Good afternoon everyone.
First I’d like to wish my amazing fiancé Emmerel Farrah Phox a very happy fourteenth month anniversary. It has been fourteen months since she asked me to be her girlfriend and I don’t regret one moment of it. These past months have been some of the most happy of my life. Heres too many more to come. I love you my Emmy Phox now and forever.
Next I’d like to wish you all a very happy unofficial start to the summer. I hope that your weekend is filled with food, family, friends and lots of fun. As for me, this weekend will be pretty quiet as usual and you know what? That’s ok too. In all of the celebrations that will take place, don’t forget to take a minute to remember all of the fallen and those who are still serving this country. Without them we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Wow, I have a lot to write about but where to begin? It’s been forever it seems since i have written anything substantial in this thing I call a journal. Well technically I haven’t written anything in this journal yet except for a recipe because this one’s new. Okay okay, I’ll get on with it.
Two of my favorite TV shows ended and this makes me sad. The Big Bang theory had it’s series finale on May sixteenth and it didn’t end with a bang. I was sort of disappointed with how it all went down. You’d think they could have come up with a different way to end it than what the writers did. I won’t talk about it here in case someone hasn’t seen it yet. On May nineteenth the series finale of Game of Thrones aired on HBO. A lot of people said that it was a very crappy ending but I wouldn’t go that far. What i would say is that it seemed rushed and could have been more thought out, I must admit there were a couple of surprises. I didn’t expect who became king to be wearing the crown but it could have been worse. Again I won’t give any details if there are those who are still playing catch up with the seasons. Emmy and i still have like four to watch yet of season eight but we cheated and watched the ending anyway, hell we read enough spoilers and got enough from what others were saying to have watched it.
In the fall there are new shows coming out and I’m hoping they have some good ones. I can’t wait to see what they are and if they’re any good.
On the job front I still have nothing. I’ve been searching still but so far no luck. Last week I applied with Atwood Management for a job as they had an office position opened that i thought I could do. No word yet on how that’s going but I’m sure I’ll know something once they’ve sifted through all of the applications.
At times I feel like just giving up because it seems like I’ll never find anything but it’s not in my nature to do that, it just gets so discouraging at times when you search and search and yet nothing pans out. My job coach thought maybe I had a shot at going back to work for Land to Air but that doesn’t seem to be a go either. I wouldn’t have minded going back there, I do miss it there and I did love that job when I had it. Ah well, I can’t lose faith and I’ve got to keep hoping something will turn out in the end.
Going back to school is on hold for now. I was going to totally give up on that idea but I think for now I’ll just set that idea aside until I can figure out how to get that 2000 paid off.
Good news! Emmy and I finally got to move into our new apartment at the end of March, however the bad news is we hate it. LOL! There are problems with it that we did not notice at first as our walkthrough was pretty rushed.
1. The floors are all messed up from this past winter. All around the edges the carpet and the linoleum is sticking up pretty badly. In fact it’s cracking something awful. We are not able to utilize our space very well because of this. We have to keep things away from the walls in order for our furniture to sit flat.
2. There’s not enough space for all of our things. We need to figure out what we are going to do with our living room so that when we have company they can sit on the couch. I know that part isn’t the landlord’s fault but in moving down here we thought we were gaining more space when in reality we didn’t. We feel we were misled.
3. No matter what we do the energies are all wrong. We’ve tried smudging and burning dragon’s blood incents and using oils but nothing works.
4. There is a huge crack going down the center of one of our walls. We don’t know what that’s all about or where it came from but that can’t be structurally safe.
Our solution is to move, we are actively searching for another apartment. We did find one at River Crossing that we absolutely love. It has it’s own washer and dryer in unit with a dishwasher and it has two bedrooms. The only issue with it is that it’s up a flight of stairs and with Emmy’s knee surgery coming up in about a month to a month and a half it would be impossible for her to get up and down. We are very much hoping that they have a ground unit opening soon, when they do it is ours! Of course it would have to be before we find a different place. Right now I do have us on a waiting list for a complex called Sibley Park Apartments but the list is about a year long. Tuesday of next week we are going to look at another called Eastport apartments, I’m told they are very nice and they also have a washer and dryer in unit. For now we are stuck here and will try and make the best of things.
I have done an entry on friendship and what the word means before but I’m thinking it’s about time to revisit it. So what is friendship and what does it mean to you?
The dictionary definition tells us this…
Noun: friendship: The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
Friendship means a lot more to me than how the dictionary defines it. Why do I bring this up you may be asking?
Well when I become friends with someone I am loyal to the person and cherish them as true friendships are so rare these days it seems. I’d do anything and everything in my power to help them if they are ever in trouble or in need. Sometimes I even make them my family, they become like a brother or a sister and that’s how they remain always unless I’m betrayed or trust is broken. Even then I never wish harm on them at all, I wish for them to have a good life and be happy. It saddens me when the bonds of friendship are severed and I lose a person but I know that at times it happens.
Recently such bond was broken and a friendship ended that I didn’t think ever would. I looked at the person like a sister and I tried to do what I could to help her. In December of 2017 I invited her into my home so that she could gain her independence and get away from her family situation which she informed me wasn’t good at the time. I was aware that she wasn’t able to do everything for herself yet I was still willing to try to help her. She filled out the paperwork while she was here to move in with me and even got approved. The day that my landlord was to have her sign the lease she decided that she was going to go back home to her family. In April 2018 I believe it was her family came and picked her up and took her back home. Now I know that most of you probably know the story of why she went back but the short of it is, she and Emmy didn’t get along. She was terrified of the fox and told her mother that she was scared that Emmy was going to seriously hurt her physically. For the record Emmy would have never done that to her or to anyone. There was an inside joke between myself and Emmy that this person and a few others took totally out of context and made it a lot worse than it was. I was hurt that she left because all I wanted to do was help her and I feel that I’ve failed, that and for a few months before this incident she had a very unhealthy obsession with Emmy. She was telling people that she and Emmy had been in a relationship but Emmy informs that this wasn’t the case at all. Emmy tells me that two days after they started speaking she was telling Emmy that she loved her and this made the fox feel extremely uncomfortable. I’m getting off topic with what friendship means to me and for that I’m sorry, I’m not here to badmouth the person in question but she has hurt me deeply. I shouldn’t be this hurt or care so much but I do. Ana Cindy has decided to block me due to the fact that she and Emmy will never get along. Ana and Emmy had gotten into it and I stayed out of it. Basically Cindy was upset that I didn’t defend her to Emmy I hate confrontation so I didn’t wish to get in the middle. Maybe I should have but the thing is Emmy wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t true. If the fox had I would have said something, I’m not going to let people talk smack about my friends. I understand that she was upset but I didn’t know what to say. Like I said had Emmy spoken badly and said untruths then I would have stepped in and I believe that Emmy knows this. I’m not going to go into details about what was said but like I said I was blocked and yes it hurts but I have accepted it.
I do love and care for my friends deeply and I always will. I will remain loyal to them and will do whatever I can to help them.
If you have friends that you consider to be like family treasure them as I treasure mine. I cherish all of you, all of my friends, please don’t ever forget that.
For those of you who have been waiting for new music from me, it is coming. With the help of Flint and Emmy I have new stuff coming out soon. Some of them are covers and some of them are originals. I can’t wait, I’m so excited about this. I’ll let you know when things shall be released.
Well I do believe I’ve written enough for now, I’m getting stiff sitting here and need to get up and move around for a few minutes. I’ll be back soon with either an update or another recipe. You all enjoy your weekend, I intend to do just that.
Take care of your selves and each other. Remember self-care is a good thing. XO.
Trinity Jade Phox