Exciting Times Ahead!

Quote Of The Day: Listen to your inner voice for it is a deep and powerful source of wisdom, beauty and truth, ever flowing through you. Learn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you.
Caroline Joy Adams
Mood: Hopeful
What’s In My Ears: Some woman on TV attempting to be funny.
Where I Am: The fox den.

Ello ello.

I’m sorry I haven’t written but I’ve bene binge watching things again. I finished Heartland and am waiting for season fifteen to arrive on Netflix. Currently I’m watching a series called Sex Education, it’s a teen comedy/drama that takes place in the UK. As of now there are only three seasons but season four will be out in 2023 they reckon.

So, I’ve got some possible exciting news! WE FOUND AN APARTMENT!!! Yes, you read that correctly, we found an apartment. I worked on the application for it today and it’s a bit inaccessible, so I need to get a bit of help from a human with working eyeballs to help with part of it. It’s a two bedroom in a secure building so we have to okay people to come in when they come calling. It has all new appliances, stainless steel even with granite counter tops. The master bedroom has a ginormous walk-in closet with the room itself being very spacious. It seems so open and light where here seems so closed and dark. Maybe it’s everything that has gone on here, but the new apartment just feels like home. Kaylie is already thinking of ways to decorate and arrange the furniture in it. The kitchen is a bit small and has a gas stove, but we can get passed that. It has a dining room as well and a dishwasher which makes Kaylie happy. The one thing we will miss about not being here anymore is the place we are hoping to get into doesn’t have a washer and dryer in unit. That’s alright too though, we don’t mind sharing. Oh it’s going to be wonderful! I haven’t seen Kaylie this happy in a while, she seems to be her bouncy self again. She says she feels like there’s hope and that she will be happy to get out of here too. Central heat and air are another part of what we like about this dwelling. Here’s hoping we get accepted and that we will be moving very, very soon. Wish us luck!

Now for a bit of bad news…
I can’t get anymore extra hours at work for the time being. Truly though, it’s alright. I’m still searching for a second job. I’m meeting with my job coach next Tuesday, maybe we will find something I can apply for then. Still not giving up.

I’ve decided I may chop off my hair again to just below my shoulder blades. I also wish to color it lilac with frosted tips. I’m not sure how I’m going to accomplish that one because I read that those of us blessed with red hair have trouble bleaching it for the funky colors. The one time I did try this the bleach kit turned my hair strawberry blond, the lavender that I tried to do didn’t work at all. I figure if I go someplace to have it professionally done, they’ll know what they’re doing and it might actually turn out the way I want it to. I don’t know, I’ll need to think about this a bit more, the last time I chopped off my long locks I missed them. I’m so indecisive at times.

I’m considering a show change on XTFM. Right now I play rock and metal but today I was thinking as I was working on apartment things that I may want to do something different. My options are either The Women’s Circle, The Healing Circle An eighties show, an eighties/nineties show or doing a show where I choose a different theme each week. I’m not sure which I want to do, I’ll have to give it more thought.

Well, I’m a tired kitten so I’m going to head off now.
You all take care and I hope you have a good rest of your night/day. Goodnight to all. 🌝🌟🌠

Darn! Apparently emojis don’t work in word.

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