Happy Janurary Sixth

I’m walking into 2020 with a clear heart and mind.
If you owe me, don’t worry about it.
If you wronged me, it’s all good, lesson learned.
If you’re angry with me, you won. I’ve let it go.
If we aren’t speaking, it’s cool. I truly wish you well.
If you feel I’ve wronged you, I apologize. It wasn’t intentional.
I’m grateful for every experience that I received.
Life is too short for pent up anger, holding of grudges and extra stress or pain.
Here’s to 2020!
Remember, forgiving someone is for you so don’t block your blessings.
Make 2020 a year of positivity and a season of forgiveness.”
Author Unknown

January thus far has been a bit boring if you ask me, nothing exciting has happened yet and maybe that’s a good thing.
Over this past weekend, Flint came over bringing gifts of spirits creating an impromptu late new years celebration that lasted until about 3:30 AM. I unfortunately couldn’t partake in the festivities due to my body apparently deciding that it didn’t like UV Blue anymore and I don’t like Grey Goose. We had a bottle of Rumchata as well but we had nothing to mix it with. I suppose I could have done shots of that but I just wasn’t in the mood for some strange reason unknown to me. Maybe my body’s telling me that I’m getting too old for such things as drinking. I’ve got one thing to say to that, you will do as i say! Seriously though, I wonder if that’s the case. I sure hope not, I’ve always felt younger than my years but it may be time for me to face facts. I’m not as young as i once was, I however will keep going until I can’t any longer. Anyway, Flint and Farah got totally messed up. I don’t understand it though, Flint had no hangover while Farah did. I remember there was a time when I could drink and drink and get no hangovers either but now…I get drunk and I feel like death warmed over the next day. This isn’t fair, I’m irish. This shouldn’t be happening. LOL! Again I digress. After eating breakfast and drinking coffee, Farah felt much better. Now Flint is sick with a cold and I hope he feels better soon.

So far it is day 6 in the new year and I have so far failed to hold up to my new lifestyle. The only thing I have stuck to is the no more smoking rule that I have set for myself. Baby steps, right? I have cut back on my soda intake and have been drinking mostly water and tea so that’s good as well. I have bene eating mostly fish and chicken for meats and I’m planning to cut out beef and other meats as well. That’s been going well except I did have a hamburger Saturday night. When we go grocery shopping though I’m not buying beef or pork. Farah has already said she’d like to try using ground chicken and making chicken burgers so this could be good. This will be so much easier once all the junk food is gone as well. I have cut way back on eating any of that as well so it’s lingering. I’m getting there, it’s just taking a bit of time. I am proud of the progress I’ve already made. Ok, so I wouldn’t say I’ve failed because I have made strides in this endeavor.

Today I will be helping Farah to get her resume current and job hunting again. I didn’t see my job coach as she had to take another client to an interview. Hopefully the both of us can find something soon.

The cold I was battling is almost gone, thank goodness!

Well, I suppose that’s all I have for today. I’ll be back soon with either another entry or a recipe.
You all take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember self-care is a wonderful thing.

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