Today’s ramblings

Good evening.

Currently it’s about 10:54 PM here and I just woke up from a nap about an hour ago. Why do I mention this you may be asking, well it’s because i’m still sleepy and I have no idea why. I napped for about an hour and a half and so I should be rested but I’m not. I’m not sure what if any relevance this has for this entry but there it is.

Someone once said that people should write every day even if it’s just to say that you have nothing to write about. Unfortunately I can’t remember who quoted that and it’s sad, my memory is usually better than this. At any rate, I have decided to try and do this because it will get me into the habit of updating again more often than I did in my last journal. I used to write a lot and then for an unknown reason I just stopped. I could blame it on writer’s block but I didn’t have it, I just simply stopped writing. I’m not sure what the reason is but I’m going to try again.

If you like amusing things, give a dose of Buckley a whirl. Follow him on twitter if you like as well, his user name is @ADoseofBuckley. I watch him everytime he releases a new video on youtube. I’ll post this one for you to check out if you like, this is his latest one.

A Dose of Buckley #224 – Kim and Kanye: California State Criminals

So I did call the Marriott Courtyard Hotel back and I have an interview with them tomorrow at noon. One of my job coaches is coming with me and I can’t quite decide yet if this is a bad thing or a good thing. On the one hand I think it could be bad because what if they think I can’t do this job on my own and no matter how well I do with the interview they say no. On the other hand it could be good because if I do get the job she can help work out any accessibility issues I might face doing the job. I’m really hoping they are willing to give me a chance to prove I can do things even though I’m blind. There aren’t a lot of companies that are willing but I hope that they are.
I have people telling me that they think I can do this and i just need to believe in myself. I’ve got some pretty good references backing me and so I’m keepin an optimistic outlook on this.
There are those who are wondering why I didn’t wish to take the job at Verizon and i have explained it but they seem to think I’m wrong for not wanting to even give it a try. They didn’t call me back anyway so the point is moot. Do i feel bad about it? Of course I do but there’s not a thing I can do about it now, all I can do now is look to the future and hope for the best.

I got to talk to my friend from my old job, Barb. I miss her so much. She says things are just not the same since I left there. Her last day was June 24th but she still subs there at times due to Donna having to go to the hospital. She doesn’t like it though because the new people don’t seem to respect her. She says that they are quite a bit younger than her and that they are pretty tight. I feel bad she is having to deal with that, it’s not fair to her.
I sometimes miss working at Land To Air but going bakc is not an option for me. My sanity would suffer worse than it already has and i can’t put myself through that, not again.

Well, I suppose I should end this for now. Poor Ozzy, that’s my 13-year-old cat is up here begging me to feed him…again. I swear, he’s like a bottomless pit! I don’t mind much though because a couple of months or so ago he wouldn’t eat at all and I thought I was going to lose him he got so sick. Luna my 3-year-old cat is up by the food dish scratching at it so I better go and take care of them. They’re my babies and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

I’ll let you all know how tomorrow goes.
Good night all.


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