Update on Life

Hello to all who are reading.

I can’t believe we are already into November, this years seems to have flown by and I’m alright with that. I’d really like to reboot 2016 and start over again as this year has royally sucked for many reasons. From the death of one of the most awesome actors Alan Rickman to Trump getting elected for president…don’t judge me for that one, it’s only an oppinion…to other people dieing, to getting into a relationship and then said relationship ending, no I don’t wish to talk about it…losing my job, ok so I quit my job but it turns out I was going to end up having to leave it anyway…and spending an evening just recently in the ER, yeah…that was fun! Accept not! I’m ready for 2016 to end and to ring in 2017. I know it’s a bit early to be talking about the new year but i can’t help it, someone stop the world, I want to get off, i don’t like this ride anymore, it isn’t fun. Now for the positive, I’m alive and breathing, I have my apartment, I have two cats that love me unconditionally, I have awesome friends and friends who have turned into family, my family, food on my table, clothes on my back, music, my gift of song even though I don’t think I am that good but others disagree and many other things i’m sure i could mention. My positives I’m very thankful for.

So, nothing has come about with the job hunt yet although I haven’t given up. I did put in an application to Kato Cab but I found out that they will not hire me because they are looking for dispatchers that can act as backup drivers, so this rules me out as I can’t drive due to total blindness. I think that is a load of bullshite, I know it’s discrimination but i’m not one who will scream that although I feel like it. It angers me because that wasn’t in the job discription or on the application, if it had been I would have never have wasted my time applying for the job. I will not allow this to discourage me though, I’m still determined to work. I am bound to find something eventually.

My O&M lessons are going well. I started working up on campus to become acclimated so I can go to school, I still wish to do this too. I’m still going to major in accounting and minor in business, that ambition has not changed.

All in all, I’m doing alright. While some days are harder than others, I know that I’ll survive and overcome everything that comes my way, I can and will persevere.

Untill next time which i will try to make soon…


Oh! I almost forgot, I did create another journal for fanfiction. If you are interested you can read my writings of Harry Potter fanfic. I will let you all know when that’s up so watch this space for that address.


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