Friday Happiness

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Each of us has been put on earth with the ability to do something well. We cheat ourselves and the world if we don’t use that ability as best we can.
Gracie Allen
MOOD: Feeling pretty good.
LISTENING TO: Nora Jones – Don’t Know Why.
WHERE AM I? The Fox Den.

Greetings Friends and Family.

Things are looking up!
Yes, things are definitely looking up. I’m so hyper and it feels grate to feel like me again at least for the moment. I’m hoping this feeling lasts a while now, I don’t like when I’m down and sad. I don’t like the negative feelings I’ve had as of late.

• A Million Foxes

Now you may be asking: What’s A Million Foxes? What is she on about? WTF? Who or what is she talking about? There are a number of ways to ask that question, I’m going to explain it for you now.
A Million Foxes is the name of our new band. Kaylie, Flint and myself are starting a band and we have our first gig on the 27th of August, we are so excited to see where this goes. We’ll be performing right after the Action Club Theater of Mankato’s play which we are all three in. Two more gigs have also been scheduled for us as well but right now I’m not sure which dates they are. I’ll let you know once I know more. Wish us luck!
This is why I have posted the quote that I decided to use. Flint plays piano/keyboards well, Kaylie plays guitar well and me? Well, I’m the lead vocalist I suppose, at least that’s what I’m told my job is. Personally you all know what I think of my singing ability so I won’t rehash it suffice it to say I’m nervous but still very excited. I believe that as I perform more live that my confidence will build and I won’t feel so badly about my gift. I do appreciate those who have heard me sing and enjoy listening to me.

• So much closer now to the big move!
It’s the waiting game, we got everything turned in to the apartment manager and so we wait to hear yes or no, it totally depends on what their criteria is for new tenants. Hopefully it’s yes but you never know. Not being negative about it, just realistic. Yes, there is a difference.

• No luck with job search
Just like it says, I’ve had no luck with the hunt for my second job. My job coach has a couple of e-mails to send out to companies and we will meet again next week. Still not giving up, the search continues.

• New reborn for me!
Happy birthday to me! My birthday is less than a month away and I’m getting another reborn to add to my babies. I know it’s early but when you want a reborn you have to adopt it pretty much right away or else you might not get it when you go back for it. Thank you Flint and Kaylie for my new baby boy or girl, I’m not telling yet what it is or the name. Yes, I do know what it is going to be and I even have the name picked out. Man! Waiting is so hard when you are excited about something. I almost feel like a kid again. LOL!
Mom is going to kill me though, she’ has been trying to get me to pack up all my baby things and put the babies in storage until we find a new home. Yeah right, I refused. Not putting my kids in a box until I have to move, not happening. Putting my kids in a box, that sounds so wrong. Anyway, I’ll give all the baby details when I receive my new little one.

• Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!
I find this article extremely interesting. Not everyone is going to agree with Disney’s decision but personally I’m glad they are doing this. Inclusion is good.

Disney has replaced the title of “fairy godmothers” for gender-neutral “apprentices” at dress-up boutiques at its U.S. theme parks in an effort to be inclusive, according to the parks’ websites.

The times are changing and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with places or things making changes to include everyone no matter what their gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation may be. All people should be accepted for who they are, not left out or feeling ridiculed so thank you Disney for making this change.

Well, that’s it from here for the moment. It’s time to take my slow moving butt to get ready for my appointment at 3:00. I know it’s just a bit after 1:00 but I’m in pain so it might take me a bit to get going. Stupid sciatic nerve!

You all take care of yourselves.

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