Just a Small Update

Dear Diary,

Had to say it, it’s how I used to start diary entries when I was a teen. I was just thinking of that and decided to start off this way for nostalgia. Man, I wish I still had my journals from back then. All of the teenage drama and writing about how much I hated my life. How my parents were cramping my style and the heart brake from crushing on someone who didn’t’ feel the same way I did. Yep, friend zoned all the way.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the past lately and about the people from those times. So many I miss and wishing I still had contact with them and wanting back the ones who have gone on before me. I hope they’re partying it up over there and saving a spot for me. I wish I had them all back again, life seemed so much easier then. A lot of good times but half as many tough times as well, I don’t miss the tough times, but I do long for the good ones. I know we can’t go back again but I do wish I could sometimes.

Hocus Pocus, one of my favorite movies. Well, this fall a sequel is coming out and I’m not sure how I feel about this. There are times sequels work and times they don’t, I’m not sure Hocus Pocus needs a part two. I mean it probably won’t have Binx in it and I love that cat, who wouldn’t want a talking cat living with them? I suppose I will give it a fair chance; it just may surprise me.

Watch out – the Sanderson sisters will be back this fall in the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved 1993 film, “Hocus Pocus.

Something else exciting is happening at Taco Bell! Oh yes, something that I’ve missed eating is making a comeback apparently.

Taco Bell is bringing Mexican pizza back after a two-year absence from the menu. https://www.keyc.com/2022/05/18/taco-bells-mexican-pizza-is-finally-back/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=snd&utm_content=keyc

I’m a happy kitty to hear this. I’ll have to eat one before I start my vegetarian quest, you know, For old time’s sake.

Today I go to see my nutritionist, I love going to see her because she always makes me feel better. Unfortunately I missed my morning appointment due to transportation messing up. It’s okay though, that one got rescheduled for next Wednesday.
More apartment hunting shall happen this afternoon after I return home from my appointment. I thought I had a lead but it’s beyond our price range which is a total bummer. I thought we had a new place but nope. Not giving up though, never giving up until we are out of here.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for now, I’ll write again very soon.
Take care everyone.

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