Baby, it’s Cold Outside

Greetings to all who read this thing.

I hope this entry finds you all well and that if you are in one of the states or countries that is freezing cold that you are all able to stay nice and warm. Right now here the current temp is -11 degrees with a windchill of -32. Ack! So at the current moment it feels like it’s -32 out there. I really despise winter! LOL! Please spring, come quickly? Please please please?

The past couple of days have been a rollercoaster of emotions and I have had a ton of stuff on my mind. Sometimes I wonder why life has to be so complicated. I believe what I need is a vacation so that I can just forget about things for a while and totally have fun.

A small update on the fire we had on the 30 of November…the police decided that it was definitely arson but we all already figured that out. Now there’s a reward being offered for any information that anyone can give on the matter. Some of us are still living in fear of the person coming back. It was rumored that they had a suspect but given this new information I’m thinking that they don’t have one. Meh!

In February I will have a new home! I will be moving back across the bridge into Mankato and out of north Mankato. I’m so excited about this, finally I will be living in the building I have tried to get in to for a while now. I have already seen the apartment and it is so cool!, plus I will be closer to campus so getting back and forth to school will be much easier. Cassi is sad and doesn’t wish me to move but I feel this is something I need to do for me. I will miss her and the others i have become friends with here but it’s not like I can’t come back to visit and they are always welcome to visit me at my new place. In fact I encourage them to come hang out.

I’m so happy that 2016 is almost over, so many things have happened this year, ugh! We’ve lost some great actors and musicians, I know death is a part of life but this years has been just awful for it. Once it gets closer I will try and do an end-of-year review. I can’t promise but I will atempt it.

Anyway just wanted to write so that you all knew I was still around. There was a time I almost went off the grid for a while but I didn’t end up doing so.

I leave you with a couple of things that I found cool!

So Buckley has done it again! These are great picks too, there is one song I actually do like on there but the rest? Definitely great picks. Music has gotten so bad over the years, whatever happened to the music where autotune wasn’t needed? There was a time when music was actually good and worth listening to. I find myself listening to the music of the past because today’s is so awful. I’m not saying that all of today’s is bad but a lot of it is. Sorry to those who do like today’s stuff, i mean know offense, it’s just the oppinion of one little ole me. Anyway, enjoy Buckley’s ten worst songs of 2016.

The Ten Worst Songs of 2016

This comes from one of my followers on twitter, it was retreated by him actually and I found it highly amusing.

Please be advised that all employees planning to dash through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh, going over the fields and laughing all the way are required to undergo a Risk Assessment addressing the safety of open sleighs.

The assessment must also consider whether it is appropriate to use only one horse for such a venture, particularly where there are multiple passengers. Please note that permission must also be obtained in writing from landowners before their fields may be entered. To avoid offending those not participating in celebrations, we request that laughter is moderate only and not loud enough to be considered a noise nuisance.

Benches, stools and orthopaedic chairs are now available for collection by any shepherds planning or required to watch their flocks at night. While provision has also been made for remote monitoring of flocks by CCTV cameras from a centrally heated shepherd observation hut, all facility users are reminded that an emergency response plan must be submitted to account for known risks to the flocks. The angel of the Lord is additionally reminded that prior to shining his/her glory all around s/he must confirm that all shepherds are wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to account for the harmful effects of UVA, UVB and the overwhelming effects of Glory

Following last year’s well publicised case, everyone is advised that legislation prohibits any comment with regard to the redness of any part of Mr. R. Reindeer. Further to this, exclusion of Mr. R Reindeer from reindeer games will be considered discriminatory and disciplinary action will be taken against those found guilty of this offence.

While it is acknowledged that gift-bearing is commonly practised in various parts of the world, particularly the Orient, everyone is reminded that the bearing of gifts is subject to Hospitality Guidelines and all gifts must be registered. This applies regardless of the individual, even royal personages. It is particularly noted that direct gifts of currency or gold are specifically precluded under provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Further, caution is advised regarding other common gifts, such as aromatic resins that may initiate allergic reactions.

Finally, for those involved in the recent case of the infant found tucked up in a manger without any crib for a bed, Social Services have been advised and will be arriving shortly.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas – be safe out there…….

So until next time…

Happy holidyas!



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