Second job, denied!

Quote of the Day:
Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.
William Ellery Channing

Greetings Readers.

The quote I have chosen for today is something I needed to see, I got a bit of discouraging news last night when checking e-mail and I just needed this. While I’m not in a conflict with anyone I think it still applies. The human spirit grows strong by disappointment, I believe it makes one work harder to find what will eventually make one happy. Sure, it’s all right to be down about it for a bit but then you got to get back out there and keep going. The news I got was something that made me disappointed but I’m resilient and I will persevere.
So, what is this news that was so disappointing you may be asking? Well, I didn’t get the job I had applied for, and I feel sad about it. I know they must have had their reason but after the interview and being told that it went very well, I was thinking that maybe, just maybe I would get it. I’m not arrogant or anything, it just sounded so positive. I do congratulate the person that did get it though, I’m happy for him or her. While I was excited and really wanted that job, I know that even though I didn’t get this one I’ll find something. I’m not giving up the search, eventually I’ll find one meant for me.

The apartment hunt continues.
For the past couple of days, I have bene madly searching for a new home for us to move to. So far? Nothing. Everything is either too expensive or already has been rented out. I’ve even searched for townhomes and regular houses for rent and still, nope. those are just not affordable, more expensive than apartments in fact. So, today the search continues. I refuse to sign another lease here if I don’t’ have to. There are a couple available now, wonder if my current residents will complain about us leaving with one month left of our lease? With all of the crap that we’ve had to put up with for the past three years, they should just let us go without a fight. Besides from what I’m hearing there’s a waiting list to get into here. More power to the next person who rents this place.

So, I’ve got a treat for you today when it comes to recipes!
Ice Cream Sundae Pie, sounds delicious, doesn’t it? I thought so.
Now I personally haven’t made this one yet, but I definitely intend to, it would make an excellent summertime dessert.

Ice Cream Sundae Pie


1 chocolate flavored pie crust
1 quart ice cream, softened
1 (12 ounce) jar chocolate fudge topping
Whipped cream
Maraschino cherries


Spoon softened ice cream into crust. Cover and freeze until firm, about 3 hours. Serve pie wedges with fudge topping, whipped cream and cherries. Add nuts, if desired.

Seems simple enough I think. If you do get the chance to make this delectable sounding pie let me know and also tell me if you liked it. Enjoy!

Well, that’s it from here for now. Take care of yourselves and one another. As always I’m wishing you much positivity and blessings.
I know you can’t see me, but I’m waving goodbye. *giggle*.

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