Keeping Fingers Crossed

Greetings LJ!

This morning while on route to work I got a phone call from my job coach and do you know what she told me? She told me that I have a job interview tomorrow at 4:15 PM. It’s the job that I applied for last week. I thought it might be longer before i heard anything but imagine my surprise when the call came in telling me they want to interview me on Tuesday. Oh how nervous I am but excited too. They asked my job coach if I’d be comfortable with leading an activity with 10-15 people and she said she was sure that I would be. I told her that yes, I’d be fine doing that. Squeeeeeeeee! I’ll keep you all posted on how things go. Keeping fingers and everything else that I can cross that things go well.

Today I was speaking with one of my co-workers at work and she told me how to make homemade tartar sauce for fish. It sounds super easy and I’m going to try it the next time I have fish for dinner. Speaking of fish she also told me that i should try mahi mahi, usually I love my tilapia but I’m willing to try something new. She also mentioned orange roughy which I remember that type of fish from when I was little. My mother used to make that one all the time. I didn’t appreciate the health benefits of that particular food back then but now that I’m older I totally get it. The problem with orange roughy though is that it’s hard to find now, at least that’s what my co-worker tells me but she says that you cna find mahi mahi so I’ll look for that one. Talking about fish is making me hungry for it. Hmm, maybe fish for dinner tomorrow evening? Yep I think so, I do have some tilapia in the freezer. I’ll make that with some veggies.

Well, I’m tired so I’m off I think. I’ll write again soon.
Take care of yourselves.
Goodnight to my readers.

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