Just Tired Posting

Good evening LJ readers.

I made it through the day, the hot and humid summery day. We broke a record from 1961 where the high temperature was 89 degrees, we made it to 95 with a heat index of 100. For those who don’t use Fahrenheit 89 = 31.76 degrees Celsius, 95 = 35 and 100 being 38 degrees Celsius. There was a breeze, so it wasn’t too terribly bad while being outside, inside though was brutal. I had to turn on the air conditioner to cool it off but then we lost power again today, so it turned pretty warm in the apartment. Not sure what caused today’s outage as there weren’t any storms in the area. I’m guessing it was everyone using their air conditioners at once. I was supposed to do my show today on XTFM and I really wanted to do it, but the power wasn’t back on time for me to have done so. The hot weather was supposed to bring us storms again, bad storms but that didn’t end up happening. I guess Mother Nature couldn’t get her act together for us. She sent them to other parts of the state, she just doesn’t like us, we weren’t worthy. I’m sort of glad we didn’t get what they were predicting because I wouldn’t have wanted to lose power again.
I’m being silly of course because I’m getting tired.

Currently I’m listening to Kaylie broadcasting on XTFM. Her show started off really cool as she was playing Mongolian throat singing which I find absolutely fascinating but now she’s playing something that sounds like demons that escaped from the gates of hell. I’m not exactly sure what it is but it’s really freaky. It almost sounded like he’s attempting to curse someone, kind of like Voldemort on steroids. I shouldn’t say things like that though, it’s not very nice of me. I do hope that she plans to play The Hu though because they’re impressive, metal Mongolian throat singing? Yes please. It would be cool to be able to sing like that, I wonder how one learns that art.

I hopped on promo for a bit today, I didn’t end up staying long because for some reason I just didn’t have it in me to stay and play. I don’t know, for some reason I am losing my interest in muds. That’s not a bad thing I suppose.

Tomorrow or later on today, depending on whether you look at it being night time still or a brand new day…I’m going to go with some people and we’re going to try finding rummage sales. Usually on Fridays a group of us get together and we play board games and eat snacks, but since it’s supposed to be so nice outside we’re going to hang out doing something outdoors instead. I’m happy about this as I get bored playing the same games every week. It should be a fun late morning.

Well, not much more to report at this time so I’m going to leave you now. I hope you all have a grate rest of your night or morning depending on your time zone.
Goodnight from a sleepy kitten.

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