The Mini Novel?

Greetings readers.

Before I get to my entry I’d like to post a link that I have read and think I will be trying.

9 Drinks Without Sugar That’ll Satisfy Your Cravings

Some of those sound really good and since i’ve decided to try the no soda thing again these may help me or at least I’m hoping.

In looking back at this thing I realized that I haven’t posted since June 17, a fair few things have happened since then.

First I found out that my birth mother died on the sixth of June. Why nobody bothered to call and tell me this I’ll never know. I feel horrible about it because I never got to see her before she passed and it’s one of the things that she wanted, a visit from her only living daughter and i couldn’t even give her that. She wanted a Xmas CD of me singing which I kept telling her that I would send her, I didn’t do that either. I’m kicking myself for this, I’m regreting that I didn’t do these two things that she wanted. I know that I can’t change things and people have told me not to be so down on myself for it but I can’t help but to be. These weren’t hard requests to grant. I hope she knows that I loved her and still do. I know that she does know that I have forgiven her for my shite childhood, she really did do the best she could. She once asked me when she passed away if I’d sing Vince Neil’s Go Rest High on That Mountain, I didn’t get the chance to so I will try to cover it for her. I love and miss you mom, RIP. She was 66 when she passed away.

After that, I found out on July fourth that my grandmother died in like March. Guess what? No one in my family bothered to call and tell me that either. I was extremely angry, my brother Chris told me about it. He thought I knew which is why he didn’t say anything to me earlier. My grandmother was one of my favorite people, she was a very nice and sweet lady. She was funny at times too. I remember one day I was at her house and there was a fly in the kitchen. She picked up a fly swatter and began smacking the fly until it was dead. The more she went after it, the more it tried to escape but my grandmother prevailed. After it was dead she turns to me with the fly swatter in hand and then says,”I’m the fly terminator.” I cracked up so hard. My grandma started laughing along with me. In the past few years I didn’t get to spend much time with her, again that is something I regret. I loved my grandmother so much and I couldn’t believe it when I found out she was gone and I wasn’t able to attend her funeral due to not being informed of her death. I’m not sure that’s something I can ever forgive, if i do it will be a while before I do. RIP grandma, you are flying high with the angels now and I’ll see you when I get there. Give grandpa a big hug and kiss from me ok? i love you both.

We finally moved into our new place at the end of July. We were so unimpressed and to a point we still are.
First off, when we looked at the place it was dirty and many things were broken. We were assured that everything would be fixed and the place would be cleaned. When move-in day came around we got everything here and as the days went on we found problem after problem.

1. No lock on the patio door. We have a broomstick locking our door and while it keeps the door from being opened on the outside it still sucks.

2. Tack strip exposure between the dining room and the living room. I’ve stepped on this one like three times now and let me tell you it hurts like a bitch.

3. Tack strip exposure between the bathroom and the hallway. This one i haven’t stepped on but still they are showing and at any point the cats can step on them with their little paws and hurt them.

We do have rugs covering them but the rugs move and it bites.

4. Whole in the wall of the second bedroom where electrical outlet is. Right now we have the dresser in front of it so no danger can happen or at least I hope it can’t.

5. No screens on windows except for the living room. This sucks because I’d really like to be able to open the windows when the weather is nice but I’m unable to due to there not existing.

6. Closet door in the second bedroom is half gone. No safety hazard with this but it would be nice to close the closet door totally.

7. Water from the fan in the bathroom leaks when the people upstairs take showers. This can be a fire hazard as the fan has electricity in it and getting leaked on when you are trying to do your business in the bathroom quite sucks.

8. The water heater was rusted out on the bottom and water was going everywhere in the laundry room. This has since been fixed though.

9. The washing machine has a broken part. Thank goodness for friends who know how to rig things! Flint helped us fix it so we can still use it but it’s not a permanent fix. At any point the rig can come apart and then boom! Broken Machine once again.

10. There was a leak under the sink in the kitchen. This has since been fixed as well.

11. The heat in the living room and in the kitchen wasn’t working. This too has since been fixed.

12. The light dimmer for the dining room is broken. We can’t dim the light or make it brighter. I know this isn’t a hazard either but we should still be able to use it.

13. The carpet is all messed up in front of our front door. Basically we have to have people come to the patio door when they come to visit, otherwise we would have tripping persons on our hands.

14. Walls weren’t painted like they should have been and the carpet is horribly stained.

15. There’s a huge hole in the second bedroom’s door.

We have brought all of this up to management and thus far nothing has been fixed accept for the things I stated above that were, in fact they told us they do not have screens for the windows or doors for the second bedroom. Everytime we find an issue I just feel I’m done with this place. Too bad we’re stuck here till next August, if we weren’t I think I’d be trying to find another house.
What we are most likely going to do is start an escrow, we’ve reported these maintenance issues numerous times and so far very few things have been fixed. It’s getting more than just rediculous…it’s down right slum lordiness. I know, that’s not a word but at moment I don’t really care. Our upstairs neighbors are having trouble getting things fixed in their place as well. There’s no reason for this, not at all. I’m going to search for legal aide or something to see if this is even possible.

My job coach walked out and left me high and dry.
The dude never told anyone he was leaving, he just up and left everything. I do have a new job coach now and she’s really cool. She seems interested in getting me work. She’s definitely more involved than my last one was, we actually meet once a week to discuss things. I really like her.

SSB has gotten new people as well. My new counselor is named Anna, we’ve met a couple of times and she seems nice.
One of the times we spoke we were talking about some things i may need. I informed her that I may need a new up-to-date version of microsoft office. I told her i had 2003 and that most of the jobs I am looking at require you to know xcel and I needed a refresher course because it had been forever since i messed with it. She told me to try Hadley which I am going to do but they want you to have 2013 or higher. I informed her of this and she said she needed to speak with her supervisor. This was supposed to happen on the 23rd of October and she still hasn’t gotten back to me. I will try and give her a call tomorrow to see if there has been any progress. I really want to start these courses with Hadley and I can’t without the new office.

I think the last important thing to write about is I spent last Friday in the ER. I went in with heart issues and they ran tests and found nothing wrong. My blood work all came back good, the heart monitor showed nothing and my EKG was grate so said the doctor so I don’t know what’s going on. I had my follow-up appointment today and I have to go in on the 11th of November to get a halter monitor, I get to wear this thing for like two days and see if they can find anything. I have done this before and they found nothing then so I have high hopes they won’t this time either.

Anyway I think this thing’s long enough so I’m going to go now. I hope you are all doing well and I’ll be back again to post a few halloween recipes tomorrow. I hope you all have a grate night.


Take care of yourselves and each other. Remember, self-care is a good thing.

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