Sleep Is Elusive…Again

Good morning, such as it is.

All I have to say is, here sleep sleep sleep. Why must you be so elusive? Sleep has bene this way for the past couple of nights, I’m sure that something’s off with the universe because everything seems strange as of late. I can’t explain it but I haven’t felt like myself for the past few days. I’m happy enough like normal and am still pretty optimistic but it’s hard for me to explain exactly what it is I’m feeling.
Anyway, onward to the next topic.

August the 9th was my birthday. I had a pretty good birthday actually, normally I see it as just one more day but this one was a cool one.
I watched a movie I’ve been wanting to see for the longest time! The movie was called PS I love you, I think ti rates up there with my favorite movies now. It’s a story about a woman married to an irish man and things at first seem shaky with their relationship but it turns out that they ended up all right. In the movie she gets to travel to Ireland and meets people there and visits her in-laws while there. I don’t want to give too many details about it in case you want to see it, no spoilers here. :P.
About 9:30 that night my friends hosted a party in the smoke shack, well the gazebo but we call it the smoke shack as that’s where all of the smokers go to have their smoke breaks. They gave me a signed card and Paul baked a cake for me. The cake was delicious! It was a white cake with orange cream frosting and colorful stars or so I’m told. I personally could not see the stars but that’s what they all told me.
I didn’t do the normal drinking thing for my BDay but I didn’t need to, celebrating with my friends was fun and I wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

The visit with Clint is going well, I can’t believe that a week has passed already. Time is going fast! He says he likes it here and doesn’t want to leave to go back to Utah. I’m glad he is having fun, I figured he’d be bored but he isn’t.
We watched The Lost Boys wich I found out that is a movie he likes. That has bene one of my favorite movies since i saw it years ago. We watch The Lost Boys Part 2 titled The Tribe. I don’t like that one as well but Clint thought it was good. We have yet to watch the third Lost Boys but we will get to that one. It’s called The Thurst and I haven’t sene that one yet either. It’s funny to own a movie i haven’t seen yet but I do. LOL!
I was hoping to cook irish food for him while he has bene here but i haven’t gotten the chance to do that yet. Hopefully I can make at least one authentic irish meal before he goes bakc home. If I don’t, there’s always next time.
We had also planned to read all of the Harry Potter books as well but we haven’t gotten to those either. We’ve had too much fun hanging out with Paul and everyone here. As i said, there’s always next time.

i’m still looking for work, no luck there yet however. I have a meeting with my job coach next Thursday to discuss things. At times I feel I’ll never find another job and am tempted to see if Land To Air will hire me back again but then I remember all of the reasons I left in the first place and I’m like, nope. Things there haven’t gotten any better either i’m sure. They did raise the office pay to ten dollars an hour though. I heard that and I was like, those arseholes! They wait till after Barb and i leave to raise the wages. I imagine they had to do something though as they were having trouble keeping office workers. Quite a few of the drivers have quit as well and they’ve had to hire new ones. All i can do is shake my head now when i think of that place. I so miss Jason. Jason, come baaaaaaaaaaack! We need you!

Just a couple of articles that got to me…

This is one of the saddest things i’ve seen lately. this breaks my heart and brings me to tears, a horrible tragedy for sure. This boy’s going to have to live with this for the rest of his life.

Sheriff: 2-week-old killed by 6-year-old brother; mother charged

This is an outrage!!

A Woman Was Fired After She Had a Violent Allergic Reaction at Work

Well I suppose, I have forgotten what else i was going to write about so I’ll end this thing before it turns into rambling.

Take care all and I’ll write again soon. XO


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