Back to Life

Good afternoon everyone. First I’d like to wish my amazing fiancĂ© Emmerel Farrah Phox a very happy fourteenth month anniversary. It has been fourteen months since she asked me to be her girlfriend and I don’t regret one moment of it. These past months have been some of the most happy of my life. Heres …


Good mornin’ darlins. I’ve got a doozie for you this morning. This cracked me up. I’ll post a link to the article as well so you know what my sourse was for it. Wisconsin Woman Burglarizes Home For Cheese And Beer, Asks Police To Help Find Phone She Left At crime sceen via Wisconsin …

Birthday Weekend

2:25 PM 8/16/2014 So before I get to the fun stuff I have a rant. i don’t like ranting in fun entries but this just has me so fecking hacked off that I just had to write. You can skip it if you want but just ugh! Since I moved into my current apartment my …

Just A Little Update

2:12 PM 2/17/2014 Well hello. First, I just wanted to wish everyone a late happy Valentine’s day. Hopefully it was everything you all hoped for and more. For those who didn’t have a sweetheart like myself, hoping you spent it with a friend or two. I don’t see why we need a day for people …

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Good morning to all reading this thing. I just wanted to take some time and do an update. First, I’d like to wish all of you that celebrate it a very happy and wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope that whatever you are doing today is filled with lots of love from family and friends, not to …

Just Some Ramblings

Good evening. I’m just sitting here watching the news, feck knows why because it’s always so depressing. This world’s so messed up and just blah. Yeah I know, real intelligent thing to say right? Oh well, deal! *smirks*. I’m too tired to do intelligent at present. I mostly watched it for the weather report anyhow …