All Caught Up

Quote for Today: Life is filled with so many exciting twists and turns. Hop off the straight and narrow whenever you can and take the winding paths. Experience the exhilaration of the view from the edge. “Because the moments spent there, that take your breath away, are what make you feel truly alive.” (“Its The Moments That Take Your Breath Away Quotes & Sayings”)
Stacey Charter
Mood: Indescribable
Listening to: AC/DC – Back in Blac,
Location: The Fox Den

Greetings readers.

• Last Friday.

She told me that she wished to be called Siobhan, though the little girl said she called her Annabelle, so I decided to name her Siobhan at her request.
Do I sound crazy to you? Yes, I probably do but it’s alright. I don’t mind that I’m not exactly normal.
Siobhan is a redheaded doll whose previous name was Annabelle with glass blue eyes and pale skin, she’s made of porcelain. I found her at a rummage sell last Friday while out with my Friday group and she’s absolutely gorgeous! When Chris was describing her to me, she told me that the doll looks like me which made me laugh. I’ve never been described as looking like a porcelain doll before. I’m definitely not breakable though my emotions would dictate otherwise and while porcelain dolls are very beautiful, I am not. Anyway, she only cost five dollars while Chris says she looks as if she costs about $75-100, she’s very detailed and is dressed in Victorian style clothing. I’m now on the hunt for a doll chair for her, I considered a doll stand but she doesn’t stand very well as she’s in kind of a sitting position. I figure I may find one at Hobby Lobby or somewhere like that. Maybe I’ll go this coming Friday and search for one.
I went to a play called Mary’s Fairytale, it was about a disabled woman who got taken to a state hospital when she was about ten because of her disability. Her parents didn’t really have a choice once the state decided to take her there, she lived there it sounds like until she was 21 or so. While there she met a man who she fell deeply in love with and the two made the decision to get married. Mary had to go though the state of Minnesota and jump through a ton of hoops to get her wish granted. They told her she was not able to get married because she had a disability and yet she fought for the freedom to become a wife to the man she loved so much. She dealt with lots of red tape but finally in the end her wish came true, she was so happy and today they are still together as husband and wife. After it was over there was a mock wedding reception and the audience was given cake, actual wedding cake. I didn’t stay though for that as Flint and I went out for dinner. We first tried to go to this place called Rounders Sports Bar and Grill but it was hot that day so some fuses blew out some of the equipment. We left there and ended up at Ummy’s which is another bar type restaurant thing, they have grate food.
The rest of that night was spent relaxing and unwinding, I had to work on Saturday so had to get up early.

• Last Saturday.

Work was hot! I tell you, if it weren’t for the fan we found the laundry room would have been awful. As it was, it was extremely humid and we were sweating like crazy. A ton of water with ice was had and we managed to make it through. When I got home I got cleaned up, it was time to get ready for My and Kaylie’s date.
Pizza was the choice for dinner that night, we went to a place here in town called Pagliai’s pizza. They have excellent pizza, the best in town we think anyway. Anyone who comes to visit must try their food, that is if you like pizza. They do have sandwiches as well as spaghetti and garlic bread. Both of those foods would make wonderful selections if you aren’t into pizza. On the way back home, we stopped for dessert which consisted of shakes from Burger King. Weird huh? I’m thinking now that coming home to eat strawberry shortcake would have bene much better, but it was still good.
I had to work the next day, so the rest of that night was spent relaxing.

• Last Sunday.

Work that day was much better with the temps being only in the 70s and no humidity. We kept the window open so the cool breeze could blow throughout the room, much much better. We were busy as well, but we managed to get a lot done. Ninety rooms had to be clean for a huge conference that was to be held and they’re all staying until Wednesday, I don’t work that day, but I wish I could be there to help Jerri keep up with things. That poor woman will be there alone in the laundry room. My guess is they will have her helping to clean rooms as well. She’s a busy person when she’s there and a very hard worker.
Oh, as of June 26 I have been working for the hotel for exactly one year! Pretty awesome. I’m so grateful that I was given the opportunity to work for The Country Inn and Suites. I’m very thankful I’m still there and intend to be there as long as they’ll have me.
Not much else of significance happened this day except for going to the grocery store as Flint and I seem to do every Sunday evening.

• Yesterday.

Have I ever mentioned the fact that I despise Mondays? If I haven’t I’m saying now that I absolutely, unequivocally, utterly with out a doubt despise Mondays. There, I said it.
Yesterday had to be the longest day ever as far as work goes. My Mondays usually feel long but more so yesterday than any other Monday I can remember. It was hot and my blood sugar dropped…again as it has done for the past few days. I want off these stupid meds!
After work I came home and went out with one of my AARHMS workers to Walmart, there I found a shirt, dress, and a couple pairs of leather flip flops. They’re pretty nice, one pair is white and the other black. I was needing to get both colors for the summer time and I finally found some. Everything I bought was on sale too so that was a good thing, I do try to save money where I can.
After returning home I called Flint and we ran to the Hi-vee gas station where I purchased a couple things and then to Arby’s to pick up dinner. I called my friend Marie and ended up falling asleep while talking to her on the phone. I felt just awful about that, and I did text her this morning to apologize, I’ll call her later to apologize to her by voice though.

So, now you’re up-to-date on what I’ve bene up to. I think today I’m just going to do some job searching on Indeed and maybe some apartment hunting as well. I still would like a second job and a new place to move so I don’t want to put these two things off much longer. I’ve been looking but I took a short break from both.

Before I go, I’m posting this amusing thing that happened.

BLABBERMOUTH.NET: KISS Mocked Online After Displaying Australian Flag During Concert In Austria

I sure hope they don’t display the wrong flag when they perform in Australia. Those guys are getting forgetful in their old ages. LOL! It’s definitely time for them to retire, they had an awesome run for many many years.

Okay, I’m off now but I wanted to wish you all a very happy rest of your day/night/evening/afternoon where ever you are in the world. Sending out positivity and love to all.

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