Major and Minor

I’ve done it! After many many months of battling with myself i’ve finally done it! I have chosen a college major! I’m so excited about this!
Last night I was talking to Flint on the phone and we got to talking about college. Now as most of you may remember I at one point wanted to be a spanish/samali language interpreter, well I found that the college doesn’t teach samali but it does teach spanish so I still could have gone that direction, but after giving that a bit more thought I decided that there are a lot of spanish interpreters so really there’s a chance that I’d not have a job after completeing courses or lots of trouble finding employment. So I thought of the other career choices I’d like to go into and I have decided finally what it is I want to do. You all are probably by now going, ok, just spill it already, right? Well, wait no more! I have decided that I’m going to major in accounting and will minor in small business. I mentioned this to Flint and he reckons it is a great career choice. I asked him if there was any reason a blind person couldn’t be an accountant and he didn’t think so, he thought I’d be able to do it no problem so long as I’m good at math. Well, I love math so I think it’s a great choice. So the two things I have left to do are to let my counselor know and then to get a hold of my old college again to see about my grades. All goes well, I’ll start school in the spring. My O&M instructor is going to work on me getting around campus on my own so that will be very cool. I’m hoping with the courses I’m taking I will be able to go and study abroad for a while. I think we all know what country I’d be choosing to study in…yep, if you guessed Ireland, you guessed correctly. One step at a time though. So, bring on college! I’m ready!

Today I was job hunting again online like I do at times and found nothing. Sometimes I don’t feel I’ll ever find work. I try really hard not to get discouraged but it’s tough when you apply and the jobs you try for don’t want to hire you. I did find some things for Paul to apply for so that made me feel good that I could help him with that. I will keep looking, I’m not giving up on my search but as I’ve said, I’m starting to get a bit frustrated with the lack of the jobs. This coming Thursday I get to meet with my job coach so we’ll see how that goes.

Just a random thought, I’m watching the 100000 dollar pyramid and there’s a woman on there named Logan. I thought that was a boy’s name, at least I’ve never heard of a girl called Logan. It’s a great name but…not for a girl. No offense if there’s a girl out there with that name. I don’t mean to offend. I wonder…is it spelled differently? I’m going to have to google that now.

The visit with Clint is one week passed now, he has this week here and then he goes bakc home again. I wish I could have done things that I wanted to do while he was here but I didn’t get that chance due to lack of funds. He said he has enjoyed being here even though I didn’t get to show him places in Mankato. It’s been great thus far.

Well, I’m going to end this now, my eyeballs are hurting so bad it’s making me feel sick to my stomach. I had to cancel my show on Ninth Floor Radio tonight due to this happening. I can’t broadcast when I’m feeling like this because I don’t feel I do my best.

Take care everyone. XOXO

The Vampiress Lily

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