
Good mornin’ darlins. I’ve got a doozie for you this morning. This cracked me up. I’ll post a link to the article as well so you know what my sourse was for it. Wisconsin Woman Burglarizes Home For Cheese And Beer, Asks Police To Help Find Phone She Left At crime sceen http://crimefeed.com/?p=13318 via Wisconsin …

Just A Little Update

2:12 PM 2/17/2014 Well hello. First, I just wanted to wish everyone a late happy Valentine’s day. Hopefully it was everything you all hoped for and more. For those who didn’t have a sweetheart like myself, hoping you spent it with a friend or two. I don’t see why we need a day for people …

Warning: Tear Jerker Big Time

I am an extremely irate Lily! This article was taken from: https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=195146393985728&id=177961175704250&set=a.177969355703432.1073741828.177961175704250&refid=7&_ft_=qid.5905695706180096272%3Amf_story_key.-5551322707768136343 I do not understand or know why or how a parent can do this to their own flesh and blood. Tears abound. Andrew Ray Moyer Sr., 24, and Brianna E. Michael, 23. Police have accused a Columbia couple of killing their 6-week-old son, …

Uh oh, The irish/German Comes Out To Play

Hello readers. I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Today I have a major rant and I’m so hacked off I can’t think straight. My target today? The ever so popular teen clothing store, Abercrombie & Fitch. More spacifically, their CEO Mike Jeffries. He has got to be the most hateful, bigoted, arrogant, pompous arsehole that I have had the …

Tears And Prayers For Oklahoma

Before I get to the serious part of this entry, have a funny comercial. Corn Nuts radio ad: http://t.co/fcilqzVgvt via @youtube Mother nature is an unforgiving mistress. What ever or whom ever made her so angry really needs a beating. The total and utter devistation that took place in Moore Oklahoma is horrific. A possible …