Back to Life

Good afternoon everyone. First I’d like to wish my amazing fiancé Emmerel Farrah Phox a very happy fourteenth month anniversary. It has been fourteen months since she asked me to be her girlfriend and I don’t regret one moment of it. These past months have been some of the most happy of my life. Heres …

The Rainy November Night

Good evening. As i sit here on this very rainy evening writing, I’m finding it hard to believe the weather here. For November it’s very strange, I mean it’s raining and not snowing. Usually around this time of year we have snow on the ground and possibly dropping more. We’ve gotten over an inch of …

The Lost Tomb Of Who?

Good very very early morning. I should really be sleeping but I can’t sleep, I’m tired enough but I am not sure i can sleep if I lie down, so here I am still awake at dark:30 updating this thing…again. Some of you were wondering if I was ever going to update, well I’m trying …

Just Another Saturday In The Neighborhood

Greetings to you all. Well it’s another Saturday and here i sit doing absolutely nothing with my life. I’m on a mudd called Prometheus and listening to 80’s hair bands, it’s great fun!! Hey I work all week so I think it’s fair for me to do nothing if i so choose on a Saturday. …

Things That Anger and Frighten Me

Greetings readers. So, trying to keep up with writing in this thing. Have an article or two. This article comes from @ThoughtCatalog from twitter. A Man Fed His Pregnant Girlfriend Abortion Pills He Snuck Into A Smoothie After reading this article I am disgusted and totally and completely outraged! Who the bloody hell …

First Post Of 2015

*Sigh*. It’s been forever ago since i last posted here. I missed Thanksgiving, Xmas eve and day, New Years eve and day and Valentine’s day. I’m not going to go back and rehash those holidays because i believe that ship has sailed and has gone far far away, we’ll just keep letting it sail off …

Greetings Readers

Hello readers. Before the actual entry, just a couple of quizzes for your amusement, or was that my amusement? Probably more mine, LOL! So, who’s my daddy according to Blog Things? Your Daddy Is Ozzy Osbourne What You Call Him: Old Man Why You Love Him: He’s your sugar daddy Who’s Your Daddy? Blogthings: 100’s …

Greetings: An Update

Hello readers. Looking back I realize that it has been forever it seems since i have last posted anything here in this thing, well here I am. I swore that I’d post more this year and so far I have failed spectacularly in doing so. Bad Lily, no Twix bar! :D. Next year, no promises. …