26 Things


I love doing these things from time-to-time.
I find them fun at times and they’re also a great way for you to learn more about who I am.

Twenty six things about me…
A- Age: 41.
B- Biggest fear: Fire.
C- Current time: 8:57 PM.
D- Drink you last had: milk.
E- Every day starts with: coffee.
F- Favorite song: Disturbed’s version of The Sound of Silence.
G- Ghosts, are they real?: yes.
H- Hometown: North Mankato, MN.
I- In love?:Yes.
J- Jealous of: People with lots of money.
K- Killed someone? NO.
L- Last time you cried? July 22, 2016.
M- Middle name: Rose.
N- Number of siblings: combined siblings 14.
O- One wish: Acceptance for all to love whom ever they choose no matter if it’s a straight person or an LGBTQ person.
P- Person you last called: Paul Hoppe.
Q- Question Will you share your answers on your status? this was taken from facebook and since I’m doing them here for my journal, no.
R- Reason to smile: I have many things to be thankful for.
S- Song last sang: Patti Rothberg – Inside.
T- Time you woke up: 7:45 AM.
U- Underwear color: that’s a bit of a personal question and I refuse to answer.
V- Last Vacation: Somewhere over the rainbow. :P.
W- Worst habit: biting my nails.
X- X-Rays you’ve had: left hand, right foot and ankle, chest, right knee and my lower back.
Y- Your favorite food: hummus with veggies and Subway sandwiches.
Z- Zodiac sign: Leo or if it’s the Chinese Zodiac tiger. Either way you look at it, I’m a big cat. :P.

I didn’t get to go to Flint’s house today like I was going to. He went out and then by the time he returned home it was after five and he still had to get his work reports done. I’m a bit disappointed but at the same time I do understand, if he doesn’t get these things done he doesn’t get paid. I will go over there some time this week.

The weather was a lot better today heat and humidity wise. instead of the tempatures being in the nineties they were in the eighties and the dew points were in the lower sixties instead of being close to eighty. I still had the air on as the sunshine comes directly in threw my windows and it makes it hotter inside than it actually is outside. I need to get one of the blinds fixed so I can shut it so that it stays cooler in here. During the winter the blind being broken isn’t a huge deal as I don’t have to use the heat because the sun is a good enough heater for me. I don’t want Luna and Ozzy to get blamed for it being broken either, if I know Bruce, he’ll blame them and my cats do not climb the blinds. I will buy a new one just as soon as I can and replace it so that doesn’t happen.
Well, sleep is calling so I will answer it. Good night all, have a great night and sweet dreams.


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