Can’t Sleep…or Can I?

Hello to all on this stormy night/early morning, which ever way you want to perceive it.

Yesterday meaning August 18, I was one busy Lily.
It started out in the morning with meeting Janet, I had a bit of shopping to do so ended up going to Wal-mart for this task. I looked for a backpack but found none I was too teribly thrilled with so ended up not getting one. I was searching for one because my leather one I had ended up tearing, the leather tore off of the straps and I’m not sure how that happened. Oh and if I don’t type this entry correctly it’s because I took some Benadryl as I had an ellergic reaction to some essential oils and it makes me hella sleepy. I hate having such sensitive skin. If anyone knows of any essential oils that a person with extremely sensitive skin can use, please let me know, I’d greatly appreciate it. Speaking of hella, I took this quiz and it said my evil name was Hellarose. Ok, sorry back to the entry at hand. I might create another journal with that name. Oh , yeah, sorry. Um…where was I? Ah yes, my day. Anyway, I didn’t find a backpack but I did end up getting some other much needed items.
After leaving Wal-mart I got home in just enough time to catch my O&M instructor. She and I rode the bus around because she is starting to teach me the different bus routes and what businesses are on the route. Today’s trip was the bus ride around the MSU campus. This was cool as that’s where I’m planning to go to school for accounting and business courses. I’m excited about this but I did right about that in my last entry so I won’t focus too much on that. After we got done riding the bus, she took me to The Fill-in Station which is a great coffee shop and one of my favorites. She wanted to buy me birthday coffee and a treat for my birthday, I was greatful for it. I had an iced mocha and a peanut butter bite. That was really good, I’d never had one of those but I would like to get one again.
While we were out we ended up under a severe thunderstorm warning. That was pretty freaky I must say. Normally I love storms but this one was a bit scary. RuthAnne who is my instructor said that the clouds were very dark and had some rotation in them. When we entered the coffee shop the girl behind the counter said that the sky did look like a tornado sky. All i could think was I want to go home now. I hate being out in storms like that. When we got to the shop we heard the sign fall, that’s how strong the winds were. There was also some damage and trees down in my town. Not good. After we got done she brought me home and told me that next week we are going to practice the walk to the bus stop I need to catch that bus we rode today, that is unless we have bad weather again. If that happens we’re going to the mall instead.

I was checking e-mails earlier and I had received one from my friend Barb who i used to work with at Land to Air. I’m always so happy to hear from her and I miss her a lot. OH yeah, I need to try and remember to write back to her in the morning, anyway…as I was reading through it she wrote about how Donna had called her all upset because she found out that corporate was advertising for a new general manager. When Donna found this out she confronted Steve and apparently it was her job to get all of the old employees out of there so they could hire new ones. Now that she has done that, they no longer need her and wish for someone else to take her place. I’ll show you a part of the e-mail…


Donna called me 2 weeks ago very upset as the corporate had been advertising for a new general manager without her knowledge,,, and when she found out she confronted Steve, so it sounded as if she would be looking for a new job.  She confessed to me she had been doing the corporate dirty work of getting out the old employees, so Steve can bring in new ones.  So the next day I had to write another resignation letter for my subbing position and turn in my key and so did her friend, Nora.


So…Donna did tell me at Xmas time that I might want to start looking for a new job, I now know why. Even if I had wanted to stay there, I’d have ended up getting pushed out anyway. This also explains why the pay went up to $10 an hour after Barb and I left. I think that is some shite and my friend karma will come around bakc to them for what they’ve done. I just wish I was there to see it when it does.

Today Clint leaves to go back to Utah. He really doesn’t want to go back there and i can’t blame him at all. He has asked me if I want to come out there and visit him next time. I did tell him I’d see about that, his friends wish to meet me as well. I will be packing him a food package to take with him on the bus so he has food for his trip back. It will be strange without him here, I believe even Luna has gotten used to him and she doesn’t like much of anyone. She adores me but i’m her mum.

Well the thunderstorm has passed and I think the Benadryl is finally kicking me arse so time to head off to bed. Have a good night.morning and I’ll write again soonish.

Slán go Fóill and sláinte mhaith.
Oíche mhaith


P.S. It has started storming again, it’s a beautiful thing. I love thunderstorms with light rain.

Major and Minor

I’ve done it! After many many months of battling with myself i’ve finally done it! I have chosen a college major! I’m so excited about this!
Last night I was talking to Flint on the phone and we got to talking about college. Now as most of you may remember I at one point wanted to be a spanish/samali language interpreter, well I found that the college doesn’t teach samali but it does teach spanish so I still could have gone that direction, but after giving that a bit more thought I decided that there are a lot of spanish interpreters so really there’s a chance that I’d not have a job after completeing courses or lots of trouble finding employment. So I thought of the other career choices I’d like to go into and I have decided finally what it is I want to do. You all are probably by now going, ok, just spill it already, right? Well, wait no more! I have decided that I’m going to major in accounting and will minor in small business. I mentioned this to Flint and he reckons it is a great career choice. I asked him if there was any reason a blind person couldn’t be an accountant and he didn’t think so, he thought I’d be able to do it no problem so long as I’m good at math. Well, I love math so I think it’s a great choice. So the two things I have left to do are to let my counselor know and then to get a hold of my old college again to see about my grades. All goes well, I’ll start school in the spring. My O&M instructor is going to work on me getting around campus on my own so that will be very cool. I’m hoping with the courses I’m taking I will be able to go and study abroad for a while. I think we all know what country I’d be choosing to study in…yep, if you guessed Ireland, you guessed correctly. One step at a time though. So, bring on college! I’m ready!

Today I was job hunting again online like I do at times and found nothing. Sometimes I don’t feel I’ll ever find work. I try really hard not to get discouraged but it’s tough when you apply and the jobs you try for don’t want to hire you. I did find some things for Paul to apply for so that made me feel good that I could help him with that. I will keep looking, I’m not giving up on my search but as I’ve said, I’m starting to get a bit frustrated with the lack of the jobs. This coming Thursday I get to meet with my job coach so we’ll see how that goes.

Just a random thought, I’m watching the 100000 dollar pyramid and there’s a woman on there named Logan. I thought that was a boy’s name, at least I’ve never heard of a girl called Logan. It’s a great name but…not for a girl. No offense if there’s a girl out there with that name. I don’t mean to offend. I wonder…is it spelled differently? I’m going to have to google that now.

The visit with Clint is one week passed now, he has this week here and then he goes bakc home again. I wish I could have done things that I wanted to do while he was here but I didn’t get that chance due to lack of funds. He said he has enjoyed being here even though I didn’t get to show him places in Mankato. It’s been great thus far.

Well, I’m going to end this now, my eyeballs are hurting so bad it’s making me feel sick to my stomach. I had to cancel my show on Ninth Floor Radio tonight due to this happening. I can’t broadcast when I’m feeling like this because I don’t feel I do my best.

Take care everyone. XOXO

The Vampiress Lily

Sleep Is Elusive…Again

Good morning, such as it is.

All I have to say is, here sleep sleep sleep. Why must you be so elusive? Sleep has bene this way for the past couple of nights, I’m sure that something’s off with the universe because everything seems strange as of late. I can’t explain it but I haven’t felt like myself for the past few days. I’m happy enough like normal and am still pretty optimistic but it’s hard for me to explain exactly what it is I’m feeling.
Anyway, onward to the next topic.

August the 9th was my birthday. I had a pretty good birthday actually, normally I see it as just one more day but this one was a cool one.
I watched a movie I’ve been wanting to see for the longest time! The movie was called PS I love you, I think ti rates up there with my favorite movies now. It’s a story about a woman married to an irish man and things at first seem shaky with their relationship but it turns out that they ended up all right. In the movie she gets to travel to Ireland and meets people there and visits her in-laws while there. I don’t want to give too many details about it in case you want to see it, no spoilers here. :P.
About 9:30 that night my friends hosted a party in the smoke shack, well the gazebo but we call it the smoke shack as that’s where all of the smokers go to have their smoke breaks. They gave me a signed card and Paul baked a cake for me. The cake was delicious! It was a white cake with orange cream frosting and colorful stars or so I’m told. I personally could not see the stars but that’s what they all told me.
I didn’t do the normal drinking thing for my BDay but I didn’t need to, celebrating with my friends was fun and I wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

The visit with Clint is going well, I can’t believe that a week has passed already. Time is going fast! He says he likes it here and doesn’t want to leave to go back to Utah. I’m glad he is having fun, I figured he’d be bored but he isn’t.
We watched The Lost Boys wich I found out that is a movie he likes. That has bene one of my favorite movies since i saw it years ago. We watch The Lost Boys Part 2 titled The Tribe. I don’t like that one as well but Clint thought it was good. We have yet to watch the third Lost Boys but we will get to that one. It’s called The Thurst and I haven’t sene that one yet either. It’s funny to own a movie i haven’t seen yet but I do. LOL!
I was hoping to cook irish food for him while he has bene here but i haven’t gotten the chance to do that yet. Hopefully I can make at least one authentic irish meal before he goes bakc home. If I don’t, there’s always next time.
We had also planned to read all of the Harry Potter books as well but we haven’t gotten to those either. We’ve had too much fun hanging out with Paul and everyone here. As i said, there’s always next time.

i’m still looking for work, no luck there yet however. I have a meeting with my job coach next Thursday to discuss things. At times I feel I’ll never find another job and am tempted to see if Land To Air will hire me back again but then I remember all of the reasons I left in the first place and I’m like, nope. Things there haven’t gotten any better either i’m sure. They did raise the office pay to ten dollars an hour though. I heard that and I was like, those arseholes! They wait till after Barb and i leave to raise the wages. I imagine they had to do something though as they were having trouble keeping office workers. Quite a few of the drivers have quit as well and they’ve had to hire new ones. All i can do is shake my head now when i think of that place. I so miss Jason. Jason, come baaaaaaaaaaack! We need you!

Just a couple of articles that got to me…

This is one of the saddest things i’ve seen lately. this breaks my heart and brings me to tears, a horrible tragedy for sure. This boy’s going to have to live with this for the rest of his life.

Sheriff: 2-week-old killed by 6-year-old brother; mother charged

This is an outrage!!

A Woman Was Fired After She Had a Violent Allergic Reaction at Work

Well I suppose, I have forgotten what else i was going to write about so I’ll end this thing before it turns into rambling.

Take care all and I’ll write again soon. XO


I’m Awake Now? What?

2:02 AM 8/8/2016

So because I’m awake due to my vampiric traits kicking in and my bordem, have some things that either interested me, annoyed me or that I think are just plain awesome.

This article annoys me to know end.

How low can they go- Drug companies lobby against legalized medical pot because it reduces use of deadly #opioids–PrcYX9Eg_5TW5ez4SkOzt1lqZgaJB8iBSKAot7UHQV_1rrcirqb9TmbqWofCZIa0Y9m41-6nj2uuiZoXlKslx_h-XlVkzfTyd7DJNqPyfN6CLXrw&_hsmi=31648485&utm_campaign=KHN%3A%20First%20Edition&utm_content=31648485&utm_medium=email&utm_source=hs_email

This is an absolutely beautiful child.

This kid knows what’s important in life.? via @YouTube

I found this amusing.

100 THINGS TO ASK SIRI?! | Nicole Renee

I am very much in love with this song. I heart this guy for singing it.

All My Life via @YouTube

Last week was sort of a busy one, i had three appointments in one day. All three went well so no worries there. That was last Thursday and then last Friday Clint got here and will be staying till the 19th of this month. We, meaning Flint and i picked Clint up and came bakc to my apartment and hung out for a bit. Flint ordered Pizza hut and then went home after hanging out for a bit as he had to work on Saturday morning.
On Saturday I had play rehersals so Clint went with me to watch. After about three hours of that Clint, Flint and I went to eat dinner and then to the grocery store for a bit of shopping. I was so glad when rehersals were over because it was so hot where we were practicing. Clint and i went back to my place and hung out for the rest of the evening before crashing.
Sunday we didn’t do much really. We just hung out and again went to the grocery store. I had to pick up my rent so I decided to pick up a few more things as long as i was there. Once we got back to my apartment we did my show and ate cheap chinese food. He said it was good for the price we paid but I thought it was kind of nasty. I will never again get chinese food from a deli. LOL! I think I got spoiled because of China Star wich I absolutely adore. We went to bed early and I slept for a bit. Clint is still sleeping, I swear I think he sleeps like the dead, nothing wakes him. As for me, my vampirism has kicked in and my body says no more sleep for you, you should be up now. So, here i am writing and at the same time playing Prometheus.
Later on today I will do some housework and get dishes and laundry completely done, at least that is my goal.

Well, I’m out for now I suppose, gotta go hunt for something to drink. 😛 xo


Happy 34th Birthday Dear Jim

Good evening.


Today you’d have turned 34, We’d be married for almost twelve years in September. I hope that you are having one hell of a birthday party over there. I miss you with all of my being still, you never leave my thoughts and i wish you were still here so I could have given you a huge birthday party. Some don’t understand how I can still mourn you after so many years and there are those who do understand. I think Jim that you were my soulmate, and I know you didn’t want me to go on crying for you after you were gone but I do, it’s hard for me not to.
I have tried to keep the promise you asked me to make to you and none of my relationships have worked out because of one reason or another. I’m still friends with some of my exes though. I’m currently with someone now and I hope that you’d approve of him.
Flint misses you too. He wonders what you’d think of Megan. He’s so happy with her and she’s really an awesome person and the cool thing you’d like about her is that she’s a geek too. I think you’d definitely approve of her.
There’s so much I’d like to tell you, So much I wish I could say. I long to hear your voice again, to see you smile, to gaze into your beautiful eyes, to feel your arms around me and I know that i can’t but I do know that I’ll see you again one day.

I wrote a poem a few years ago that I will post here, it was written for Jim.

February 20, 2008

IN DEDICATION TO: Jim Poss who lost his battle with cancer on September 11, 2004

It came upon you like a thief in the night,
With no warning no sign it started a fight.
The day that the doctors told us i’ll never forget,
They told us you had cancer but don’t give up yet.

You didn’t give up, you said “this means war!
It’s message of I’ll win, you chose to ignore.
So for four long years you fought and fought hard,
Never quitting or letting down your guard.

I stayed by your side while you fought the good fight,
not regretting it for one second of the day or night.
I loved you so much then as I still do today,
and that which is the love and memories, cancer cannot take away.

The day you had to leave us was a terrible day indeed,
but we knew that from the pain and suffering yu had finally been freed.
You now walk among the angels and I know you still watch over me,
I can feel your presence when i start to miss you like crazy.

I know it’s not goodbye forever and someday I will be with you again,
I’ll be able to do things we didn’t before like take long walks in the rain.
So for now I’ll be content just to know you’re flying high,
So spread your wings my sweet angel and I’ll try not to cry.
For one day when my life is over, and my work here on Earth is done,
We shall be reunited again, forever and always and we will live as one.

These two songs I dedicate to Jim as well.


I love you Jim and you will always have a place in my heart, always..


Greetings once again. I am laying here posting from my phone. I hate when I tried to go to bed and for some reason my mind races and it makes it very hard to sleep. Since I could not sleep right away, I decided to play a little dice world and listen to my catfight. Make that can’t plural, dictation is not always a good thing. Anyway, I am not sure what my cats are doing. For some reason they keep jumping at shadows or so it seems. My youngest cat is really bad for that. She likes to look up at the ceiling or look towards The door and then she will run and it is like she is chasing something. My friend Cassie thinks she may have a ghost in her apartment. I told her when I was in a better mind frame I would open my senses and go check things out for her as well as my own dwelling. I have them closed off for the moment is I feel too much when they are open. I will try and go get some sleep now, I am yawning and can’t stop. Hopefully at some point my youngest cat will quit hissing and trying to fight with my older cat. So, for the second time good night everybody.

26 Things


I love doing these things from time-to-time.
I find them fun at times and they’re also a great way for you to learn more about who I am.

Twenty six things about me…
A- Age: 41.
B- Biggest fear: Fire.
C- Current time: 8:57 PM.
D- Drink you last had: milk.
E- Every day starts with: coffee.
F- Favorite song: Disturbed’s version of The Sound of Silence.
G- Ghosts, are they real?: yes.
H- Hometown: North Mankato, MN.
I- In love?:Yes.
J- Jealous of: People with lots of money.
K- Killed someone? NO.
L- Last time you cried? July 22, 2016.
M- Middle name: Rose.
N- Number of siblings: combined siblings 14.
O- One wish: Acceptance for all to love whom ever they choose no matter if it’s a straight person or an LGBTQ person.
P- Person you last called: Paul Hoppe.
Q- Question Will you share your answers on your status? this was taken from facebook and since I’m doing them here for my journal, no.
R- Reason to smile: I have many things to be thankful for.
S- Song last sang: Patti Rothberg – Inside.
T- Time you woke up: 7:45 AM.
U- Underwear color: that’s a bit of a personal question and I refuse to answer.
V- Last Vacation: Somewhere over the rainbow. :P.
W- Worst habit: biting my nails.
X- X-Rays you’ve had: left hand, right foot and ankle, chest, right knee and my lower back.
Y- Your favorite food: hummus with veggies and Subway sandwiches.
Z- Zodiac sign: Leo or if it’s the Chinese Zodiac tiger. Either way you look at it, I’m a big cat. :P.

I didn’t get to go to Flint’s house today like I was going to. He went out and then by the time he returned home it was after five and he still had to get his work reports done. I’m a bit disappointed but at the same time I do understand, if he doesn’t get these things done he doesn’t get paid. I will go over there some time this week.

The weather was a lot better today heat and humidity wise. instead of the tempatures being in the nineties they were in the eighties and the dew points were in the lower sixties instead of being close to eighty. I still had the air on as the sunshine comes directly in threw my windows and it makes it hotter inside than it actually is outside. I need to get one of the blinds fixed so I can shut it so that it stays cooler in here. During the winter the blind being broken isn’t a huge deal as I don’t have to use the heat because the sun is a good enough heater for me. I don’t want Luna and Ozzy to get blamed for it being broken either, if I know Bruce, he’ll blame them and my cats do not climb the blinds. I will buy a new one just as soon as I can and replace it so that doesn’t happen.
Well, sleep is calling so I will answer it. Good night all, have a great night and sweet dreams.
