Personal Year-end Review

Hello everyone.

First I’d like to say happy new years eve to you all. I hope whatever you are doing to celebrate is fun and most importantly you stay safe.
As for me if I’m feeling better I will host new year festivities here. Painful eyeballs definitely do not make for good times, that’s for sure.

Currently I’m sitting here watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Free Form is having a Harry Potter weekend, it’s great! The one i’m watching is my favorite out of all of the movies. I’m also resting in the hopes that I’ll feel better for tonight.

So, I wrote in my last entry that I was going to do a personal year-end review of 2016. I can’t remember everything but I’ll write about what I can.


Not much really happened during this month accept that Ozzy turned 13-years-old. He’s such a great cat, I love him dearly.
Alan Rickman passed away from pancreatic cancer. No, I didn’t know him personally but his death for some reason hit me sort of hard. I found out while i was at work. I know this sounds crazy but there it is. I was in total shock and i wasn’t sure i heard correctly. He was one of my most favorite actors and a very talented man.


This month brought one of the most sad but best decisions i have ever had to make. I decided that I was going to leave Land To Air. That plan didn’t actually go in to affect until March however.
I was the only one who got stuck working when everyone else got to go home on the day of the blizzard, I was not a happy Lily that day.


I turned in my two week notice at work. Like I stated above it was sad but necessary. My treatment there was not good and I had to leave. It turns out that they were going to let everyone go anyway and hire all new people.


April 29th was the birthday of my little Luna who isn’t really so little anymore. She turned 3-years-old and she’s still as playful as ever and still a royal pain in my arse but again, I love her to pieces.
The death of Prince was in the news and again I was saddened by this particulare passing. He was one of my favorite musicians and has been since i was like 11. I suppose when someone that large dies, it makes one take a look at one’s own mortality.


I left Land to Air for good, may 20th to be exact was my last day there. It was strange knowing that i’d never have to get up that early again for work. I immediately started looking for new jobs, so far I have not been successful. I’m not giving up as it isn’t in my nature to do so.
Also in May I got into a relationship with someone and at the time things were awesome. Unfortunately things didn’t remain that way but that’s for another month.


I can’t remember anything of significance happening in this month so I’ll just move on.


I don’t recall if something happened here either, it was independence day. That is all.


August brought my birthday, I turned 42, damn I feel old! No, I really don’t feel old but I think i’m old. I’ve had others disagree with me, they say I’m still young so ok, I’ll go with that. LOL! Thanks guys, you all rule!
I met said person I started dating in May. Things for the most part were good accept for one thing that happened that I won’t go into here. Anyway, that’s that.


this month brought the brake up of myself and said person that visited in August. Did it make me sad? yes, it did. Do I still care about said persons’ well being? Yes, I do. Honestly, I miss said person and I wish that he and I could still be friends, I do miss talking to him. I hope that he is well. I have never wished ill towards him at all.
I went to pow wow which I always have tons of fun there.
Pride fest also happened and again I had a ton of fun, I usually do though.


Hmm, october was halloween/Samhain.


In November I hosted Thanks giving here, it was a lot of fun.
I received my letter letting me know that there was an apartment opening JAN first in the building I have bene wanting to move into, I was very excited! I don’t actually get to move till February though and that’s ok.
On the 30th there was a fire on the second and fifth floors of my current residence. The fire on the second floor was right by my apartment door, this is a very scary thing. To my knowledge they still haven’t caught the person/persons who did it all though I have heard from someone yesterday that they have now. I still haven’t heard this on the news so I’m not sure I will believe it just yet. I need to hear this from a reliable source, only then will my mind be at rest regarding this matter.


I have been working on packing up my apartment in preparation for my big move and i couldn’t be more excited! I’m looking forward to moving.
Amber gave me a beautiful lavender bracelet for Xmas and i wear it all the time. I’m very thankful for my present. It was very sweet.
Xmas was hosted at my house and again lots of fun was had by all.
Last night I did my last show ever on Cosmic Lava Radio. It was sad as the station has to shut down for reason I won’t state here. I do wish them luck in the new year and I’m greatful to them for allowing me to be a part of the radio family and do what i love to do, broadcast.

I know more things happened but these are just the highlights and what I can remember. In 2017 I will try and keep a better record so that when I do this next year I’ll be able to do this a lot better. :D.

Well, I think I’m off for now, have a great new year all and I’ll write again next year! Next year I will definitely try to write more here.


P.S> Don’t forget to call everyone you know at midnight to say happy new year! Don’t do any drunk dialing or texting though, that could be a nasty business. :P.

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