Yesterday was a rather lazy day filled with a case of the extreme sleepies and an uninvited migraine headache, there’s nothing wrong with a lazy day occasionally but I could have done without the migraine. Some medicine and a nap later and I felt a bit better… or so I thought. I sat up for …
Author Archives: Nixie
Main Highlights
Goodness gracious, grate balls of fire! Don’t ask, it is currently the song running through my head for some unknown reason. 😸 So, it’s update time as best I can do. I may not remember everything from this past year of not writing but I’ll try. • Raven Zariah Mooney I have finally, finally figured …
Way Too Long
Good evening to you all. New domain, new year apparently, new me. I can’t believe that it has bene an entire year since I last updated this thing that I call a journal. Where has the time gone? It doesn’t seem that long at all but apparently it has been. So much has happened and …
Much Excitement!
QUOTE OF THE DAY: If you try anything, if you try to lose weight, or to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place, you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin. Forget failure. If things don’t work out the way you want, hold your head up high …
Friday Happiness
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Each of us has been put on earth with the ability to do something well. We cheat ourselves and the world if we don’t use that ability as best we can. Gracie Allen MOOD: Feeling pretty good. LISTENING TO: Nora Jones – Don’t Know Why. WHERE AM I? The Fox Den. …
Exciting Times Ahead!
Quote Of The Day: Listen to your inner voice for it is a deep and powerful source of wisdom, beauty and truth, ever flowing through you. Learn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you. Caroline Joy …
All Caught Up
Quote for Today: Life is filled with so many exciting twists and turns. Hop off the straight and narrow whenever you can and take the winding paths. Experience the exhilaration of the view from the edge. “Because the moments spent there, that take your breath away, are what make you feel truly alive.” (“Its The …
Just a Small Update
Chosen Quote for Today: In case no one has told you today, you are enough. You are loved. If all you’re doing is living, it’s enough. Keep being your amazing beautiful self. -Author unknown Mood: Tired Music: The silence of the fox den Location: The land of deep thoughts Celebrating a Birthday Today: Cyndi Lauper …
You Take the Bad With the Good
Quote of the Day: “Stay positive even when it feels like your whole world is falling apart.” — Unknown Dumb but amusing joke: Q: What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? A: You’re too young to smoke. Mood: I don’t know. Music: Cry by Faith Hill Location: The Fox Den Greetings Humans. …
Early Morning Update
Quote of the Day: You look in the mirror and sometimes see a mess of a human being. But you don’t see the lives you’ve touched, or the people you’ve saved. You don’t see all the love you’ve given freely, or the extraordinary memories you’ve made. You are a book of beautiful moments and feelings. …