The 4-Day Update

Hello LJ readers.

I’ve got a few days to catch you up on so, here we go!

• Last Friday

Last Friday was grate, I went to four rummage sales I believe it was and found some cool stuff at three of them. The fourth sale was way overpriced for being a rummage sale. At the first sale I found a wooden lighthouse to send to Kaylie’s grandmother, she loves nautical décor, and her house is filled with it. I’m hoping that she likes it or that she doesn’t have one like it. I also found a little keepsake box with a butterfly on it. I don’t think I added to my profile that I love butterflies. Anyway, I ended up giving that to Kaylie. She saw it and thought it was cute so I told her she could keep it if she wanted to. Then just across the street from the first one a second house had a sale. There I found some baby clothes for the reborns and a sign that reads “Love is what makes our house a home.” I can’t wait to hang that on our wall. Finally at the third sale I found a backpack that looks like mermaid scales which I think is absolutely adorable and a coffee cup that reads “I love you more than I love my coffee but not before I’ve had my coffee.” My friend Marie saw that and said, “This is so totally you.” I laughed and just had to buy it. Guilty, I love my coffee. Oh, and at the last one I found a blanket, a really soft blanket in different shades of blue. So, that makes five we went to and not four like I first thought. The blanket I gave to Kaylie as well since she always seems to be cold. Rummage sales are fun, the people were so nice at each place we visited as well, and I only spent like $14.25. Not bad at all.

I was watching the Nick Cannon show…don’t judge me. LOL! Nick was talking about what the top five cereals were, there were some rather good ones on there but some of these I disagree with. So, his top five along with the audience’s participation were:
5. Fruit Loops
4. Frosted Flakes
3. Captain Crunch
2. Cocoa Puffs
And finally, 1. Honey Nut Cheerios
Now I do agree that most of these cereals are good, but I don’t like Captain Crunch for one thing. For two Fruit Loops would be higher on my list. If I had to pick the top five cereals, these are what I’d choose:
5. Kellogg’s Raisin Bran
4. Cinnamon Life
3. Honey Nut Cheerios
2. Lucky Charms
And one. Fruit Loops
Those are my top five favorites. I love my cereal; I should really eat more of it at breakfast time. Also, cereal’s awesome for dinner too, any time of day really.

This peace of medical news is awesome! If they would have figured this out a long time ago, my twin sister may still be alive. I’m glad they figured this out though, can you imagine how many babies’ lives may be saved now? I’m happy that no more babies or families will have to suffer this fate.

KEYC News Now: A medical research breakthrough might have just solved the mystery of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Corey Taylor, CMFT. This guy is so amazing! Corey’s one of my favorite artists, he’s got a solo career, he’s the lead vocalist for Slipknot and he’s the front man for Stone Sour. Also, he’s authored a few books which I still have yet to read. Now he’s got this nonprofit organization for first responders and military who suffer from PTSD.

BLABBERMOUTH.NET: COREY TAYLOR Launches Non-Profit Organization Aiding Members Of Military And First Responders With PTSD

• Last Saturday

I had to work last Saturday but the day went fast as it always does. I was quite busy which is a good thing, lots of towels and sheets needing to be folded. One of my bosses made pizza though for lunch to show her appreciation for all the hard work we do. That’s what she said it was for at any rate. :P. It was quite delicious.
It was Vampy’s birthday, and we were supposed to go out to celebrate but deciding where to go took forever so we rescheduled for Sunday.
Kaylie got some new teacups and a few assorted flavors of loose-leaf teas, we just had to try them. I’m not sure what the flavor was but it was exceptionally good. We decided to have tea together every evening, unfortunately it didn’t happen on Sunday night which I was sad about.

• Last Sunday, yesterday

Yesterday I worked again. I ended up working with someone who used to be a housekeeper but is now doing laundry. I’m not sure why and I didn’t want to pry so I didn’t ask. She was nice though and we talked most of the day while working. She loves the music I listen to; I was surprised because I was playing rock and she’s an elderly woman. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the elderly can’t listen to rock but she was talking about ACDC, and I think she mention Kiss. She doesn’t care much though for the really heavy metal though; she says when they scream, she can’t even call that music anymore. She says that she wonders if you can call that music at that point. That made me laugh pretty hard. I asked her if Metallica was all right, and she said she wasn’t really a fan, but she could tolerate some of their songs.
We tried to go out for Vampy’s birthday again, but it was a no go. Lyft and Uber just don’t run as much as it once did here in Mankato. With some people still worried about covid and the college students out of school for the year we don’t’ seem to have any drivers. It sucked but what can we do?
Kaylie and I missed our teatime last night because I went to the grocery store, and I got back a bit late, and I had to get up for work the next day early. I felt bad because I was the one that suggested we have teatime every evening. Kaylie was ok though and I was forgiven.

• Monday

Today I went to work, I was so tired due to the lack of sleep. I woke up twice with a headache and heartburn from hell. It was no fun I tell you, no fun at all. My day went pretty fast for a Monday though, I was busy all day so I think that helped the time go by. My boss came in to tell me she was leaving though, she found a better job and while this makes me sad, I’m very happy for her and hope that her new job works out for her. I will miss her.
Kaylie’s mother came over tonight and Kaylie made burgers on the George Foreman grill. They were so good even though she did put cinnamon sugar in them. I’m not sure if this was on purpose or if it was accidental. She does love to experiment with cooking as I do but some things you just don’t add into burgers. Like I said though, they were very good and she did an awesome job at making them. Mom made fried potatoes, she was the first to use our new pots and pans. She thinks they came out too greasy but they sure tasted good. She noted that when cooking with copper don’t use too much oil, she said only use about a table spoon. I don’t eat a lot of grease, I try not to do that but one night won’t hurt.
Kaylie and I had our evening tea which was relaxing and peaceful. Tonight’s tea flavor? Rose. I do adore rose tea, it’s lovely.
Now I’m tired and will probably bring this entry to a close.

I hope you all have a wonderful night/morning, depending on your time zone.
Take care of yourselves.
I’ll be back soon with more from the fox den, we call our home the fox den.
Anyway, night night everyone.

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