Sleepless in Mankato

Good morning everyone.

It’s way too early for me to be awake but I can’t sleep due to it being either too hot, too cold, my body hurting because of our bed being too old or Ozzy and Mystic Shadow climbing all over me. So because I can’t sleep you get an entry in this thing I call a journal.

Apparently I received an e-mail from my job coach with a possible job opportunity. Thanks for telling me about it before sending in my resume and a cover letter? I don’t even know what this job entails or even what company it’s for. I will need to call him today and ask him about it just in case the employer calls me and I look stupid due to not knowing what the job is. Communications between T and myself have been very crappy, I don’t believe I’ve spoken with him since the summer if memory serves. Yes, I’m calling him T because I don’t wish to put his real name here, if things go totally south then I will be but for now I’ll respect his privacy. I dare not hope though that I will get a job because everytime i hope for it I end up let down. I know it’s my negativity showing through and I shouldn’t be so but I’m too tired to think positively about it at the moment. Well, here’s hoping for a positive outcome.

Fox and I did end up going out for the second part of our date. We didn’t go to the movies like originally planned but we did go have lunch at A&W, I do believe that is now my new favorite place at the mall to eat. Fox was impressed as well, now we want one built down town close to where we live. We did a bit more shopping and went to Starbucks. Fox had a macha which I should have gotten but I ended up getting a white chocolate raspberry mocha instead. I do love macha and we want to start making it at home, the health benefits of drinking it are grate. I know we can order it off of so we may do as soon as we can get our finances straightened out. We aren’t doing too terribly bad but we could be doing better and even the fox agrees with this. Anyway I digress. We had a lot of fun and we plan to have more dates just the two of us. We feel we need this from time-to-time.

We finally got to see our new apartment though we still have no move-in date. This is frustrating us because we need to know when to call and have the utilities transfered over. Packing has been a thing for the past few days and we still have so much to do or at least it feels like we do. We will be happy once we are in the new place. It’s nice and big, I sort of have some ideas of where things are going to go and how to organize. We can’t wait! Could move-in day hurry up and get here? please?

I’m so tired of the winter! We’re supposed to get another snow storm this weekend, they tell us some places locally could see up to a foot of new falling white stuff. I truly hope like hell that we aren’t in that over a foot of snow prediction. I’m so ready for spring, I’ve bene over this crap for a while now.
This is the letter I have written to Mother Nature, Old Man Winter and That bloody groundhog.

Dear winter, please take your bitterly cold winds, your freezing nasty cold temps and your massive amounts of snow and kindly go away. I’m so tired of
freezing and all of the white stuff on the ground that if I were a dragon I’d be able to spit fire. then again, if I were a fire breathing dragon I’d just
melt the snow. And to that groundhog who promised us an early spring, I’d stay hidden in your hole if I were you. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one
who wishes you didn’t exist at this moment. Oh and to Mother Nature, you aren’t off the hook either. Please take some happy pills or something and at least
bring us to what our normal temps are supposed to be for this time of they year and not the below normal temps we are having to deal with. I’m not sure
who made you so irate but stop taking it out on us poor people who absolutely hate winter but deal with it because we have to. Just break up with old man
winter already would you? No love, a very upset Trinity Jade.

My Facebook and my Twitter followers have seen that but I thought it worth posting again here.

Well I suppose I should get going for now, Mystic Shadow feels the need to torment poor Mia as usual. I am going to go and rescue her so she can get some rest from my big bully of a cat. I do love her so very much but I wish she would just leave Mia alone and get along with her. I know that at times Mia instigates it and she does get scolded as well when that happens but I wish they’d just see eye-to-eye on things. Both cats live here and will continue to do so. Mia and Ozzy get along just fine though, thank goodness.

Ok, please take care of yourselves and of each other. Remember self-care is a good thing too.

Trinity Jade

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