
Good mornin’ darlins. I’ve got a doozie for you this morning. This cracked me up. I’ll post a link to the article as well so you know what my sourse was for it. Wisconsin Woman Burglarizes Home For Cheese And Beer, Asks Police To Help Find Phone She Left At crime sceen http://crimefeed.com/?p=13318 via Wisconsin …

Idiot Politicians

I’m back again and extremely perturbed. Really? Are you fecking serious!!!!! What an utter and complete idiot! NH: Dem lawmaker proposes euthanizing the disabled I hate politics with a passion! I hate the idiots that are politicians who are running this country. Dont’ get me wrong, there are actually some who have done some good …

The Lost Tomb Of Who?

Good very very early morning. I should really be sleeping but I can’t sleep, I’m tired enough but I am not sure i can sleep if I lie down, so here I am still awake at dark:30 updating this thing…again. Some of you were wondering if I was ever going to update, well I’m trying …

Things That Anger and Frighten Me

Greetings readers. So, trying to keep up with writing in this thing. Have an article or two. This article comes from @ThoughtCatalog from twitter. A Man Fed His Pregnant Girlfriend Abortion Pills He Snuck Into A Smoothie http://tcat.tc/1xizE0b http://pic.twitter.com/DBNSt1AlMX After reading this article I am disgusted and totally and completely outraged! Who the bloody hell …

Greetings: An Update

Hello readers. Looking back I realize that it has been forever it seems since i have last posted anything here in this thing, well here I am. I swore that I’d post more this year and so far I have failed spectacularly in doing so. Bad Lily, no Twix bar! :D. Next year, no promises. …

Belated Easter & Other Life’s Happenings

Well, I will say a good afternoon as currently that’s what it is here. First I’d like to wish you all a belated happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it. To those who don’t, I hope you had fun with family and friends. I hope you all ate lots of chocolate and got …

Just A Little Update

2:12 PM 2/17/2014 Well hello. First, I just wanted to wish everyone a late happy Valentine’s day. Hopefully it was everything you all hoped for and more. For those who didn’t have a sweetheart like myself, hoping you spent it with a friend or two. I don’t see why we need a day for people …