for me but it’s not fair to them or the cats.

Tonight I have rehersal for the play I’m in next month and then Flint’s coming over afterwords. I don’t have a speaking part but they’ve decided to make me sing. LOL! Not much rehersing for that as I know what I’m supposed to be singing and as long as I practice from home I’m all good. This also means no show tonight on Cosmic Lava Radio. I may need to change my schedule on there now due to this play thing.

All right, I’m off for now. Have a great evening!


Today’s ramblings

Good evening.

Currently it’s about 10:54 PM here and I just woke up from a nap about an hour ago. Why do I mention this you may be asking, well it’s because i’m still sleepy and I have no idea why. I napped for about an hour and a half and so I should be rested but I’m not. I’m not sure what if any relevance this has for this entry but there it is.

Someone once said that people should write every day even if it’s just to say that you have nothing to write about. Unfortunately I can’t remember who quoted that and it’s sad, my memory is usually better than this. At any rate, I have decided to try and do this because it will get me into the habit of updating again more often than I did in my last journal. I used to write a lot and then for an unknown reason I just stopped. I could blame it on writer’s block but I didn’t have it, I just simply stopped writing. I’m not sure what the reason is but I’m going to try again.

If you like amusing things, give a dose of Buckley a whirl. Follow him on twitter if you like as well, his user name is @ADoseofBuckley. I watch him everytime he releases a new video on youtube. I’ll post this one for you to check out if you like, this is his latest one.

A Dose of Buckley #224 – Kim and Kanye: California State Criminals

So I did call the Marriott Courtyard Hotel back and I have an interview with them tomorrow at noon. One of my job coaches is coming with me and I can’t quite decide yet if this is a bad thing or a good thing. On the one hand I think it could be bad because what if they think I can’t do this job on my own and no matter how well I do with the interview they say no. On the other hand it could be good because if I do get the job she can help work out any accessibility issues I might face doing the job. I’m really hoping they are willing to give me a chance to prove I can do things even though I’m blind. There aren’t a lot of companies that are willing but I hope that they are.
I have people telling me that they think I can do this and i just need to believe in myself. I’ve got some pretty good references backing me and so I’m keepin an optimistic outlook on this.
There are those who are wondering why I didn’t wish to take the job at Verizon and i have explained it but they seem to think I’m wrong for not wanting to even give it a try. They didn’t call me back anyway so the point is moot. Do i feel bad about it? Of course I do but there’s not a thing I can do about it now, all I can do now is look to the future and hope for the best.

I got to talk to my friend from my old job, Barb. I miss her so much. She says things are just not the same since I left there. Her last day was June 24th but she still subs there at times due to Donna having to go to the hospital. She doesn’t like it though because the new people don’t seem to respect her. She says that they are quite a bit younger than her and that they are pretty tight. I feel bad she is having to deal with that, it’s not fair to her.
I sometimes miss working at Land To Air but going bakc is not an option for me. My sanity would suffer worse than it already has and i can’t put myself through that, not again.

Well, I suppose I should end this for now. Poor Ozzy, that’s my 13-year-old cat is up here begging me to feed him…again. I swear, he’s like a bottomless pit! I don’t mind much though because a couple of months or so ago he wouldn’t eat at all and I thought I was going to lose him he got so sick. Luna my 3-year-old cat is up by the food dish scratching at it so I better go and take care of them. They’re my babies and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

I’ll let you all know how tomorrow goes.
Good night all.


Possible New Job

Twice in one day, this must be a record for me. oh wait, that’s right I have done this before. Oh well…damn!

So, I may have a new job depending on how this goes.
So, there I was in my kitchen doing my dishes when my phone rings. I didn’t recognize the number and I was on the phone with Clint so I didn’t answer it. After I got off the phone how ever I listened to the voice mail and it was from the Mariott Courtyard hotel which I applied for a few weeks ago. I didn’t think they called people on Sundays but low and behold they did and now I need to call them back to let them know when I’d like to go in for an interview. I thought that they’d have hired someone already and that’s why I wasn’t hearing anything back from them.
I’m all excited now and a bit nervous at the same time. I know it hasn’t happened yet but I’ve got to keep a positive outlook about this. I will need to call them back in just a bit. I’ll let you all know how it goes once I do the interview.
Bye for now!

Introducing Lily

All right, I promised an introduction and so now you shall have an introduction. If you are all still with me after this, awesome! If not, it was nice knowing you for the time I did. :D.

Name: Lily.
Age: 41.
Birthday: 8/9/74.
Location: North Mankato MN.
Nicknames: Lil, Lils, LilyFlower, and LilyBird.
Hair color: Red.
Eye color: Blue.

Quote “an it do as you will, harm none.” and “United we stand, divided we fall.”

Zodiac sign: Leo.
ChineseZodiac sign: Tiger.

About me…
I am a half irish, half german lassy from the land of 10,000 taxes. Oh wait, did I say that? What I meant was, the land of 10,000 lakes, not to mention 10,000 mosquitos. Ok so there are far more mosquitos than there are lakes but I think you get the idea.
I’ve always been a bit of a rebel. When I was younger I was quite rebellious especially against family. I didn’t believe in rules, well much anyway. I always thaught rules were made to be broken. I suppose to a point I’m still that way. Now though I have a huge respect for public authority figures such as policeman, as for family? Yeah I do, I respect them now as well.
I like to tell everyone this as I am a straight forward person and feel that people should know this right away so that you can make your own decision about whether or not to accept me or not. I am a vampire and a witch. Yup, I practice wicca. I am a light wiccan, I promise. I know that some of you may be saying,”There is no such thing as a good wiccan.” I’m here to tell you there are good wiccans all over the place. Most of them don’t come out and say they are though because of the way that society is twoards us, not to mention twoards vampires as well. Yes, vampire I know sounds weird but there actually is a medical condition called vampirism and I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with it. I laughed when my doctor said it but then I got to thinking, very cool! Yep, that’s just me. This doesn’t mean that I can run with super speed or anything like that, that’s all movie stuff and even though I like to joke around about it, I can’t do what the movie vamps do. What this does mean is that because I have such pale skin or fair as some call it, the sun does hurt my eyes, I burn like crazy in the sun due to being so pale,  I am anemic and sometimes need blood transfusions and I have more energy at night vs the day. Trust me, I wish I could have vamp speed but alas, it’s not to be. I won’t say anymore about the subject though, I just wanted you all to know that up front.
Currently, I’m a DJ for parties, weddings, and basically whatever i’m needed for. It’s a ton of fun! My company is called Live Stream Celebrations. I’m not as off the ground as i’d like to be but that takes time and i’m working at it slowly. The cool thing is I don’t charge as much as a DJ who has bene at this a while and that gives a bit of compitition. I’m an internet broadcaster for a few stations as well. I’m currently looking for a job again because well, I quit my other one at Land To Air but that’s for another entry.
I’m also a proud member of the LGBTQ community. Coming out was one of the scariest things I’ve done because you aren’t accepted for it. I finally got to the point where I told myself that I shouldn’t hide who I am and if people can’t accept it then it’s on them. I don’t flirt with anyone who is straight with the acception of Cassi but she has gay friends and is used to it and takes it well. I am bisexual and this does not mean that I am confused as to whether I like guys or girls, this means I can date either one. Being bisexual does not mean one is confused and can’t decide. The cool thing is most are understanding and I have remained friends with those who acknowledge my sexuality and accept it. So…if I’ve scared anyone away then I apologize but I can’t change who I am and couldn’t even if I wanted to. It’s not a matter of you wake up one day and decide you are going to be LGBTQ, it’s who you are.
My dream job is to be a veterinarian, unfortunately being totally blind crushes that one. I’m not bitter about my blindness at all, there are times I wish I could do things I want but that wasn’t in the cards for me and that’s ok. I’ve come to accept it, in fact when I lost what sight I did have it was a tough thing but I said to myself, you can either allow this to destroy you or you can get out of this bed and go on with life, I chose life and haven’t ever regreted that.

Some things i love to do are…
1. Hang out with friends.
2. Read.
3. Chat on IRC and other places.
4. Sing.
5. Cook.
6. Write poetry, plays, short stories, fanfiction etc…

I am a collector of…

Shot glasses.
Flash drives that are different shapes.
Heart-shaped things.

Music boxes

I absolutely love: Thunderstorms, all animals, going for walks, my two cats Ozzy and Luna, the smell of a burning campfire, my friends and family, cool crisp nights, music, dark chocolate, apples, the sound of the ocean, birds singing, the color lavender, rose tea, silver instead of gold, the sound of a cat purring and days that are not too hot or too cold.

I love all kinds of music and love to internet broadcast. Some of my favorite bands are…
1. Evanescence with Amy Lee
2. Nightwish with Tarja
3. Korn.
4. Lacuna Coil.
5. The Beatles.
6. Inccubus Succubus.
7. Moonstruck.
8. Disturbed.
9. Mortal Love.
10. Xandria.

11. 5 Seconds of Summer
12. One Direction
13 Moonland
14 Stream of Passion
15. Hydria
16. Flyleaf

Some of my favorite things are…

Actor: Alexander Skarsgard.
Pop: Mist Twist
Time of day: Night.
Seasons: Spring
and Autumn.
Flower: Roses and Lilies.
Musical instrument: The celtic harp and the flute.
Candy: Dark chocolate, Skittles  and gummy bears.
Classical Composer: Vivaldi.
Mythical Creature: Dragons, the phoenix, and unicorns.
Super Power: Flying and healing.
Movies: The Harry Potter series, The Twilight Saga, anything with Alan Rickman, Anything with Alexander Skarsgard, Dirty Dancing, The Lord Of The Rings series.

I know, my faves are getting crazy but, that’s who I am.
There is so much more i could write in here but for now, there are the basics. If you want to know more and get to know me better, just ask. I am always up for making a new friend.
So there you have it, probably more info than you wanted on me. *laugh*.

Time for me to go and find something to drink, catch you all on the flip.


Good morning, just quickly testing to see if I can post with the iPhone. I am exhausted so I am off to sleep. It is currently raining outside so that should help with that. Good night everyone.


Good morning, or what’s left of it.


So this is my blog. For now, just testing settings and such, soon I will post to introduce myself.


This much I will say, this blog will be about my life and things going on in it at the present time. Some things I post may be offensive to some and maybe not be to others. If I believe a post might offend you, I will put a disclaimer at the beginning so that you can decide whether or not to proceed with reading.


I must end for now but I’ll be back soon with my first true entry.

Have a great day everyone!



The Rainy November Night

Good evening.

As i sit here on this very rainy evening writing, I’m finding it hard to believe the weather here. For November it’s very strange, I mean it’s raining and not snowing. Usually around this time of year we have snow on the ground and possibly dropping more. We’ve gotten over an inch of rain already and it’s still steadily falling. This afternoon we had thunder and lightning which is hella weird as well. The weather forecasters say that by the time it’s all over we could have two inches. So throughout the night we are supposed to have rain, hail and strong winds with gusts with up to 60 MPH, in Iowa they were having tornado warnings this afternoon and I can’t help but wonder if we are in for some of that. Personally, I’m seriously hoping not. I don’t mind the storms at all but you can keep the tornados. I must admit that it has been extremely beautiful for November.

There is a great possibility for a second job. I can’t remember if I wrote about this before but Kato Cab has a dispatching job and I’m trying for it. My SSB counselor and my computer tech Flint went to talk to them and it seems more and more likely that I will get it. There are a few kinks to work out mainly the mapping issue but Flint has an idea for that. I’m sort of excited but don’t wish to get my hopes up too much in case it doesn’t happen.
I’m currently still working at Land To Air and have been there for five years now. Things there have me really really frustrated at times but I’m sticking with it. I won’t go into why I’m frustrated just now but maybe I’ll go into it soonish.

I finally got my application in at MSU!!! They have looked at my application and all I need to do now is get my old college to send them my transcripts and boom!!!! They said they will consider my application for classes assoon as I can make that happen and i couldn’t be any more excited. I have chosen three choices for majors, I know it seems like a lot but I have to decide between the three. I’m interested in foreign language which is my first, music and accounting. I’m told it might be hard for a totally blind person to do accounting but I seriously want to try. There are ways to get around some of the paperwork like using a scanner to read, accept for the handwritten stuff which no one has found a way around yet. I’m not too sure they will find a way since everyone writes differently, it would be pretty cool if they could though.

I’m still looking for a new apartment to move to. I applied for one and they sent me a letter back letting me know that as soon as my name gets to the top of the list they will let me know. I’m also going to look for places near MSU campus, sure it will cost me more to get to and from work from there but I will be closer to class as well. It should be interesting to say the least. If I move to campus Flint will be my roommate as he is looking for a new place to live temporarily while his house gets finished being remodeled at which time he and I will move back to the house. I will be living upstairs and he downstairs. It will be like having our own apartments then. I spoke with the apartment manager at the campus and she said that my two cats will most definitely be accepted. This made me happy as I will not go where my babies aren’t welcome. If you don’t want my cats then you don’t get to have me there. I mean this within reason. We shall see what happens.

Well, I suppose I should run and close windows as it is starting to get a bit chilly in here. I still have things to do before I go to sleep as well. Six o’clock comes early when one doesn’t sleep well at night.

Have a great rest of your night eveyone and I’ll try to write again soon, try being the keyword here.

Laters, XO

The irish fairy