Early Morning Update

Quote of the Day:
You look in the mirror and sometimes see a mess of a human being. But you don’t see the lives you’ve touched, or the people you’ve saved. You don’t see all the love you’ve given freely, or the extraordinary memories you’ve made. You are a book of beautiful moments and feelings.
Author Unknown

Greetings Humans.

It’s 6:33 in the AM here in Mankato as I begin to write and I’m tired, so very very tired. Not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well, I’m finding it hard to be positive anymore about this living situation. It seems that when I write it’s usually about wanting to move or trying to find a second job, such a boring life I lead currently. LOL!
The new home search hasn’t gone very well, everything’s either too expensive or already rented by the time I find them and call for information or they don’t’ allow pets under any circumstances. I’m sorry but I’m not willing to part with my fur babies. How do you give up a cat that you’ve raised from kittenhood to adult cathood? Luna’s nine now and has been with me since she was old enough to leave her mom and Mia’s been with me since Kaylie came here and I’m very much attached to her. Then there’s cute little almost nine month old Freya, she’s brought so much life and light back into this place. It would be so hard to part with either of them, it’d be like having to decide to give up one of your children. I just can’t do it. I need a house, that’s the answer but even that’s a dream because I can’t afford one of those either. There is something I’m going to try though and I’m hopeful that it will work. There’s a program for first time home buyers and from what I’m understanding is that they help you with loans or grants that go towards your down payment, so I’m looking into that with the help of Vampy. He knows more about this thing then I do but I’m also doing my own research as well. Our lease ends at the end of July and I refuse to sign another one if I don’t have too.
By the way, Vampy is just a nickname for a friend of ours, that isn’t actually his real name. Just wanted to clarify in case someone read this thing and asks WTF?

I’ve been watching Heartland and I’m hooked, I’ve just started the seventh season last night before going to bed and it’s just amazing.
Jack Bartlett owns a ranch called Heartland, it’s been in his family for six generations. He has two granddaughters, Amy Fleming who has a gift for healing horses that have been abused or those that others see as untamable and unrideable. This gift was passed down from the girl’s mother Marian who sadly died in an accident. Sorry for the spoiler, I don’t’ like those either. She’s often referred to as the miracle girl. The other is Lou Fleming who annoys me to no end! She is so bossy and, in my opinion, very self-centered. Lou is all about Lou. She’s the older of the two but she acts younger than Amy, at least I think she does most times. Tim Fleming is Amy and Lou’s father, he also annoys me to no end but the interactions between he and Jack make me laugh at times. Jack kind of makes me think of my own grandfather and I just want to give him a hug. There are sad moments in this show that have had me in tears and some that have had me laughing pretty hard. Lots of show jumping, barrel racing and various other rodeo type activities are also performed. There’s something that Amy learns as well that’s like horse dancing is the best way for me to describe it, I don’t remember what they call it but she uses dressage whips as some of her cues for the horses to follow her commands. No, she doesn’t whip the horses or anything like that, she just uses them as visual cues. It’s a very action packed show and if you love horses you will love this show.

Well, I need to run because I have three little princess cats that I need to tend to but if you’ve ever wanted to make your own spaghetti sauce I have a recipe for you. It contains celery but I don’t’ believe that belongs in spaghetti sauce so I leave it out.

Easy Homemade Spaghetti Sauce


Olive oil
2 pounds ground beef
6 to 8 onions
6 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup chopped celery
1 (12 ounce) can tomato paste
2 (28 ounce) can tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
1/4 cup salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon allspice
Dash of hot sauce
Dash of oregano
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 teaspoon parsley
Dash of hot pepper
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese, optional


Brown beef in skillet in small amount of olive oil. Add remaining ingredients, except cheese and cook until vegetables are tender and flavors have blended, about 1 hour. Add cheese for last 15 minutes of cooking.

Very simple and tasty too.

Alright, I’m off for now. Wishing you all a day filled with much love and positivity. Remember to always try to find the light, don’t allow the darkness to overcome you. I’m working on this one myself now.
Bye for now.

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