Happy Anniversary and Other Randoms

Good afternoon readers. Today is July 25, 2018. Why did she put the date like that you might be asking? Well I have the answer for you. Today marks four months that Ezran and I have been together and I couldn’t be happier…I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend. The feelings of love that …

Possible Job excitement and Other Thaughts

Good morning readers. I hope you are all doing well, I certainly am as things in my life seem to be looking up finally. Before I get into that though, a random thaught for you all. I was opening notepad because I always write in notepad before publishing to wordpress and in my mind I …

Hi, My Name Shall be…

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all doing well, I’m doing ok accept for the pain in my eyeballs. I just wish they would remove them, the pain would be gone then. Arg! Anyway, have an update. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yxuenwyj8036x6x/1-25-2018%20Hello%2C%20I%27m%20Annika%20and%20I%27m%20a%20Star%20Trek%20Voyager%20Addict.mp3?dl=0 Ok, have a great day all, I’ll be back soon with another update. XO

My Goals for 2018 and a Happy New Year to You!

Good afternoon readers. Let me start by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! I hope that 2018 brings you all happiness, love, peace and fortune. I hope this is your year. There are many things i plan to change this year, I won’t call them resolutions because I don’t see them as such. These …