Greetings Readers

Hello readers. Before the actual entry, just a couple of quizzes for your amusement, or was that my amusement? Probably more mine, LOL! So, who’s my daddy according to Blog Things? Your Daddy Is Ozzy Osbourne What You Call Him: Old Man Why You Love Him: He’s your sugar daddy Who’s Your Daddy? Blogthings: 100’s …

Greetings: An Update

Hello readers. Looking back I realize that it has been forever it seems since i have last posted anything here in this thing, well here I am. I swore that I’d post more this year and so far I have failed spectacularly in doing so. Bad Lily, no Twix bar! :D. Next year, no promises. …

Birthday Weekend

2:25 PM 8/16/2014 So before I get to the fun stuff I have a rant. i don’t like ranting in fun entries but this just has me so fecking hacked off that I just had to write. You can skip it if you want but just ugh! Since I moved into my current apartment my …

Belated Easter & Other Life’s Happenings

Well, I will say a good afternoon as currently that’s what it is here. First I’d like to wish you all a belated happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it. To those who don’t, I hope you had fun with family and friends. I hope you all ate lots of chocolate and got …

Uh oh, The irish/German Comes Out To Play

Hello readers. I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Today I have a major rant and I’m so hacked off I can’t think straight. My target today? The ever so popular teen clothing store, Abercrombie & Fitch. More spacifically, their CEO Mike Jeffries. He has got to be the most hateful, bigoted, arrogant, pompous arsehole that I have had the …