The Simple Things in Life

Hey LJ Readers.

I was thinking about the simple things in life that I’m so appreciative of; things like chirping birds, the shining sun, blue skies, a cat’s purr, a child’s laughter, a baby’s giggle and cooing, a dog’s kisses on your face even though you really don’t want them at times, macaroni and cheese and so many more things I could mention. It’s the simplicity that I love and that I’m so grateful for but is it wrong to want more? I don’t mean wanting more as in things that I can’t have or trying to buy things that I really can’t afford. I mean things like safety and feeling secure. I want a place that I can call home where I don’t’ have to fear psychotic neighbors coming to my house and assaulting myself or Kaylie, a place where things work properly as far as appliances go, where there are no holes in our walls, where there aren’t things sticking up out of the carpet that will hurt our feet or our cat’s paws, where the kitchen floor isn’t coming apart and separating which makes it easy to stub our toes on and most recently a possibility of our mail getting stolen. Yes, we think this may be happening now. I have never lived in a place so messed up in my entire life and I’ve lived in some rundown places before. I don’t think having a better place to live is too much to ask for. I want my own house, not a big house but a small two or three bedroom will do nicely. The home doesn’t even have to have a garage as we don’t’ drive a car being that we are both blind. I’d also like a backyard so that I can have a dog, I know we have our three cats and I love them all very dearly, but I’d like a dog as well. I’m not looking to get a huge dog, just a small or medium size one. Actually, I’d like a Bichon or a Pomeranian, maybe both? Yes, both would be lovely. I truly don’t want much do I? My Qwest to find said house continues, this is one dream I’m not going to stop chasing.

I jumped on Prometheus today for a bit to work on ship descriptions, I still haven’t gotten them done and I’ve been working on it forever it seems. Describing things is fun and I find it therapeutic. Ships and baby clothing are what I like doing the most. I have six children on there as well, three girls and three boys. My girls are Khaleesi, Maris, and Aspen. My boys are Caden, Braden, and Jaden. They each have middle names as well, but I don’t have them showing but they are in a file kept on my hypernet browser. I also have a cat named Jasper on there as well, he’s so adorable. The next pet I will get is going to be a dog, I think I’ll design it to be a Bichon Frise. (Pronounced BEE-shawn FREE-say). I believe I’ll call her Cookie because that’s cute.

Well, I’ve got nothing more for you today so I’m going off to chillax with the thunderstorms rolling through right now, I find them to be so comforting. I’ve decided that’s a good thing to do in the evenings. By the way, Kinder Buenos are the best!

Until next time…take care.

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