Life’s Ups And Downs

10:43 PM 7/27/2014 When a person loses the one they love, they feel all kinds of things. Anger, sadness, guilt, helplessness, alone, lost and finally acceptance. I have probably missed some emotions but there the ones that are most prominent I think. Due to the nature of this entry I will be leaving out all …

Cryptic And Not So Cryptic

10:00 AM 1/20/2014 I finally allowed the tears to fall. Tears that I had tried to hold back because I kept trying to convince myself that you weren’t worth them. I tried to tell myself that I was just fine and that it didn’t matter that you had done what you did. We were not …

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Good morning to all reading this thing. I just wanted to take some time and do an update. First, I’d like to wish all of you that celebrate it a very happy and wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope that whatever you are doing today is filled with lots of love from family and friends, not to …

Just Some Ramblings

Good evening. I’m just sitting here watching the news, feck knows why because it’s always so depressing. This world’s so messed up and just blah. Yeah I know, real intelligent thing to say right? Oh well, deal! *smirks*. I’m too tired to do intelligent at present. I mostly watched it for the weather report anyhow …

Writings from a while back

I know it’s been a few months but I’m finally ready to post this. You do not have to read if you don’t want, I’d understand totally if you don’t. This particular entry has to do with my last ex. I can now post this without getting totally hacked off about things. I don’t care …

Warning: Tear Jerker Big Time

I am an extremely irate Lily! This article was taken from: I do not understand or know why or how a parent can do this to their own flesh and blood. Tears abound. Andrew Ray Moyer Sr., 24, and Brianna E. Michael, 23. Police have accused a Columbia couple of killing their 6-week-old son, …

Uh oh, The irish/German Comes Out To Play

Hello readers. I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Today I have a major rant and I’m so hacked off I can’t think straight. My target today? The ever so popular teen clothing store, Abercrombie & Fitch. More spacifically, their CEO Mike Jeffries. He has got to be the most hateful, bigoted, arrogant, pompous arsehole that I have had the …