Main Highlights

Goodness gracious, grate balls of fire!

Don’t ask, it is currently the song running through my head for some unknown reason. 😸

So, it’s update time as best I can do. I may not remember everything from this past year of not writing but I’ll try.

• Raven Zariah Mooney

I have finally, finally figured out exactly who I am. I am Raven Zariah Mooney. I know that I said that with Winter Skye Fox, but a few things have happened and that was no longer me. Let us start from Why I’m no longer interested in being called Winter. The first reason is simple, I got irritated with the cold weather jokes. There were those who actually became upset when I could do nothing about the weather. Second, Fox is no longer a last name I will be using. I’ll get into that in a bit. Raven has always been a name that has resonated with me, ever since I was a teenager, I have loved that name. When I was in the first grade, I had a friend named Raven, she was only there that year and then her family moved away. She was one of the only girls in the class who would even talk to me. I don’t know if the other kids were afraid of catching my blindness or what, but Raven was an amazing friend. There was a war of sorts going on in my head because I also love the name Phoenix, still Raven won out. Zariah is awesome for its uniqueness and Mooney is my mother’s family name, it’s a great Irish last name. ☘ 🍀
So, that is who ai M, I have begun the legal paper work to have it changed. I’ll be overjoyed when it’s done. Thanks for your patience with this whole name thing. Besides, Raven’s a gothic name and it fits my personality, or so I’m told. “Quote the raven never more.”

• The New Apartment

We finally got out of that place I like to refer to as Hell! This place is so much nicer and I’ve bene really happy living here. The landlord and her assistant are super cool and very easy to work with. However,… I no longer feel the way I used to about being here. It’s not that things have changed with management or anything like that but ever since May eighth, tears, sadness, memories… I can’t do it anymore. So, I’m searching for something new. I need to get away from here.
That’s all I really have to say about that.

• Exit Kaylie

Once I tell you about this one, you should have a better understanding of the above writings.
Kaylie decided that she no longer holds romantic feelings for me, so on May eighth she ended the relationship with me. She said for two years she has tried to make herself feel for me the way she once did but she just wasn’t able to do it. I’m not writing this for her to be ridiculed or flamed because she’s tortured herself for that already. She says she still loves me and always will and will care for me, but she just doesn’t love me romantically anymore. After five years this was hard for me to deal with. Still, I hold feelings for her that I can’t turn off and at times my thoughts run away, and tears fall. I’ll hear a song or look around the apartment and she haunts me. I will say though, it’s getting easier now, but I think that moving away from this area will definitely help. I truly hope she’s happy with her current girlfriend, I don’t’ want anything to do with the new girl at moment but I think in time I could at least try to be friends. I’m still friends with Kaylie after all.

• Laundry Attendant? Not Anymore.

I no longer work for The Country Inn and Suites. I should have seen this coming. I really should have but I didn’t. I need to go back a bit for this part of the update.
A couple of weeks ago the ex-General Manager came to me and asked me if I could see if there were stains or hair on the clean laundry. I was honest with her and told her I could not. I can feel hair and I remove it or take it to the wash and wash it again, but I am unable to see it. She then tells me after a little over two years of me working there that I no longer am able to perform the tasks for the laundry attendant position. She didn’t want to let me go but she wanted to find me a different position there at the hotel but wasn’t sure what I was capable of doing. Short version is, the front desk worker came in to help defend me and I will always be grateful to her for this, the way she saw it is that I was being discriminated against because my eyes don’t’ work. I felt that was the way of it as well and at the time I didn’t know how to express myself about it. She wasn’t willing to make the accommodation so that I could still do my job, she said she wasn’t going to pay two people to do the job of one person. I ended up crying and leaving work that day. I needed to take the rest of the day for my mental health. It was then decided I was going to be able to stay after all of that mess, personally I think that decision was made because they were afraid that I was going to file a discrimination suit against them. Part of me wants to but the other part of me says it’s not worth it, so I’m leaving it alone. Anyway, this past Thursday they called my job coach to let her know that they were having to let go all of the part time workers from laundry and housekeeping. Once again, I have joined the land of the unemployed and I’m sad but I’ve bene looking for new jobs at any rate. I’ve applied for a few and am still waiting to hear back from them or at least one of them. I am hopeful that one of them will work out for me and if not, well there’s something out there for me. Never ever give up on your dreams, because right now they may seem far away but if you keep chasing them, you will make them come true one day. I’m a very strong believer in this.

• Texas Bound? What?

So… everything I’ve so far written has led up to this big announcement. Are you ready?
Are you really ready?
I’m leaving Minnesota. Surprise!!!
No, seriously, I’m moving out of Minnesota and am Texas bound. I’m moving to Dallas. I’m hoping to be out of here before the first snowfall. I’ve applied for two jobs that are out there, one is with the Hilton Anatole and the other is with the IRS. I actually have an interview with the Hilton that I need to complete next week. I have been offered a home with Bunny, Pooh-Bear and Tigger who just happen to be my partners. I didn’t think that I could ever be with more than one person, but I have watched the dynamics of their relationship and I thought this could work. They also welcome my cats with open arms and I’m quite excited to be leaving. I will mis Flint but I’m hoping that he’ll come to visit from time-to-time. I mean, he’s bene my best friend for the past twenty-two years or so and I don’t’ want to leave him behind but I need to do what is going to work for me. I have spoken with my mother, and she totally approves and says if it will make me happy then I should go, so that’s what I’m doing. It’s a bit scary but also an adventure that I’m ready for.

• Three Positives for September 16th.

1. Rummage sales with friends.
2. Finding more things for my reborns
3. Getting new crock charms for my new crafting idea.

So, there you have it. Those are the highlights of what has bene going on with me since I last posted. I hope you all enjoy the read. I’m hungry so I’m going to go and find a late night dinner, probably cereal but why not? Cereal’s good any time of day.

Much love from the Raven

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