Much Excitement!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: If you try anything, if you try to lose weight, or to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place, you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin. Forget failure. If things don’t work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again. And again!
Sarah Dessen
MOOD: Extremely excited
WHERE I AM: The fox den

Greetings from a happy, bouncy, excited, tired but hyper nothing can break my mood kitten!

Yes, I’m so happy! I’m excited! I’m bouncy! Yes yes yes!

• Moving day is upon us!

You read that right, moving day is indeed upon us. WE finally got the news we have so patiently been waiting for! WE! GOT! THE! APARTMENT! Wahoo! At the end of this next month we are out of this hell and into a new place. We go on August ninth to sign our lease, what an awesome birthday present for me as that is the day or should I say night I made my way into the world. Next month will also be spent packing up everything, it will be incredibly busy. We can’t wait!

• Baby Layla Marie

Yesterday I received my early birthday present from Flint and Kaylie, it was a reborn girl that I have decided to name Layla Marie.
Baby Layla’s Details:
Kit: 3 month Joseph
Weight: 11 LBS
Length: 23 Inches
Eyes: acrylic, blue
Hair: painted, light brown
She has full limbs and a cloth body, she’s a little chunk.
I never thought I’d want a baby with painted hair but I like hats so I can get her some little cute bonnets and things like that. I love her, she’s so precious.

• Returning to the air

Beginning in August I will be returning to broadcasting, I think I just needed to take a bit of a brake. Mentally and physically I’ve not been myself for a while now.
I’m really sorry to all of my listeners for being MIA for the last long while.
The same apologies go to XTFM as well for not being there, I’ve missed doing shows and am ready to come back better than ever.
Thanks to you all for your understanding, I know it has been frustrating especially for XTFM. See you all in August!

Well, that’s all I’ve got for now.

Take care and have a wonderful rest of your day/evening/night/morning.

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