2016 Recap From News to Celeb Deaths

2016 Recap. I don’t know why I’m doing this but here goes… The news stories from this awful year. From terrorist attacks to hate crimes like the one that happened at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando Florida killing 49 and enjuring numerous others, it was the largest mass shooting in US history to date. …

What a day

Hello to all who read/listen to this thing. I have yet another entry for you. After I post this, I shall try and go to the realm of sleep. Whether or not I will get any of the elusive sleep is another thing altogether. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1594650/Journal%20Stuff/The%20Crappy%20Day%2011-29-2016.wav Alright, with that I shall say good night and sweet …

Happy Thanksgiving

Good afternoon to all! I’m going to try something a bit different this time. Some of my entries I’m hoping to be able to put into audio format so here’s my first attempt. I hope this works. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1594650/Journal%20Stuff/Happy%20Thanksgiving%2011-24-2016.wav In case it didn’t work, happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate! XOXO Lily