The Interview


Before I tell you about how things went, I have this audio post I’d appreciate you giving a listen. It’s not a must but it’s really cool and I think that the one who put this together would appreciate it as well. This comes from one of my twitter followers, he’s really awesome at what he does even though some apparently tell him otherwise. His name’s Kyle and I don’t know him well but from what I do know of him he’s pretty cool. Enjoy! Please tell your friends to give it a listen as well.

80 or so views. Can i get more?

Today was great! I went for my interview and I felt that things went really well. They seem interested but I won’t know anything until possibly the end of the week. When i got there I was pretty nervous and a couple of times I almost thought I was going to have to…well to put it nicely find the nearest bathroom. It never came to that and for that i’m thankful. I didn’t get to interview with who I was originally supposed to talk to because she was busy but I spoke with a man named Bowe. He was very nice and he asked all sorts of questions, some I was expecting and some I wasn’t. All in all it went pretty well I think. There is one thing that might keep me from getting that job and that is they use DOS for their system and I’m not sure I can get JAWS for DOS anymore, that and I’m not sure I even remember the commands for that program either.We’ll just have to see what happens.

I have a couple of jobs in mind that I’m applying for, one of which I think would be totally fun. The place is called The Paw, it’s a dog grooming business. I love animals and i love working with people so what better job? The other job is one out of St. Cloud and it’s a work at home job. That one i’m not so sure about because a lot of those jobs are scams and I’m not in the market for that. Jerry and May are going to be able to work from home and I think that’s totally awesome. They are working for Red Roof Inn. I did inquire about that to my counselor and it is a possibility, the only thing is I’d have to leave for a month of training if I were to get accepted and I have two cats that I can’t leave for that long. I have people who would watch them for me but it’s not fair to them or the cats.

Tonight I have rehersal for the play I’m in next month and then Flint’s coming over afterwords. I don’t have a speaking part but they’ve decided to make me sing. LOL! Not much rehersing for that as I know what I’m supposed to be singing and as long as I practice from home I’m all good. This also means no show tonight on Cosmic Lava Radio. I may need to change my schedule on there now due to this play thing.

All right, I’m off for now. Have a great evening!


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