Small Fire Update

Dia dhuit ar maidin or Good morning to you.

Just wanted to post this small update on the fires that happened here. Paul also known as Gibblet tweeted this article from the Free Press which is our local Mankato newspaper, it gives a tad bit more information.
I am working on an entry that pertains some updates to my life and just as soon as I’m done with it I’ll post it. | Teen charged with arson in apartment complex fires

Have a great day to all, I’m off to find breakfast and I think Gibblet is going to help move more things today over to the new apartment.
This evening my friends from here have planned a going away party for me so it should be both fun and a bit sad at the same time. I know it’s not goodbye forever but when you live with people for so long you sort of get attached to them.

Laters all. XOXO


Football and Randoms

Tráthnóna maith or in english, good evening.

I just watched the Falcons woop the Sea Hawks and it was amazing, now here I sit watching the Patriots/Texans game. Please Patriots, whip the Texans! I know that you can do it as you’ve done it before.
Sorry if you are a Texans fan but I gotta cheer for my boys, they must make it to the super bowl this year, it would make my 2017 start off well. LOL! This year so far has been alright, not bad at all.
So, the Patriots did win but it was a game that had me on the edge of my seat. I truly did think the Texans were going to pull ahead and come out the victors but my boys did it! They’re almost there, I know they can do it. Although I must admit I wouldn’t mind if the Falcons made it to the Super Bowl this year, of course I want the Pats to win but…just saying.

Anyhow, off for now, I’ll finishs this tomorrow sometime.

12:00 PM 1/15/2017

Dia dhuit or Hello in English.

It’s a brand new day and I feel awful, my head is giving me trouble. It’s not bad enough to be a migraine but it’s bad enough to bother me. I tried to eat a bit thinking that might help but…nope, not happening. I suppose I’ll have to break down and take something for it before i lose what sanity i have left. Ok, that was a bit overly dramatic but I’m allowed to be that way once in a while. LOL!

So today it’s the Steelers VS the Chiefs and the Packers VS the Cowboys. I’m hoping to be able to watch both games, I’m hoping for the Chiefs to win against the Steelers and the Cowboys against the Packers. Sorry Kyle, have to be your rival for football. *laughs*. It’s all in good clean fun.
Other than football not much happening today, I should really work on packing and I more than likely will if my head stops hurting.

So, I saw this on facebook and had to steal it to share here.

Arthur Davidson, of the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Corporation, dies and goes to heaven. At the gates, an angel tells Davidson, “Well, you’ve been such a good guy and your motorcycles have changed the world. As a reward, you can hang out with anyone you want to in Heaven. “Davidson thinks about it and says, “I wanna hang out with God, Himself. “The be feathered fellow at the Gates takes Arthur to the Throne Room and introduces him to God. Arthur then asks God, “Hey, aren’t you the inventor of Woman? “God says, “Ah, yes. “Well,” says Davidson, “You have some major design flaws in your invention:
1. There’s too much front end protrusion.
2. It chatters at high speeds.
3. The rear end wobbles too much, and
4. The intake is placed too close to the exhaust. “Hmmm… ” replies God, “hold on. “God goes to the Celestial Super computer, types in a few keystrokes, and waits for the result. The computer prints out a slip of paper and God reads it. “It may be that my invention is flawed,” God replies to Arthur Davidson, “but according to My Computer, more people are riding my invention than yours! ”

I can seriously relate to this tweet…

“With an empty head held high, with a heavy heart held low, and with tear stained eyes..we walk on wishing heaven had visiting hours.”

There are a number of people i’d love to visit, all very important to me in one form or another.
Jim: my loving husband.
Pat: my father who I wish I could still tell things to.
Clayton: my grandfather who I miss lots and lots, he was very wise.
Colleen: my cousin who left us way too soon.
Phyllis: my aunt who I hadn’t seen since I was a little girl and who was one of my favorites.
Marty: my uncle who was very kind and loved his family very much.
Rick: an old friend of mine who I never apologized to for being such a bitch to even though he deserved it when he was drunk.
Other members of my family that I don’t remember well: they went on before I could get to know them well.
If pets count I’d like to see my cats and dogs that i have lost as well, actually all of my pets I’ve lost over the years.
Ok, enough of the morbid…

2:43 PM 1/15/2017

Ok back for a third atempt at finishing this thing…I took a break for my head. I really really hate headaches but then again, who doesn’t?

Have you ever found yourself questioning if a friend is as close as they claim to be? I have been doing just that lately with a friend of mine that lives in my same building. I’m beginning to wonder if everything she tells me is fact or fiction due to something that happened last Monday. It was minor but at the same time it truly annoys me and I just don’t know what to think anymore.
I was at the store to pick up cat food and absent-minded me couldn’t remember the variety of the brand i had gotten. This is a big thing for me because Ozzy doesn’t throw up as much with it as he has the other things i’ve tried to feed him so I wanted to continue with this particular variety of food. Funny he keeps this food down and not the expensive stuff I have tried…anyway so I called Paul to ask him to run down to Cassi’s and ask to borrow my key so he could go read the cat food bag for me. Cassi immediately says it’s the Purina Complete one. I asked if she was sure and she said yes that it was. Paul got there and she asked me to hold on and she went to speak with him. A few minutes later she came back and said yes that it indeed is the Purina Complete. I asked if that was from the bag at my house and she assured me it was. I thanked her and hung up and grabbed what she told me was the one. Janet said that she didn’t think they were gone long enough to have gone to my apartment and after thinking about it I realized she was right. I sort of had the feeling but why would Cassi tell me differently? A minute or so after hanging up with Cassi, I get a text message from Paul that read, “She wouldn’t give me the key so I couldn’t go look for you.” I stood there in the middle of Wal-mart shocked, I didn’t know what to even reply back with. I thanked Paul and let him know that I’d deal with it. After arriving home Janet came up with me and looked at the cat food bag, it was indeed the wrong kind. I needed the one that said gentle, not complete, now I have to take back the bag I have and hope they let me exchange it for the one I need. I did ask the cashier if that was doable and he thought that it was. I still have my reciept and it’s never bene opened so hopefully it won’t be an issue.
So while this isn’t an issue for some it is for me. I found something that Ozzy can finally keep down decently and ugh! I’m really trying to figure out why she’d have done this. I love her dearly but I just don’t understand it. Maybe I should just let it go, after all I should have bene the responsible one and remembered what kind of food I needed for Ozzy. Maybe I’m placing blame where it shouldn’t be placed.
See? writing definitely helps me. It puts perspective on things, it makes me think of things or consider what I hadn’t before. Ugh! It’s hard work at times dealing with things I don’t like dealing with.

Tomorrow Janet and I are going over to the new apartment so she can see it. I’m so excited to be moving and I think getting away from here where bad memories were made will help me greatly.

Well, I suppose this thing’s long enough and I’ve got packing and laundry to get to. Le’s see if i actually get to them though. Hah!

Until next time…slán go fóill. XOXO.


Happy 2017!

Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit! Happy new year!!!

I am so happy to say that 2016 has bitten the dust, it’s history, it’s out of here and 2017 has arrived! Goodbye! Thank goodness! 2016 was a very bad year all around and i look forward to seeing what this new year brings.

Usually I make new years resolutions and I don’t end up keeping them, since this is a whole new year and I feel things are going to be different i’m going to tell you what I have decided my resolutions will be for this year. I truly believe that I will be able to keep these too as I have kind of already began to fulfill them. Yay for realistic goals!

1. No more soda.

I have already begun the process of weaning myself off soda by drinking La Croix water which does basically the same thing that I was drinking the soda for. I was no longer drinking it for the caffeine but for the carbination. I was craving the carbination and I get that through the water I now drink and it’s good too. Many flavors make this easier and the flavors aren’t weak either, this helps. The good thing is that this water is good for you as well, no artificial flavors or any of the stuff sodas have, it’s all natural. So, starting today, no more pop!

2. I will be a better friend.

By this I mean that I’ll make a better effort to talk to my friends before they message me first and the friends I have made recently I will take the time to get the chance to know them all bettter. I’d like to spend time with my friends equally, I don’t wish for any of them to feel as if they are being left out. My friends are a huge part of my world and you all should know that, not only that but I do charish and love you all.

3. I will go back to eating more healthy foods like I used to.

I have really been neglecting my health as of late with eating a lot of junk food again. I was still eating my fruits and veggies and things like that but I was mixing junk in to the mix that did not need to be in my diet. I will Make my daily smoothie again in the mornings for breakfast. I was starting to feel really good when I was doing that and i’d like to go back to that. I would love to have a treadmill so that i could walk on a daily basis, i hate sitting idle doing nothing.

4. I will not skip my doctor’s appointments.

For the past couple of years I have been really bad about going to my doctor’s appointments. Truth is I don’t like going unless it’s an emergency but something in my body is telling me that it’s not a good thing to do. So, this year I will go to every single one made and take much better care of myself medically then I have been. No more canceling appointments after I make them. It’s never a good thing to ignore one’s body.

5. I will concentrate more on my goals and make them happen or start to.

Goal 1: Getting my new CD out there
I will get all of my songs covered and get my next cd out this year. I’m sorry guys for the lack of new material.
Goal 2: I will get all of my school stuff done so that i may start school next fall semester. Yes, still accounting and small business courses is what i’m going to take.
I know these are only two goals but to me they are major and if I get those accomplished then I will set more.

6. I will worry less about the future and take life as it comes at me.

I think that one is self explanatory. I tend to worry a lot lately about what is going to happen in the future rather than focusing on the here and now. Will I get a new job? When will I finally get a new job? Will I be ready for school when the time comes around? Will they ever catch who set the fires here in my building? How long does Ozzy have left with me till it’s his time to go? I just worry about things i shouldn’t be worrying about. I will not worry so much this year and just let life take it’s course. I do worry about Ozzy though as last year I thought I was going to lose him for good. He got really sick and stopped eating and drinking so I was really scared. He turned out alright though and he’s even gaining back some of the weight back that he lost, yay for recovering cats!!!

What i wish for you all in this coming year.

Good health.
Friendship that never ends.
Fulfillment in all of your endeavors.
Less stress.
There is so much more that I wish for you all.

Here are a few irish blessings for you all from me to you.

Here’s to a better great year!
1. May your giving hand never fail you.
2. May we all be alive at this same time next year.
3. May the Lord keep you in the palm of His hand, and never close His fist too tight!
4. May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live!
5. May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future.
6. Here’s to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold beer – and another one!
7. May your troubles be less,
And your blessings be more.
And nothing but happiness come through your door.
8. May your neighbors respect you,
Trouble neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And heaven accept you.
9. Merry met and merry part, I drink to thee with all my heart.
10. Dung hills rise and castles fall, we are all equal one and all.

So, I finally say to you…

Here’s to me,
Here’s to you.
Let’s raise our glasses to the year that is new!
Let’s all make 2017 a year to remember, good luck to you all! I’m excited! *cheers*.

Ok, so if you’d like to know me more, here are 42 questions that will allow this to happen.
I like doing these only if the questions aren’t repetitive and these don’t seem to be so here goes…

42 Questions You’ve Probably Never Been Asked
1. First thing you wash in the shower? Hair.
2. What color is your favorite hoodie? Light Purple.
3. Do you plan outfits? Sometimes.
4. How are you feeling right now? Excited.
5. What’s the closest thing to you that’s red? My hair.
6. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? Um…no? :P.
7. Did you meet anybody new today? No.
8. What are you craving right now? Angel food cake topped with strawberries.
9. What comes to mind when you think of cabbage? Corn beef.
10. Have you ever counted to 1,000? no.
11. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Bite it.
12. Do you like your hair? Yes.
13. Do you like yourself? Not always.
14. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Probably.
15. What are you listening to right now? The Patriots vs the Dolphins game and friends on skype.
16. Are your parents strict? Yes.
17. Would you go sky diving? Yes.
18. Do you like cottage cheese? Love it.
19. Have you ever met a celebrity? Yep.
20. Do you rent movies often? no.
21. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in? Yes, crystals.
22. Have you made a prank phone call? No.
23. Ever been on a train? Yes.
24. Brown or white eggs? Either.
25. Do you use chap stick? Sure.
26. Can you use chop sticks? Yes.
27. Are you too forgiving? Always.
28. Ever been in love? Yes.
29. Last time you cried? Yesterday.
30. What was the last question you asked? Luna, where are you baby girl?
31. Favorite time of the year? Spring or Autumn.
32. Do you have any tattoos? Not yet.
33. Are you sarcastic? Oh no, not at all…I’m only fluent in it.
34. Ever walked into a wall? Yep.
35. Favorite color? I have a couple I like together. Purple being the single color but black, red and silver. Royal blue and silver.
36. Have you ever slapped someone? Yes.
37. Is your hair curly? Yes, ugh.
38. Do looks matter? Nope, not to me.
39. Do you like your life right now? Actually, yes I do.
40. Do you sleep with the TV on? Yes.
41. Can you handle the truth? Not always but I prefer it to the ulternative.
42. Do you have good vision? Nope, totally blind actually.

And with that done, I’m off to pay attention to the Patriots vs the Dolphins game. Let’s go Pats!
If you are still partying today, please be safe!


Personal Year-end Review

Hello everyone.

First I’d like to say happy new years eve to you all. I hope whatever you are doing to celebrate is fun and most importantly you stay safe.
As for me if I’m feeling better I will host new year festivities here. Painful eyeballs definitely do not make for good times, that’s for sure.

Currently I’m sitting here watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Free Form is having a Harry Potter weekend, it’s great! The one i’m watching is my favorite out of all of the movies. I’m also resting in the hopes that I’ll feel better for tonight.

So, I wrote in my last entry that I was going to do a personal year-end review of 2016. I can’t remember everything but I’ll write about what I can.


Not much really happened during this month accept that Ozzy turned 13-years-old. He’s such a great cat, I love him dearly.
Alan Rickman passed away from pancreatic cancer. No, I didn’t know him personally but his death for some reason hit me sort of hard. I found out while i was at work. I know this sounds crazy but there it is. I was in total shock and i wasn’t sure i heard correctly. He was one of my most favorite actors and a very talented man.


This month brought one of the most sad but best decisions i have ever had to make. I decided that I was going to leave Land To Air. That plan didn’t actually go in to affect until March however.
I was the only one who got stuck working when everyone else got to go home on the day of the blizzard, I was not a happy Lily that day.


I turned in my two week notice at work. Like I stated above it was sad but necessary. My treatment there was not good and I had to leave. It turns out that they were going to let everyone go anyway and hire all new people.


April 29th was the birthday of my little Luna who isn’t really so little anymore. She turned 3-years-old and she’s still as playful as ever and still a royal pain in my arse but again, I love her to pieces.
The death of Prince was in the news and again I was saddened by this particulare passing. He was one of my favorite musicians and has been since i was like 11. I suppose when someone that large dies, it makes one take a look at one’s own mortality.


I left Land to Air for good, may 20th to be exact was my last day there. It was strange knowing that i’d never have to get up that early again for work. I immediately started looking for new jobs, so far I have not been successful. I’m not giving up as it isn’t in my nature to do so.
Also in May I got into a relationship with someone and at the time things were awesome. Unfortunately things didn’t remain that way but that’s for another month.


I can’t remember anything of significance happening in this month so I’ll just move on.


I don’t recall if something happened here either, it was independence day. That is all.


August brought my birthday, I turned 42, damn I feel old! No, I really don’t feel old but I think i’m old. I’ve had others disagree with me, they say I’m still young so ok, I’ll go with that. LOL! Thanks guys, you all rule!
I met said person I started dating in May. Things for the most part were good accept for one thing that happened that I won’t go into here. Anyway, that’s that.


this month brought the brake up of myself and said person that visited in August. Did it make me sad? yes, it did. Do I still care about said persons’ well being? Yes, I do. Honestly, I miss said person and I wish that he and I could still be friends, I do miss talking to him. I hope that he is well. I have never wished ill towards him at all.
I went to pow wow which I always have tons of fun there.
Pride fest also happened and again I had a ton of fun, I usually do though.


Hmm, october was halloween/Samhain.


In November I hosted Thanks giving here, it was a lot of fun.
I received my letter letting me know that there was an apartment opening JAN first in the building I have bene wanting to move into, I was very excited! I don’t actually get to move till February though and that’s ok.
On the 30th there was a fire on the second and fifth floors of my current residence. The fire on the second floor was right by my apartment door, this is a very scary thing. To my knowledge they still haven’t caught the person/persons who did it all though I have heard from someone yesterday that they have now. I still haven’t heard this on the news so I’m not sure I will believe it just yet. I need to hear this from a reliable source, only then will my mind be at rest regarding this matter.


I have been working on packing up my apartment in preparation for my big move and i couldn’t be more excited! I’m looking forward to moving.
Amber gave me a beautiful lavender bracelet for Xmas and i wear it all the time. I’m very thankful for my present. It was very sweet.
Xmas was hosted at my house and again lots of fun was had by all.
Last night I did my last show ever on Cosmic Lava Radio. It was sad as the station has to shut down for reason I won’t state here. I do wish them luck in the new year and I’m greatful to them for allowing me to be a part of the radio family and do what i love to do, broadcast.

I know more things happened but these are just the highlights and what I can remember. In 2017 I will try and keep a better record so that when I do this next year I’ll be able to do this a lot better. :D.

Well, I think I’m off for now, have a great new year all and I’ll write again next year! Next year I will definitely try to write more here.


P.S> Don’t forget to call everyone you know at midnight to say happy new year! Don’t do any drunk dialing or texting though, that could be a nasty business. :P.

Morning Ramblings

Greetings everyone.

So as I begin writing this entry it’s about 6:28 AM in the morning or as I like to some times call it 0:dark:30.
It isn’t my choice to be awake so early but a certain Luna cat figured that her cat slave didn’t need to sleep anymore and decided knocking things off my kitchen counters, off the microwave and even going as far as to take things out of my dish drainer was a good way to insure that i get out of bed, so here i am writing. Naughty girl she is at times but i love her to pieces. There were times this year I don’t know how I’d have made it through without the love and devotion from her and Ozzy. Those two felines are a huge part of my world. Ozzy will be 14-years-old January 18th and he’s showing his age, well at times he shows his age I should say. Then there are the times he still acts like a kitten so that is a good thing, shows he still has some life left in him. I know one day I will lose him because it’s a part of life but i’d like to keep him around as long as I can. I can’t count the number of tears his fur has caught of mine over these past almost 10 years and he always seems to know when I’m sad too because he’s always right there with a pur or a head rub or a cold wet nose against my cheek.
Sorry, I know I’m rambling but that is the result of a still tired and not yet awake Lily.

I believe I’ve found a new favorite station on Pandora, I love listening to Pandora through the Amazon Echo! Anyway I was thinking of one of my favorite songs called Cherry Bomb and the end result was me adding John Cougar Mellencamp to my radio stations. It has been playing The Eagles, Bad Company, Bob Seger, The Marshall Tucker Band, Bruce Springsteen, now The Band and of course John Cougar Mellencamp. Oh and now it’s playing Midnight Rider by The Allman Brother’s Band, this is awesome!!!! Classic rock is my absolute favorite genre of music ever! Today’s music isn’t that great but you can’t beat the classic rockers. There are some good artist of today but they are few and far between, the classic rockers didn’t need to rely on things like autotune to sing, they just could do it. I also love techno, it’s great to dance to and most times that’s what I do my housework to.

Xmas was a quiet affair with people i love and at times quiet is good. It seemed as if there was enough food to feed an army so lots of leftovers were stored away. A lot of them were given away and I still had a lot in my Refridgerator but leftovers are the best! The ham and turkey will be used to make soups and those i can freeze so that’s a good thing. I have frozen both meats and so I just have to take them out and cook. New years, I’m not sure what will happen tomorrow night. I’m sure it’s bound to be fun though considering who I’m spending it with, those same people from Xmas is who I’ll be with, well them and one extra. Hello Flint! Nice to see you again! LOL!

One more month till I move to my new apartment! I really can’t wait to vacate this one as they still haven’t found the one who started the fires here. I just think it’s time for change as well, I truely do think 2017 is going to be my year, that or I’m just a really huge optimist who may be headed for a disappointment. I’d rather think it’s true though, big changes are coming and I’ll write about them as they happen. Every day lately probably for the past week or so I’ve been getting this feeling inside of me like big things are about to happen and I’m excited, I feel excited. I hope my feelings aren’t wrong and that things are truly coming that are good.

i stole this from Facebook and found it to be highly amusing…

Everyone has six names

1) Your real name: Lily Rose Poss
2) Your detective name (favorite color and favorite animal): Black Cat
3) Your soap opera name (middle name and street you live on): Rose Nicollet
4) Your Star Trek name (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 of middle, first 2 of first, last 3 of last): Posrolioss
5. Superhero name (color of your shirt and item to your right): Blue Basket
6) Goth name (black and name of one of your pets): Black Luna

Clean copy in comments, play along!

Ok, enough ramblings from a tired Lily for now, I’ll be bakc soon with more musings. Have a great day everyone, it’s my breakfast time.


2016 Recap From News to Celeb Deaths

2016 Recap. I don’t know why I’m doing this but here goes…

The news stories from this awful year.

From terrorist attacks to hate crimes like the one that happened at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando Florida killing 49 and enjuring numerous others, it was the largest mass shooting in US history to date. We had brexit in which Britain decided to leave the EU, wild fires destroying homes, and and explosion on a launch pad and Donald Trump winning the presidential election just to name a few, this year was one for the history books.

This is the best I can do for this one, a link you can go to if you so desire.

Now to the celebrity deaths which seem to me to be numerous this year. I maybe should have just posted the link for this too but I felt they needed to be shown in full. You may skip this if you like.
These come from and the reason I have decided to post these is because I feel that during 2016 more celebrities have passed than in any other year I can remember. Some of them I no better than others such as Alan Rickman, Florence Henderson, Carrie Fisher, George Michael, Debbie Reynolds, David Bowie, Prince, Muhammad Ali, Keith Emerson, Glenn Frey, and Alan Thicke due to the various things they were in. Alan Rickman was one of my most favorite actors and very very talented so when I heard he died I was at work and it rocked me to my very core even though I didn’t know him personally. Christina Grimmie who I didn’t know anything about till I heard of her tragic death, Very beautiful voice and only 22 gunned down for absolutely no reason at all. All of these deaths were sad and to all of them, each and everyone on this list, I say R.I.P.

1.Robert Stigwood, 81
2.Pierre Boulez, 90
3.Kitty Kallen, 93
4.Angela “Big Ang” Raiola, 55
5.Pat Harrington Jr., 86
6.Angus Scrimm, 89
7.Keith Emerson, 71
8.Phife Dawg, 45
9.Mike Minor, 75
10.David Bowie, 69
11.Harper Lee, 89
12.Sir George Martin, 90
13.Vilmos Zsigmond, 85
14.David Huddleston, 85
15.Alan Rickman, 69
16.Kevin Meaney, 60
17.René Angélil, 73
18.Dan Haggerty, 74
19.Noreen Corcoran, 72
20.Monte Irvin, 96
21.Abe Vigoda, 94
22.Glenn Frey, 67
23.Paul Kantner,74
24.Maurice White, 74
25.Katie May, 34
26.Denise Matthews, known as Vanity, 57
27.Matt Roberts, 38
28.Cara McCollum, 24
29.Fred Hellerman, 89
30.George Kennedy, 91
31.Pat Conroy, 70
32.Joey Feek, 40
33.Garry Shandling, 66
34.Patty Duke, 69
35.Zaha Hadid, 65
36.James Noble, 94
37.Bob Elliott, 92
38.Merle Haggard, 79
39.Daisy Lewellyn, 36
40.Doris Roberts, 90
41.Chyna, real name Joan Marie Laurer, 46
42.Prince, 57
43.Billy Paul, 80
44.Pete Fountain, 86
45.Jon Polito, 65
46.Richard Libertini, 82
47.Madeleine Lebeau, 92
48.Guy Clark, 74
49.Morley Safer, 84
50.Nick Menza, 51
51.Gordie Howe, known as “Mr. Hockey,” 88
52.Muhammad Ali, 74
53.George Gaynes, 98
54.Christina Grimmie, 22
55.Lee Reherman, 49
56.Theresa Saldana, 61
57.Ann Morgan Guilbert, 87
58.Ron Lester, 45
59.Anton Yelchin, 27
60.Bernie Worrell, 72
61.Bill Cunningham, 87
62.Bill Nunn, 63
63.George Burton, 78
64.Stanley Dural Jr., known as Buckwheat Zydeco, 68
65.Curtis Hanson, 71
66.Ryan Jimmo, 34
67.Jim Harrison, 78
68.Larry Drake, 66
69.Frank Sinatra Jr., 72
70.Bud Spencer, 86
71.Buddy Ryan, 85
72.Juan Gabriel, 66
73.Attrell Cordes, 46
74.Pat Summitt, 64
75.Elie Wiesel, 87
76.Michael Cimino, 77
77.Michu Meszaros, 77
78.Michelle McNamara, 46
79.Noel Neill, 95
80.Garry Marshall, 81
81.Gloria DeHaven, 91
82.Jerry Doyle, 60
83.John Saunders, 61
84.Kenny Baker, 81
85.John McLaughlin, 89
86.Steven Hill, 94
87.Scotty Moore, 84
88.Gene Wilder, 83
89.Anna Dewdney, 50
90.Ken Howard, 71
91.Alexis Arquette, 47
92.Charmian Carr, 73
93.W.P. Kinsella, 81
94.Kimbo Slice, 42
95.Edward Albee, 88
96.The Lady Chablis, 59
97.Hugh O’Brian, 91
98.Jean Shepard, 82
99.Jose Fernandez, 24
100.Arnold Palmer, 87
101.Michael Massee, 64
102.Phil Chess, 95
103.Dylan Rieder, 28
104.Julie Gregg, 79
105.Leonard Cohen, 82
106.Robert Vaughn, 83
107.Leon Russell, 74
108.Gwen Ifill, 61
109.Ron Glass, 71
110.Florence Henderson, 82
111.Joseph Mascolo, 87
112.Fritz Weaver, 90
113.Tommy Ford, 52
114.Gloria Naylor, 66
115.Margaret Whitton, 67
116.Dr. George Nichopoulos, 88
117.Dave Mirra, 41
118.Van Williams, 82
119.William Schallert, 93
120.Andrew Sachs, 86
121.George Alaskey, 63
122.Alan Young, 96
123.Darwyn Cooke, 53
124.Will Smith, former New Orleans Saints’ player, 34
125.Billy Chapin, 72
126.Greg Lake, 69
127.Sharon Jones, 60
128.Alan Thicke, 69
129.Bernard Fox, 89
130.Craig Sager, 65
131.Ricky Harris, 54
132.Zsa Zsa Gabor, 99
133.Richard Adams, 96
134.George Michael, 53
135.Carrie Fisher, 60
136.Debbie Reynolds, 84

Other notable public figures who died in 2016 include:
1.Nancy Reagan, 94
2.Janet Reno, 78
3.Tom Hayden, 76
4.Youree Dell Harris, 53
5.Fidel Castro, 90
6.Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 88
7.Rob Ford, 46
8.Uhmberto Eco, 84
9.John Glenn, 77
10.Boutros Boutros-Ghali, 93
11.Antonin Scalia, 79
12.Edgar Mitchell, 85
13.Dale Bumpers, 90
14.Mike Oxley, 71
15.Mother Mary Angelica, 92

Let’s hope that’s if for the year. We have three days left, please 2016, please be kind to the world for the last ones of the year.
Next time I’ll do a personal recap, though I have not much exciting to tell. Until next time…



Baby, it’s Cold Outside

Greetings to all who read this thing.

I hope this entry finds you all well and that if you are in one of the states or countries that is freezing cold that you are all able to stay nice and warm. Right now here the current temp is -11 degrees with a windchill of -32. Ack! So at the current moment it feels like it’s -32 out there. I really despise winter! LOL! Please spring, come quickly? Please please please?

The past couple of days have been a rollercoaster of emotions and I have had a ton of stuff on my mind. Sometimes I wonder why life has to be so complicated. I believe what I need is a vacation so that I can just forget about things for a while and totally have fun.

A small update on the fire we had on the 30 of November…the police decided that it was definitely arson but we all already figured that out. Now there’s a reward being offered for any information that anyone can give on the matter. Some of us are still living in fear of the person coming back. It was rumored that they had a suspect but given this new information I’m thinking that they don’t have one. Meh!

In February I will have a new home! I will be moving back across the bridge into Mankato and out of north Mankato. I’m so excited about this, finally I will be living in the building I have tried to get in to for a while now. I have already seen the apartment and it is so cool!, plus I will be closer to campus so getting back and forth to school will be much easier. Cassi is sad and doesn’t wish me to move but I feel this is something I need to do for me. I will miss her and the others i have become friends with here but it’s not like I can’t come back to visit and they are always welcome to visit me at my new place. In fact I encourage them to come hang out.

I’m so happy that 2016 is almost over, so many things have happened this year, ugh! We’ve lost some great actors and musicians, I know death is a part of life but this years has been just awful for it. Once it gets closer I will try and do an end-of-year review. I can’t promise but I will atempt it.

Anyway just wanted to write so that you all knew I was still around. There was a time I almost went off the grid for a while but I didn’t end up doing so.

I leave you with a couple of things that I found cool!

So Buckley has done it again! These are great picks too, there is one song I actually do like on there but the rest? Definitely great picks. Music has gotten so bad over the years, whatever happened to the music where autotune wasn’t needed? There was a time when music was actually good and worth listening to. I find myself listening to the music of the past because today’s is so awful. I’m not saying that all of today’s is bad but a lot of it is. Sorry to those who do like today’s stuff, i mean know offense, it’s just the oppinion of one little ole me. Anyway, enjoy Buckley’s ten worst songs of 2016.

The Ten Worst Songs of 2016

This comes from one of my followers on twitter, it was retreated by him actually and I found it highly amusing.

Please be advised that all employees planning to dash through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh, going over the fields and laughing all the way are required to undergo a Risk Assessment addressing the safety of open sleighs.

The assessment must also consider whether it is appropriate to use only one horse for such a venture, particularly where there are multiple passengers. Please note that permission must also be obtained in writing from landowners before their fields may be entered. To avoid offending those not participating in celebrations, we request that laughter is moderate only and not loud enough to be considered a noise nuisance.

Benches, stools and orthopaedic chairs are now available for collection by any shepherds planning or required to watch their flocks at night. While provision has also been made for remote monitoring of flocks by CCTV cameras from a centrally heated shepherd observation hut, all facility users are reminded that an emergency response plan must be submitted to account for known risks to the flocks. The angel of the Lord is additionally reminded that prior to shining his/her glory all around s/he must confirm that all shepherds are wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to account for the harmful effects of UVA, UVB and the overwhelming effects of Glory

Following last year’s well publicised case, everyone is advised that legislation prohibits any comment with regard to the redness of any part of Mr. R. Reindeer. Further to this, exclusion of Mr. R Reindeer from reindeer games will be considered discriminatory and disciplinary action will be taken against those found guilty of this offence.

While it is acknowledged that gift-bearing is commonly practised in various parts of the world, particularly the Orient, everyone is reminded that the bearing of gifts is subject to Hospitality Guidelines and all gifts must be registered. This applies regardless of the individual, even royal personages. It is particularly noted that direct gifts of currency or gold are specifically precluded under provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Further, caution is advised regarding other common gifts, such as aromatic resins that may initiate allergic reactions.

Finally, for those involved in the recent case of the infant found tucked up in a manger without any crib for a bed, Social Services have been advised and will be arriving shortly.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas – be safe out there…….

So until next time…

Happy holidyas!

