Exciting Day

Hello from an extremely excited Kitty!

Today I met with my job coach, and she told me something very exciting, she told me she had a possible job for me. There’s a place in North Mankato called Vista Prairie that is looking for an activity’s assistant. She told them about me and how I love to socialize with people and that I have a shining personality and she suggested me for the position. The director asked her a few questions about me and she’s excited to meet with me. Becky, that’s my job coaches name, did tell her that I’m blind and that didn’t bother the director at all: in fact, she said that there’s a man there who just had a stroke and lost his vision and that maybe I could connect with him and help him out. There’s another person there that just ordered some jumbo print bingo cards and Becky told her that I have games that I could play with the residents that are braille and have large print on them. The director said that sounds perfect. Oh, I’m so excited!!! I don’t want to seem overly confident though, there’s always the chance that I won’t get it, but it sounds so promising. So, the director told her to have me fill out an application which we’ve done and now I just wait for her call. She said she’d look for my application and call as soon as she could, after she’s looked over everything. I so hate waiting but I must, I must wait and attempt to stay calm. Squeeeeeeeeee!

We are under a tornado watch until 10:00 PM tonight. There was a storm that came through here earlier, but it moved extremely fast: ever since the sky’s been talking and the temperatures have been on the rise. Apparently, the conditions are perfect for severe thunderstorms and tornadic activity. I just hope that we don’t lose power again, that was awful. Hmmm, think I’ll open the living room window and become one with nature.

Yesterday I missed both my appointments due to transportation issues, I was able to get them rescheduled though which is a good thing. I was disappointed especially about missing my one with Grace who is my nutritionist because I always feel so much better after meeting with her. She helps my self-esteem, I don’t’ have a particularly good one. Those of you who know me well know that about me though.

While sitting at my desk earlier today this you tube link came across my phone, it was 21 Ways You Are Hurting Your Cat Without Realizing. I decided to give it a watch being that I’m a cat slave. There were things that I didn’t realize were bad actually like their food and how you aren’t supposed to feed your cat the same food for their entire life. I feed mine the same brand of food all the time because I know it’s what they like, and it helps their coats stay shiny. Also, it’s easy for them to digest. I learned a few things by watching this and maybe others will too, so I thought I’d share it.

21 Ways You Are Hurting Your Cat Without Realizing by Jaw-Dropping Facts

Here’s another for cat care.

20 Things You Should Stop Doing to Your Cat

Some of the things in the second video are the same as in the first but there are different no nos as well. Like I said, I learned a few things. I’ve got one more for you.

19 Signs Your Cat’s Begging for Help

I hope this was informational and helped a bit. We who have cats love them and want to make sure they are well taken care of and well loved.

Well, my stomach is telling me that it’s about dinner time so I’m off. I’m hearing that the threat for severe weather is dwindling but we still have our tornado watch so I’m going to still stay weather aware

You all take care of yourselves and I’ll write again soon.

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