Way Too Long

Good evening to you all.

New domain, new year apparently, new me.
I can’t believe that it has bene an entire year since I last updated this thing that I call a journal. Where has the time gone? It doesn’t seem that long at all but apparently it has been. So much has happened and I don’t know where to begin, tomorrow when I’m not so sleepy I’ll do a much longer entry.

Three positives for September 14th
1. Cuddling with Luna and Freya.
2. I did a bit of housework that needed to be done.
3. Talking to friends on the phone.

I’m going to try to do this daily, write down three things that were positive during my day. I want this thing to be mostly positive. Yes there will undoubtedly be times where negatives will be here but I’m going to try to put a ton of positives.

Well, I’m getting stupid tired because everything’s funny at the present moment, so I’m headed off for the land of pillows, blankets and dreams.

Stay tuned for the next headline!
Take care all.

Much love from the Raven

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