Sunday Writings

cairde Dia duit, or in english, hello friends.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday so far. Mine is going well even though the time felll bakc an hour and this always seems to mess with my head for a few days after. I’ll be ok though, I usually am after this happens. :P.

I’d like to apologize for my lack of recipes on halloween, i promised you guys more treats but I didn’t get around to posting. How ever you celebrated if you celebrated, I hope you all had a grate time and were safe.
My samhain was grate. We ended up hangning out with Flint at his house for a bit to do a samhain ritual and then came back to ours and had dinner. I was hoping to host a party this year but we just couldn’t pull it off, perhaps next year?

Can you believe it’s November already? This year has flown by so quickly and I find myself wondering every year as I tend to do where the time has gone. Not too much longer and it will be Xmas, though some stations have already started playing holiday music and Hallmark has decided even before halloween was over that it was time to show Xmas movies. Damn! No more of the sitcoms I like to watch until new years is over. I truly don’t mind Xmas but before Halloween even? That’s just wrong somehow. I’m sure that not everyone agrees with my sentaments and that’s alright too, you are entitled to your oppinions just as I am to mine. No, not angry in case you are wondering, just stating my oppinion.
I do love Xmas music and the holiday season. It used to be my favorite time of the year but now it just seems way too comercialized and that’s really sad. What happened to just being glad to spend time with family? “Remember the reason for the season,” that’s sort of the mantra every year. I can’t get into the holidays anymore, not like I used to be able to do.
New years eve, now that’s a fun day. I’d like to try and have a party this year so we’ll see how that goes.

On the job front, I have nothing to report as of yet. Abby was checking on two places but I’m not sure she got any kind of response or if she did I’m not holding much hope for a positive one.
I was looking on Indeed and found a possible job so I sent it to her to check out. She wants to see what i find because she wants to tell me what she knows about the company and it’s acceptance of the blind. I don’t know, it’s pretty sad that I can’t do this part on my own but I can’t complain either because i feel like she won’t let me fail. I’m very torn on this.
I haven’t totally ruled out Virginia!

I’ve started on a new radio station called VENOM FM. I’m really excited about this project!
The launch was on Friday and I did one hour of the launch. I had a lot of fun. My first show will be on Tuesdays from 2-5 PM Est. This show is called The Healing Circle.

Show description:
Need a place to recover your breath? Then enter The Healing Circle and let Ailish Niamh take you on a healing journey into a land of NewAge and world music. Featuring the sounds of many cultures, from the Emereld Ile of Ireland, to the tribal songs of the Native American people, to the lands from worlds away, Ailish will open your heart and mind and ease you into a healing state of warmth and relaxation.

My second show is called The Quiet Storm. For those who have heard that show before, yes I’m bringing it back again, for those who haven’t here’s the description for that one.

Show description:
Kick back and unwind with that special someone as I bring you three hours of music straight from the heart. Don’t have a special someone? You can still relax and unwind with the quiet storm.

You can find The Quiet Storm from 10PM-1AM eastern on Thursday nights.

I know, not as creative as the other one but my other one was written by my fox who has a very creative streak.

The next station I’m on is XTFM.
My show here is called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Thanks to one of my sis’s boyfriend for that show name.
You can find this show on Saturdays from 1-4 est.
I play all kinds of rock and metal so if this is your thing, join me. I have a segment called Manditory Metallica and another segment called Music News. I have lots of fun with this show.
Well, I’m off for the moment, I’ll be back soon with another entry.


Take care of yourselves and each other.
Remember, self-care is a good thing.

A misfit faerie

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