The Good, The Bad And The World’s ugliness

Good evening LJ Readers.

I’ve bene sitting here thinking instead of sleeping like I should be doing, but I can’t.
I saw a news story today that has me feeling all sorts of emotions: anger because I don’t’ understand how laws haven’t been put in place for gun control especially after Sandy Hook, sadness because children again were targets of a mad man who decided that shooting up an elementary school was a good idea and the loss of life has me heartbroken, and confusion because this was allowed to happen again because of no gun control laws after mass shootings or any shooting for that matter just to name a few. Nineteen children and 3 adults or that was the last count I heard were killed in Texas in a mass school shooting, I want to know why. I want to know why and how this could happen…again. Why do we not have better gun control laws? Why are people who are mentally unstable allowed to just go out there and purchase a gun? You know, I have been reading a series where guns are banned and the penalty for owning one is prison time if you are caught. Why can’t it be like that here? Why are there blueprints on how to 3D print a gun? I hate guns with a passion! I know I know, everyone keeps telling me that it isn’t the gun that kills it’s the person behind the gun. Yes, I know this! I am very much aware of this fact, but people who shouldn’t have them keep getting their hands on them. When are changes going to be made? How many more children have to die at the hands of a killer before new laws come into effect? How many more families have to grieve for the loss of a loved one, not just a child but a loved one? I’m so afraid to sleep right now, I’m afraid of the dreams that may come from this story. I wish, I wish I could make all the changes on my own because if it were up to me guns wouldn’t exist in this world anymore. They would all be banished never to be seen again, never to be used for the purpose of murder. I don’t care if people carry them for protection, there are other ways. There are other ways to protect yourself, guns are not needed. What about hunting you may be asking? Well, that’s easy, go back to the use of the bow and arrow like was done way back in the times of history where the Native Americans hunted. We could have learned a lot from them. I don’t want to think anymore. You can say I’m narrow minded but that’s alright with me. Guns just should not exist and they are evil tools.
I can’t do this, I can’t think about this anymore. My eyes are teary again.

So I came across this recipe that looks interesting, I want to try to make it. It’s for banana rhubarb pie, I love both bananas and rhubarb so I think it could be wonderful. I think the next time I have the money I will go and get the ingredients for it.
Now I’m going to try and put this behind a cut, not sure if I’ll be successful as I haven’t done this in ages but here goes. If it doesn’t work, I apologize.

Banana Rhubarb Pie


1 pound rhubarb, sliced (3 cups)
3 medium ripe bananas, peeled and sliced (3 cups)
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup orange juice
3 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 (9 inch) pie crusts
1 tablespoon butter or margarine


Combine rhubarb, bananas, sugar, orange juice, flour, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg; pour into pastry-lined pie plate. Dot with butter. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place top crust on filling; cut vents. Bake for 15 minutes; reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 30 minutes longer, or until pie is brown. Cool completely.

If you try this recipe, I hope it turns out good and that you enjoy it.

I had my job interview today and it went well, even my interviewer said that she thought it went well. She said that they’ll be making a decision for the position on either Thursday or Friday so hopefully I’ll know something by early next week. I was nervous but there was no need to be, she was so nice and fun too. It was definitely one of the most light hearted interviews I’ve ever had. So, I wait which is the hardest part.\

Well, I’m off I think. I have two doctor’s appointments tomorrow and I need to try and catch some zees. I’m sorry for the rant starting off this posting but I just…I needed to get it all out. I’m still worried about sleeping but I need to try.

I hope you all have a good night and take care of yourselves. Hug your loved ones tight and let them know you love them because you just never know, you just never know.

Love from an upset kitty.

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