Good early morning readers. I am too tired to stay awake but he too awake to sleep if that makes any sense. When I sit at my keyboard I wish to follow sleep, but when I lie down in my bed my mind races and I end up staying awake. So far this weekend has been OK. I did not get to

Go to the Minnesota State fair but it’s OK, there is always next year. I know the weekend isn’t over yet but I have no plans to go tomorrow which is Sunday or Monday which is Labor Day. Oh well, sometimes it happens that plans just don’t work out and we deal with it as Life deals it to us. I do have a broadcast to do Sunday night which is called music in motion and so I will probably do that. Well, just wanted to give a little update from the mobile, I am off now to try and clear my head so that I can get some sleep. Meditation is a beautiful thing! Hopefully Luna and Ozzie will allow me to sleep as well. Ozzie will probably sleep but Luna is my night out. Good night to him, sleep well and sweet dreams. I will be back soon with another entry from the computer and not the iPhone. LOL! Wow! My typos! That was supposed to say Luna is my night owl oh WL. Oh well, can’t win them all. LOL! Dictation with the iPhone trying to journal is tough. I think I need to learn more about how things work so that I can make corrections. Oh well, I’m done rambling now, I promise. Good night, again.

Who Am I?

Name: Lily.
Age: 42.
Birthday: 8/9/74.
Location: North Mankato MN.
Nicknames: Lil, Lils, LilyFlower, and LilyBird.
Hair color: Red.
Eye color: Blue.

Quote “an it do as you will, harm none.” and “United we stand, divided we fall.”

Zodiac sign: Leo.
ChineseZodiac sign: Tiger.

About me…

I am a half irish, half german lassy from the land of 10,000 taxes. Oh wait, did I say that? What I meant was, the land of 10,000 lakes, not to mention 10,000 mosquitos. Ok so there are far more mosquitos than there are lakes but I think you get the idea.
I’ve always been a bit of a rebel. When I was younger I was quite rebellious especially against family. I didn’t believe in rules, well much anyway. I always thaught rules were made to be broken. I suppose to a point I’m still that way. Now though I have a huge respect for public authority figures such as policeman, as for family? Yeah I do, I respect them now as well.
I like to tell everyone this as I am a straight forward person and feel that people should know this right away so that you can make your own decision about whether or not to accept me or not. I am a vampire and a witch. Yup, I practice wicca. I am a light wiccan, I promise. I know that some of you may be saying,”There is no such thing as a good wiccan.” I’m here to tell you there are good wiccans all over the place. Most of them don’t come out and say they are though because of the way that society is twoards us, not to mention twoards vampires as well. Yes, vampire I know sounds weird but there actually is a medical condition called vampirism and I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with it. I laughed when my doctor said it but then I got to thinking, very cool! Yep, that’s just me. This doesn’t mean that I can run with super speed or anything like that, that’s all movie stuff and even though I like to joke around about it, I can’t do what the movie vamps do. What this does mean is that because I have such pale skin or fair as some call it, the sun does hurt my eyes, I burn like crazy in the sun due to being so pale, I am anemic and sometimes need blood transfusions and I have more energy at night vs the day. Trust me, I wish I could have vamp speed but alas, it’s not to be. I won’t say anymore about the subject though, I just wanted you all to know that up front.
Currently, I’m a DJ for parties, weddings, and basically whatever i’m needed for. It’s a ton of fun! My company is called Live Stream Celebrations. I’m not as off the ground as i’d like to be but that takes time and i’m working at it slowly. The cool thing is I don’t charge as much as a DJ who has bene at this a while and that gives a bit of compitition. I’m an internet broadcaster for a few stations as well. I’m currently looking for a job again because well, I quit my other one at Land To Air but that’s for another entry.
I’m also a proud member of the LGBTQ community. Coming out was one of the scariest things I’ve done because you aren’t accepted for it. I finally got to the point where I told myself that I shouldn’t hide who I am and if people can’t accept it then it’s on them. I don’t flirt with anyone who is straight with the acception of Cassi but she has gay friends and is used to it and takes it well. I am bisexual and this does not mean that I am confused as to whether I like guys or girls, this means I can date either one. Being bisexual does not mean one is confused and can’t decide. The cool thing is most are understanding and I have remained friends with those who acknowledge my sexuality and accept it. So…if I’ve scared anyone away then I apologize but I can’t change who I am and couldn’t even if I wanted to. It’s not a matter of you wake up one day and decide you are going to be LGBTQ, it’s who you are.
My dream job is to be a veterinarian, unfortunately being totally blind crushes that one. I’m not bitter about my blindness at all, there are times I wish I could do things I want but that wasn’t in the cards for me and that’s ok. I’ve come to accept it, in fact when I lost what sight I did have it was a tough thing but I said to myself, you can either allow this to destroy you or you can get out of this bed and go on with life, I chose life and haven’t ever regreted that.

Some things i love to do are…

1. Hang out with friends.
2. Read.
3. Chat on IRC and other places.
4. Sing.
5. Cook.
6. Write poetry, plays, short stories, fanfiction etc…

I am a collector of…

Shot glasses.
Flash drives that are different shapes.
Heart-shaped things.

Music boxes

I absolutely love: Thunderstorms, all animals, going for walks, my two cats Ozzy and Luna, the smell of a burning campfire, my friends and family, cool crisp nights, music, dark chocolate, apples, the sound of the ocean, birds singing, the color lavender, rose tea, silver instead of gold, the sound of a cat purring and days that are not too hot or too cold.

I love all kinds of music and love to internet broadcast. Some of my favorite bands are…

1. Evanescence with Amy Lee
2. Nightwish with Tarja
3. Korn.
4. Lacuna Coil.
5. The Beatles.
6. Inccubus Succubus.
7. Moonstruck.
8. Disturbed.
9. Mortal Love.
10. Xandria.

11. 5 Seconds of Summer
12. One Direction
13 Moonland
14 Stream of Passion
15. Hydria
16. Flyleaf

Some of my favorite things are…

Actor: Alexander Skarsgard.
Pop: Mist Twist
Time of day: Night.
Seasons: Spring
and Autumn.
Flower: Roses and Lilies.
Musical instrument: The celtic harp and the flute.
Candy: Dark chocolate, Skittles and gummy bears.
Classical Composer: Vivaldi.
Mythical Creature: Dragons, the phoenix, and unicorns.
Super Power: Flying and healing.
Movies: The Harry Potter series, The Twilight Saga, anything with Alan Rickman, Anything with Alexander Skarsgard, Dirty Dancing, The Lord Of The Rings series.

I know, my faves are getting crazy but, that’s who I am.
There is so much more i could write in here but for now, there are the basics. If you want to know more and get to know me better, just ask. I am always up for making a new friend.

Rants and an Update

9:57 AM 8/30/2016

Good morning readers.

I hope this entry finds you all well, I’m not yet sure how I feel as i haven’t fully awakened just yet. So until I accomplish this difficult feat, have a youtube vid that I think is quite interesting.

Coffee, bad for you? Wait, what?
Not according to this…

25 Unique Uses For Coffee And Coffee Grinds

So as you can see, coffee has a number of good things about it. It has many different uses and has the added bonus of being healthy too, Just don’t add those creamers and sugars to it for the full healthy coffee experience. That one’s tough for me as I don’t usually care for black coffee.

Well, I think I’ll go and make some of that healthy coffee now as i’ve not been up long, there’s way too much blood in my coffee stream.

Until later…

10:42 AM 8/31/2016

Good morning.

Well obviously I didn’t make it back to this until now. Yep I stated the obvious i know.

Well last weekend was a busy one. Last Friday I had dress rehersal for this play i was in called The Kabaret. I’m in this community of people called action club theater. Basically it is a group of people made up of persons with many different disabilities. The actors have anything from blindness to paraplegia to mild retardation, (sorry I can’t remember the correct term for that) to speech impediments to deafness, You get the idea. Every year I’m asked to sing in there shows and usually I say no however this year I decided why not. I’m always so nervous when singing in front of an entire audience, such horrible stage fright so I thought this might be a way to help cure some of that. Action Club Theater is always so accepting of everyone no matter your disability. At first I was like, this isn’t really helping but after having gone there this past year and a half it actually did help. I believe i now have the confidence to perform without wanting to toss my cookies so to speak. Yes it’s still there but no where near as badly as it was. Anyway I am slightly off topic…I thought we’d be performing for people that night but we didn’t, only some people stayed to watch after dropping off some of the actors and actresses. That went fine. Our actual performances were Saturday and Sunday and the first performance it felt as if I had butterflies as big as eagles in my stomach! After I finished singing that night the crowd cheered and clapped loudly and it felt awesome! It was like I was meant to be singing, I had never had that feeling before. People tell me all the time that my singing is great or beautiful or whatever and I just never believe it. On Sunday it was the same thing, cheering and clapping and the feeling of belonging, it was like going home. After the performances having complete strangers coming to me and saying things like, “You have a beautiful voice” or “you brought my husband to tears with your performance” or “Thank you for singing that song , it is one of my favorites and you performed it beautifully”…it’s an indescribable feeling. The entire play was a success both days. We all had fun singing and dancing and just hanging in a community that knows what it’s like to be different and taking that and saying I amm no different than anyone. I do belong somewhere. I’m not sure this is making any sense but it was like I had an epiphany or something. I will be performing with them again, It was just awesome.

And now for the article of the day that angers me…

N.J. man smashes window with sledgehammer to save baby locked in hot car.

Due to the heroic actions of these two sitizens, that baby girl is still alive. Thank the gods for that. What i don’t understand is why her father didn’t want to get further medical treatment. If that were my child I for one would not have left her locked in the car in the first place but second I would have taken her to the hospital to make sure she was ok. Some parents never cease to piss me off. Some people shouldn’t even be parents. Then for the mother to come out and ask “where’s my baby” is just…ugh! Personally, I’d have taken her two other children away as well and put all three in a different home. It’s bloody rediculous! She’s lucky that the two good sameritans walked by when they did and that one had a way to get that baby out of there or she might be looking at jail time for that. In my oppinion she should anyway for child neglect and endangerment.
Sorry but this just pisses me off royally!

I thought I’d end on a happy note…

Dog swims more than 6 miles, walks 12 more to find family, after falling overboard into Lake Michigan.

Now that’s loyalty!!!

Well, it is now 1:16 PM and i’m finally goign to post this.
I’ll be back again when I have something else to write about. XOXO


Good Morning

Good morning or late night.


Just popping in to say hello. This blog will be all about the more personal side of me. I don’t usually get too personal but there are times I just have to get things out.


I’ll update soon with an entry with more sustenance.


Oíche mhaith for now. XOXO


The song fairy


Have you ever felt like no matter what you do you aren’t good enough? I have, and it’s not a good feeling.
I used to have a job, a job that I absolutely loved and needless to say that I no longer have this job. For about five and a half years I worked for a company called Land To Air. Land to Air was an airport shuttle service that shuttled passengers back and forth from Mankato to the Minneapolis/St. Paul international airport. The people were nice and the passengers were great. Last year that all changed when my old boss Jason decided to leave for better endeavors. Now I do not think illy of him for finding new work, in fact I’m very happy for him. When he left Donna took his place and things changed for the worst. I felt belittled and like I was useless because of her treatment of me. Before Donna took over Jason’s position she was just a driver and back then she was cool and fun to be around. She decided to quit her job at the school she was working for and became a full time fixture in the office which at the time I thought was awesome as she and I had always gotten along in the past. You know how they say absolute power corrupts absolutely or some such nonsense? Well, it certainly does, at least it did with her. No statement has ever been truer. So, due to the treatment of myself and others I decided to leave that job and search for other work. I haven’t found anything as of yet but believe me, I have tried. I have also found out since that corporate has been searching for a new general manager for Land to Air without Donna’s knowledge. They made it her job to get rid of all of us old employees so they could hire new people and now that she’s done that, they wish to get rid of her too. It’s kind of like, thanks for doing our dirty work, now we don’t need you anymore. It’s sad actually. When I first heard this, I was happy because I felt that it was poetic justice but now all I feel is sadness and anger on her behalf. She had no clue they were going to do this to her. I feel I shouldn’t care because of the way she was towards me, in ways I feel I should be glad and laugh and say she got what she deserved. I’m not that kind of person though, I can’t laugh at someone elses misfortune. Damned Conscience! Everytime I feel happy about it, I feel guilty for feeling happy about it and so I just can’t be happy she is losing her job. It’s not right. I am a strong believer in karma though. I digress…As I was saying, I have been trying to look for a new job with no success. I have a job coach who I don’t feel is helping me at all. I have to meet with him this morning actually and I don’t really feel I want to. Sometimes I don’t think I’ll ever find something new. I try not to get discouraged but it’s hard when after each job interview you get no call back. I feel useless at times and frustrated that all I’m good for anymore is to stay at home and take care of my two cats. Don’t get me wrong, I love my cats dearly but I need to work, I need to get out and do something. Sometimes I feel horrible after talking to a friend of mine because he basically says I’m not trying hard enough to find a new job. He says I should have stayed at Land to Air no matter my letting him know that I was going to be let go anyway and the treatment I was receiving was hurting me to the point of crying on an almost daily basis. It was triggering my depression and making things worse. If any of you have ever lived with or are living with depression and PTSD you will know what I’m talking about and why I felt the way I did. He says that I’m just like a typical blindy, sitting at home all day on my computer and playing muds. He seems to think that it’s all I wish to do with the rest of my life. His words, not mine. For his information, not all blind people choose to play muds. I am trying to find work, I can’t do anymore than I’m already doing. I can’t help it if companies I interview with don’t want to hire me, I just have to move on and apply at other places. Anyway, at the moment I feel really small. I feel this way after talking to this particular friend when we get into it about my lack of a job. I want a job, I want more money, I want to be able to do things and not worry about financials but at the moment it doesn’t seem to be in my cards. So yes, rightn ow I do feel like I’m not good enough and I’m useless. Not even my DJ stuff has taken off like I wanted it to, or my singing which there again I feel I’m not good at that either. Other’s seem to think so but I do not. They say you are your own worse critic. Ok? I suppose that’s true. I don’t know. I have self esteem issues and always have. I have a lack of self worth as well and I’m not sure how to fix this. I wasn’t feeling like this when I had a job. I felt I had a purpose. Like I said too, this is how I feel when I talk to this friend. He is supposed to be my best friend and at times I don’t feel he is acting like one. He doesn’t understand what it’s like and he never will because he’s never had to deal with the same issues as me. Anyway this gets into more things that I’m really too tired to get into at this moment. It’s like 5:03 AM here and I haven’t had enough sleep. In fact I’m going to go and try to catch a couple more hours or I’m never going to make it to see my job coach. Hopefully I can find a ride to go see him as I have no money for cabs. I have contacted a few people that I’m hoping will get back to me this morning.

Untill next time…XOXO.

Just a girl

Testing Testing

Good afternoon.

I created this to get out thoughts and feelings that no one else probably wishes to read. If you are reading, cool. I know that at times my posts can be boring, well my thoughts on the subject anyway, and some are good. Either way, this is what this is for. I will more than likely post a true entry soon as I have some things I wish to get out.

I’ll return soon. XO.

Heather Rose

Prince’s Paisley Park

Greetings to all who are reading.

I’d love to go on this tour, I think it would be fun as well as informative. I have liked Prince since I was like 11-years-old and my favorite song has always been and will probably will always be Purple Rain when it comes to his music. I have seen the movie numerous times and would watch it again many many times.

Prince’s Paisley Park to open for public tours, starting this fall.

An updated article…

#Prince’s Paisley Park Studios will open for guided tours October 6. Tickets go on sale August 26 at 2 PM Central at

As we all have heard Prince died on April 21 at his home in Chanhassen Minnesota from an accidental drug overdose. Prince’s birthday, June 7 is apparently known as Prince day here in MN. It was a very sad day when we found out he had passed away. Prince was born in Minnesota and that is where he wanted to stay instead of moving to California or something like that. He reckoned that since he was born here, that’s where god meant for him to be and so he made his home known as Paisley Park in chanhassen.
Why do I write about his now you may be asking? Well, I could have written about my feelings on his death the same day he passed but I wasn’t sure what to write that day. Sometimes it takes me a while to be able to figure out things in my mind, how to put things into words. When someone who is larger than life passes, it makes me look at my own mortality. It was the same for me when Michael Jackson passed away. He was certainly another who was a larger than life icon. Both he and Prince were taken way too soon from this earth but at least we can take comfort in the knowledge that they are both in much better places. They no longer have to live in a world so filled with hatred and violence. I sort of got a bit off topic…oops?
We have had a lot of major losses in the music and movie world this year, very sad.

I am actually looking forward to the end of 2016. I know it’s a tad early to be talking about that but I seriously can’t wait, I’m hoping that 2017 is a much better year all around.

Normally I wouldn’t do this but because it’s a friend and it’s due to medical issues…A friend of mine is trying to raise funds for her medical stuff, if you are able please try and help her out a little bit. Every little bit helps.

I’m raising money for My medical fund. Click to Donate: via @gofundme
Well, I’ve nothing more to update at the moment so I’ll go for now.
Have a good night all. XOXO


Randoms and Upcoming Events

Good stormy evening.

The sky’s really talking this evening. It began storming about five o’clock I do believe and the rain is falling pretty heavily. Poor Luna was laying in the window and she got a bit wet once the rain started blowing in. There’s a lot of lightning and from what I understand it is pretty vivid. Not surprising being that the thunder is pretty loud. It sounds like something just got hit by the lightning actually, that made me jump, I’m sooooo glad I wasn’t outside just now.
I love thunderstorms, I really do but this one’s got a lot of loud thunder. Luna hates storms, actually she hates anything loud. I love that black cat. Black cats always make me think of the phrase, “my cat is black, not my magic.” For me, it’s a true phrase.

Well let’s see…
I haven’t been up to a whole lot since Clint went back home. He left last Friday at about five o’clock, I was sad but my two week guest allowance was up, the policy here says that we can only have guests for two weeks at a time. I really didn’t feel like losing my place to live as I have no where else to go at this point in time, at least not in the U.S. I wouldn’t mind moving out of the country and if a certain candidate wins the presidency I will be doing just that, but at this moment that’s not a step I’m ready to take.

I’m extremely excited for the return of the show Lucifer! I heart that show very much so. I have taken to watching reruns and in fact there’s one coming on in about fifteen minutes. I think that Lucifer is hilarious and i love his accent. I introduced the show to Clint while he was here and he seemed to like it as well.

I finally got my wordpress fixed. I was able to figure out how to export and import entries from one to another. The only thing I had an issue with is that I told it not to import comments from the other and it decided to import some of them anyway. It took me a long time to get rid of them all. I wish there were a way to just select all and have them all disappear instead of having to do them twenty at a time. There were about 998 of them and it was very time consuming but I managed to get them all deleted permanently. The downside to that was I ended up losing some of the legit comments. Sorry to those who left comments that were actually approved, I would have saved them had I been able to. You may feel free to do so again as I’ve got everything in working order.

The next few weekends are going to be busy ones. This coming Friday I have to meet with my job coach, I really hope I find a job soon. Then that Friday night I have play rehersal, dress rehersal actually. Saturday and Sunday are both the actual performances. I’ll be glad when the play’s over. The weekend after that is the weekend I will hopefully be going to the state fair. The weekend of the ninth, tenth and eleventh is pride fest. The eleventh is my after labor day party which will be hosted at my house. The weekend right after that is pow wow. I love going to pow wow, it’s a lot of fun and for me it’s very peaceful. So, yes, extremely busy. I will have to cancel all broadcasts till my weekend stuff is over but i’ll take this one step at a time.

Well, i’m off to finish watching Lucifer as I’m getting distracted by the show.

Have a great evening all. XOXO


My Heart Hurts

Tonight I’m sad and hurting for this family. Earlier today I posted an amber alert. They have found the little girl, unfortunately it wasn’t a happy ending.

Body of missing girl found, suspect in custody

May this family find peace and comfort in one another in this time of tragedy.

A saddened Lily